No Rest for the Wicked (AlphaZero and Kittirai)


Dracula's not an Avenger? That lying fuck!
Aug 4, 2013
Somedays killing raiders was hard work. Other days it was way too easy. Today was shaping up to be an easy day, and the shooting hadn't even started yet.

Max lay on his stomach on the sun baked earth, the sniper rifle of the recently deceased raider lookout pressed to his eye as he looked down into the valley bellow, getting a count on the numerous heavily armed pshyos below. His toung slipped out, wetting his dry lips before letting go of the rifle with one hand and reaching into the pack on the back of his utility belt, tugging out a pack of cigarettes and lighting one up.

He was dressed simply and practically, a pair of tan colored cargo pants stained with dust and an old weather beaten jacket, sleeves rolled up to the elbows, exposing arms of hard, flat muscle and an old combat vest tugged on over it all. Areas on his jacket where miss colored, looking as if they had at once point had some patch over them that had recently been removed.

"Well," he muttered to himself as he set the rifle aside, reaching for his own before pushing himself back to his feet, "Looks like its gonna be a rough go of things today." He gave a casual shrug, before scratching at his short, sandy blonde beard with one gloved hand and double checking the magazine on his rifle.
The green haired woman looks out at the small camp with some interest. The bandits here were not part of any well established group, but they were still surprisingly organized. She checks over the ammo count in the malawan smg she had figuring a bit of fire my heat things up nicely in this situation.

The bandits weren't much, but they had a nice price on their heads that she wouldn't mind collecting.

Nevan spares a glance back out from behind her covering rock to the camp in the distance, pulling a pair of goggles down over her eyes as a light shimmer of energy flickers over her form a series of winding tattoos glowing softly for a second before she steps out from behind the rock her now transparent form barely more than a flicker as she moved in closer.
Max sprinted quickly into the valley, sliding into cover behind a low wall of corrigated steel before peeking up over the edge. A few barrels, and the raiders scattered about the makeshift camp.

He tugged a grenade loose from his belt and flipped the detonator catch and counted off to five in his head before pitching it over the wall towards the barrels. There was a brife pop sound as the grenade sailed through the air, scattering smaller grenades about which detonated, engulfing the area in a sea of flames. He thumbed the safety off on the old S&S rifle and popped up from behind his cover, giving a burst of rifle fire into the nearest bandit.
The explosion of the barrels was enough of a surprise to drop the green haired woman out of her phase walk right next to a small group of bandits.

Fortunately the pair was more surprised to see her than she was to see them and the rapid fire popping of her maliwan coupled by the fwoosh of the ammo igniting on impact was more than enough to make them a little less worried about the explosions and the woman before them , and more concerned with diving for cover and putting themselves out.
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