Southern Dream
- Joined
- Sep 28, 2013
Well... Lets see... My name is Colby, granted that's all you are going to get out of me as far as my name goes. 
I was born and raised in a very small town in Alabama. I love it and I love the south. I still live in that town and I dont want to move anywhere else. I suppose that would bring me to my first order of business. Americas idea of the South.
I have noticed, both from the media and from person experience, that there is a common consensus that it is ok to berate southern culture, dialect and lifestyle. You see it in reality shows and major news networks like MSNBC alike. The idea that we all play Banjos and chew tobacco is false, so is the idea that we are all inbreed, so is the idea that we are uneducated and are poor. Yes I am not the richest one around but so are the majority of Americans, so why because of the fact that I was born poor but in the south make me 'White Trash'?
I hate that term so much... 'White Trash'. Its absolutely racist. Its a slur based on the locality and birth place of a person, so that is a racial slur. Yet, I never see the ADL come to our aid, they usually just blame us all for the deeds of fringe groups.
This may be because of the issue regarding the civil war and slavery. Which I understand was a large reason as to why the war occurred in the first place. But how long do we have to take blame for this? Until our dialect and our culture is stomped into the ground forever?
Dont get me wrong, I am not over sensitive about stuff like this. I really am not, but where is the fairness in this? I dont see any other group being as mistreated in the Media as the south is.
Its just not fair, and if its ok for an entire nation to ridicule a population within said nation, then why should that population even be apart of that nation? America does not deserve the Virtues that the South could give to it. If anything, we are the last true Americans in the nation, outside of the cesspool of corruption, lies and evil that defines America now.
Granted, I dont see myself as an American anymore, I have not for years. I see myself as a citizen of the Confederate States of America.
I hope to see the Confederacy rise to the challenge once again one day... But that will never happen, and no one will care, as they dont right now.
Also, not everything I post will be political. Its just things that are on my mind at any given time.
I was born and raised in a very small town in Alabama. I love it and I love the south. I still live in that town and I dont want to move anywhere else. I suppose that would bring me to my first order of business. Americas idea of the South.
I have noticed, both from the media and from person experience, that there is a common consensus that it is ok to berate southern culture, dialect and lifestyle. You see it in reality shows and major news networks like MSNBC alike. The idea that we all play Banjos and chew tobacco is false, so is the idea that we are all inbreed, so is the idea that we are uneducated and are poor. Yes I am not the richest one around but so are the majority of Americans, so why because of the fact that I was born poor but in the south make me 'White Trash'?
I hate that term so much... 'White Trash'. Its absolutely racist. Its a slur based on the locality and birth place of a person, so that is a racial slur. Yet, I never see the ADL come to our aid, they usually just blame us all for the deeds of fringe groups.
This may be because of the issue regarding the civil war and slavery. Which I understand was a large reason as to why the war occurred in the first place. But how long do we have to take blame for this? Until our dialect and our culture is stomped into the ground forever?
Dont get me wrong, I am not over sensitive about stuff like this. I really am not, but where is the fairness in this? I dont see any other group being as mistreated in the Media as the south is.
Its just not fair, and if its ok for an entire nation to ridicule a population within said nation, then why should that population even be apart of that nation? America does not deserve the Virtues that the South could give to it. If anything, we are the last true Americans in the nation, outside of the cesspool of corruption, lies and evil that defines America now.
Granted, I dont see myself as an American anymore, I have not for years. I see myself as a citizen of the Confederate States of America.
I hope to see the Confederacy rise to the challenge once again one day... But that will never happen, and no one will care, as they dont right now.
Also, not everything I post will be political. Its just things that are on my mind at any given time.