Shadowy Wings (Ruinous Demise & Trixie)

Apr 3, 2014
The deafening thunderclap broke off negotiations between Ryudo and his client, the Church of Granas. The Geohound didn't know much about Valmar, pieces of Valmar, or the powers of darkness, but he knew that the thunderclap he'd heard didn't sound natural in the slightest.

Ryudo turned to regard Carius, who was already beginning to follow him. Irritatedly, Ryudo shook his head. "Stay here," he insisted to the holy man, who opened his mouth to protest, only for Ryudo to shake his head even more firmly.

"What good are you in combat, if it comes to that?" he asked. "I'll go out there and see what's going on. This doesn't mean we have a deal, yet! I just...want to see it for myself, with all your babble about Dark Ones."

Carius protested again, but held his tongue. After all, at this rate, the Geohound's services would be very much needed again. Considering the failure of the sealing ceremony, and the likelihood of the Wings of Valmar being trapped within Elena, the journey to Granas Cathdral would be necessary, and it was a long and dangerous one.

Moments later, Ryudo tore out onto the church grounds. His hand was on his sword, looking for the source of the sound. Whatever it was, judging by the destruction that already lay around, small buildings in rubble everywhere, it was as powerful as Carius had feared. Trepidation filled the Geohound, but he would not yield. It had already been an impossible day, and he was beyond curious as to what could cause *this.*
"Ahhh,. Oh, it has been way too looong!" came a voice that really could only have been female, an exuberant cry of passion that filled the night sky, backed by the sounds of crackling fire that persisted in the wreckage of several houses in that tiny town.

But no one was around -- not in sight anyway. In fact... that voice didn't seem to be coming from the left or the right... but there was something peculiar. A shadow on the ground only a dozen feet out in the lee of the church, the silhouette of a woman... that voice was coming from above.

Millenia's lips curled into a cruel smile as her dark wings unfurled behind her, spreading wide behind her and casting her body into sharp relief against the glow of the moonlight. That silhouette of a figure looked for a moment like a cross against the ground, spiky and angular from the jagged edges of her wings.

And all at once the figure fell off the side of the church's roof, ethereal wings catching the wind and ferrying the redhead down to the ground, landing not far from Ryudo. She straightened up slowly, sinuously unfolding from her crouch, running her delicately-pointed fingers along the bare skin of her thigh, tantalizingly hinting at what lay below a skirt that was likely far too short.

"Mmm. Well, that was certainly fun. Shame this place is so small, though. There's hardly anything to do!" Millenia said, turning on one heeled foot to turn and face the figure she only now became cognizant of.

"Oh. Or maybe I take that back. Hello there," Millenia said with a lascivious wink Ryudo's way, those peculiarly glowing eyes openly raking over the swordsman.
It took a lot to make a full fledged Geohound do a double take. That said, the melodious voice of the intruder got his attention near instantly. As his eyes followed the sound, he came to the realization that she was above, on the church's roof.

What he saw there stole his breath and typically tart tongue - a woman - no, he reminded himself, women didn't usually have wings - perched atop the building. By the time she guided herself back down towards ground level, he found himself nearly face to face with her.

A lovely face it was, too, with a body to match. The idea of her having caused all of this havoc was near impossible, until he considered the jet black wings that had ferried her down to meet with him.

Her flirtacious greeting made him swallow. Hard. He hadn't been expecting it in the slightest, and it put him on the back foot in the conversation immediately.

"Who ARE you," he asked, by way of retort, his eyes by now wide as saucers. "Did you do all this?"

"Be careful, Ryudo," a voice came from behind him, as Ryudo himself struggled to process the images in front of him. "Evil takes forms far from foul..."

It was Carius, of course, and Ryudo was not particularly happy about the intrusion.

"Shut up, old man," he groused. "I thought I told you to stay inside!" Turning to lecture the holy man was time spent with his eyes off of the intruder, which was dangerous for a wide variety of reasons.

Loathe though he was to admit it, Ryudo thought, the old man was right. Something wasn't right in this picture. And if this...woman was capable of the sort of destruction that he saw all around him, the Geohound's long day was about to get even longer.
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