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InfiniteSpace: Transhuman Roleplay


Dec 16, 2009

InfiniteSpace is a science-fiction roleplay concerned with the themes and enthusiasms of transhumanism. This means an exploration of the issues of the separation between body and mind, between memory and identity, and between self and other; it also means gee-whiz technomagical escapism. Either pole of this spectrum is equally welcome.

This first post has been re-worked with a focus on character creation and the prevention of choice paralysis.

The Shadowed Garden: Character Regions

Ours is the end of childhood; outside the cradle of our far-flung race, we reach out to grasp the hand of our shadows.
-Heth-Gebar 347

The dominion of our worlds is as nothing to the space within our myriad minds; we are kings of infinite space, save that, when we look on the garden we have departed, our dreams are a harrowing.
-Tserchi of Triton

Earth Exile: Your character has their origin in the ruins of earth, now a twisted no-man's land populated by the mutated and insane products of memetic weaponry.As an Earth Exile, you must decide how you react to mankind's exile existence; identifying yourself as such marks you as someone not fully integrated into the society of the worlds settled after the diaspora.

Child of Ares: As a citizen of the red planet, you belong to a society that is the after-product of decades of brutal ideological conflict; ultimately, no one faction survived, all giving way to a rising tide of anarchy. Areans embrace augmentation and revel in artistry and decadence; they value excellence in all things. You may extoll the virtues of anarchy and choice of body, or you may rebel against them- but your heritage is freedom and conflict.

Jovian: As a citizen of Jupiter, you are a member of the Jovian military- an organization with one goal, and one only. To reclaim the mother planet. At their worst, obsessive and violent, at their best determined and inspirational, the Jovians are the greatest warriors of the new solar system. You may embrace this holy edict- or cast it aside as a sword for hire.

Titanian: Titan is a world of order and democracy; possessed of neither the militarism of Jupiter, or the anarchy of Mars. Titan's attitudes and mores change from year to year, and even from moment to moment- but it is these attitudes that influence its citizenry. Here, social pressure and social capital is king. As a Titanian, you may be a consummate manipulator or a shunned loner- but networks are the world in which you live.

Hermian: The only world within the orbit of earth to have survived the diaspora more or less unscathed, harsh and cunning mercury is the source of ships, metals, bodies, and innovation; a crucible for strong minds and hard hearts. Hermians are prideful and byzantine, prickly and uncompromising- terrible foes and wonderful friends. As a Hermian, how has the forge tempered you?

Lunarian: Mere miles from the mother world, you hang unsteadily by a thread of shielding against the hungry ideas that infest the Earth. Clinging to biological life, living in tunnels and cracking air and water from rock, the Lunarian existence is harsh, but for some, fulfilling; sifting carefully through the detritus of earth's last days to wring as much history as can be from it.

Spacer: A life in zero gravity makes you a true product of the times; cased in a utilitarian shell to work, donning another body to play, living far beyond the confines of any society, in the darkness between worlds. Yours is the long haul, the big score, the rock rats and ring dives. Few rewards, but few needs; a spacer often has a great deal of time to pursue their passions, whatever they may be.

Shell, Sea, and Shadow

The first was a weaver, drawing out threads,
Who neglected to notice he'd quite lost his head;
The second, a soldier, the servant of blood,
Who couldn't recall that he'd quite stemmed the flood;
The third was a poet, and as you can see,
He's better than others- in short, he is me.

-Traditional Titan Ballad

The one quality that cannot be duplicated is primacy; one, and only one, of our selves is first and original.
-Uakamlav Tk-pembar

Three technologies dominate the personal reality of the future, each with its own possibilities and price.

The first is the Shell, an artificial body constructed to meet the desires of its inhabitant. A Shell can duplicate the human form in its unchanged state; it can take on the shape of animals, or spiritual beings; it can be obviously artificial or partially biological. The only limits to the Shell are imagination, environment, and social pressure; few capabilities are entirely impossible.

The second is the Sea, a consensual unreality that pervades all places humans exist. Within the Sea, humanity has even fewer limitations; the impossible is simply a matter of will, time and space, a matter of perception. Many exist entirely within its confines, living a hundred lifetimes at compressed scales to emerge reborn. Ultimately, the mind and soul of a Shell, and the memories of its inhabitant, exist within a single mote of the greater Sea, as a digitized consciousness.

The third is the Shadow, the duplication and editing of the self by means of the sea. Many people cast numerous shadows; some cast none, existing as one being in one body. Nearly all retain at least one Shadow as proof against that final spectre of all previous ages, physical death- and so long as even one Shadow remains, death is, in a sense, trivial.

None of these technologies are without their price.

The shape of the soul conforms to the flesh, even flesh of steel. Those who inhabit warrior forms, or the great bodies that sail, shipless, between worlds, may as well be of a different species, unable to relate to the thoughts of the frail bipeds they once were. While resources are no concern, skill in the construction of Shells is not universal; the despised, the unknown, and the unlucky cannot reach the heights that artisans of flesh and metal craft for themselves and those with whom they choose to share their fruits.

The Sea is vast, and within it are great benevolence and great malice. Things are whispered of, monstrous, beyond the light at the edge of the fire; stolen Shadows, hijacked Shells, enemies or former lovers trapped on a a shore where time flows at a snail's pace, forever on the cusp of a scream.
For those who exist entirely as data, the spectre is greater; their entire reality subject to editing and even erasure. So long as even one copy of such an infolife exists, they cannot die, but if all are gone- not even so much as a corpse is left.

No duplicate is entirely perfect. A Shadow created as a hedge against death is the person you were, not the person you are. By accident or design, some Shadows diverge further from they that cast them- vicious Id-duplicates that possess only the darkest of one's passions, servile copies spirited away to serve indenture for the corrupt or the decadent. A single trauma can make a previously perfect Shadow into an entirely different person; a single joy can transform them just as completely.


Where there is no want, there is no peace.
- 36 Negative

The only law has always been courtesy.
- The Titan Rover's First Maxim

The worlds of mankind are places of plenty, and even luxury; the transmutation of matter to matter, of matter to energy, is a perfected science. Resources of one kind are equivalent to all kinds- to carbon, and then upward again. Only the total mass of the worlds available to him limits mankind's ambition, and this limit is, as we write, far away.

Even as mankind can produce more than ever before, he requires less; many Shells need not eat, breathe, or sleep; modern power sources are self-contained and ubiquitous. The modern citizen requires virtually nothing from whatever power they may claim as protector.

Even in the most inhospitable conditions- the vessels that span the worlds being a good example- nanocreches are capable of providing luxurious meals, fuel from interplanetary dust, and of recycling their products with no loss; the captain of a ship may wear a different uniform each day without qualm.

From these seeds, then, mankind is far-flung as never before; when all resources can be produced from raw mass, and the vast majority of products are publicly available templates, only the speed of light and the dissemination of fact and fiction limit his expansion.

The degree to which this technology produces the expected decadence varies; the warrens of Luna and the fortresses of Jupiter have sufficiently strong cultures of, respectively, reverence and discipline, that only necessities are produced by their nanotechnologic forges.

On Mars, vast vanity projects spanning miles are not uncommon; the swapping of bodies each day, the production of vast spaces for living or for artistic purposes, flourish.

On Titan, every citizen lives in comfort and security, and variety is the order of the day; but no citizen is so ostentatious as even a restrained Arean- the pressures of community are too great.

The Elegances

In a previous age, my pleasures would have required murder. As it stands, they require only memory.
- 5th of Ares

I stand upon the rock of your sensation,
Your eyes roaming across my skin.

-Tserchi of Triton

In a future without privation, it should come as no surprise that pleasure has been elevated to the status of an art.
In addition to the mundane pleasures possible even to the fundamentally human, a number of sophisticated variations on human sexuality have emerged to take advantage of the new technologies.

Shells specifically adapted for sensual purposes are far from uncommon. In its simplest form, this may simply be the maintenance of the body's appearance at the peak of health; with regular care, Shells need not age. More sophisticated individuals may choose to increase their shell's sensorium, allowing them to experience life in a more intense fashion- perceiving every nuance of touch, sound, and scent. Customized genitalia are a regular feature of even commercially produced shells, ranging from simple increases in size or flexibility to additional members or cilliae. The majority of shells include an adjustable degree of conscious control for all functions, including the blood flow and recirculation of the genitals. Orgasm, as popularly understood, can be reached voluntarily at any time and extended to whatever degree the user wishes.
More outlandish forms, featuring tentacles, animalistic forms, transforming extremities, or multiple limbs, are widely available, if less common than standard humanoid frames. Removable or remotely operable components are standard features of many 'pleasure shells', and can be retrofitted for even the most off-the-shelf body.

As sensorial and command data within a shell is entirely digitized, a popular subset of sexual behaviors involve mutual, the sharing or transfer of data or control. Numerous variations exist. Sensorial Mutual involves the sharing of sense-impressions between partners; the process can be one-way, with one partner experiencing both their own and the subject's sensations, or two-way, with both partners aware of each other's sensorium simultaneously. Mutual parties, with all participants opening their sensoria, are a particularly extreme form of this pleasure. Control Mutual involves the transfer of control over some portion of the Shell's functionality to a partner, and has the same one-way and two-way variants as the sensorial type. Common, simple Control Mutual may involve control over the sensations of pleasure or pain, or over data from senses- for instance sight, or hearing. More extreme variations transfer control of motor functions, or even autonomic functions, allowing a partner to introduce brief interruptions in the ability to breathe or the beating of the heart. Switch Mutual, sometimes known as full transfer, is a variant of two-way mutual wherein sense impressions or Shell control are transferred fully to the opposite party, as opposed to simply shared.

Fetishistic behaviors involving the Sea are also common. As a function of the adjustable perception of time inherent to Sea immersion, Lacuna is a widespread practice, allowing lovers with busy schedules to experience days or months in minutes or hours of real time. Similarly, Lethe involves the manipulation of memory data, most of which is stored in the Sea rather than within the shell itself; in it, either or both partners agree to erase all memory of a specific encounter or encounters, allowing more shy individuals to engage in entirely consequence-free actions. Magical or fantastical situations, conducted either through one-to-one or heavily edited avatars, are also entirely possible and quite common. Utilizing a Sea overlay to edit sensorial data in real-time- for instance, to obscure identity or replace the face of a partner with another, is entirely possible, if less widely practiced than full immersion.

Most activities involving the Shadowing procedure are variants of simple polygamy; many a couple boasts a harem made up entirely of Shadows of their spouse. Edited or partial shadows offer more possibilities. Shadows can be engineered for servility or violent defiance, awestruck devotion or blind lust. Shadows that embody some particular repressed tendency are especially common- whether this be an alternative sexual orientation, a sadistic or masochistic compulsion, or even a more extreme paraphilia. The ethics are such practices are still a subject for debate, usually making 'shadow pleasures' a private matter.

Character Creation
InfiniteSpace is a roleplay concerned with the pleasures and horrors of a far, transhuman future in which the earth, and with it all we know, is abandoned, and mankind's bodies and souls are caged in metal and biomechanism. It contains strong elements of sexuality and sensual pleasure, but deepens and burdens those elements with the questions of ethics and identities raised by the technologies of that far future. Character sheets for InfiniteSpace should use the following template.

Vital Statistics: Your character's name and age.

Description: Your character's physical appearance and personality.

Shell modifications: Any specialized or exceptional features of your character's shell. If your character is a Sea-based infolife, you may use this section to describe their avatar's capabilities.

Abilities: Your character's learned skills and capabilities.

History and Goals: A brief sketch of your character's origins and history, as well as their goals and ambitions.

Other Information: Any other information you feel is necessary regarding your character that does not fit the above categories.
I must say I am deeply intrigued by this idea you've laid down here.

Though I'm not entirely sure how to fill out the format, everything I've read seems to lead me to believe that there is great leeway in how one may design their character. Is this true, or do you have any restrictions you like to put in place?
Yes, that's true. The only limitations are free-form common sense; don't god-mod, in short.
The degree of leeway in your character's abilities, form, and background is precisely the point.

Anything that doesn't contradict established setting details or, if it does, does so as a creative subversion, is a go.

Were there any particular sections of the character sheet that you were having trouble with?
Oh just the general concept of doing whatever the fuck one feels like.

I'm very much a believer in the concept the restrictions breeds creativity.

Though that wouldn't work too well for this.

Will say that the inkling of an idea I possess currently would be for a major egomaniac with delusions of grandeur to attempt to impose his will as broadly and boldly as possible.
You're welcome to try it.

And there are restrictions here; they're just restrictions of social pressure and what others can do to you. The restrictions of Anarchy, where only collective pressure limits personal freedom.
Unless I missed it on my read through you never really go out and define the social norms.

Sure you give us an idea of what the different factions tend to focus upon; but not what the standard for augmentation is.
Augmentation is generally a matter of personal choice; the limits tend toward common sense.
Forms that are, for instance, the size of a blue whale, or that release hallucinogenic gas, would be considered rude.

More specifically; Luna has a culture of nostalgia. Most Shells on Luna tend to be at least roughly humanoid, though customized. Mars has the broadest variety; that's where the blue-whale-bodies come from, along with most other particularly extreme forms. Jovian forms are usually either humanoid forms for everyday use, or brutally functional combat Shells. Titanians are midway between Lunarian and Martian ethos with regard to Shells; artistic customs are common, but especially extreme variations excite comment. Hermian shells are often roughly humanoid, but able to survive in Mercury's heat and pressure.

In general, actions that limit personal freedom (on Luna, Mars, and Titan) or endanger the culture's overall mission (on Hermes and Jupiter) are considered 'rude', in most cases. For instance, invasively editing someone's Sea avatar to embarass them would be a faux pas.

Actions that endanger large groups of people, such as interfering with orbital controls on a space habitat, or with life support on a ship designed for biological Shells, would be considered criminal; the penalties are more or less ad-hoc, and usually enforced by whomever wants to become involved and has the means to do so. Deletion of Shadows is both a usual punishment, and, if done for malicious reasons, a terrible crime- Shadows are, after all, either full persons or people-in-waiting. Murder is murder, even if it's harder to make it stick in the future.
I hate to double-post, but; any chance of garnering more interest if I give more specific guidelines, maybe a plot skeleton?
Misha Hiroki said:
I'm interested, I just won't be able to do much until I return home.

In the meantime, retrofitting first post with some character archetypes and more concrete data.
How are these avatars created? I suppose a select few might be grown, but from what I've read, not all? An idea for my character had him with one 'shell' but later he might aquire another. How would this be possible?
The Cheshire Cat said:
How are these avatars created? I suppose a select few might be grown, but from what I've read, not all? An idea for my character had him with one 'shell' but later he might aquire another. How would this be possible?
Shells are, for the most part, robots inhabited by a digitized version of a person's identity.
There are 'biomorph' shells, but they're comparatively rare; most shells are built, not grown.
Buying additional bodies for various purposes is quite common, to the extent that it's a popular hobby. If your character wants to start with extras, that's fine. If he wants to acquire them during play, most existing designs would be available publicly, save a few very prestigious artistic creations or military models- he could also negotiate with a design house or an individual artist to build him a custom shell.
Yet another question, if I may, and I will also add an apology, as I believe I will continue to come back in with each new thought and idea.

How are the Avatars controlled? It might be written already and I might have missed it, but is it through mind control, or are you inside?
The Cheshire Cat said:
Yet another question, if I may, and I will also add an apology, as I believe I will continue to come back in with each new thought and idea.

How are the Avatars controlled? It might be written already and I might have missed it, but is it through mind control, or are you inside?
Are you referring to shells, or Sea/VR avatars?
A shell, for all purposes, is you. It isn't controlled, it's 'worn'; you are 'inside' it as data, a program that comprises your mind and soul. It's controlled by your program in the same way an ordinary human body is controlled by the brain. There are ways to remotely control bodies for people who still keep biological brains, but that's a rather bizarre and dangerous affectation.

A VR avatar is controlled by will; it's often, similarly, your digitized mind at work, but as the body is digital as well no translation process between digital impulse and physical result is necessary.
I was referring to all, really, but the Shell was needed either way, thanks. So in order to transfer your 'mind' from your current avatar to another, how would you do that? (In regards to Shell, Sea, and Shadow)
The Cheshire Cat said:
I was referring to all, really, but the Shell was needed either way, thanks. So in order to transfer your 'mind' from your current avatar to another, how would you do that? (In regards to Shell, Sea, and Shadow)
The same ways you would transfer any sort of data. If you're cavalier with your shadows, you can just send it wirelessly via the Sea; this is fast and has the advantage that you can then activate a body anywhere in the planetary network, or, with a not inconsiderable delay, anywhere within the solar system. However, the possibility of signal degradation or interception, and thus changes in or copying of your identity and mind, makes this a poor choice for the security-minded.

More commonly, switching bodies is done via a hardlink; a contact-patch, a jack, a wire. A particularly popular system for serial body-switching is a contact patch in the palm of the hand- when it receives the proper commands, shaking hands switches forms.

As a side note regarding 'proper commands', almost anyone, even the biggest risk-takers, utilizes a series of checks against banked Shadows to make sure no changes have been made to their mind; the rigor of this authentication process varies, but it's almost universal. In addition, those who own combat shells or personally commissioned bodies generally include a series of info-memetic tests, passwords, and other lockouts to ensure no unauthorized person can make use of their shell.
Fascinating. Are there Artifical Intelligence? Or no? Is it possible to transfer a 'mind' to a degraded form that might act as a prison? For instance, a form that has no arms, legs, head(s) or any such thing?
The Cheshire Cat said:
Fascinating. Are there Artifical Intelligence? Or no? Is it possible to transfer a 'mind' to a degraded form that might act as a prison? For instance, a form that has no arms, legs, head(s) or any such thing?
There are artificial intelligences of roughly animal level that are used for certain very simple tasks and as test subjects; there are also 'synthetic minds', equivalent to human transfers in intelligence and capability, that are virtually indistinguishable from those who were originally human. Most of the later generations are, by necessity, synthetic minds, formed by taking traits from the data of both (or all) of their parents. Whether this constitutes true AI is debatable.
There are a small number of planetary-scale distributed intelligences that far exceed human potential; these are mostly uncommunicative and are objects of some distrust, but their ends seem to be peaceful and sedentary.

It is possible; some masochistic individuals deliberately inhabit such bodies. Being placed into one involuntarily would be pointless unless there were also some way to inhibit the mind's data being transferred into a less debilitated body- however, on Jupiter and possibly Mercury, such measures have been taken in the past for truly egregious, large-scale crimes. Such a person would be doubly crippled by their physical inability coupled with the blocks to prevent body-jumping; if the second is removed, however, the first becomes meaningless.

Generally speaking, if someone is to be 'imprisoned', it's likely to be virtually; their mind is transferred out of any body whatsoever and placed in a secure Sea environment until the desired rehabilitative goal is reached. Since most law is by consensus on the majority of worlds, and since murder is almost meaningless, theft pointless, and rape subject to erasure and very difficult, crime is an aberration. The most common crime, and the most severe one, is sabotage of some vital community function, whether memetically (spreading dissent in a council on Titan, for instance) or physically (sabotaging an air cracker on Luna).
Since the mind is now merely a data stream, is it possible, if your choice was shell, to inhabit a ship? And when you land on a world you take control of an Avatar that you keep stored within and walk about (or float about as the case may be) until it's time to return?
The Cheshire Cat said:
Since the mind is now merely a data stream, is it possible, if your choice was shell, to inhabit a ship? And when you land on a world you take control of an Avatar that you keep stored within and walk about (or float about as the case may be) until it's time to return?
Yes, and yes. It's a reasonably common practice among spacers- many small asteroid mining or comet catching vessels in long-haul fleets are simply very large shells, since that allows the vessel to eschew the space crew quarters would otherwise take up and carry more cargo.
Vital Statistics: Chath ap Nraig, 5 years by Jupiter, 15 by Mars and 25 by Earth years.

Description: Chath would be best described as a mining ship. A grey spacecraft adorned with scrapes and dents from his many excursions in deep space, extracting minerals from astroids, comets, and at times, other spacecraft. Robotic arms jut out of both sides, equipped with various grippers, saws, welders, and the occasional weapon to ward off pirates. The hull would be best described as a fading manifest of what it once was, paint constantly peels and falls, in some places acts of artistic vandalism has occured, and most prominent, just under the left rear thruster is a gaping hole put in by an explosive. How such a wound was aquired, Chath could not tell you, so many are his adventures he cannot keep track of every happening. It would be nigh time for him to patch it up, but his worry of its cost has put him off. He is a natural chippery fellow, unusual for one who spends so much time in space. It is a rare occurance, if any, that he ever leaves his ship, most of his transaction taking place in the stars above a wide selection of planets. Although he is cheerful, he is quick to offense and anger and shows slight signs of schizophrenia at times, perhaps a consequence of a lack of companions. Although one might believe that the ship would be his only physical being, there is, in fact, stowed away deep within its, or should I say, his decrepit hole a shell of old which friends insisted that he purchase. Fit to a personal likeness of his own, this shell would be best described as a man-cat. Lean, rail thin, it sports a pair of purple ears, a tail and many other feline features. As appealing as it may seem, to both him, and rarely, to others who see him, Chath keeps the Shell hidden within his bowls, awaiting to be taken out ona special occasion. Of which he is still searching amid the redundant and tedious job of comet snaring and asteroid mining.


Shell modifications: There are no large modifications done to Chath's shell, other than his ability to extend 'claws' from his fingers.

Abilities: Due to his time always being, in a sense, cooped up AS his ship, Chath has no true specialized skills, nor abilities, he is no different than the average spacer who flies about attempting to scrape up a bare living. Time spent within his shell actually manages to make him look like a newborn attempting to walk. And failing. Lord knows how he fairs in zero gee.

History and Goals: 'Birth' was attained on the ruined planet of Earth. Ravaged by mutants and an out of control enviroment Chatch was quickly spirited away by beings he found best referred to as 'parents'. They did not stay with him for long. As soon as Earth's orbit was left, Chath was as well, alone, to fend on his own, as best as a little stream of data can do with no experience. It would be wise of him to thank the gods that he neededno sustenance or he would have perished easily among the unforgiving blackness. He was not known for his excellent trait of self-motivation and often found himself gliding among the stars, quite alone, searching for his next job. His first few nubile years were spent, or rather wasted, passing from planet to planet aboard a tiny shuttle, encased in a shell that should be called torture rather than a body. Money was hard to come by, rarely seen, and what was had, was quickly spent on repairs, or 5 minute entertainment flicks. He was not a 'man' of pleasure. Chath ap Nraig grew up working, and from then until present knew nothing but. Oh, yes, he'd heard of palaces filled to the brim with sensual pleasures, shuddering with moans and screams of the pleased. But it wasn't for him, it wasn't something he looked for, and only tolerated to an extent. To him, such things kept him from his job, from what he was supposed to do. Time passed, and he managed to earn himself a steady and safe position as a miner and a catcher of comets, quickly proving himself to be more than proficient. More time passed, as time is apt to do and Chath was once again, alone. Having broken ties with his former job he now earned his living roaming the reaches of dark space, tracking down spiraling crags of rock and prying their treasures from their stiff grasps.
It was his way, and he loved it, knowing no other. What few friends he had urged him to purchase a more appealing and fitting shell for himself, other than the old rusted hunk he rarely tottered around in. He had no need for a physical representation of himself, he had no need for what he didn't use. but to please his friends, he did so. And now, it sat, hidden away like a coat someone got for Christmas they didn't like, and just stuffed it in the closet. This is the life of Chath ap Nraig. Miner of Stars. Catcher of Comets.

Other Information: Although a bare tolerater of the sensual arts, as time passes, as time does, he grows more curious as to its workings and wonders if there's more to this art after all and whether life can be more than digging hunks out of space.
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