Trouble with B.O.W's. (SarungaDeshaw x AlphaZero)


Oct 10, 2012
(Three days ago)

Reaching up she gently removed the ocular implant that served as her right eye. She didn't like using it but she needed something with a camera in order to record the message. They where already starting to lock down the area so she had to move quickly. Everything was set up to broad cast to the BSAA head quarters all she needed was the camera. There would have been a time plugging a small cord into the back of an eyeball would have turned her stomach but to her, her humanity died off long ago. Flipping a small switch she watched with her one good eye seeing the signal was broad casting even if it was weak. Turning her attention to the camera she started to speak. “I know you have been looking for me,” she started speaking from under the hood of her jacket that kept all but a small somewhat delicate chin from being seen. “I wouldn't be contacting you if I could handle this on my own. There is a test of a new bio weapon planned to take place on either Macquarie Island, Australia or on the main land. I strongly suggest sending as many agents as you can. If they succeed in this it will result in one of the worse outbreaks on record and will lead to an extension level event. I will meet your agents at the following coordinate in four days. I recommend hurrying,” she said as the coordinate where transmitted along with the video. The last of the message managed to get out before the signal went dead. Pulling the cord out she leaned back pushing the eye back into place. It would take a few minuets before it reconnected and she had normal vision once more. “Great, making deals with those lazy bastereds,” she muttered as she slipped back on the fingerless gloves looking over the small cave that had been retro fitted as her base.


It was a moonless night and thick cloud cover making the darkness all that much more imposing. This was the location and time she was suppose to meet the agents from the BSAA. She wondered how many they would send. Surly they would understand this was important and send as many as they could. Knowing them though they would be late or not even show up at all. Her opinion of them ranked about the same level as used car sales men and lawyers. Still her thoughts would interrupt the beauty of the beach on which she sat. One could just make out the dark ocean beyond and the beach filled with slightly lighter colored sand. She sat against one of the rocks listening to the rhythmic pattern of wave crashing against beach. Once more she wore her knee length jacket with the hood flung over her face. Despite the warm weather she kept a thin scarf up covering the lower half of her face. A thin tank top hung loosely except for across her breasts. Her cargo pants looked like they had long seen better days. Her hands still wearing those same black fingerless gloves rested on the snippier rifle that was propped up against her body.

Laying her head back against the rock she let out a small sigh. Her internal clock read 12:01 am and to her they where late. She would only give them another couple minutes. It must have been hard gathering the army she though was coming which would be the only thing that kept her from leaving. “Figures they can't keep track of time,” she muttered to herself as she continued listening to the waves beat across the beach.
In the darkened cabin of the Blackhawk, Jason Grave glanced down at his watch, the back lite on the Swiss Army piece casting an eerie green glow across his features.


They were running behind schedule and he scowled. He didn't trust the situation, tip offs from unknown sources were trouble. Megalomaniacs looking to remove major opposition or mad arms dealers looking to test their newest experiment could easily lay out traps in these kinds of situations. So for now they where playing it safe. A six man recon team going in to meet the contact and where running fairly light in terms of kit, suppressed rifles, sidearms. His headset crackled, the voice of the pilot coming through, "hundred and twenty seconds to LZ."

"Roger that." he replied with a nod before pushing himself to his feet, turning to address the other troops in the, "Alright people, you know the drill, this is recon only, we meet the contact, gather any intel and report back to HQ, we do not engage unless engaged first."

He reached up with one gloved hand, flipping his cap around to point backwards before tugging a pair of night vision goggles down over his eyes, bathing his view in a sea of green.

There was a thump and the cabin shook as the chopper sat down. The sent of the sea and the warm night air flooded inward as the doors hauled open, allowing the black clad commandos to pile out onto the beach.

Grave crouched in the sand, instinctively checking his weapons, thumbing the safety off on his M4 before patting the holster at his thigh for his old .45 and the one at the small of his back for 9mm he kept as back-up. He turned, signaling the chopper to take off which it quickly did, leaving them alone in the still night with nothing but the sound of waves.
She could hear the approaching Black hawk before she saw it letting her know that someone had taken her message serious. Even if they where late. She stayed hunkered down against the rock knowing the moonless night and the darkness would keep her form hidden in the darkness. Closing her eyes her one artificial eye switched in infrared. As she opened her eyes once more, one allowed her to see the world as a normal person would as the other showed a thermal map of the world around her. This would let her see the world even in darkness. She watched silently as the Black hawk set down her hand coming up shielding her human eye as she watched the heat signature of helicopter before she could just make the movement of people. She wouldn't move again until the chopper took off leaving a group of six in the still of the night.

Slowly and silently she shifted her weapon behind her as she stood slowly her hands raised up beside her head showing she had no real intention of fighting. She was still a couple yards away from them but she would slowly start making her way towards the group knowing she was going to regret this. She didn't trust the BSAA and in her mind they where close to umbrella. Still she couldn't handle this situation on her own. Her one artificial eye tracked the heat signatures letting her see the movements of the men. “You're late,” she finally spoke as she drew close to them. She knew her appearance wasn't normal as she hid her skin aside from her fingers. Even her face for the moment was hidden. This in her mind, was for their protection and not for hers.

She stopped a couple feet from them as she watched them still unsure of trusting these people. “But you're here,” she said keeping her hands raised as she looked over each of them all of them indistinguishable from either other except by height and weight. “We don't have much time so please get your questions out now so we can go,”
Weapons where raised as someone approached and Grave raised a hand, indicating for the troopers to stand down. He took several steps towards the woman, a hand hovering casually above the grip of his .45 in case he needed it.

"Sorry, traffic jam coming in over the coast." he kidded in a bland and even tone.

This whole thing was already sitting wrong with him. A contact who making an effort to keep her face hidden wasn't one much worth trusting in his book. Last time he had trusted someone like that it had nearly gotten him killed. He shifted slightly, his hand not leaving its place above the grip of his sidearm, "You the one who sent the message? Where's the test supposed to be going down?"
She didn't flinch as the weapons where raised in her direction. She had faced more and worse then what they had to offer. Through the thermal vision she was able to make out their movements seeing the heat signature of the one who seemed to be their leader. An unseen smirk crossed over her lips at his 'little' joke. Slowly her hands lowered hanging at her sides as she listened to his questions. “I am the one who sent the message and I am happy that the pencil pushers at the BSAA decided to take things seriously” she said letting out a small sigh before her eyes traveled over each of them before once more falling on their leader.

“There is a base for Arctic scientists set up on the other side of the island. Which luckily isn't that far away. That was their first test to see how long the incubation period would be. From there last I was able to gather they where planning to head to the main land by morning to run their final test before the sell is made. If you would like I can fill you in on what I have gathered so far on the way,” she said as she slowly started walking past him not looking back at him or the others. “Oh if you don't come with me I would recommend drinking bottled water only. It is how they are spreading the virus,” she said heading towards the base wondering if they would follow.
"Great....water born contagion...." he muttered before falling into step behind the woman. From the sounds of things this may end up being more then just a recon operation. If someone was planning on deploying a water born contagion on the mainland in the morning for a final test there might not be time to bring in reinforcements.

And even that wouldn't guarantee things would be stopped, that situation in China had gone down with BSAA on site. For all they knew the contagion was already on the mainland any any large scale action by the BSAA could lead to it being released.

"So if they won't be conducting the test till morning that gives us a window of what, five, six hours?"
“I am afraid so,” she said looking back at him over her shoulder as they walked. It wasn't the best of situations but she also knew it had to be stopped. They had to make sure it didn't spread beyond here. Unseen to him her artificial right eye scanned the area seeing there was nothing larger then a rabbit stirring ahead of them. They wouldn't get to much action until they got closer to the compound. She could only hope the men behind her would be able to help. Slowly she flung her snipping rifle over her shoulders as her arms hung on the gun softly. She lead them slowly away from the coat line heading towards the other end of the island. She knew they where likely to run into resistance soon and she could only hope they would be up for the job.

“The last Intel I was able to pull from their computers was a day old so I don't know if it is still accurate. We attack their base they could up their shipment to the main land. They do that and the test could take place in a couple hours,” she said looking at him over her shoulder. “Either way we are running short on time. We should be reaching the lab in ten minutes,” she said as her eye switched to night vision and she could see movement about 60 yards out knowing they where going to run into trouble.

“In about 180 feet we are going to start running into resistance. I suggest you get your men ready,”
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