Feed Your Monster (Me & SwitchAndrogyny)


Apr 10, 2014
Zara let out a soft sigh and pulled her hair up and into a pony tail she had a small smile on her lips but she was tired. She had just stared a job with the Miami PD as Dexter Morgan's assistant and trainee, she was studying blood spatter and taking up any extra work he got. She had been working there for six months now and she and Dexter got along pretty well but she was a bit suspicious of him. She was about 5'5 and weighed 110lbs, she has long yet shaggy blond hair and the darkest of brown eyes. She had a slender yet strong build, her chest was small but her breasts could fit easily in the palms of your hands to grasp.

She licked her bottom lip and pulled her blue shirt on and made her way out the door of her apartment and locked up. She put the keys in her car and drove towards her job wondering what the day would bring. Once she parked she made her way inside with her back pack over one shoulder. "Good Morning Ms. McFlarn." a voice said and she looked up at see Debra. "Good morning Detective Morgan." she said to Debra and made her way to her desk and sat down and leaned back a bit before she grabbed her laptop and pulled it from her bag. Zara had a dark side however and not many people knew about it or the fact that she had a side job.

She blinked and looked up when she heard Dexter come in and she turned nodding to him yet she really didn't smile that much around the others at work. "Good morning Dexter." she said simply and opened her computer up and began to study the photos she had taken the day before at a double homicide of a child and its father. The death of the child seemed to be bothering Zara and you could see it in her face as she looked over the pictures. She pulled up her report and began to type away trying to keep herself distracted. She heard her least favorite person make his way towards Dexter and talk about something perverted, she always forgot the Asian man's name.
Mornings in the Dexter Morgan household were chaotic theses days. He had to wake up before Harrison, which wasn't an easy feat and start getting ready. After dressing in business casual attire; a blue short sleeved button down, khakis, and brown leather shoes. Dexter had to begin breakfast and wait for Jamie to arrive, to take over. He always enjoyed making mickey mouse pancakes for Astor and Cody, but those days seemed to swirl down the drain with the death of Rita. Dexter knew he didn't have enough time to divide between work, Deb, Harrison, Cody, and Astor. It was impossible.

Pulling Harrison from bed, he dressed him and sat him on the sofa in front of the television. Dexter didn't like frantic mornings although he found himself being a part of them more than he cared to, but they helped jump start the day. A knock came from the front door and the jingle of keys could be heard on the other side. Answering, Dexter grabbed Jamie's things and sat them by the door. "Good morning. Breakfast is in the kitchen." He returned to his bedroom, gathering his work materials and stopped at the door to give Harrison a hug and kiss goodbye. "See you later bud, be good." This was the part where he would turn to Rita and say the same thing but that had changed. Instead, he looked to Jamie with mock enthusiasm for the day and said, "Call if you need anything." before leaving.

He first stopped to get donuts and then headed to work. Coming out of the elevator, he sat the donuts on the table and moved towards his office. Dexter nodded to Zara, his mouth a thin flat line settling on his face. Sitting his office, he began researching the double homicide from yesterday. Kids were always against the rules. There were few things that infuriated him to his core in this world but harming children was at the top of the list. "Smell my fingers." Masuka said, holding out his fingers with a smug smirk on his face. "I take it your date went well then..." Dexter responded with a generic chuckle followed by Vince's annoying laugh. Rolling his chair back, he looked out his office, finding Zara. "Ms. McFlarn." He called, motioning her to join him. "Got a minute?"
Zara blinked and looked up from her laptop and shut it after she stood up and walked past Mitsuka her eyes staying on Dexter. She stood beside her boss her arms crossed and looked down at him wondering what was up. “If it’s about the homicide I was already told, Dexter.” She said as she glared at Mitsuka. “I’ll pass on the fingers, don’t you have that report you need to finish?” she asked the little Asian man. “Don’t get to into it here you guys.” He said winking at Dexter before he left them alone heading to work. Zara rolled her eyes and stared down at Dexter, her gun sat in its holster at her side, she had special permission to have one.

“Why kill children, it’s disgusting.” She muttered staring at the pictures on his laptop of the murder on his screen. “I already grabbed all the evidence and took pictures yesterday when you were away from work. I managed to track the killer for a few feet but he had gotten away on a motorcycle, there were single tire tracks.” She said and then scanned him over for a moment and ran a hand through her hair an emotionless look in her face. “Took it you had a rather rough day yesterday.” She muttered as she checked her watch before shifting slightly on her feet. When she had first met Dexter he had made her skin crawl but now she was used to it.

“Anyways what was it you wanted to talk to me about? I have a meeting in a few minutes? Debra said she wants you to bring her a coffee and none of that cheap shit like last time.” She said saying exactly what his sister had said. She handed him the paper Debra had written a note on. “Dex, bring me coffee and a doughnut, in the gun range. Hurry your ass up.” It said. “Wish I had a sister like her.” Zara said slightly smiling as she looked at her watch. Her cell went off and she looked it over before hanging up on the person. “Another homicide Dexter, on fifth ave.” she said and crossed her arms once more over her chest.
Dexter watched Zara and Vince's interactions. It was like this everyday. She reacted to Vince much like Deb often Did. Dexter's brows rose as he pressed a smile; Masuka being sent on his way to finish a report. Typically VInce would try harder to have the last word but there was work that needed to be done and he never put up much of a fight with Zara. "Okay, so you're up to speed." Dexter stated, his voice trailing while he looked over the crime scene evidence and photos on his computer screen.

His attention was brought back to Zara when she voiced her opinion about the double homicide. "There are a lot of monsters out there." I would know. A voice said in the back of his mind. It's going to be a while before he could get anyone on his table. He continued to listen, looking at the photos, until Zara brought up yesterday. He had ducked out to stalk a potential victim but that had to be put on hold for now. "Yea, Harrison was sick so I had to leave early." He smiled pleasantly, swiveling on his chair to face her. "I won't hold you up." His eyes met with hers. He could see a little of himself in there, but was clueless as to what they had in common. Dex's smile faded as his sister's message was delivered. "That sounds like Deb..." He chuckled, taking the note. He always seemed genuine but few managed to see through his facade. His brows narrowed, thinking of what Zara said; she must have been an only child.

It didn't take long for his phone to buzz after Zara hung up hers. It was Debra, "Get down here...And don't forget my coffee and donut." Dexter nodded his head in faux enthusiasm. "Alright Deb." PUtting his phone back in his pocket, he stood. "Should we ride together?" He asked, reaching for the keys he left in his bag.
She stared up at Dexter and cocked her head to the side as he smiled at her, she seemed to tell he was putting it on for show. She could read through Dexter, she had a feeling he was not always telling the truth. “Sure why not.” She said when he asked if they should ride together and she grabbed her backpack and they went to his car and they rode to the crime scene. Little did Dexter know that she wasn’t an only child but had lost her sibling in a nasty way. She started straight out the window the whole time her mind on other things. When they had come to the scene she got out of the car and went pale in the face when she saw the bodies. “Looking rather pale there.” Someone said and Zara looked up to see Debra.

“It’s always hard to see dead children.” Zara whispered her accent turning a thick Scottish. She gulped slightly and calmed her heart rate as she grabbed her camera and straightened her bag on her shoulders. “Double homicide again, children ages between 3-5 and 12-14.” She said staring over the bodies as she took her pictures. “The younger once had his throat slit while the other was beaten to death, blood spray shows they do not know their attacker very well.” She said then cocked her head to the side. “They were not murdered here, this was just his dumping ground.” Zara said as she kept on walking.

“Our murder would be a pedophile as well as a serial killer mid 40s I would say, not very tall. Maybe about 5’7 about 175lbs.” she muttered as she went on more to herself. “She is amazing Dex.” Debra said look at her older brother. Zara crouched down beside the bodies staring at the children. “Mark my words I will catch this bastard.” She whispered very softly as she took pictures of the children. She straightened up and kept on walking following blood foot prints and made her way outside of the scene. “He got away in a motorcycle again, make the scene bigger.” She called as the police got to work roping it off over where Zara was. “Anything else?” a cop asked Zara. “Yah, the killer will strike again in a matter of days.” She said and went back to work.
Grabbing his bag, Dexter headed out, bringing the donuts and stopping to get coffee on the way there. They rode in near silence, save for talk radio that played from Dexter's sound system. He preoccupied himself, thinking of the case he had on hold and the case they were headed to. It seemed to be a fairly busy time for the Miami P.D. Parking the car, he gathered his things; donuts, coffee, badge, and forensics kit.

"You're coffee and donut..." Dexter said, handing them to Deb. Opening his bag, he began working, slowly surveying the scene. He took notes, while McFlarn discussed the events that took place. Dexter nodded in response to Deb. He felt slightly out of place, he usually found himself breaking down the case and now that it was already done, he was at a loss. Everything Zara said was true. Did she already know who did this, he thought, dropping a piece of evidence in a baggie.

It was clear that McFlarn had the scene under control, he could easily slip away and do some extracurricular work. He needed to get his hands on the person responsible for this before the Miami PD. McFlarn wasn't making it easy. Dexter was used to saving the day, giving Deb advice, and being able to lead the crew in any direction he wanted, while he worked. "Hey, McFlarn has this under control. I gave her a ride here, mind if you give her a ride back?" Dexter ask, checking a message from Jamie on his phone. "I'm going to start some blood work." It was one of the benefits to having an assistant.
Hours had gone by and Zara was busy working on a few things at the office before her cell rang and she made her way out of the office. She got in her car and made her way off into the night her mind was on a few things and she was busy stalking the man who was the cause of the murders. Her eyes scanned the darkness when suddenly she spotted him coming up behind a woman and grab her dragging her into the bush. Zara jumped from her car locking it and her hand on her gun as she followed after the man and the woman, she spotted the man and pointed her gun at him, he dropped the woman and began to run. “Call 911 now, then get out of here.” Zara said and ran after the man.

“Oh you’re not going to get away with this.” Zara thought unaware that there was more than one man. She managed to track him for half an hour when suddenly someone came up behind her and grabbed her by the back of her shirt. She squirmed taking the safety off her gun as she was yanked back into darkness. Her cell fell from her pocket and she grabbed it trying to hit 911 but she ended up hitting Dexter on speed dial. “Let go of me damn it…” growled Zara as she backed up slamming the man into a tree behind her, the phone was on and Dexter would be able to hear everything that was going on with her.

“I don’t think so” Zara growled and suddenly she was smacked over the head with the back of another gun but she pulled herself to her feet. Suddenly if Dexter was listening he would hear the sound of something metal coming in contact with a skull. The first man was down and dead while Zara was busy fighting the second man now. “Your dead bitch.” The man growled at her. “Really?” Zara snapped as she picked up the second gun and the man backed up. Before she could react Zara was shot in the side by his gun but she managed to knock it from his hand and double tap the man in the chest with his partner’s pistol before she hit the ground.

She let out a groan and tried to push herself up then realized her phone was on and it was Dexter who had been listening. She gulped slightly and pushed herself over towards the phone. “I got the killer, he had a partner, and they are both dead. I killed them, I need help…..” she coughed slightly as she slumped weakly against a rock. “Can you track the GPS on my phone?” she whispered as she held onto her side as blood seeped slightly from the side of her mouth and down. “Damn it.” She growled and pushed herself up to her feet and leaned against a tree as she pushed her gun back into its holster after putting the safety back on, she heard no sirens, no one was coming.
Dexter was cruising the west side, doing surveillance on a man responsible for strangling a prostitute. The Miami P.D. had so much on their plate right now that a prostitute wasn't priority. He had been tailing the man for roughly an hour. Dexter always wondered how nobody noticed him following them. His eyes surveyed the area while he learned the habits of his prey. His attention was pulled from ritualistic tasks by his phone ringing and buzzing. He peered at the number before answering. What could Zara want at this time of the day? Flipping the phone open, he answered, "Hey, what's up?" His brows furrowed as he listened. It was a struggle of sorts. Was she in trouble? Dexter stayed on the line. "Hello? Zara? Are you okay?!" His voice became louder as panic sat in. It wasn't genuine panic, more like societal induced panic.

"Just hold on!" He said into the phone after she told him what was happening. He dialed Deb's number, knowing that she would be able to track the number. "Deb, McFlarn has been hurt. She said she killed the men responsible for the double homicide. Track her number." He turned his car around, heading in the direction of the station until Deb could give him an address. Hanging up, he waited anxiously until her received the text of Zara's location. Dexter knew Deb had already informed dispatch to get an EMT out there.

Following his GPS, he arrived to the approximate location of Zara. He parked and rushed the pier, looking for any sign of movement. It was dark and difficult to see, but his Dark Passenger thrived under these conditions. It didn't take him long to find his partner; he could hear the wail of sirens in the distance. He ran over, crouching next to Zara. "Zara, hang in there. Help is on the way." Dexter quickly assessed her injuries, there wasn't much he could do but keep her calm and conscious. He didn't even bother with the other bodies. They were lifeless.
Zara blinked and stared up at Dexter the pain in her side she hardly noticed now. She bit her lip slightly shifting as he seemed to come into focus now. “Dexter, I think there is more than just these two out there.” She said pointing towards the bodies as she pushed herself up to her feet. She had a hand on her wound but she was pushing that out of her mind, she was stronger than she looked. “I can’t go to the hospital not when there are more kids in danger.” She hissed pushing herself all the way to her full height as she wiped blood from the side of her mouth. She leaned against the tree behind her and shook her head slightly. “I know where you were, I know you’re a serial killer.” She whispered softly.

“What you do is something interesting, I was raised like that as well by my mother. I was after that man there, the big one. He was my next target.” She whispered as she fell silent as soon as Deb came into view. She made a lips are zipped motion with her fingers and where only Dexter could see before the EMT’s headed towards her. She told Deb what had happened and then nodded towards the lady she had saved who was now talking to the police. “She is my hero, came out of nowhere and stopped me from getting murdered.” The woman said about Zara.

“Good job Zara.” Deb said smiling. “You did a fucking amazing job, got a pair of balls on you.” Deb said to Zara. “Thanks Detective.” Whispered Zara, as she hissed as the EMT’s were trying to move her. “Call me Deb girl, you deserve that much Zara.” Dexter’s sister said. “I don’t need a stretcher.” Snapped Zara as she pushed the EMT away from her and walked back to the ambulance with her then allowed them to check her out. “Wound is through and through, no bullet. You should be alright, just need to sew you up.” One said to her. Zara narrowed her eyes and let out a sigh then looked over at Dexter, she didn’t want t to go to the hospital.

“Can’t you just sew me up here and give me pain meds, not that I need them?” Zara said softly her accent was rather thick as she grew angry. “Sorry kiddo, you’re going to the hospital.” The EMT said. “I don’t have any family who will be there.” Zara said staring down at her feet as she let the EMT load her into the ambulance. “You should go with her Dex, you know her better than any of us do. She is your partner after all and well, she had no family like the rest of us.” Deb whispered to her older brother a rather sad look on her face. Zara waved at them as they shut the Ambulance doors and the EMT’s were about to load up.
Dexter looked around still kneeling next to her until she started to get up. "Take it easy McFlarn." He said, trying to urge her to not overexert herself. Harry had taught Dexter to maintain a clear head and cool demeanor during situations of high stress. It had saved his life more than once. "Zara, I think you're in shock." He dismissed her accusation and reached for his phone in an attempt to redirect attention.

"I think you're mistaken. I don't even have time for that." He shrugged, stepping aside for the EMTs to attend to her. Even if she had real evidence against him, he wasn't going to just crack and open up to the next person he could relate to. The code was in place for a reason, though it never talked about these types of situations. Turning to Deb, he began to explain but was interrupted by his sister's excitement. Dexter hung behind Deb listening to their conversation and the EMTs' assessment of Zara's condition. It was a relief to know she was fine.

"Oh, I don't know." Dexter protested Deb's suggestion to go to the hospital with Zara. "Shouldn't she get rest...I don't think I really need to be there..." He continued, wanting to spend as little alone time with her as possible. "Jamie is with Harrison and she probably wants to go home at some point tonight." He looked at his phone then to Zara before Deb elbowed him. "Let me get Harrison to bed and talk to Jamie. Then I can go to the hospital." He wagered, holding his side. It was the best he could do.

After leaving the scene Dexter rushed home. He put Harrison to bed while Jamie took a break. He managed to convince her to spend yet another night in his spare room. Once everyone was settled and quiet, he unloaded his car, bringing his supplies in, storing them in his closet. It only took a few minutes for him to get to the hospital. After checking in at the front desk, he went to her room. They had things to talk about. He gently knocked on her door before stepping in. "How are you feeling?"
Zara was sitting on the edge of her bead fixing her clothing back on, it must be new clothing that they had taken from her car since it was not damaged and there was no blood on it. He could see the stitched up wound at her side as she shifted the bandages around her stomach. She heard him knock on the door and she turned her head and looked at it an emotionless look on her face. “Come in Dexter.” She muttered before she looked away. You could she had ripped the IV out of her arm and she had bandaged her arm up herself before she pushed herself to her feet pulling her shoes on, she was not spending the night there that was for sure.

“Only took fourteen stitches to shut the wound, only a few bullet fragments. Said I should stay the night but I refuse. I have work to do.” She said as she straightened up and looked at Dexter as she pulled her jacket on around her arms and zipped it up at the front. She sat back on the bed side though knowing he was here to talk so she shut the blinds slightly and let out a sigh. “Your wanting to talk, I know that look.” She said nodding towards him, she could see that look in his eyes but it didn’t seem to bother Zara that much that was for sure.

“I am guessing Debra sent you after me. Had a feeling she would, she cares to much about me.” She said and leaned back slightly. Zara let out a huge sigh and held her side slightly knowing it would come to this sooner or later. “You want the full story Dexter, I know you couldn’t find all the information you seek on me. I can give it to you, I just need to get it from my house.” She said and bit her bottom lip. She had even ignored the pain killers that they had left for her on the bed side table. She was hungry and it was for blood, she wanted to kill and she wanted to kill her way not using a gun, her dark passenger could be seen in her eyes.
Dexter slipped into the room, closing the door behind him. He stood in front of the door not really wanting to stick around. After all, he was only here because Deb insisted that he come by and check on her. What she had said at the park made him uneasy. How could she know? What was her angle? Was she just grasping like Doakes always did or did she know something he didn't?

"You should listen to your doctor, Zara." Dexter insisted, his hands in his pockets idly while she put her jacket one. She was stubborn like Deb and he knew that it was a waste of breath to try and stop her. "Well actually." He opted, 100 percent okay with not talking about anything. It was probably something better left kept quiet.

"I think she's sees a lot of herself in you." Deb appreciated McFlarn's work, she had told him about it all the time; impressed that he managed to get a decent partner. He peered at her for a moment, watching his words carefully. It was only protocol to do a background check but Dexter always took his work a step further. His eyes narrowed. Why was she doing this? What was her motivation to share this with him? Why was she telling him? All of his questions were quickly answered when he saw that look in her eyes; it was just like Harry's nurse. He had never noticed because she always had a blank expression. Could she see through him too? Was that why she was being so open.

Dexter cleared his thoughts, his eyes settling on her once more. "I am concerned about your wounds. The doctor insisted you stay for a reason." He reasoned once more. He didn't really think he could handle the stress of confessing to anyone at the moment.
RE: Feed Your Monster

She blinked and stared up at Dexter as he closed the door behind him and she let him speak but she knew he was holding back. She stared down at her wound then stood straight and shook her head to him. “I am not going to stay here, I have work that needs to be done. You’re holding back Dexter, I can see it in your eyes. That dark passenger.” She whispered as she made her way towards him a bag over her shoulder. “We don’t need to speak about that right now, I thank you for checking on me even if Deb forced you.” She said and narrowed her eyes as she clenched her fist. “Are you going to move?” she said coldly.

She was not going to let him stop her from her next target, wounded or not she needed to kill since things had not gone her way that night. “As for the how I know, how about the death of your older brother? You killed him yourself but made it look like a suicide. You also killed a police officer and made it look like he was the bad guy.” She said and shut her eyes. “I know known about you for two years now Dexter, I studied you.” She said and turned and moved to open the door. “I will be at my house if you want to know more, my lips are sealed.” She said and walked out the door.

She made her way down the hall with her hey in her hand and she headed out the door towards the parking lot. Zara was being serious, but right now her hunger to kill was getting bad and she needed blood shed soon. She slipped into her care, put the key in the ignition and started up her care. She was happy that Deb had brought her car by. She turned her cell on and then drove towards her home, she would really tell him the truth if he wanted it. She would tell him about her past and how she became a serial killer herself.
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