Am I Truly Your Kin (Me & Abby Locke)


Apr 10, 2014
Her name is Theora Nightshade and her father happened to be King of the Dark Elves, she was his fifth daughter and the youngest of his daughters. She was about 5’5 and weighed 100lbs, she had pure black skin and pure white, long hair. Her eyes where pure white making her blind unlike the rest of her clan who had red eyes. Theora was like her father in two ways, she was good with a bow and arrow as well as being stubborn. She was more like her mother however with her swordsmanship and tracking skills, she was also gifted with the power to see into the past and into the future, she also could see with her mind’s eye. It was a dark night when her life would change forever, Theora was asleep in her bed when she was awoken by a blood curdling scream.

She acted fast, grabbing her sword as well as her bow and quiver of arrows she made her way out her bedroom door and down the hall in nothing but her under shorts, chest bindings and tunic. She ran and ran following the sound of the screaming only to freeze at the steps leading outside of her Father’s palace, there in front of her on the last step lay her dead brother as well as the rest of her siblings every one of them. She lifted her head and saw her father fall to the ground a few feet away a sword had gone through his heard. She looked up seeing her Uncle, her father’s murderer. “MURDERER!| Theora screamed and took action knocking an arrow or three and let them fly at her Uncle.

Things would happen very fast and before she knew it she was down on her knee, three arrows stuck in her back and one in her left shoulder. She was fighting off her Uncle’s army of Orcs or what was left of them, all around her lay dead Dark Elves and Orcs. “I will get you back for this MALEK!” she cried and suddenly she felt the impact of a final arrow hit her in her arm knocking her sword to the ground. The Orc was about to cut her head off but Malek ordered him not to. “Leave her, she is dead anyways, I have what I want.” Malek said and headed into the forest leaving with his army, nothing was left standing in the Dark Elf village.

However Theora was not to die that night, there was help on the way but when it comes who knew. She just lay there face down, blood pooling around her, she felt numb not really noticing the pain coursing through her body. She was getting over the shock of her people’s slaughter and the betrayal of her Uncle Malek to her father. She should have been dead at this point but there was something inside her, some small spark of hope keeping the Princess alive so that one day she may avenge her father and take back what was rightfully hers.
The lord of Rivendell knew there was something amiss that night. Something felt wrong about the air and the elf was concerned about a disruption of the peace in his home. Elrond followed his instincts and went to find where the trouble was. After a few hours of traveling on one of his fastest horses, Elrond picked up the scent of blood. Worry filled him, he knew he was getting close to the realm of the dark elves. What could have happened? Confusion built up inside, as far as he knew there had been no trouble in that kingdom. In fact, they had been prospering in trade and politically.

The smell of blood was getting stronger and there was no doubt in the elf's mind that it was from the dark elves realm. Elrond's bow was quickly drawn and ready when he saw the first evidences of a fight. Blood had pooled on the path he traveled on and as he drew closer to the entrance of the realm, elvish bodies became visible.

There was no sign of life among the carnage and Elrond considered turning back and bringing enforcements with him to properly bury the elves. But something kept him from leaving. Before he even reached the gates, Elrond had to get down from his horse and walk to find what was drawing him. When he reached the steps to the palace he saw her. The princess Theora. He had not seen her side she was a child and even covered in blood he could tell she was very beautiful. As he knelt down, he could see she was still breathing. She was lucky she was. Gently picking the young elf up, Elrond carried her into the palace, finding a room that had escaped the blood shed.

The elf lord took care of her wounds and once he was satisfied she was safe from death, he took her back to Rivendell. When he got there, he sent Lindir and a few others to take care of the elves and to find out, perhaps, just what had happened to the seemingly peaceful kingdom.
Theora’s eyes suddenly opened and she stared around her, a light made her room bright and it took her a few moments to realize it was the sun. She winced as she pushed herself up and sat on the side of the bed, her hands touched the fabric and she stared around her. She turned her head letting her ears hear the language being spoken. She could tell it was regular Elvish and she shifted a bit and pushed herself up to her feet. She could not see with her bodily eyes but her mind’s eye was powerful, casting images in her head as she used her sense to pick up her surrounds around her. She moved to the door and opened it slightly pushing it back and stepping into the hall. “Ah Rivendell.” She muttered in Dark Elvish. She heard some of the servants moving around and speaking to each other. She leaned against the wall her wounds were sealed but she still hurt.

“Lady Theora you should not be out of bed.” A voice said behind her and she straightened up. “Take me to Lord Elrond.” She said in Elvish as she turned to the dark haired elf. “As you wish my Lady.” The man spoke helping her towards Elrond’s council room. “Lord Elrond the Princess is awake.” The servant said knocking on the door before letting her in and bowing his head. “Thank you, friend.” She said stepping inside. “Lord Elrond, I thank you for removing me from death’s doorstep and bringing me here but there is urgent news you must know.” She said as she bowed her head deeply. “You know of my father’s younger brother Malek? He was the one who brought slaughter to my parents and my kin.” She said standing in front of him her head bowed in respect towards her Elder. She bit her lip wondering if she should tell him about her vision.

There were few elves who knew about her powers of being able to see into the future and into the past. She usually only saw carnage and danger nothing happy ever seemed to be seen in her visions. The only Elves who knew about her curse or gifts as some though were Elrond, Lady Galadriel and Legolas from Mirkwood who was a family friend. Her family and people had known but they loved Theora for who she was as a person. “I saw this slaughter too late, the vision came to me an hour before the slaughter. I have seen worse, far worse. Middle Earth is in danger Lord Elrond.” She spoke. She spoke in Dark Elvish knowing he could understand her but she was a bit in a panic now. She winced slightly and then pulled her white hair from her face. “My Father’s medallion is gone, the one that keeps that ancient evil locked away. We must tell the others.” She croaked.
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