League Magic (Raziel99 and SeductiveKitsune)


Jan 15, 2009
The Academy of Magic. Only one of the many buildings that adorned the lands that were controlled by the League. It was one of the bigger buildings in the area, only dwarfed by the living quarters for the summoners and visiting big names that would fight in Summoner’s Rift. Of course, those big contests was not everything that the League stood for. Control over magic, to prevent another War of the Magi that nearly ripped the world apart, that was their biggest goal. Or so they told the public.

But to be a summoner wasn’t enough for most of them. They were masters of the magical arts, after all, and controlling those on the rift was not everything that they did. Magic! Pure and simple, handed down to capable hands that were eager to learn and knew the consequences. And that was what the Academy was for. Hundreds of budding mages, taught both the summoning arts as well as another magical art of their choice. And it was there that Trish worked.

Trish Silverblade was looking forward to her rites soon enough, admittance to being a High Summoner, one of the greatest honors one could have while in the League. But until then, she was teaching the first years in the Academy the basics of summoning on the rift. It was slow going, children who were too distracted to learn properly. She wouldn’t be surprised if half of them were pruned out by the end of the year. It was that class she was stepping out of around midday, considering signing up for a bout on the Rift.
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