Not Alone (Me & viktri_neɪʃən)


Apr 10, 2014
Ferra pulled herself out of the snow and let out a sigh, she was drenched from head to toe because of falling through some ice, a small pond had been hidden under the deep snow and she was unaware of it and that is had weak ice. She grabbed the dead rabbits she had managed to hunt down and trudged her way back towards the cabin she was staying in. She was a young girl, age of 18 with long blond hair and dark brown eyes, she had a slender build. Her chest was small with breasts that would fit perfectly in the palm of your hands. Anyways Ferra had been alone since her parents were killed by Walkers about a year before.

She however was no longer alone, she had been saved by a grungy man with shaggy hair and a crossbow. His name was Daryl Dixon and she had made her way up north with him six months before to live out the winter. As she made her way into the cabin she shut and locked the door behind her and sat her bow down on a rack Daryl had made alone with her quiver. She pulled her jacket and boots off trying to keep herself from shivering, she trembled and made her way to the kitchen and put the rabbits in the gave freezer. She could hear Daryl making his way up from the basement and she moved to the fireplace and threw a log onto the fire.

She grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her body and let out a sigh as she sat in front of the fire trying to stay warm. She heard the basement door open and she knew he had heard her come in. "I managed to get some rabbits, they are in the freezer." she said trying to stay calm but the cold felt like it was seeping into her bones. It had been hard for her to let him let her go outside alone, he always was by her side since he had saved her life. She didn't know why he was so protective of her but she didn't mind. "I can clean them up after." she said and Ferra pulled the blanket up and over her wet hair shivering slightly now.
These damn days were often spent in silence. Daryl's mature body and thick build was stretched out on a bare mattress with his hands locked behind his head. His dark, narrow eyes flickered about the darkness as he helplessly awaited Ferra's return with much concern, though unexpressed in his handsome features that ultimately created a tough guy image. He taught her everything there is to know about survival shortly after he saved her and secretly began to regret it when she became too dependent on him, which he found irritating. He claimed at that point, "I ain't no sitter. Now if you're gon' be with me, you're gon' have my back." And now she is too independent and ironically it annoys him more than when she was just a needy girl. His insatiable lust for Ferra grows stronger everyday but it pains him to know she does not need him in the sense of how much he needs her.

Daryl sat up at the sound of the distant opening and closing of the front door followed by the familiar thumping of Ferra's feet walking across the room. He blindly reached beside the mattress and grabbed his hunting knife before carefully climbing the stairs out of the basement. He twisted the knob and pushed the door open to see her cocooned in a thick blanket beside the small fire. As he neared her, his heavy boots emphasizing each step closer he took, she told him of the rabbits she caught. He just barely understood her through all the shivering. Daryl overshadowed her smaller figure once beside her and witnessed her struggling to get warm faster. "...That ain't no way to do it. Just gettin' the blanket wet too." He dropped down beside her and removed the blanket from her completely to see her clothes soaked all the way through and clinging to her figure. "Damn. What, you think it was a nice day for a swim?" He sucked his teeth and shook his head as he pinched an area of fabric on her shirt and felt the cold water occupying it. "You need to get out of these fast." Releasing her shirt, he snatched up the blanket and opened it wide like a curtain, hiding her body from him. "Hurry up, I ain't lookin'." He snapped at her before turning his attention towards the dancing flames. "Cover up with the blanket when you're done."
Ferra could hear the loud thuds of Daryl’s boots as he made his way behind her yet she didn’t flinch she was so used to him now or so she thought. She remembered all, the tongue lashing he had given her but she never said anything back to him saying that she didn’t need him or she didn’t care. Her father had raised her right, to respect your elders and those who had more experience than her. Ferra always carried a knife herself but around Daryl she didn’t even try to pull it on him, she trusted him now, he did save her life so she owed him that much, she was sure of that. She felt him drop to his knees beside her and she frowned when he suddenly pulled the blanket off her body. “I wasn’t going for a swim I fell through some damn ice. There is a pond down there and the damn ice is thin.” She grumbled as she felt him pluck and pull at her shirt. She sighed when he let go and snapped at her to strip as he held up the blanket but she did as she was told. “Fine….don’t get your panties in a bunch.” She muttered back to him as she pulled her wet shirt off over her head followed by her pants throwing them to the floor. She laughed slightly eying Daryl’s face as he seemed a bit uncomfortable by her.

“Its not like you haven’t seen a woman before.” She muttered and grabbed the blanket wrapping it tightly around her. She had left her underwear on for the moment then slipped them off once the blanket was over her. She then picked her clothes up and hung then on a rack by the fire. She was still shivering a bit but not as bad as before. She then looked at Daryl and let out a sigh as she stood straight and turned his head towards her. All he could see were her shoulders her left one still scarred from the bullet wound she had gotten when he had saved her. “Thank you.” She said as she looked him straight in the eyes before she let go of his chin and walked past him softly heading to her bedroom. She shut the door behind her or so she thought so it was only open a crack which she didn’t know about. She pulled on a new pair of underwear and some old jeans over her hips. She then grabbed a tank stop and slowly slipped it down over her arms, her back was facing the door showing old scars she had gotten from a child all the way up to when Daryl had found her.

Ferra let out a soft groan the scar on her shoulder still caused her some pain but she managed to slip her shirt down and over her slender stomach. She then pulled an old sweater over her frame wincing slightly before she sat on the bed staring down at the floor. She did need Daryl and she knew it wondering if he wished she wasn’t there. She wondered if she should leave, but she still owed him for saving her life. She let out a sigh and rubbed her shoulder standing up, she then made her way into a bathroom drying her hair with a towel.
"Yeah, I'd hardly call you a woman." Daryl mumbled so low under his breath his mouth barely opened. The insult was empty, only applied to hide his true feelings, though Ferra was no punk and knew he was only kidding. From the corner of his eye, he watched her maneuver her panties down her legs while still beneath the confinements of the blanket. An unfamiliar emotion stirred in his stomach, something most people would immediately recognize as envy, when he wished it could be him guiding those undergarments off and her body contained in his as he kept her warm. Daryl's eyes quickly shifted back to the fire when she approached him, only to be forced to look back in her direction. He focused on the intense look she flashed him and then to the pouty lips that carefully and hypnotically formed the words "Thank you." For that moment, his eyes never wanted to leave the sight of her lips and fought even harder to roam around her bare shoulders or her chest that would have revealed itself if it weren't for the blanket. "....You're welcome." he whispered, now realizing how close her face actually was to his. She freed his chin and whipped around to her room, tapping the door softly once she entered with intentions of it closing but without her knowledge, it gently fought back and cracked open.

Daryl brought his hand up to his chin and stroked the whiskers of his beard soothingly after suffering from her strong grip and followed her curvy hips until she reached the bedroom. His interest peaked higher when the blanket dropped to the floor, exposing every inch of her naked body to his eyes that often wondered what sort of body she hides under her clothes. Besides her perky ass and sexy feminine build, he is stunned to notice several scars crawling along her back, very similar to his own. The sight immediately brought up unwanted memories of his past, and by the time he blinked them away, Ferra was fully clothed and wandering the cabin, drying her hair with the towel.

He rose to his feet and strode up behind her before capturing her with his big arms. He made it so she could not free herself too easily or hurt him in the process and so she could do little to stop him. In a swift movement, all the layers of clothes that warmed her torso were lifted up to reveal her scarred back to him again. They were real. He had not imagined them. "Why you ain't ever tell me?"
She yelped suddenly as she felt Daryl’s arms wrap around her and hold her in place. She squirmed a bit but felt him pull her t-shirt and sweater off her head. She hugged her chest tightly and gulped as she stared over her shoulder at him. He had been spying on her, she knew that was the only way he could have seen her scars. When he asked her why she had never told him she blushed and stared down at the floor shivering slightly. “I didn’t think you would care Daryl.” She said as she let out a sigh and picked up her shirt covering her breasts with it. She knew there was no way he was about to let her get out of this one so she decided to just come out with it. “You want to know? You want to know why my scars look like yours? It’s because my Aunt and my Uncle used to beat the crap out of me whenever I came over to stay at their place or when my older sister was too drunk to pull her ass of the couch and feed me, then I would ask for food, they took it out on me.” She said simply.

She stood there shaking with anger but not towards Daryl, more towards the ones who had left her with the scars. “It didn’t stop until daddy shot my Uncle and sent my Aunt a running.” Ferra said staring at the floor. “I had learned to fend mostly for myself by then when my sister was left to take care of me while daddy was in jail and Mom went to visit. I promised I would never let it happen again.” Ferra said and turned her head and looked back up into his eyes. Her body shook some more and she let out a massive sigh moving her hand to gently touch the scar on her shoulder that still pained her. “I told yah, you can let me go now.” She said feeling angry tears coming to her eyes. Her body was a lot smaller than his that was for sure but she had fought to live which was one thing he already knew. She couldn’t go anywhere though with his arms wrapped around her as tightly as they were.

She felt the memories coming back and she took a deep breath but it was to late, the tears were streaming down her cheeks and landing on the floor. She seemed to lean into Daryl’s grasp as she wiped her tears on the sleeve of her shirt that she held against her naked chest. “I’m sorry.” She whispered trying to quell her tears which were of more anger then sadness. “I don’t want to remember it anymore.” She whimpered and suddenly turned. She hugged him tightly around the middle and buried her head into Daryl’s armless plaid shirt that he seemed to always wear. She felt her shirt drop but she ignored it, her body was trembling against his own and with how she hugged him he could get a better look at her scar if he wanted to. Ferra knew better then to try to fight him off, he would always come back wanting to push to know more and that is what he had done.
Didn't care? Daryl was ready to counter that statement with: what reasons have I ever given you to not trust me? But as quickly as he said it in his head, he developed more reasons in his mind than he had fingers and that is what made him keep his mouth shut. She trembled in his arms as she described a cruel life where her parents and older sister that were never around so she begged for meals at her Aunt and Uncle's who did the actual damage to her back. He did not want to let go of her now while she was still like this, with fear that she'd start kicking furniture and screaming which won't help anyone but the Walkers.

"Sorry your life was shit before the Turn." Daryl slowly released her at her request, but as soon as he did, the tears came flooding down her cheeks and she sought refuge back in his arms. Her shirt abandoned her, leaving her breasts flattened against his hard chest. "....Ferra." he placed a hand on her scarred shoulder, "Girl, look at me." He gently pushed her back far enough to see her puffy eyes. "This my favorite shirt." He whispered and leaned down to kiss her while one of his hands crawled up her back and the other rested on her side in a way that secured her in place.
Ferra grunted slightly and then felt him shift when she had hugged him. His words just made her sigh slightly until he moved his hand and pushed her away slightly. She was about to say she was sorry when he said that it was his favorite shirt that she had been crying in. She however she was shocked when his lips suddenly came down on her own and hissed her. She then felt his hand move up her back touching her side.

She blushed from Daryl’s scruffy chin against her own and his warm lips pressing down on her own. She just grasped at his gest gently leaning suddenly up on her tip toes kissing him back. Her body was working more than her mind now. She felt herself start to grow flushed under her skin as her cheeks went beet red. However she didn’t seem to notice this and he didn’t seem to be bothering her, it was a comforting kiss in her mind.
His rough hands gathered in the middle of her bare back once she accepted his kiss and returned it with equal passion, forcing her back with each step forward he took until she became trapped between a sturdy wall and his beyond aroused figure that seemingly turned him into the animal he is often perceived as. He broke away from the desirous kiss and laid his lips upon her neck then ravenously advancing to the areas he desired more; her delectable breasts and rosy tipped nipples that begged for attention. He engulfed one in his mouth and flicked the tip rather harshly with this beast-like air about him. Lust ignited in his eyes and danced much like the flames in the pit the longer he continued and received such a positive response from her body. Daryl could do her right here and now. His pants suddenly grew tighter around the crotch area and he could not help but grind his confined member against her.
Ferra grunted and felt him backing her back as he kissed her and she suddenly went wide eyed as Daryl pinned her to the wall. She whimpered slightly in shock then groaned as his lips moved against her neck and made their way down. She suddenly cried out when his lips latched onto a nipple and began to suck on it. “Daryl….what are you doing?” she croaked softly her face was beet red and she was starting to get flushed in the face. She squirmed a bit when she felt him suddenly grinding his rock hard, jean covered cock against her leg.

She could feel his soft lips and scruffy face against her nipple and breast, it was sending shivers down her spine. Her mind was telling her to stop him, push him away but she could not find the strength. She groaned and leaned against the wall weakly as her nipples grew rock hard from his attention. “Damn it Daryl….ah….” she moaned out and grasped at his head, running her fingers through his long hair. She could feel shivers going down her spine, making her knees tremble and feel like they were made of jello from his actions.

She had never had a sexual encounter before, this was her first time and she was not sure how to react. It felt so good though, she couldn’t bring herself to push this redneck man away from her. “Daryl, ah what do you think your doing?” she cried out softly as she leaned more into the wall for support. He had given her goose bumps and she could feel the hairs on the back of her neck suddenly standing up as well. “God damn it Daryl Dixon.” She cried out and felt herself getting weak kneed. Her mind was screaming no but her body was winning to his actions.

Her shoulder gave her a twinge and she grasped it tightly from the pain from the scar. “My God….fine…you win.” She muttered to him. She looked down at him softly and let out a sigh gently touching his forehead and hair. “If you want to take my virginity so be it just be gentle and could we do this somewhere a bit more comfortable.” She croaked softly. She was still flushed and unsure why her body was acting so badly to his attention. She shut her eyes tightly and dropped her arms to her side and let out a moan.
Daryl was damn near deaf against all but her elongated moans and breath snatching gasps until she begun to lose the will to fight and surrendered her body to him. He quit teasing her taut nub and slowly broke away before wiping the excess saliva from his mouth and saying, "Don't even try that bull by me, I know you're nothin' but wet underneath these jeans." He challenged her, willing to bet everything he had left to his name that she wanted him more than what she was letting on since it wasn't much of a fight. "C'mere." He simply said and beckoned with his index finger for her to follow as he walked into her bedroom. Once she entered, he shut the door all the way and even locked it, nothing against her, just a habit he could not risk to break even for one night. He pulled his shirt over his head and threw it to the side before slowly turning to face her. He had untamed but thin patches of hair dominating his chest and lower torso that traced along his flat stomach to the monster in his trousers.

"Humph, gentle my ass." Daryl sneered and pushed her onto the bed. He had climbed on top of her shortly afterwards but before he could continue anything, his eyes flashed to the wound on her shoulder and he could not help but remember the many times she has grabbed at it this night. " botherin' you again?" As much as he tried to show concern towards the wound, he could not help but express his annoyance. Just bad timing for it to be hurting is all.
She grunted when he suddenly pulled his mouth away from her beast and she bit her lip staring up at him when he spoke to her. She looked down at her pants a blush spread across her cheeks when he spoke his words to her. “Damn it Daryl, shut up.” She whispered but ended up following him into the bedroom and stared up at him watching as he locked the door. She flushed more when he pulled his shirt off over his head and dropped it to the floor. She noticed the air on his chest and over his front but it just made her blush more, he was damn sexy.

She stared at the bulge in his pants and bit her lip her body suddenly was pushed onto the bed and she felt him crawl on top of her. She bit her lip slightly though when he eyed her shoulder and she moved slightly under him. “Just a bit but I can ignore it for now. And just so you know, I am a virgin.” She grumbled and stared him over again. She seemed more interested in him and soon she felt the scar tend to die down ever so slightly. “It is a sensitive scar, screw it though.” She said and shook off the pain, she had been hurt worse.

She shifted her legs under him slightly and she knew he was slightly right, her vagina had gotten slightly wet under her pants but they were so tight it was constricting a bit. Ferra shifted herself and undid her pants and pulled then down but left her underwear on. Her pants fell to the floor and joined Daryl’s shirt. She leaned up and moved a hand against his chest and worked them over his hair and abs on his body. “I think both of are wanting some now, but you’re the one who started it.” She whispered and then lay back down.

Ferra could hardly notice the ache in her shoulder now though her eyes were staring up at Daryl and she was pushing herself the best she could against his body. She then moved and felt a small wet spot forming in her panties. “Alright I guess you’re a bit right, I am wet.” She said and kissed him hard on the lips and shut her own eyes. “I will say it then, I want you. Are you happy now Daryl?” she grumbled and lay back under him not about to go anywhere. She moved her arms to her sides and left her body open for him to do what he wanted.
"Yeah, I heard you right the first time." Daryl responded gruffly when she repeated to him that she was a virgin, the mere mention of that word had his restrained junk throbbing in agony for less talk and more action. It didn't help him any when her eyes scaled up and down his figure, closely examining every trait that made him of his masculine nature. Beneath his beefy mass, she squirmed uncomfortably and removed her jeans until only her thin panties remained but even through his pants he could feel her damp heat emanating from between her legs. As she leaned up and glided her hand across his broad chest and abs, a trail of her warmth lingered and sent shivers across his skin.

She was much more wet than she claimed and Daryl was not afraid to point that weakness out, "That's more than a bit, baby girl..." his hand slowly crawled under the elastic of her underwear and, using only his first two fingers, he stroked her swollen clit. Her juices dripped down the length of his fingers and gathered in a small pool, soaking through her underwear and the bed sheets. "Damn..." he growled through clenched teeth once he penetrated her walls with the first digit. Her moist muscles clamped down hard on him as he dragged himself in and out of her with long strokes. "Yeah, I'm happy. Fuckin'...thrilled."

The overwhelming sensation of her dripping wet cunt had Daryl yank his hand away completely to lick the flavors off before he ripped her panties to her ankles and positioned himself face to pussy. He started slow, lapping at her juices with an eager tongue then buried his mouth within her legs and consumed her essence with rougher licks. His scruff scratched at her inner thighs as he did so and he secured her legs in place with his large hands.
Ferra couldn’t help but smile when he spoke to her but she just laughed happily. “Sorry I guess your right about me being wetter then I said.” She said and shut her eyes. She suddenly went wide eyed though and stared up at him when his fingers snuck into her panties. She grit her teeth then groaned when his fingers slid inside her poking around and feeling her insides, she couldn’t believe what he was doing to her. She bit her bottom lip and let out another moan but she felt bad he was giving her the attention.

She yelped though when he yanked her panties down to her ankles then gasped when he buried his mouth between her legs and began to lick at her pussy. She started to pant and moan out softly as he ate her out. Her hips trembled a bit but she could feel his warm hands holding her hips down and his scruff against her inner thighs, it didn’t hurt or bother her though. “Damn it Daryl….” She cried out as shivers ran up her spine.

“Hold on….hold on….it isn’t fair for you. Let, let me suck your penis. I want to do it if you’re going to do it to me.” She said serious now. “I want to return the favor.” She said softly but she had a dead serious look in her eyes. “Get it over my face, you can either strip your pants on or I am going to do it with your jeans on.” She said simply. You could see a bit of sweat running down her forehead and it was showing on her small naked body.
He coated her flesh with his hot breath and continued to stroke her furiously when she cried his name out and breathed unevenly as she struggled to keep up. His hold on her thighs turned into a grasp involving his fingers digging into her skin as he thrust her even closer to his inescapable mouth, making the pleasure inevitable. Once or twice, Daryl peeked up at her and witnessed her growing weaker against his touch until all she could do was moan and shiver. From his view, her breasts seemed like mountains but bounced around in small circles imitating the motion of his tongue.

Daryl's licks lessened until they stopped completely at her request to 'return the favor'. "Hm, you any good at it?" he rolled his eyes but could not deny a blow job from a sexy bitch. He stood up and dragged his hand over the bulge in his baggy jeans once before complying. His fingers fumbled with his belt, button, and zipper until all was unlocked and his cock sprang out, erect and harder than steel. An inch of his meat was hidden beneath a wild garden of hair that grew carefully around his heavy sac that dangled freely. It swung around lightly as he made his way over and placed his legs on either side of her, guiding the head and shaft into her mouth. He refused to move, forcing her to have to work a little on her side. The minute her lips wrapped around his cock, he exhaled deeply and grabbed a handful of sheets.

"C'mon girl...move like you mean it." he hissed.
She couldn’t believe the pleasure he had brought her vagina, her walls were soaking wet and aching for more but she shook her head and let herself go. The more he worked her the more she cried out and moaned loudly. He was very good at it that was sure, she relaxed knowing he wasn’t about to let her up anytime soon. After a while she guessed he decided to listen to her and she let out a huge breath and breathed in when he got up and let her go. Ferra stared up at Daryl as he stood up and almost laughed when he asked her if she was any good. She may a virgin but thanks to her abuse, well she had been forced to suck cock before when she was younger. “Yes I know how to suck I have been forced plenty of times in the past.” She made sure to emphasize forced to him. She felt him pull his pants off and get above her with his cock in her face then she grunted when he forced his cock into her mouth.

She pulled her back for a moment and looked at him a serious look in her face. “Don’t force it, that is one thing that scares the shit out of me do to my Uncle’s friends.” She said then shut her eyes. Ferra then sat up and grasped his cock by the base the other hand moved to around his shaft and she slipped her mouth over the head of his cock. She relaxed her body and then started to pop her head up and down his length slowly speeding up. He would be able to feel her tongue move over his shaft then back up to the head and onto the tip of his cock making sure to give attention to the sensitive areas up there. She just kept her eyes shut refusing to let the past come up. Her body was drenched in sweat and she really was working his dick well, she made sure to pay attention to his sensitive spots for sure. She hummed around his cock as well just forcing herself not to think.
"Why bother at all then?" Daryl barely got the words to leave his lips once she adjusted herself and began sucking vigorously with her moist mouth gliding up and down his length, coating him with her saliva. It only hardened further under the pressure of her tongue coiling around the meat piece and paying much attention to the dent centered on the head. He exhaled and tilted his head upwards in ecstasy and dug his fingers into her hair, though not forcing, only motivating her not to stop. Whatever did not fit into her mouth, she pumped, earning a few drops of his pre-cum juices and harsher whispers of her name. It took a lot to stop himself from forcing it down her throat since she was great at it but instead, tore it out of her mouth and lifted it so she could show the same courtesy to his balls, wanting them to be as smothered as his cock. With his shaft firmly grasped in his hands, he stroked himself, occasionally tapping her face with the head of his steel rod.
She smirked when she felt him grow harder inside her mouth, she knew he was feeling nothing but pleasure from her which made her happy. She could feel Daryl pulling at her hair but it didn’t hurt, she licked his pre cum up hungrily her eyes shut tightly. She was not about to stop unless he told her to, it made her happy that he wanted to keep working her. She grunted though when he pulled his cock from her mouth and she looked up at him then felt his balls against her lips. She smiled and grasped his sac gently and began to lick and suck his balls.

She moved her tongue over every spot she could reach taking them both into her mouth at the same time. She made sure to use her hands as well on his cock, she wondered how much more he could take. Her own pussy was dripping wet between her legs but she had her legs closed tightly just to make it easier for her to ignore. She opened her eyes feeling the head of his cock against her nose and she smiled slightly before she licked the under shaft then moved back to his balls gently rolling them in her hands as she licked.

“I do this because its fair, you did me.” She muttered simply to answer him. Ferra gently moved her mouth down the underside of his shaft where his hands were not then back to his balls licking and sucking away. She wondered what he would do is she stuck a finger inside him and played with his prostate but she decided to leave it for the moment. She moved her hands and grasped his ass with them as she kept sucking and licking away at his balls.
The tip of her tongue had teased the flesh of his balls before scooping them into her mouth, encasing them behind her lips. She continuously traced the round shapes and sucked ferociously while her face buried into his crotch and exposed her to the masculine scent of his hair. Daryl had her hair pinned up behind her head with one hand so he could watch her work and the stray drops of saliva drip down his gleaming cock and the corners of her lips. With his other hand, he stroked himself wildly and tapped at her face until he was so on edge, he thought he would fall over. He held all the signs of a climax ready to rage but contained himself by yanking her away.

"Ain't nothin' ever fair, little girl." Daryl whispered before pulling her up and flipping her over onto her stomach on the bed. He laid his entire weight on top of her and spread her legs apart with his knees until he could feel her inner heat against his throbbing member. Though his cock and her pussy were soaked in juices, her virgin tight walls still provided much friction as he entered. Her lips had parted greatly to his size and the wall within her soon broke as he plowed through until her ass flattened against his pubic bone. He drew his hips back and felt the resistance her body naturally provided before thrusting back in, repeating the movements roughly with grunts escaping his mouth each time.
She gasped when she felt him yank her up and lay her on her stomach, she then felt him pin her down to the bed as he spread her legs. She gritted her teeth as his cock suddenly entered her pussy breaking her hymen and he started to thrust into her. She narrowed her eyes from the pain but she felt it soon leave, she would get him back, oh she would her anger flooded through her. It was time for her to have her way and get her pleasure as well. “So you want to be rough hmmm, well so be it.” Ferra snarled as she suddenly pulled herself forward off his dick.

“Two can play it that way.” She hissed ignoring the blood coming from her broken hymen, she was going to get him back. She had grabbed one of his belts without him noticing and before he knew what was coming, she shoved him onto his back. “You asked for it Daryl Dixon.” She growled and soon he was pinned his hands tied above his head to the head board. She made sure it was tight enough he could break his free but not so much that it would hurt him.

Ferra narrowed her eyes and straightened up wiping the blood from her legs with a rag as she suddenly slipped onto his cock once more. “I don’t like to go rough since it was my first time but since you seem to want to have it that way well you’ll get it.” Ferra said and moved her hands down and dug her nails into his hips and began to move her hips up and down his length as she moved her lips forward and gently bit onto one of his nipples, she moved the other hand down and grasped his balls in her hand.
Daryl smirked at the way she writhed beneath his weight and moaned in pain as she was forced to adjust quickly to his size. His hands dragged her back as his thrusts quickened so their skins collided and created wet slaps about the room, restricting her to only screams of pain and pleasure while the only movements she could do herself were claw at the bed and contort her face to express such addicting desire no matter how much her pussy burned. But soon the pain faded and was replaced by pure bliss, according to her body that could not deny its need for more, until he heard her breathe through clenched teeth that he was being more rough than she had asked for. Ferra slithered through his strong grip, their sexes separating with a sloppy sound that had him look down at the wonderful mess they made on the bed, and while he was distracted she pinned him down and secured his hands to the headboard above his head with his own belt.

"Hey! What the hell-" he began out loud, startled by the sudden change, but was soon silenced by the threat in her voice. Daryl watched her climb on top of his naked figure, now as helpless as she was moments ago, and hovered her dripping cunt over his erect shaft and slide down. He could hardly move his hips in the position he had been forced into and suffered from her pleasuring herself in the way she wanted. Her reddened flesh glided up and down his length, clamped down hard with great resistance, and her nails dragged down his torso and clung onto his waist for dear life as she rode him harder. "F-fuck...Ferra..." Upon instinct he pulled at his restraints in an attempt to hold her ass and help her move against him but it was useless. She had him strung up tight. He roared as she continued on getting her 'revenge' while he desperately bucked his legs to dive in deeper. His climax had been quickly approaching, but she was far from letting him off the hook. "Let me up, bitch...I finish you off." he demanded and glared up at her eyes, refusing to plead or beg.
Ferra blinked and stared down at his hips and then let a sigh and moved her hand and grasped his head slightly. “Alright you bastard, but I thought a man like you could hold back longer or at least cum more than once.” Ferra whispered as she leaned her lips up and hissed Daryl on the lips. She shut one eye and let out a sigh before she moved her hands up and undid the belt and grasped his hips kissing him hard on the lips once more. She kept ridding his cock as hard and as deep as she could, she knew she could cum a lot more than once. “I know I am going to cum more than once, hope you can keep up Daryl.” She purred.

Ferra’s hands grasped his hips as she moved herself harder now yet she suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and dug her nails into his back. She felt her walls clamp down a round his cock and she shuttered as she suddenly came hard on his massive cock. Ferra knew she was going to be able to come again and she didn’t want him to stop now. He could feel her hard nipples and her soft breasts pushing against his strong chest. She felt no more pain only pleasure as it took over her body, her walls kept clamped around his cock and she kept her hips moving. She was serious about coming again and he could tell she was.

“Sure a man like you has the stamina to make me cum as many times as you can.” She purred into his ear and laid her chin on his shoulder. Ferra was not going to let him go though and she had a feeling he was not done with her either. She would never really cause him physical harm though, she did not believe in stuff like that. She sensed some blood still between them but it didn’t really bother her, it was part of becoming a woman. “Can you show me what else you’ve got?” she asked and stared into his eyes as a shiver went down her spine. Ferra had a feeling that he hadn’t had sex in a long time so he would take what he could get from her.
"Cut me some slack, will ya? Ain't like I do this erryday!" Daryl snapped and barely returned the rough kiss she applied to his lips, staring up at her with narrow eyes before he finally gave in to the beckoning taste. She pulled away and his lips were still swollen from being kissed, his eyes clearly dazed as if drugged by that one simple gesture, and he felt his restraints loosening from around his wrists. He brought his arms to his side where he then grasped onto her hips and helped her bounce against his cock as rough as he had been earlier when she challenged him to keep up, even when she had been unable to in the first place.

To his surprise, she kept up, gyrating her hips against his member, lubricating it with her moist walls that only moistened the more aroused she grew. Daryl groaned at the feel of her taut nubs drawing circles on his chest as she continued to move, all but taking absolute control. He turned onto his side and lifted one of her legs in the air to make more room to dive every inch of his length deeper within her, hearing her ask him for more. "What, you think I'm some damn show dog?"
She groaned when his hands grasped her hips and he began to fuck her nice and deep and rougher but it really didn’t hurt. She gritted her teeth as she moved her hips down on his cock until she felt him flip her to her one side. She felt him grasp her leg and push it onto the air as he drove deeper inside her. “Damn it, no….you’re not a fucking show dog. Don’t be so fucking rude all the time Daryl.” She growled at him as she pushed her hips down on his own meeting his thrusts. Ferra slammed her hips down harder as her arms moved and she grasped his chest gently and then she kissed him hard on the lips once more to shut him up. She bit his bottom lip tired of hearing his talking in such a rude and vulgar way. Ferra felt her walls tightening around his cock and she smirked as she nipped his bottom lip some more until she allowed his tongue into her mouth, she closed her eyes and moaned softly.

She kept her chest pushed against his the best she could, her hips trembled suddenly as his cock head slammed into her sweet spot. He would hear her whimper as well as he kept thrusting hard into her pussy and hitting her sweet spot. Ferra couldn’t believe he kept hitting her sweet spot, she had a feeling he was doing it on purpose. Her body trembled some more and she moved her mouth back a bit then moved her head to his shoulder. Ferra gently kissed the flesh of his neck as she rested her chin on it keeping her eyes closed. She could hear the lewd sound of their body’s smacking against each other. She just clung to him enjoying his movements as she made sure to bring her hips down to meet his own. She felt her walls clamp down around his cock some more and she wondered if she was suddenly going to cum again yet she forced herself to hold back.
Daryl had been prepared to retaliate against her but as he opened his mouth to speak, Ferra's crashed onto his and he found himself violating her mouth with his tongue. They collided and swirled, mixing each other's juices and scents from giving oral. He tilted his head for more access with her and moaned as she did with every moon landing on his lap. She moved her hips alone, though her breasts followed, mimicking her ass cheeks pounding harder and harder into his lap. Her juices had begun to leak again, more moist than the first and he knew another one of her orgasms was approaching fast. Yet the harder he thrust, she somehow continued to deny him that satisfaction. Daryl growled impatiently and roughly took her ass back into his hands, not letting up on his power, torturing her with his drilling.
Not Alone

Ferra cried out softly as his tongue invaded her mouth and he kissed her deeper, she loved the taste of his mouth and seemed that she couldn’t get enough of it. Ferra could feel her beasts bouncing against her chest as she felt her ass cheeks hitting against his hips, his cock slamming hard into her own as she brought herself down on him. Daryl sure had awakened a new Ferra heard him growl as she nipped and sucked on Daryl’s bottom lip, she felt his cock slam as hard and as deep as it could inside her and she knew by his growl that he wanted her to cum. She smirked softly against his lips as his hands held her ass and she shut her eyes tightly.

Ferra ground and arched up as she pushed her ass down in his hands as she rode his cock, feeling how wet he had managed to make her. Ferra felt her walls starting to tighten around his cock and she pulled her mouth back gasping for air before she kissed him deeply again her body drenched in sweat. Her eyes went wide though as she felt one of his fingers accidently slip and brush against her anus, she squirmed and cried out. Just a light touch to her anus had almost made her cum all over Daryl’s cock. “Ah…don’t touch there, its sensitive.” Ferra whispered hotly into Daryl’s mouth as she moved her hips trying to ger her ass free of his hands.

Ferra was unaware of how sensitive her anus really was, unaware that there were ways of making her cum harder than ever. She bit her bottom lip as her head rested against his shoulder, she breathed his scent in deeply, feeling his sweat against her lips. Her walls trembled and she yelped again his fingers way to close to her anus once more and she pushed against his hips her hands grasping his own, it was making her tremble slightly. “Daryl….” She whimpered and stared up at him wide eyed. She couldn’t believe how sensitive her anus really was. She felt her walls clamp very tightly around him and she was very close to her peek now, she just needed a nudge.
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