"You're Zuggs pet now." The orc gleemed over a nice little elf in a cage just for her. Around them the place was desolate and barren. The Castle of the Elves was over thrown by the Orcs just only hours again. The powerful orc flicks his finger on the steel of the cage. It was his form a mocking her. "Elf so smart? Why elf stuck if cage?" He says with a laugh before licking lips. "Wonder if Elf is tasty for Zugg." The Orc stares at her. His tattered cap slithered over the floor as he hunched over.
His black eyes looks away to consult a fellow orc who just came in. They spoke in a rough language the Elf wouldn't really understand. With a large grin the orc barred its vile fangs and turns to her. "We won. Every puny elf.... dead." He says with a laugh before reaching his massive hand through the cage to stroke her face. "You make good pet or me smash and eat."
His black eyes looks away to consult a fellow orc who just came in. They spoke in a rough language the Elf wouldn't really understand. With a large grin the orc barred its vile fangs and turns to her. "We won. Every puny elf.... dead." He says with a laugh before reaching his massive hand through the cage to stroke her face. "You make good pet or me smash and eat."