Bane's Wrath

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Apr 10, 2014
Her name was Azeal and she happened to be a mutant but not just any mutant. She was an elemental with powers that would even surpass Superman. She was young though, only 18 with long silver hair and the darkest of eyes, they were black with silver pupils. She was neither good nor evil, she happened to be a loner who had made her way onto the streets of Gotham. She was 5’5 and weighed about 100lbs and she had a strong yet slender body. Her chest was small making her breasts perfect size to fit in a man’s palms but she happened to be a virgin.

She was making her way through Gotham’s underworld when she came in to a bit of a tussle with a pair of thugs who thought she wanted some fun. “Come on baby don’t you want to play? Boss said you were a mutant? That is hot, don’t you want to play?” the first man asked as he pushed her against the wall since they were in an alley way. “Get your hands off me now, I am not warning you again.” Azeal said in a warning voice as she suddenly turned her head looking at the other man.

The man backed up a bit seeing that her eyes were glowing blood red and looked at his friend. “I think you should listen to her bro.” the second man said. “Oh come on, what can she do to us?” the first asked. “This!” Azeal said and suddenly both men were sent flying out of the alley way and slammed into some bikes. Azeal walked from the alley way her fists a blaze unaware someone else was watching her. This man happened to be a spy for the man Bane who was looking for Azeal to get her help taking out Batman.

After a while the man turned his back and made his way down the dark alley and headed into a old apartment. “Boss, I found her. She is just right outside. I think you might want to take it slow when approaching her, she is very strong.” The man said unaware that Azeal was now being attacked by the rest of the gang that had come out of the bar. You could hear crashes and fire alarms going off outside, the man looked at Bane.
RE: Bane's Wrath (Me & SithLordOfSnark)

DDGirl27 said:
Her name was Azeal and she happened to be a mutant but not just any mutant. She was an elemental with powers that would even surpass Superman. She was young though, only 18 with long silver hair and the darkest of eyes, they were black with silver pupils. She was neither good nor evil, she happened to be a loner who had made her way onto the streets of Gotham. She was 5’5 and weighed about 100lbs and she had a strong yet slender body. Her chest was small making her breasts perfect size to fit in a man’s palms but she happened to be a virgin.

She was making her way through Gotham’s underworld when she came in to a bit of a tussle with a pair of thugs who thought she wanted some fun. “Come on baby don’t you want to play? Boss said you were a mutant? That is hot, don’t you want to play?” the first man asked as he pushed her against the wall since they were in an alley way. “Get your hands off me now, I am not warning you again.” Azeal said in a warning voice as she suddenly turned her head looking at the other man.

The man backed up a bit seeing that her eyes were glowing blood red and looked at his friend. “I think you should listen to her bro.” the second man said. “Oh come on, what can she do to us?” the first asked. “This!” Azeal said and suddenly both men were sent flying out of the alley way and slammed into some bikes. Azeal walked from the alley way her fists a blaze unaware someone else was watching her. This man happened to be a spy for the man Bane who was looking for Azeal to get her help taking out Batman.

After a while the man turned his back and made his way down the dark alley and headed into a old apartment. “Boss, I found her. She is just right outside. I think you might want to take it slow when approaching her, she is very strong.” The man said unaware that Azeal was now being attacked by the rest of the gang that had come out of the bar. You could hear crashes and fire alarms going off outside, the man looked at Bane.

"Is that so?" Bane asked, shoving the needle in his hand into the vein of his arm, glancing at the man. "She'll come with me willingly or dead." He said, standing up as the venom went through his blood stream, making him stronger. "Where is she now?" He asked, and nodded when he was told the girls location. He made his way to the bar and stood in the doorway, watching the fight. "This stops now." He said, when all his men were down, but one. He approached the girl. "You probably know who I am, and if you do, you know that defying me would be a grave mistake. So how about you just come with me?"
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