Opening Scene
The handsome young man walked into the room and swept it with his gaze. Standing just under six-and-a-half feet tall and well-muscled, but lean, he was imposing, yet his face had an almost feminine grace and beauty, the quintessential bishonen. A slight smile of pleasure began to grace his sensual lips as he observed the girls who awaited him within.
First he glanced at the barbarian beauty, proudly defiant even in her nakedness, refusing to accept the fact that she was not only vulnerable, but completely under his control, his property to do with as he pleased. Her people had been raiding his lands since his grandfather's time, and in their latest foray across his borders had killed a number of people, burned down their homes, and made off with considerable quantities of livestock and goods that should have continued to enrich his nation. As a prisoner taken during the repulsion of that raid, her life could have been forfeit, but she had caught the eye of one of his loyal knights as she stood there loudly proclaiming that she was a chieftain's daughter and she would take them all down to the darkest depths of the Underworld with her before she would surrender.
Being a member of the order of Mage Knights of which the prince was Commander-General, the fellow didn't play fair and hit the barbarian lass with a potent spell that rendered her unconscious without the risk of damaging her lovely body. The spell was, in fact, sufficiently powerful, that she remained insensate despite having been placed across the saddle of the horse of one of the prince's elite couriers and rushed along for several hours to get her to the capitol. It was not until after she'd been delivered to the palace, stripped naked, and brought to the seraglio that she began to return to her senses.
Next the prince turned his regard upon the beautiful Lady Lauretia of House Battlestorm. He was quite surprised when his Seneschal informed him that Duke Tormanor had offered his lovely daughter Lauretia for the prince's new harem. Obviously the cagey old courtier wished to ensure that he would have as much influence in Damien's court as he had enjoyed in the court of Damien's recently deceased father. Damien smiled at the thought as he gazed on her barely covered loveliness.
The Duke would soon learn that Damien did not allow matters of the heart, let alone lustings of the loins, to interfere with decisions of state. And why he chose Lauretia, rather than her much more experienced at courtly plotting elder sister, Damien could not fathom, though he would have been wildly amused had he known the truth--Lauretia's older sister Mysanthany was, in fact, her father's primary mistress, and had been for many years.
It was actually her idea to offer her younger sister to the prince, for she had seen how the Duke had begun appreciating the way her sister had developed and she wanted to safely eliminate any chance of a rival for her father's attentions. While at times the girl could be positively naive, as evidenced by her ability to remain blissfully unaware of the long-standing affair between her father and sister, there was always the chance that she would wise up to the ways of the world.
Damien's attention next came to rest on the form of Aliana Starsong, who returned his gaze with a frankly sexual look of invitation. The prince knew who she was, of course. Not a soul in the capitol who still retained his senses was unaware of the scandal which had rocked the temple of Wilannia the Star-Eyed, goddess of magic and the night sky. One of their sworn-virgin high priestesses not only was no longer a virgin, she had seduced her entire temple into drunken debauchery, conducting orgies with her flock within the temple. It was said that when the High Matriarch reached her chapel, she was in the middle of being taken by a sheepdog atop the very altar of the goddess and the beast had so swollen up inside her that it was quite some time after they dragged her off the altar before she could be separated from her carnal companion.
The prince had found it necessary to acquire her secretly through covert agents when she was sent to the slave block. His advisers cautioned him that the Church of the Star-Eyed would likely take offense to her achieving such a lofty position in her slavery. However, he had known that if only a quarter of the rumors of her appetite and prowess were accurate, he had to have her. And by the look she was giving him, he did not think that she would fail to live up to reputation.
He was somewhat surprised to see another girl hiding somewhat shyly behind the priestess. He had not been informed of a fourth acquisition, and he was rather displeased at not having been briefed completely regarding the girls of his harem. What he could see of her seemed as lovely as the other girls he had already examined, and her bright blue hair, while not unheard of in his city, was sufficiently uncommon that it almost seemed as if he should know her personally, but if she were another member of his court, like Lady Lauretia, he couldn't place her. No matter, he would learn who she was soon enough. In fact, shortly he would know more about her than she even know about herself.
Stepping further into the room, he allowed the enchanted doors to close. He had cast the potent spells upon them himself. They would not open for any but himself, the aging maids he had assigned to manage the needs of the harem, and the Amazon guard who had recently entered his service. The Seneschal had wanted to acquire several of the unmanned to fill that role and guard the harem, but Damien felt his magics were far better protection.
Should anyone attempt to pass through doorway or window while not accompanied by himself or one of the women he had keyed to the spell, they would find themselves struck down by a more potent version of the enchantment which had rendered the barbarian lass so easy to transport. Should the keyed person be under duress, the spell would register that and its force would be called down on all those who accompanied them. And there would be no chance of the old maids helping any who should not be entering or exiting the seraglio without them being under duress. They had all taken magically binding oaths of loyalty to the prince which would end their lives should they willingly betray him. The Amazon he had bound with no such magics, just a Sacred Oath on the Honor of herself, her people, and her Goddess. Let her own Goddess punish her should she prove false to her Oath.
With a smile that included all the girls and conveyed to them his approval of them and pleasure at their presence, he said in a pleasant baritone with an unconscious, charismatic, voice-of-command that many obeyed instinctively, "Greetings, my dears. Welcome to your new life. While some of you I have seen before, none of you are truly known to me, but that will change. In the days to come, we will learn much of each other. Almost as much as you will learn about yourselves."
The girls had themselves been brought to the room only moments before, having been held separately prior to that moment, so they were as much strangers to each other as they were to him. While great quantities of clothing would be provided to them in the days to come, the Prince had specified that they were not to arrive with wardrobes, and the clothing they had on upon arrival was to be destroyed so as to mark the end of their old life and the beginning of the new. Thus, all the lovely ladies before him had nothing to cover up with but the lengths of silk they had been given.

[OOC: See this thread if interested in joining. Hentai Harem Proposal