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F seeking M/F/Futa For Darker RPs

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Apr 7, 2014
Hello everyone,

I'm a new rper on here but have been rping for a few years now. I don't have a preference concerning gender and I can play as either F or M.

Big turn on's: Spanking, clothed sex, dirty talk, vaginal/anal virginity.

Looking for:
Light/heavy BDSM
Non/dub con
Substantial plot

Setting (general):
Modern (with substance though!)
1920's (gang life especially)

Setting (fandom):
Game Of Thrones/A Song Of Ice And Fire
Criminal Minds

I like my partners to have a good grasp on the English language and be at least slightly eloquent in their replies.

As for replies I don't particularly mind how long one is as long as it's more that a line and shows me your actually interested in the rp.

Leave a reply or PM if your interested :)
Heya, I'd love to play something with you. Your ons and mine match up very well. Something medieval or Game of Thrones oriented could be a lot of fun (Cersei Enslaved, squealing over someone's lap as her backside is tanned.) If either of those sound good, we can set the terms of the plot. Are you comfortable playing multiple characters?

By the way, PMs are disabled for you. Not a big deal, but you do mention PMing you as a method of contact.
Hey there! I got your Game of Thrones PM and I would love to do something with you, but your PMs are disabled and I was unable to reply.... :(
You may want also to list what forum you want used to play out your roleplays...whether it be Email, PM, threads, IM, etc. I wouldn't worry about responding to someone that only lists fandoms as settings and nothing else for a plot but that's a whole 'nother subject. Your themes sound fun and interesting, hope you find what you're looking for! Anyway, that might help you.
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