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When the Arranged Marriage becomes a Bore [ ForbiddenxTT ]


Aug 20, 2013
All around us
Outside the carriage's window, was a rather bright midnight. The royal carriage was rumbling, shaking and thrown a bit from side to side a lot more then usual. The carriage's passenger was being evacuated, from the bright red flames behind them. The rather large, prestigious town the passengers had been visiting, was in flames. Bright red flames was brightening up the scenery behind the fleeing carriage, showing how the flames had rapidly spread. They wouldn't spread much further, but had already taken away the town's mayors manor and a few shops around it. More then enough, to do extensive damage to the towns prestigious development. It had grown quite fast, seemingly being provoked by something. The fire had almost certainly been started. Very few knew what'd happened, but the wide smirk upon the Lady in the carriage's lips, said it all.
"What.. Happened. Lady Crawford? You know.. Don't you?" Asked the man by the King's sister. Lady Crawford slowly moved her gaze towards the man by her side, as she crossed the legs in front of her. The smile upon her lips, held such a wicked tone to it, that it was only obvious that she did.
"That is not good for someone like you to know, little Don.. Your a Whorehouse manager, and only a brick on this chess board. Not a player. Needed to be said, the rattle tail has been silenced, and the bribers has been dealt with. No one'll know about your little.. Indiscretion.. And I'll be expecting compensation for my time, and for you to be out of my carriage... Just about now.." The Lady explained, with a small smirk on her lips, as the carriage stopped. The man narrowed his eyes with a stern expression, before that expression spread into a wide grin.
"I'll never quite understand you, m'lady.. Truly wish, I could have you on my bed sheets one day." Her chuckled, before opening the door of the carriage. Lady Crawford raised a leg, pressing the heel of her high heeled shoes against his rear, gently nudging him outside a bit faster then he'd expected, causing him to tumble a bit.
"Keep dreaming, mister Rotblossom.." She laughed, before shutting the door behind him, as the carriage set off again. The man shook his head a few times, rolling his eyes as he started a humming tune, put his hands in his pockets, and set off towards his home town, the capital of the kingdom. Lady Crawford's brothers, kingdom.

As the carriage head to a stop, Evangelie Crawford sighed, as she pushed her large hat a bit, to make it more easy to see past it. A crowd was already gathering outside, and her eyes where rolled in response. She closed them and sighed again, before opening the door of the carriage, only to be greeted by several adoring friends. She ignored most of them, until her messenger caught her eye, causing her eyes to narrow a bit, and point towards the other woman. She nervously made her way through the spreading crowd, only to bow for the kings sister. The sister was wearing a rather challenging black dress, considering the day and age.
"Welcome home, my'lady." The messenger started, Evangelie waving her hand a single time, making it clear she wasn't interested in the formalities. She'd been incognito for a few weeks, which wasn't new. But she hadn't seen her messenger this nervous, that she hadn't been able to bring a message.
"Uhm.. In your.. Absence.. Uh.. Uhm... Your brother.. Got.. Married." The messenger explained, gazing down at her shoes. Evangelie's eyes widened up widely, as she inhaled a deep breath.
"He... What!? Perfect.. Of course.. Of course... I bet he even made sure, the marriage would happen whilst I was away, so I couldn't be present... Who is the old Lady then? Who is the Kingdoms, coming Queen?" She sneered lightly. The messenger cleared her throat, taking a step back as if fearing a slap from the Lady.
"Uhm.. Sh.. She isn't.. Old, b.. But you can. Get to meet her now. Your brother has prepared her, to be introduced to you. The spotters spotted your carriage quite some time ago, and I think he's been wanting to make a good impression.. There'll even be a feast tonight. He's asked me to send you right u..." Evangelie stopped the messenger with a finger on the other girls lips, as she started walking past her.
"Of course he has.. I bet he is shaking in his panties in fear, that I'll try to ruin his precious little marriage.." She smirked widely, with a light wink of the right brow, making her way towards the main hall. "I'm.. Almost flattered..." She giggled lightly, walking through the main halls doors as it was opened for her, heading straight for the throne room, where the king would undoubtedly be waiting with his new bride.
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