A Greenleaf & A Nightshade (Me & jjfanrb)


Apr 10, 2014
Her name is Theora Nightshade and her father happened to be King of the Dark Elves, she was his fifth daughter and the youngest of his daughters. She was about 5’5 and weighed 100lbs, she had pure black skin and pure white, long hair. Her eyes where pure white making her blind unlike the rest of her clan who had red eyes. Theora was like her father in two ways, she was good with a bow and arrow as well as being stubborn. She was more like her mother however with her swordsmanship and tracking skills, she was also gifted with the power to see into the past and into the future, she also could see with her mind’s eye. It was a dark night when her life would change forever, Theora was asleep in her bed when she was awoken by a blood curdling scream.

She acted fast, grabbing her sword as well as her bow and quiver of arrows she made her way out her bedroom door and down the hall in nothing but her under shorts, chest bindings and tunic. She ran and ran following the sound of the screaming only to freeze at the steps leading outside of her Father’s palace, there in front of her on the last step lay her dead bother as well as her siblings every one of them. She lifted her head and saw her father fall to the ground a few feet away a sword had gone through his heard. She looked up seeing her Uncle, her father’s murderer. “MURDERER!| Theora screamed and took action knocking an arrow or three and let them fly at her Uncle.

Things would happen very fast and before she knew it she was down on her knee, three arrows stuck in her back and one in her left shoulder. She was fighting off her Uncle’s army of Orcs or what was left of them, all around her lay dead Dark Elves and Orcs. “I will get you back for this MALEK!” she cried and suddenly she felt the impact of a final arrow hit her in her arm knocking her sword to the ground. The Orc was about to cut her head off but Malek ordered him not to. “Leave her, she is dead anyways, I have what I want.” Malek said and headed into the forest leaving with his army, nothing was left standing in the Dark Elf village.

However Theora was not to die that night, there was help on the way by the name of Legolas Greenleaf, how he found out about this was something Theora would ask him. She just lay there face down, blood pooling around her, she felt numb not really noticing the pain coursing through her body. She was getting over the shock of her people’s slaughter and the betrayal of her Uncle Malek to her father. She should have been dead at this point but there was something inside her, some small spark of hope keeping the Princess alive so that one day she may avenge her father and take back what was rightfully hers.
Legolas, Son of Thranduil, prince of Mirkwood tread softly through the forest. He was in dark elf territory now, and knew that at any moment a sentry would greet him. But soon time passed and the silence grew around him like a suffocating cloud. It was odd that the trees were not speaking and the wildlife were nearly unheard. Legolas' keen hearing and sight were unable to pick up anything. He peered harder into the mist and started to trudge faster, making not a sound. Then he heard a scream "I will get you back for this MALEK!" he recognized the voice immediately. It was Theora, princess of the dark elves.

Legolas jumped, nimble as an acrobat, up a nearby tree, and began to jump limb to limb towards the village. It was a league or two ahead if he remembered correctly, and he made haste jumping faster and faster. Soon he was moving as fast as the winds themselves sliding down a limb, then jumping up to grab on to another swinging, to land on yet another smaller one. He had practiced this a few thousand times and to him this was a natural thing. The trees started to speak to him now, telling him about a danger, evil, and death.
This did not phase him. Legolas was no coward, and knew that was ever lay ahead would not best him.

He had been sent by his father to hold a meeting with the dark elf king, and the purpose was unknown to him. He did enjoy visiting the village because of the princess. He would not say he fancied her, but she was remarkably beautiful. His father was always sending him here and there, but this was one of his favorite places to go.

He drew close to the village and saw smoke, deep black smoke, rising from the charred remains of the village. Such an old place, gone and destroyed. He jumped down into the soft grass, and inspected the site. It was orcs for certain. Probably quite a few. It was almost unheard of to see orcs in these parts as of lately. They hadn't been here for at least a thousand years. He moved quckly towards the palace, and into a destroyed gate. inside he found Theora on the verge of death.

He ran up to her and looked down into her white eyes. "do not worry" he said in elvish. "i am here now" he looked around and found no sign of danger, and then picked her up and gently slung her over his shoulder. Rivendell was not far and he knew that Elronds people was the best healer in the land. He took a deep breath and began to run, as fast as his elven legs could carry him into the misty wood.
Theora was aware of him there yet she did not have the strength to utter a word. All she could do was wince when he lifted her up and began to run towards Elrond’s domain. Unaware to anyone a small figure stooped and picked up Theora’s weapons and soon was following Legolas into the shadows of the forest. She was not a threat, no this figure was a Halfling, half elf and half human and a servant to Theora. The sprites sent word to Elrond before Legolas reached Rivendell to tell him of the grave danger that Theora was in. Theora’s eyes opened slightly as she looked into the shadows spotting her servant then she rested her head against Legolas’s shoulder.

Once close to Rivendell, Legolas was greeted by Elrond’s men and a few healers. “We can take her from here, Lord Elrond wishes to speak to you. Lady Galadriel is hear as well, you must go now.” A female said as they lifted Theora from his shoulder and took her away. “Do not worry, she shall be alright, you made it in time.” A male said nodding to Legolas as he turned and soon they were gone. “How could this be, who in their right man would attack King Theron?” a voice could be heard shouting as Legolas would make his way to where Elrond and Galadriel were. “Calm yourself Gerot, I know Theron was your friend.” Galadriel could be heard speaking.

“You said there was a survivor, who was it?” spoke the deep voice of Gerot the mountain Dwarf who happened to be a good friend of Theora’s father. “It was Theron’s youngest Daughter, Princess Theora.” Another voice spoke. “Ah Nalia, I am glad to see you are still alive. Your Mistress is with the healers.” Galadriel spoke to the Halfling. “Thank you My Lady, I think she would like her bow and her father’s sword back.” Nalia spoke as she suddenly brushed past Legolas out the door. “Pardon me my Prince, forgive me urgent way of moving.” She girl said speaking in Elvish as she flew down the stairs and headed off to be with Theora.

Theora could be heard slightly crying in pain as the arrows were pulled from her, it was against her customs to take pain killers thus was why she cried. “Calm yourself Princess we are almost done.” A healer whispered. Soon though the cries fell silent as the Princess passed out from the pain as her wounds were tended to and taken care of. She would have scars left but she was not going to die. “Fighting spirit the Princess has.” Said a male healer. “Just like her father.” Said another as they left Theora with her servant to rest and get better. “Come in Legolas.” Galadriel spoke before the blond elf even came into view.
Legolas was always amazed when he came to the hidden city of Rivendell. The waterfalls were a nice back noise to the calm and music of the Elder Elves that lived here. He was silent as Theora was carried away and Legolas wanted to sit with her, but knew that Elrond probably had something important to tell him. He followed the Elves through the city, and across a white bridge sung from a tree. He heard voices, and brushing past him came a half-ling that greeted him, and he smiled in thanks. Once up on the pavilion, Legolas saw Elrond, a dwarf, and Lady Lady Galadriel, one of the Eldest of all beings in middle earth. "good evening Legolas" said Elrond. "we are eager to know the details of this horrific event. But first let me introduce you to Gerot Dwarf of the mountains."

Legolas gave the dwarf a courtesy smile and said "Greetings." the dwarf gave a gruff hello, and then looked away from him after giving him the once over. Then the powerful voice of Lady Galadriel rang in elvish "Im glad to see you again Legolas" He bowed slightly and Elrond cleared his throat. "But as i was saying let us get accounts of the event from Legolas" All heads turned to him, making him a little uncomfortable but he raised his chin and told them of his fathers mission and how he was expected to have some meeting with the king, but as he drew near the forest all had not been right. he told them of the evidence of orcs and the way that the village was destroyed and the fact that no dead orc bodies were found indicated that some true power was at work.

This brought silence in the room for a good while before the silence was broken by Gerot "it seems like we have a sorcerer in our lands." Legolas looked up at him with burning eyes. He hated sorcery. The witch king of Agmar was one of his most feared foes. "she said something about Maleck, her uncle." this raised Galadriel's attention "malek? he would dare kill his brother?" her eyes widened in wonder.

Elrond spoke next "it was surely not for the throne or else why burn down the entire village?" He looked back at Legolas as if he could answer this question, but he had none. "We will contemplate on this more, Legolas you are free to do as you like around the city as always." He gave a warm smile and turned to walk away, but stopped at the doorway. "we will wait until she wakes and when she does we will meet again." He disappeared inside and was followed by Gerot, and Galadriel, who gave Legolas a smile and said into his mind "Go to Theora and watch over her my prince" then disappeared as well. He entered the Room holding Theora right afterwards and looked over her sleeping body. He decided to sit, and weary he fell asleep in the chair next to her.
Theora was dreaming, dreaming nasty things. She knew they would come true, she never second guessed her dreams or her visions which was both a gift and a curse. She sat up suddenly at midnight and stared around her, she suddenly sensed she was not alone. A fuzzy picture of Legolas appeared in her mind and she seemed to relax a bit but she soon pushed herself up trembling slightly but she sucked it up. “I have to speak to Elrond and Lady Galadriel.” She thought to herself and pulled a cloak around her body, her hair ran down her back in a white braid. “Legolas Greenleaf, wake up. I am going to speak to the Elders.” She said and grabbed her father’s sword sheathing it.

She was out the door before he could even stop her and she was making her way up the steps but was met by a healer. “My Lady you shouldn’t be up, your wounds. “ the elf said. “I will be fine, please go wake Lord Elrond and Gerot.” She said and the woman bowed and suddenly ran off. “Princess.” Came a voice and Nalia ran over to Theora. “Nalia, your alive, thank the graces.” Theora spoke in Dark Elvish a not some common tongue. Theora hugged the Halfling girl and they made their way towards the meeting area, Nalia supporting Theora. “Lady Galadriel.” Theora whispered spotting the other female already waiting for her.

“Good to see your awake and able to move Princess. Your strong like your parents, strongest of all their children.” Galadriel said. “What you waking me for at midnight.” Came a gruff voice of Gerot. “Ah, you old stump.” Theora said and hugged the Dwarf who was a very good friend of her father’s. He returned the hug to her and tried to get Theora to sit but she refused. “I am here to tell you about why Malek attacked my Father, I wait for Lord Elrond though.” She said turning her white eyes and looking up at Galadriel who was a friend of Theora’s mother.

“You saw something haven’t you, you have a vision?” Galadriel whispered. Theora nodded her head suddenly going emotionless. “I must seek out Gandolf as well, I need his help taking down Malek.” She said and bowed slightly when Elrond came, she winced a bit from her wounds. “You should really sit, or you might fade into the darkness like your flesh.” Gerot said. “Oh come now.” Theora said and gave a weak smile to the Dwarf but she sat down in a chair and let out a soft sigh running a hand through her hair.
Legolas still clouded from sleep, jumped up and took off after her, making sure not forget his bow. She was strong to be certain, and the wounds that she sustained were surely mot healed yet. "my lady!" he called as he ran after her up the stairs "your wounds!" But it was no use, she was already up at the pavilion, and with her the dwarf and lady Galadriel. He stood as she began to say that she had a nasty dream. He decided he would sit silent through this, and leaned back against the Pillar

His ears perked up however at the mention of Gandalf the grey. Now there was a decent wizard. But still, man and magic usually corrupted the man, leaving him evil and a hollow shell of what was once there. Take the ring of power for example. Nine kings were corrupted by the evil one Sauron. Men were easily teased and bought by whispers of power. And it was for this that Legolas wanted no part of sorcery.

"gandalf is a good wizard but perhaps sauromon the white may be of more use to us?" he heard Galadriel say. Legolas frowned at this. There were two things in this world he did not trust. Dwarves for their greed are sauromon for his cunning.
Theora’s eyes widened and she then narrowed them as Elrond stood listening to her and she looked back over at Lady Galadriel. “No my Lady I do not trust the White Wizard. I feel he has joined forces with Sauron. No I will only ask help of Gandolf the Grey.” She said and looked down at Gerot. The Dwarf had saved her father’s life and her father did the same in return. She trusted the Dwarf who had guarded her with his life when she was a young child. “I think it best if Gandalf if called in my Lady.” Elrond said staring Theora over, seeing the young Princess was tense. “Theora is wise beyond her years and her powers surpass my own when it comes to seeing the future.” Elrond said.

“You speak wisely.” Gerot said to Elrond and nodded his head. Theora clenched her fist and stood up ignoring the pain in her body. “Male took something that belongs rightfully to me now that my father is gone. If Sauron gets his hands on my father’s medallion then it means the end of Middle Earth as we know it. This is more powerful than Sauron’s ring, you know what I speak of.” Theora said. Gerot’s eyes widened and he looked around in shock. “You mean the Shadow Medallion, able to unlock darkness, ancient evil?” Gerot said. Theora nodded her head and looked at Legolas sadly before she turned to Galadriel.

“My father was the Guardian intrusted to keep this ancient evil sealed away, its far more powerful then the white Wizard and Sauron as well as Malek combined. I am sorry my Lady but only Gandalf can be trusted to track it, only a Dark elf of my bloodline can handle the medallion. I will leave tomorrow and take down Malek and get the medallion back before all we know vanishes. I swear on my father’s grave and my own life, Malek will pay dearly.” Theora said coughing slightly as blood streamed down the side of her mouth yet she wiped it away.

“You truly are as stubborn as your Father, Theron would be proud of you Theora but you cannot go in your condition.” Elrond spoke. Theora raised her eyebrow and straightened her stance her white eyes unwavering as she stared Elrond in his eyes. “I am my father’s daughter, since you know him then you know I shall say I am going tomorrow no matter what you say. Forgive my harshness but no one else is going to do it. I have nothing else to lose now, I will die if I have to, to protect Middle Earth from hell.” Theora said and sat down. “I shall join you my Lady.” Gerot said and bowed.
Legolas had never heard of this shadow medallion before, in fact it was a shock. he wanted to ask questions but decided to just remain silent. There was a good reason why her uncle wanted this piece of magic to be sure, and he wasn't sure that this was more powerful than the ring, but he decided to take her word for it. As the meeting drew into the evening, the sunset made the shadows longer and the sky burst into a golden orange. The locusts started to sing and closed his eyes to listen to the wildlife.

His attention was brought back to the meeting when he heard the dwarf say he would join her. He stood up and spoke up. "you will ahve me along too my lady" he looked at all of the faces in the room and looked at the dwarf last. "after all we will need someone who can see past the tree stump in front of them." the comment was aimed at the dwarf who raised his axe in anger but was calmed by elrond who said " enough my friends. We will complete this quest together, not against one another." he gave lagolas a side glance. "what will be your plan princess? i know of a man who can track anything. A very good ranger. Gandalf knows him as well." Lady Galadriel looked up now in protest but elrond gave her a look as if to say silence.

Legolas was not aware that she had any bad history with men, but it was apparent she did. "At any rate, we must be careful on this quest. Saurons forces are stronger than ever, and it seems that the race of man is failing. There is also talk of a dragon in the east, and elves wanting to cross the ocean in preparation of what may come. Thier is a darkness falling on middle earth and you may just be going into the middle of it." elrond's voice was grave as he said this and legolas' heart grew chill.
Theora smiled at the Dwarf but rested her hand on his shoulder then she stared at Legolas wide eyed and bit her bottom lip before she looked over at Galadriel. She then stared at Elrond her eyes seemed to bare into his very being and soul. “I have seen of what is to come and I know things I cannot share. I have nothing to lose and I am not frightened to die.” She spoke. “The offspring of Smaug does not frighten me, yes he was before my time but his offspring has survived as for Aragon be it who you speak of. I do not plan on taking another life and putting it in danger. No if we run into him then so be it but otherwise I can track just fine.” She said softly.

“I am a Dark Elf, I am not like the rest of you elves. My people have been shunned for years yet we have endured and we do not flee when danger approaches. Do not lose faith in the race of men, they are stronger then you think.” Theora spoke sounding like her father. “Right you are girl.” Gerot spoke to her. “Your so much like Theron.” He whispered. “My plan is to go towards Mordor then head east towards the tombs of my forefathers, that is where Malek hides, that is where he will awaken the beast from the start of time.” She said and adjusted her stance.

“I will upon my ancestors if I have to, I have my father’s sword and ring, I will do it if things get dire. Once I get my hands on Malek I shall kill him, take the medallion back and destroy it so no one can ever use its power again or wake the beast.” Theora said and straightened before she headed towards the door. “My father was no coward, he knew what Malek was up to and he died trying to protect his people, its my job to take up the mantle now and not let my people die in vane. “Coming, my Lady.” Gerot said as he followed after her.

“We leave at noon Legolas, your free to reconsider if you wish I do not think less of you. Lady Galadriel, I am not my mother, I shall not meet her same fate. I have seen the future, things are not as grim as you think. A hero shall come from the most unlikely places and save Middle Earth.” Theora said as she bowed her head. “Lord Elrond, I will send word to you through Tewk of my movements.” She said as a bird landed on his shoulder. “I am Theora Nightshade, My father was Thren Nightshade High King of the Dark Elves. I shall avenge him and bring honor back to my people.” She whispered as she left down the hallway her cloak wishing around her.
Legolas cocked a eyebrow at what she said. Theora certainly had quite the fiery spirit, so much feeling in what she spoke of. He watched her leave, then looked back over at the others. "she certainly makes herself heard..." said Elrond With disdain. Legolas smirked and then turned and left the room.

He had nothing to back, for all he needed was a few lambas, for witch a single bite would fill a grown man. And there was his arrows witch were made by the best crafters in his kingdom. He always traveled light. He took off his cloak and quiver and went out to a balcony to think about what she had said in the meeting. A hero from a most unlikely place? what was that supposed to mean? He looked out over the city and into the dark sky, the stars twinkling beside the white moon. It was beautiful to be sure.

He looked over at the room that connected with his, Theora's, and wondered what she was doing. Probably sleeping, for they were leaving early. He decided to do the same and go to bed. Retreating into his room he lay and fell into a quick sleep.
Theora sighed and made her way back to bed but all she did was toss and turn all night, she finally woke up with a start at midnight and stood up. “Why won’t these nightmares leave me alone?” she asked herself and walked out onto the balcony her long hair flowing around her as the cold night wind blew. “Oh father I wish you were here to guide me. I am so confused and scared.” Theora whispered and shut her eyes as a gust of wind blew her hair around her once more, her eyes opened and she felt tears coming to them.

She bit her bottom lip but the tears finally one and took her over streaming down her cheeks. She looked over at the door to Legalos’s room hoping that he was able to sleep. “You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into Greenleaf but mark my words I will protect you. You have something to live for but I no longer have anything.” She whispered and leaned against the wall. “I promise you this Thranduil, I will not let your son and heir die because of me.” She whispered and shook her head, feeling a weight on her shoulders.

Theora kept crying softly, feeling the tears just stream down her cheeks and land on the stone floor under her. “I wonder how things will turn out, I hope that the good parts of my visions come true.” She muttered. As she spoke it was in Dark Elvish and not in normal Elvish. She knew Galadriel and Elrond cared for her but she didn’t want them to become to attached to her. If she died they would grieve for her and she didn’t want people to miss her. “I have a feeling that I will die but at least I will take Malek with me.” She grumbled.
Legolas dreamt that he was running through the darkness. Something was chasing him. It was bright. He looked back and found he was not alone, but among friends. he could not make out who they were but he knew that they were in danger as well. Then, from the craggy depth below rose a fiery beast so massive and bright with fire that it blinded him. He raised a hand to cover his eyes but felt the heat around him and swallow him whole. When he lowered his arm he saw a burning eye, cold but hot and a yelling voice of anguish filled his head and he awoke in the night sweating and panting. That was one of the worst night terrors he had ever had. He tossed away the thin sheets that covered him, and rose and walked to the balcony. His elvish ears perked up when he heard Theora's voice talking seemingly to her self.

Curious, Legolas pressed the silk curtains aside and emerged into the night. "Theora, are you well?" he asked inspecting her to make sure she was alright. She seemed fine, although beautiful in her gown and white hair so fair. "I awoke and heard you voice....." he said moving closer.
Theora turned her head and looked at Legolas when he made his way towards her and she blinked when he asked if she was well. “I couldn’t sleep I was having either nightmares of visions, I couldn’t tell the difference. I could see the carnage, my people’s death.” She whispered and stood up shivering slightly. Her pure white eyes closed and she leaned against a pillar wondering what he was doing out of his bed, she was worried about him for some reason now.

“What about you Legolas, are you well?” she whispered softly and stared at him with her pure white eyes. He would be able to see the bandaged wounds on her shoulder and one on her arm yet she seemed rather pale, weak and chilled. “I don’t want to go out yet and fight Malek. I don’t have the strength.” She said and wiped a few tears away from her eyes. She wanted her parents but she would make sure not to show this.

“Princess you should be in bed.” A Voice called as an Elf made its way towards her then stopped. “Oh, sorry my Prince.” He said bowing to the Prince then turned and left the two of them alone. “I know it’s been awhile since I last saw you Legolas but I guess I can’t hide it from you. I’m scared of the future and I miss my parents badly. I don’t know what to do, I feel like I have no one to turn to anymore.” She whispered in Dark Elvish.

She knew that he wasn’t a bad elf but there were some things that she was scared to share with him. He had known her since she was born though he was a few thousand years older than her and she just a teen, things were not to bad. “Thank you for saving my life Legolas, I owe you.” She said and then moved a bit more away from the cold night air and more towards the Greenleaf Prince and then moved to walk past him more tears leaking down her cheek.
He waited until the male elf disappeared, then looked back at her and held her hand as she struggled not to cry. He could tell she fought the sadness, but it showed in her tears anyhow. He brushed them away and with soft words said "If it the night terrors that frighten you i will sleep at your side." he had slept at her side many time throughout the years, and it had begun when they were both young-lings, and she would come visit with her family, and the groaning of the trees would scare her. She did not, and could not, as she did not have the power to listen to the forest such as Legolas did. She would sneak in at night and curl up in the bedsheets with him and fall asleep clutching him. He had to admit he liked it a lot.

The male elf had been right. She was still fresh wounded, and if she dared to continue this Quest tomorrow, then she needed her rest. He knew she was a strong girl, but everyone had their breaking points and she was close to hers now, he could sense it. He took her hand and clasped in both of his and said in elvish "Tonight i will guard you."
A Greenleaf & A Nightshade

She looked up at Legolas and nodded her head and let out a soft sigh when he wiped her tears away and spoke to her. She trusted him more than most elves and she buried her head into his chest. “Alright Legolas.” She whispered and followed him into his bedroom and she slipped into bed with him. Even though the trees had scared her now that she was older she had respect for them. They would send sprites to talk to her since she could not understand them very well.

She knew that Thranduil had been friends with her father and she remembered Thranduil asking for Legolas to be betrothed to Theora and vice versa but her father had said he wanted Theora to marry the one she fell in love with. Theora let out a sigh as he got into bed with her and she curled up against his strong chest and buried her head into it. She felt safe close to him, the only elf who made her feel safe was her mother but her mother was dead. “My father would have been proud of you.” She whispered softly.

“He said that you grew up to be a strong and handsome Prince, he always spoke the truth.” She said a slight blush on her cheeks. She then looked away and let out a sigh before she hid her head back into her chest. Slowly she was realizing her feelings were coming up, she was feeling something she had never felt before and she had a feeling she knew what it was. “Am I falling in love with Legolas?” she asked herself in her mind, he would not be able to hear.

She soon shut her eyes and took a deep breath listening to the way his heart beat in his chest. She breathed in his scent feeling his blonde hair against her cheek. Her own white hair was flowing around her in a long white curtain. “I miss my parents Legolas.” She croaked and bit forced herself once more to hold back her tears but she couldn’t and soon she began to cry softly into his chest, she was not afraid to show him her tears.
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