Kon and Kara (Malin and charliesweb7)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
"Good Morning Metropolis! This is Lana Lang of Galaxy Radio with the morning news." The sound of the radio though quiet boomed through Kon El's head. It was hard enough to actually get to sleep with all of his extra sensory abilities, let alone the ability to hear just about any sound. He had been out of the lab, for about three months now, and in all truth the worst part was the mornings.

Kon El originally born with no name, was created in a test tube. The weaponized clone of superman crimsoned the Superboy. His hand came to his face trying to refocus his mind and make the world around him less loud. Rubbing the sleep out of his blue eyes he got up.

"The big Item on the table today, Lex Corp is opening their doors for a press release later today to talk about~" He turned off the radio his head still pounding as he got up from his head. Drinking a glass of water. Today was gonna be a long one, Clark was out of town, actually off world, and that meant that crime in metropolis was about to get more difficult to deal with. Every time the big guy left for space it was like someone declared open season for villains.

Walking around the small apartment he got thanks in part to funding from the JLA, he got a glass of water and drank it before getting dressed. Normally today would have been his 'day off'. The single solitary day he would focus on himself and not the world around him, but with all the chaos that was bound to~

His ears burned for a moment hearing gun fire. He let out a sigh it was just never a dull moment. It was coming in from the docks. Leaping out of his apartment window he hit the ground and started running... ~So much for my breakfast.~

"God damn it Lary." The group had practiced this for weeks, they were supposed to bust into the docks, load the toy they were hired to get, and run off with Lex Corps latest shipment, no gun fire, nothing to alert the big problems. But of course Lary had fucked it up, and a dock worker had gotten the drop on them. "Come on just load the rest into the van and lets get the fuck out of here." The masked goon said grabbing another box and throwing it into the back of the get-away Van.
"And finish with handstand scorpion." The woman replied, exhaling slowly as she easily shifted into the position. She got into a handstand, looking directly at the exposed brick wall before slowly curling her legs down and arching her back. "Heh. And they say this is advanced. Psh." The blonde added, easily adjusting her weight onto her one palm. "They didn't exactly take into account myself. Maybe there needs to be some impossible Kara positions." She teased to herself. She moved her hand down, pushing herself up and flipping. She landed on her feet easily, graceful as a cat. Yoga was a great way to start her day. Nice, calming and kept her focused for the crazy days in Metropolis. She didn't even break a sweat for yoga.

Kara went into the kitchen, grabbing herself a glass. She pulled it out of the cabinet before the glass shattered in her hand. "Shit..." She cursed, rolling her eyes at the shards of glass now in her hand. She was still getting used to her powers. She really was too strong for her own good. Heading over to the sink, she ran her hand under cold water. She watched as the blood mixed with the water, splattering on the stainless steel sink. She let out a sigh shaking her head at her own stupidity.

After picking out the glass, she wrapped up her hand to heal. The next step was cleaning up the glass on the floor. And plastic cups. Or steel. Maybe that was the way to go. Or even rubber for her. Yeah...rubber cups... She really needed to get on that. Kara was looking forward to a day off for the moment. Right now, she was just a waitress. Just something simple in between times that she worked as an actress. Her resume listed all of her jobs. She was sort of a jack of all trades. She just liked doing something new to keep her interested. Retail, actress, waitress, secretary and the likes.

The sound was so distinct. So clear to her. And it was like a switch turned on. She moved quickly into the bedroom, changing before listening. It came from the docks. Well, she was going to have breakfast. But that was on hold for the moment as she went onto the balcony. She jumped up and started to fly towards the docks. Why couldn't the city just stay safe for at least a few hours?
Conner arrived on the scene of the crime as quickly as he could. Landing from a jump that would have cleared tall buildings. Flight was sadly one thing that the Half kryptonian and half Human clone didn't have the privilege of under most circumstances though there were some ways he could gain such powers. Landing on the front of the van he landed with a crash, and smashed the vehicle. He smiled arrogantly as he stood on what remained of the hood of the car. His black T-shirt having the proud S of the superman family. Unlike most costumes that were made with unbreakable thread his shirt and jeans were common clothes that could be found in just about every supermarket.

Rolling his eyes, these guys were small potato's. and even as the driver was trying to gun the engine Conner didn't exactly feel threatened by them. Maybe their guns would be a problem, he just had to try and remain wary of that otherwise he was pretty sure he could handle this alone. ~Come on Conner this is your moment think up a snappy one liner and assert your dominance.~ Smiling he stood on the hood of the car. He opened his mouth but didn't actually manage to say anything as the car started up and hit the the driver hit the gas pedal the car drove about 10 feet and Conner lost his footing being thrown as the driver hit the breaks.

Conners body was thrown like a sack of bricks hitting the ground. His arrogance got the better of him and he had dropped his guard. With his mental defenses down Conner's body stung painfully. Getting up to his feet he held head, for a moment. "Okay new plan." He said as he jumped back towards the car this time bringing down his hand on the van flipping the vehicle over his shoulder and onto the ground. He half expected them to just give up now that they had no escape plan. He was about ready to just round them and accept their surrenders when instead they just trained guns on him.

Conner had expected something like a side arm when he heard the gun shots, but the guns being pointed in his direction now were assault riffles, and a grenade launcher. He paused for a moment blinking looking at the weapons. This was way above the paygrade of these goons. What had he just walked in on now? he rolled his eyes. "Do you guys really think those are gonna do anything to..." He paused hearing something a little farther off, the sound of rushing wind and high speed flight, with the big guy out of town there was only one person who it could have been. "Oh great." He said under his breath rolling his eyes. That really was the last person he wanted to deal with today.
The flight was quick down to the docks. Sometimes flying was such a treat. The skirt of her skimpy uniform flowed in the wind, her eyes scanning the ground below for what she would need to see. Honestly, she never understood why her outfit was so skimpy compared to other heroes. Perhaps it was to distract the villains? Who knew. All she knew was it was rather cold sometimes. Her stomach felt frozen a lot and her legs. Oh well. It was just a small price to pay for being a super hero. Didn't every little boy want to be that when he was growing up? Well, Kara was living the dream of someone at least.

Arriving at the docks, she easily could see a special...someone with weapons pointed at him. Silly boy. Did he really get captured so easily? Conner was such an idiot sometimes. "When the men fail, a woman has to come in and clean up the mess huh?" She teased, hovering above the ground. Weapons were soon pointed at her and she just smirked. "Now now boys..." She replied, moving swiftly and grabbing the anchor and ripping it right off of one of the boats. She swung it around like a person doing shot-put, tossing it into the gut of one of the men holding a rifle. He flew back with a loud noise, landing under the anchor and gasping for breath. He had probably traveled a good quarter of a mile due to the anchor. No one ever said that Kara was in it to keep the bad guy safe. She constantly used any measure necessary. In her eyes, they were doing bad so they deserved some justice. If they got hurt in the process.... oops.

Typical. She was going to have to clean up Conner's mess yet again. He really needed to stop kidding himself. He was just...special. Not a hero...not a civilian. She didn't know what to call him. Perhaps he could become a bouncer at a club. That would suit him right? "Why don't you take a back seat Conner? I have it handled from here. You can go knit or something." She teased him. Their banter was truly fun. At least for her. She got to tell him he wasn't fit to be a superhero. Even if he was the biggest pain in her ass since her mishaps at the apartment.

"Shoot her!" One of the goons yelled, aiming his gun high up at the woman flying in the sky. Kara just smiled at the men before flying up higher, around where the power lines were.
Superboy blinked almost dumbfounded for a moment. There were a lot of ways that they could handle this situation, and none of them required anywhere near the amount of force that Kara had just applied to a mans rib cage. It was true that Kara usually went above and beyond the call of duty. She was untrained, and undisciplined, and hardly realized the strength they actually had, and of course once again without superman around to at least try to control her, Kara was being her normal bitchy overly strong self. Conner was actually half tempted to side with the badguys for once just so he could put Kara down, but considering his place in the family it was not at all a good idea. That and there was something about siding with criminals that made his skin crawl. On some days he could ignore that side of him, but not when they were openly in front of him.

That however changed almost immediately when Kara used his chosen name in public, while they were on the job. Suddenly there was something to pick a fight about, but it would have to wait a moment. As THE remaining goons aimed for Kara with their guns and opened fire with a spray of bullets that honestly wouldn't have done anything on even the worst of days, they were suddenly pushed aside, as Superboy kicked the upside down van into them throwing them back several feet, and probably breaking several of their bones in the process, but Superboy could hardly care about that for a moment he turned anger in his eyes as he looked at Kara.

"Conner?" He spat for a moment. First off when did she start using his chosen name, usually she used the kryptonian name that she gave him. The insult that seemed to stick around and now everyone used, but that was a debate for another day. Right now he was more angry at Kara then anything else for using a name. "Supergirl you don't go around calling people by their alter ego's when they are on the job. It's called a secret identity remember? Or should I just start yelling out your name?" He was flustered for a moment but took a breath and managed to clam himself down. He was so far managing to just hold onto his professionalism, but not by much.

"Besides I had this under control, I flipped the van they didn't have any real weapons, there was no reason for you to go around and wreck up those two I mean... are they dead?" He said listening for a second and catching the sound of faint heartbeats. "You are way past the line on this one, what would Kal-El say about this? Hell what am I supposed to say about this. I mean... damn it girl think before you break things."
No, she would never kill anyone. That would go against everything she stood for. But she was known for using probably more force than necessary. She didn't exactly understand her powers all that well. Considering the injury to her hand? That much was given. It is not like she knew all the answers. She watched as Connor then kicked the van into them. She rolled her eyes as he berated her.

She looked over to the two who were finally able to push the anchor off of themselves now. "Says the man who just kicked a van at the other ones." She hissed, turning to him. "So I made a slip up. You honestly think people don't know who we are? I mean other heroes have a mask. It hides their identity." She replied. She really did have a point there. Picture of all of them were all over the place constantly. People would have to be completely stupid not to make the connection. "No real weapons? So you call rifles and a grenade launcher as no real weapons?" She asked, laughing.

"Wow Superboy. You really don't understand this who saving thing." She taunted. She licked her lips before she went over to the two men under the anchor. She easily lifted them up, then grabbing some rope. She tightly bound their hands behind their back like cuffs, having them stand up. "Do I need to get the other men or do you got that Kon El?" She teased him, smirking again.
"Well yeah when compared to us those are more like toys then actual weapons." Conner said quick to defend his claims. Though there was something odd to that, why even bother pointing a gun at them, most of the people here just cheesed it and ran harder then they had ever ran before. Why did these guys suddenly decide to stand up and fight? He heard the teasing tone's in Kara's voice but ignored her. It was true that he played fast and loose with his identity, but there was something to be said to not spelling it out.

He passed a hand over the topic waving it off. "Honestly though it is a little weird that these guys would actually try to fight us when they are so outgunned." He said lightly. Looking between all their attackers they were just human, he shook his head. What was so important that they were risking everything just to steal a couple crates off of a shipping yard. Turning his vision towards the crates he tried to see what was underneath everything, but all he got was a cast led shell under the box. "Well when you put it like that Kara then why even bother wearing a costume, why don't you just go running around fighting crime in your underwear if your that okay with random people prying into your private life."

Shaking his head and choosing to not ignore Kara about the men he had subdued he walked up to them and grabbed them both putting them together he tied their arms together so that they were pinned back to back. "Now then onto the bigger matters at hand what were these guys trying to steal?" He said opening the back of the Van he had kicked around and saw several crates, all of which were led lined so that no X-ray Vision could see through them, and all of them belonging to Lex Corp. Knowing Lex Corp it could have been anything from missile parts to vaccinations. Without cracking it open and exposing themselves to possibly harmful material they would never really know. Sirens were starting to go off, and the police were starting to move in. Opening one of the crates now would risk putting cops at risk to exposure if it was anything dangerous. "Damn it."
"Alright Kon El. But don't come crying to me when you get hurt mkay?" Kara told him, a smirk tugging at her lips. "After all, we all know how...distracted you get dear." She teased him. She would always tease him. She felt it was part of her job to make sure that Conner knew that she was superior. After all, she had more powers and she was better. Also stronger. He was just some...test tube kid. Merely that. He might be super-humanish but not a real hero.

"But fighting is quintessential to them. These guys love to think they have a chance. That somehow they can defeat us. But if you think about it, if they just ran away or didn't fight...I mean our jobs would be less boring." She explained to him. She looked at the men who were now tied up, her looking at them with narrowed eyes. "Just imagine if everyone never did a bad thing...we would be out of a job." She explained to him, then rolling her eyes at Conner. "I bet you would love to see me running around in my underwear huh?" She told him.

Now, what were the men looking for? "You really think Lex Corp is going to make it easy to see into the crate?" She told him. It was something of value. Sometimes she wondered if Lex Corp should just air drop their things in. Shipping seemed to have issues. They were down at the docks way more than they were ever at the airport. The sounds of sirens in the distance rang in her ears. "Well now, at least they are started to get faster...somewhat." She replied with a sigh. She placed a hand on her hip, looking at her nails as she waited. "So...." She replied, looking up to Conner.
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