Of sex and Sweetrolls, Skyrim Rp [Kittirai and loveraiden]


Mar 1, 2014
Winter's tan ears lay back against her head at the sudden chop of an ax striking the wood block and the wet sound of a head rolling away from the chopping block.

she wasn't sure who the storm cloaks were, but they evidently managed to piss off the imperials ... something she was quite happy to see to be honest. Thankfully her own fate kept her off the chopping block though her situation was not too much better.

She was caught crossing the border a day ago and brought to this camp.the imperials had planted some skooma in her gear and gone on a long rant about the punishment for smuggling. They ignored her denials and offered the Khajiit woman a choice. Execution or aiding the garrison situated here in some way. She rathered liked her dark striped head and brown mane to remain attached to her body so she agreed with the latter of course not quite knowing what they meant by assisting.

Turns out her assitance was being stripped down to just her tan fur, placed in stocks with her tail pulled up and bound to her back, with her ass and pussy on display and for the use of any men in the fort who wanted a go with a exotic female on their break.

Some damn moral booster it seemed. One that a number of them had seemed happy to try out. her amber eyes closed hearing more cursing from the prisoners and a wince as one tried to run and was shot down. She shift a little on her paws bound as well and spread wide attached to the base of the stocks. Her cream colored and coco striped fur was already a little matted from her job as entertainment, already , but at least they were a little distracted now and they stocks were in the courtyard of the keep and kept out of sight of the rest of the town.

Rebellion was strong in the hearts of all of Skyrim, torn between two factions. The Imperials from the central land of Cyrodill, home to the roayl family of Septim, believed that all of Tamerial was to fall under it's boot. Most of Tamerial accepted this as fate, but the proud Nords of Skyrim had other plans. Used to the exhaustion of war, a band of Nords and Nordic supporters known as the Stormcloaks fought back against the tyranny, led by the Jarl of Winterhold Ulric. Patrols had been set up around the common borders and many times, immigrants and travels were mistaken as Stormcloak spies.

Helgen was a small town on the border of Skyrim that many captives were taken and often put to the block without a whim. One notable captive was a young Khajitt woman that was 'found' with skooma on her. The captain didn't care if it was in fact his skooma that was found on her body, only that it was another head for the basket. However, on of his underlings had come up with an idea. She would be spared in return for giving her body for their entertainment.

There was a thunderous boom that echoed through the cloud ridden sky, a sound that was foreign to most alive. A guard walked up behind the young Khajitt and smiled evilly. “You know, I have never had a cat before.” He said as he removed his metal glove and pressed his white skin against her ass. His finger sliding down between her cheeks to tease both exposed holes. “But my father always told me to try new things.”
Her ears perk at the roar, the sound distracting her enough that she failed to notice the foot steps on the stone behind her until the guard spoke. She flattens her ears gasping as his finger trails along her slit and up to her tail hole. Her sand colored tail twitches in it's bindings as she growls softly. This had been going on for a while now She had asked how long her 'sentence ' was once before.

Her answer had been simply when every one was bored of her.

Given the number of guards in this fort plus the any hole will do mind set that many of them seemed to have she was likely going to be here until the fort fell or something was stupid enough to attack the place.
Another boom roar tore through the sky, and this time even some of the guards seemed to take notice. "What was that?" one of the lieutenants called out as the executions came to a halt. The sky darkened quickly before a deep blood red hue passed across it. Now on alert, the soldiers kept there eyes open. Off in the distance a loud scream was heard before everything fell apart.

Across the sky, a large dragon flew towards Helgen, drawn by the natural power of the dragonborn. His wings caused the wind around the village to whip dangerously as he made a pass and spat fire down the roads. "It's a Dragon!" One of the soldiers screamed as the men started to scurry around. Unsure what they needed to do, they simply got into their normal positions. Hunched up, they were easy prey for the beast to swoop in and set ablaze.
Her eyes widened as she looked up the guard behind her ceasing rubbing his cock through the fur of her ass before putting it back in and rushing off to join the others. She winces trying to turn her head to look up. She couldn't see anything from the stocks with the wall in front of her and the main courtyard behind her. Her tail whipped as she heard the screams and the flood of flame.

At the sound of booted feet she yelled back for some one to let her out of here but the rushing feet kept going.
Winter's cry for help had fallen on deaf ears as the soldiers continued to scramble and try to find a way to fight the beast that was circling them like a vulture. A loud boom erupted as the shock from the dragon's wings knocked over a towers, sending blocks scattering along the courtyard, some even coming close to hitting her. There was a scent in the air, one that no one would be able to sense, except one. A scent of a dragonborn, a destined being that was said to be able to tame all of dragon kind. The scent started to fill the air and affect the large black beast in the skies.

There was a booming shout that echoed through the skies, a roar to most but deep inside Winter's head she could hear exactly what was said. "Dragonborn." That word repeat time after time as more and more of the fort fell and was burnt to cinders. The ground around the stockade erupted as the beast planted himself near the stuck girl. No longer spitting fire, or flying in the air. He simply started to move his face close to the young Khajiit, smelling the source that was drawing him in almost by instinct.
She felt the whole landscape seem to shake, though she couldn't see anything, but she heard the screams , felt the heat, and smelled the smoke and ash.

Though it was after that minor earth quake that she truly began to fear for herself, particularly with the rather large shadow that covered the stone wall before her. she could smell the brimstone of the beast hear it's breath against her bare and exposed backside . She trembled a moment before flailing in the stocks trying to get free.

"If i had known i was going to die today anyway i wouldn't have agreed to be a fuck puppet!" she curses to herself.
The dragon roared out one last time, "Dragonborn!" before his eyes became transfixed on the Khajitt's rear end. His long tongue sliding between his scaled lips as he sought out the source of the smell. It ran through her fur, the sharp point digging into the skin, as it left red lines down her back. The lower it traveled, the closer it got to the sweet scent. Finally the tongue traced along the ass and pussy, propped up perfectly for inspection. The fork in his tongue made it easy for him to probe into the entrances at the same time.
Her ears flattened tighter to her head as she winced, the roar echoing off the wall before her. She was a little more freaked out that she actually understood what in oblivion the beast had just yelled.

She yelps loudly feeling something wet and hot against her bare back running through her fur. She shudders at the sharp piont prodding her even asherfurr became matteed down by the trail of bloody saliva the dragon left on her cream coat. She snaps her eyes open feelingthe light prod then the probing into her holes a loud gasp escaping her lips as the beasts tongue prodded against ehr puckered tail hole and slit.
The taste his large tongue had felt was addicting, enthralling to the dragon. He continued to pump his tongue in and out of her entrance. Never pushing too deep, but enough to grab the taste she was giving off. His mind was quickly being taken over by the scent of Dragonborn, the desire to breed with this girl growing. His large red rod coming out of the scaly sheathe. His body was boiling in the moment and nothing was tearing him a way from this.
She squirmed as best she could in the stocks, her furred breasts slapping against the back side of them as she struggled. A loud moan escaped her lips despite herself feeling that well muscled tongue start to probe more against her exposed holes.

Her body oddly seemed to have other ideas, her nethers grew rapidly wetter against the creatures tongue , her dark nipples hardening and poking through the light fur atop her breasts. She flattens her ears as her breathing became a bit labored and a rather odd feeling ran through her form. She cursed lightly recognizing it though she'd never had her heat come on this quickly, expecially not in the middle of about to be killed by something.
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