Another Blade for Noxus (Seductive Kitsune and I)


Feb 25, 2014
Not in Vegas
A hooded individual sat behind the bar of a Demacian court, many people had come to this specific for a reason. League Champion, Noble of the House Laurent, Fiora was on trial for murder. The spectators in the crowd had whispered all throughout the trial of how she was just like her cowardly father. One in particular spoke to another, "Dishonor runs in the blood. I knew there was something suspicious about her." The hooded figure remained impassive at such a comment, when hungry hounds smelled blood they would crowd and try to claim a piece of the prize. Noxus had taught him that much. The judge came back in his robe decorated with the honorable Demacian colors, a contrast to what the entire audience thought about the Grand Duelist. He pounded his gavel on a wooden outcropping located on his desk.

"ORDER! This court shall have ORDER!" He barked as he swung his hammer down one last time. The spectators grew silent, and the judge turned his attention to Fiora. There was hatred in his eyes as he spoke to her, "Rise for your judgement Fiora." He would say as if he was scolding a child. He would wait for her to stand before continuing his verdict. "On the count of conspiring to commit a crime, this court finds Fiora Laurent..Guilty!" He would say and some spectators in the stands rose a little bit from their seats. "On the count of dishonorable conduct during a sanctioned duel, this court finds Fiora Laurent...Guilty!" A few spectators were out of their seat..the hounds were smelling the blood in the air. The hooded figure remained seated, no one noticed him, it was as if he was a shadow among them. The judge would pause before reading the final count, "On the count of murder of Lee Fastwind! This court finds Fiora Laurent....GUILTY!" The roar of the crowd was defeaning as they celebrated that justice was served and such a cunning criminal would soon be dealt a heavy punishment. It would take a few moments before the judge could restore order to the court. "Fiora Laurent is hence forth exiled from Demacian lands, take her away!" The judge would order, an escort of armed guards would gather around her. They would escort her to the city gates, and she would begin her exile there.

Only two people in that room knew the truth however. One of them was missing, he did not waste time staying any longer after hearing the first two charges. Talon, The Blade's Shadow, a Noxian knew what her punishment would be. They would not be able to execute her the protection of the League guaranteed that, after all monsters had a place in the League, Fiora wouldn't be the first criminal they let in. Granted, if it was Talon being tried..they would have executed him on the spot because of his heritage. No time to dwell on irrelevant matters, he had a plan to execute. As per Demacian tradition exiles would be given only a fraction of their money, in other words practically none of it. Their favored weapon, and no food or water. It was just a death sentence with a minimal chance of survival since no Demacian worth their salt would help an exile. That would leave her without help, food, transport, and shelter. Exile was a death sentence without explicitly saying it, unless the Demacian turned to a life of crime which in turn would get them thrown in jail and prove the ones that exiled him or her right. That was the circle of life called the Demacian justice system, force criminals to desperation before finally executing them. Some golden city of justice this place was, and they opposed Noxus for such corruption or failures in their justice system. It would have made Talon smile if he wasn't busy with his plan, he knew Fiora was innocent, but they would never listen to a Noxian. In fact it would just make Fiora's situation a hundred times worse, the only good Noxian was a captured one or dead one. Demacians and Noxians were as far from friends as one could, not even the rivalry between Piltover and Zaun came close.

The Blade's Shadow would approach a nearby market, he bought food to last two people for weeks before putting it in his travelling pack. Then he approached the city gates, and left the capital of Demacia and purchased two horses that could carry their a rider and supplies. He placed his pack on what would soon be Fiora's horse, she would have less to carry due to her exile. Talon would have to wait for her to get far enough away from the city before approaching to ensure that no tails would follow them, he doubted Fiora would accept his help willingly, but food and transportation were two factors that may change her mind. She would be escorted out of the city immediately, she would have only one comfort. That is the leadership of her house would fall to her competent older brother, but that would be her only comfort...for now.
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