Black Cats Aren't Always Unlucky... (Trixie x AlphaZero)


Jun 18, 2013
Felicia Hardy, a.k.a. Black Cat was on the prowl tonight. It had been a while since she had seen the ol' webslinger, and privately she assumed that he was likely off doing something else at the moment -- saving the world in a way no one would ever know, maybe, from creatures "ordinary people" like her weren't meant to deal with.

Whiiiich was perfectly fine by her, she reflected as she strode along the roof of a building. It freed her up to have a little run of the town, to do what she liked without fear of having something yanked out of her hands at the very last moment. Ordinary cops were never a problem for someone like her.

Sinuously she bent down to one knee, shimmery, tight-fitting catsuit constricting around her shapely legs as she surveyed the museum juuuust next door. It had a nice little exhibit on display -- ancient artifacts that would fetch a pretty penny from quite a few buyers. She didn't even have to have something set up beforehand; there were always fish in the sea, and even a cursory cast of the line would reel in something nice and juicy for her.

She took her time in unfolding her grappling hook, blue eyes flitting up to survey the museum. Indeed, this was going to be a piece of cake...

The harpoon of the grappling hook hit the museum's roof hard, anchoring to the stone. Attaching the hook to her belt, Felicia took a sprinting leap towards the museum. With a muted "whrrrrr!" the line started to retract, dragging her through the air -- she hit the side of the building with nary a wince, clawed, gloved fingers digging into the side of the museum. She clambered up and over the side, and considered a skylight only briefly.

Well, it was time to do a little recon before she jumped in... she withdrew a small pair of goggles, pressing them just over her masked face so she could see inside with the typical green haze of nightvision -- this place was sure to have a guard or two roaming the floor with such a pricey item on display...
It was official. SHIELD's job was no longer to save the world from bad guys but instead go around doing the work of local cops because they where too damned stupid to do it themselves. Max had signed up to fight the good fight, stop terrorists and super villains but instead the Deputy Director had him sitting on a rooftop across from the Midtown Museum in Manhattan wait for a jewel thief who may or may not show up. Off over the Hudson there was the sound of rolling thunder. A big storm was rolling in and he was going to be spending the night sitting out in it.

He tugged his datapad from one of the poches on his belt, double checking the info he had been given on the target. He'd happily admit, she was damned hot.

He shoved the pad back into his belt before bring his binoculars back to his eyes. He caught movement on the roof across the street and zoomed in, catching sight of his target.

A quick grin tugged at the corner of his mouth and he slipped the binoculars back into their pouch before pushing flipping a switch on his boots and another on a battery pack on his belt. The rocket boots and anti-gravity harness would ensure he'd make it safely across the street and not kill himself on landing.

He took several steps back before taking a run at the ledge of the building, leaping from it. The boots fired with an audiable thud that propelled him through the air, the anti-grav harness taking over, leaving him with a feeling of weightlessness as he sailed over the street. He landed on the museum roof, in a roll, coming up to a proper stance with his sidearm pulled from its holster, "Gonna have to ask you to step away from skylight sweetheart." he said, turning to gun on his target.
Felicia Hardy was one of the most skilled thieves in the world, and you didn't get there by being slow on the uptake. She heard the solid "thud" of high-tech propulsion (a real issue in a world like this), and glanced up to see a dark figure crossing over from the other side of the street. She grinned -- well, she had been hoping this wouldn't be too easy, after all...

The moment he hit the ground, he would hear: "You got me, officer," in low, sultry tones.... but Felicia was nowhere to be seen, disappeared over the side of the roof in the moment it took him to land, roll, and draw on her. Little silver pellets were rolling across the rooftop toward him, clicking over the stone, before suddenly splitting open. There were about a half dozen of them, three of them erupting in a bright flash and the others pouring out thick, viscous smoke.

Over the snap and pop of exploding pellets, he might hear Felicia landing back on the side of the roof as she came up around the other side. With a devil-may-care grin, out came her grappling gun and the snap and whirrr of the high-strength cable launching out at his leg, to wrap several times around it before she pulled back on the gadget, engaging the motor -- the motor that had enough strength to quickly and efficiently let a woman (and a full complement of stolen goods) sail through the air.

This was hardly Felicia's first SHIELD agent, after all.
Max hadn't expected her be so quick. He thought he had her by surprise. The pellets left his ears ringing and eyes burning as he stumbled around blindly trying to locate his target. Credit where it was due, she was good.

He felt something wrap around his leg and he was barely able to let out a strangled cry as his feet where yanked out from under him. And his pistol fell from his hands as he collapsed on his stomach.

Ok, she was better then good, she was really good, but it would take more then really good to best and agent of SHIELD.

He rolled back onto his back and grabbed hold of the cable, giving it a good hard yank to pull her back towards him.
Somewhere in the haze of smoke he might be able to hear her laughing, the sound of a woman who had him right where she wanted him. "What's the matter? Not able to keep up?" she asked. She was moving through the smoke like a fish through water, and the moment he tugged on the grappling hook, he'd hear a clanging off to his right on the roof. No matter how hard he tugged, he'd just hear the grappling gun rattle from where it had been swiftly looped around an air conditioning unit and tied off.

Felicia leaped out of the smoke from his left, completely opposite from where she'd been moments previous. She struck out at him with a booted foot, to kick him back onto his stomach. She was as fast as an Olympic athlete, her body sinuously moving to sit across his back, swiftly extracting the handcuffs on his belt and slapping them around his wrists, clicking the cuffs solidly shut around his wrists.

"... well, sweetheart. This was rather fun," Felicia said with a wide grin as she leaned back on Max's back, her hands pressing into his shoulder blades as she all but reclined there. "Don't they have a directive at SHIELD these days? Something about not trying to apprehend me solo? Hmmm?" she asked with a teasing smile she was sure he couldn't see just then.
For the second time in five minutes Max found himself coming down hard on the roof on his stomach.

Ok, may she better than him which wasn't a fun thing for an agent of SHIELD to have to admit.

He let out a heavy grunt as he came down hard once against on hard ground and soon found himself pinned benith her weight and felt his cuffs tighten around his own wrists. He had to admit there was something kind of arousing about having a beautiful woman in tight leather straddling him, even it was only across his back. He felt her hands dig into his shoulders and he couldn't help but comment, "You mind going a little lower, I got a really bad ball of tension that needs to be worked out." He said with a grin that she probably couldn't see due to his face being pushed towards the ground.

And so was the erection that this situation seemed to have brought on.
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