Naruto: Hidden Race ((Half-DemonXIV and Silverknight))

Jan 23, 2014
Since before the time of the Shinobi, Humans and Catus had been separated by cultural differences so great that they avoided each other. The Catus were fewer in numbers, but they lived a bit longer. They were a feline humanoid race, with their own legends, fighting styles, and they also held the ability to shift between their humanoid form and a large cat form. Unlike most creatures, genetics did not determine their markings. It was the personality of the catus. Only males ever were born with markings of a lion. At least, until Sanura was born.

Sanura was both a miracle and an omen. She was born with the markings of a lion. She was a reminder of an ancient prophecy of the Lioness that would foreshadow death and destruction of the world. That was all that was known of the prophecy, even though at one time there was more.

The chief of Sanura's tribe was supposed to kill the child, but he could not kill his own daughter. Instead, he did something that no one in his tribe could ever find out about. Not even his mate. He contacted the nearest Shinobi village, Konohagakure. It was true, they had recently suffered a great loss of their Fourth Hokage, but the Third agreed to take the child after the chief explained the danger she was in by staying with her people. It was difficult to give his own blood to humans, but she was safer with them. Or so he hoped.

Years passed, and Sanura, though kind, was considered an outcast. Her feline features often scared other kids away, or they made her a target of teasing. She accepted that she would be alone, unwanted by most. Her only friend was Naruto. He was a loud, obnoxious boy that was also an outcast. The girl never understood why that was though. He really was kind and loyal once someone got to know him. Still no one really bothered with either of them. Hopefully today would change that. Both she and Naruto had been assigned to Team 7, with Haruno, Sakura and Uchiha, Sasuke. Their sensei, Kakashi, was given the daunting task of leading a five man team rather than the usual four man team.
Uzumaki Naruto was going to be a ninja, it was the thing he had been waiting for all 15 years of his life. It was the biggest moment too. He had trained for it so long, and had worked so hard to be the best he could be. It was his aim in life to be the best ninja ever, to be better then the hokages of old. He would go up and look at them from time to time, he idolized each of them in his own way, but the loud young man was now focused on being on a team, he knew his team and he was so happy to have Sakura on his team, she was amazing, smart and cute. He hate of course that Sasuke was on his team, and glad his friend Sanura was on his team too.

He headed out early to meet with them, he skipped breakfast as he was to excited to eat and he had been told to not eat as well. He didn't know at that point that it had been a poly by Kakashi to show them that they shouldn't always listen to the person who was in charge and break the rules when it was in their best interest as well as to help their friends as well. He sat waiting, as he saw Sasuke arrive quiet, acting arrogant as ever as he approached and sat down waiting as well, Sakura come later, Naruto tried to get her attention as she seemed focused on Sasuke completely. Now he just wanted for Sanura to arrive then their teacher and they could get started.
Sanura finished getting ready for the day, though she ignored the order to not eat. She figured that no one would know, and she knew she would regret it later if she actually listened to the rule. It was a light meal, eggs, toast, and a glass of milk, but she was on her way soon enough. When the feline like girl made her way to the training grounds, she sighed. There was the Uchiha, trying to ignore Haruno, with Naruto glaring daggers at Sasuke. Yeah, it seemed that this would be an interesting team to work with. "Ohayo, Naruto-kun," she greeted as she walked over to the blonde.
Naruto noticed that Sanura had arrived and looked over at her as he smiled a bit at his friend, "Well hey, Sanura," he said as he held his stomach, hearing it roar a bit as he looked at her, "man, am I hungry, and this sensei of ours, I think he is late on purpose," he wined a bit as he sat there, he hoped to get started soon, but this wasn't soon and well honestly it wasn't going at all like he thought it would. He let out another sigh as he looked over at Sasuke, "I have to prove myself today, show that jerk that I am good too," he announced loud enough for her to be able to hear his statement if nothing else.
"Neh.. Or he got busy with something," she said with a shrug as she watched her friend complain and grumble. She felt bad that he was hungry, but sadly she couldn't help much with that. He had actually listened to the rule. Sanura rolled her eyes as he mentioned Sasuke. "Who are you trying to prove it to? Him, yourself, or Sakura?" She asked as she followed his gaze towards the raven and the pinkette.
Naruto blinked at the comment as he thought about it for a moment. "Well I guess I want to impress Sakura, Sasuke as well, but maybe myself, to prove that I can be strong enough to be the next hokage," he with a nervous energy. "I will be the next hokage you know, that is my goal, and my ninja way," he said loudly following up his first statement as he looked at Sanura for a moment hearing the sounds of bells as Kakashi came up and looked at the group surprised to find 4 but he would handle them all as best as he could.
The sound of bells caught Sanura's attention. She glanced over as Kakashi walked over to them. She found it odd that all but one eye was uncovered, but stayed silent about it. Wondering what Kakashi had planned for them, she glanced over at her teammates. Sakura looked just as curious now that her attention was off of the Uchiha boy.
"Well now, this time for a test," Kakashi said looking at the group, his eyes measuring them up as he figured he would learn a lot about them each as they tried out his test. "your goal is simple, to get the bells from me," he said as he looked at them, there were just two bells on his waist band. He looked at them and smirked, "yeah, just two, those who don't pass this test will never be able to become ninja of the leaf," he said with fired up the group as he looked around and paused. He figured they would work against each other going at him one at a time.
"Simple?" Sanura asked as she tilted her head. "You've got far more knowledge than all four of us combine. The goal is simple, but the task is not.." She stated, hoping that it would get her teammates to think. Sakura, however just scoffed at her statement, while it seemed that Sasuke had ignored her. Her dark eyes flicked over to Naruto for a moment before returning to their sensei.
Sasuke went into hiding and Sakura went after Sasuke as she had her fangirlness on a high level. Naruto was about to go charging head long into a failure when he heard the voice of Sanura and blinked for a moment as he looked at her, "what do you mean Sanura-san," he asked as he looked at her, curious what she was talking about, "do you have a plan," he asked as he looked at his old friend. Anyone one else he might of just gone ahead, but he knew Sanura wasn't a idiot, she was smart sort of like the lazy Nara in some ways.
Grinning slightly, Sanura looked back over at Naruto. "Come on, and I'll show you." She knew that only by working as a team, they would ever get close at obtaining the bells. Even then there was no guarantee. The feline darted into the trees, hoping that Naruto's curiosity would be piqued enough to follow her and listen to her plan.
Naruto looked in the direction of the woman as he wasn't sure what she was going to do. He was curious, plus she was his friend, and he was a type of person who helped and supported his friends. Plus it wasn't like he had any better idea for her to do now that he was in this fight. He watched as he saw Sakura stuck in a fit, worried about the death of Sasuke that she had seen due to genjutsu. It was odd but he wondered where Sasuke happened to be in that moment as they traveled along the woods.
When she and Naruto were far enough away from the others, she stopped, listening carefully for anyone. "So, there's no guarantee that my idea will work.. Not with Sakura-San and Sauske-San trying their own thing.. But I bet we have a better shot.." Her dark amber eyes fixed on the blonde. She knew he would be willing to try anything if it meant that they could beat Sasuke to the bells. "We'll need to tag-team Kakashi-Sensei. One to distract, the other to attack, and constantly switch back and forth." She knew that their teacher didn't believe they could work as a team yet, and Sanura wanted to play on that doubt.
Naruto nodded his head as he looked at her. He smiled s he listened. He knew that Sanura was far better at coming up with plans to deal with problems like this then he was. He had known this fact for a while, and smiled as he jumped down in front of Kakashi and pointed his finger at him drawing his attention as he used a huge number of shadow clones and smiled as he let them attack for him. It was the distraction part, it was what he was good with, he would let her figure out how to attack and perhaps get the bells for the both of them.
As Naruto used his shadow clones to distract Kakashi, Sanura did her best to creep behind the silver haired ninja. Her tail twitched in anticipation, but she was following instincts she hadn't even known of until then. This was a hunt, and the bells were the target. Seeing what she figured was the only opening she would get, she used it. She lept at Kakashi's back, her clawed hands reaching for the bells at his side.
Naruto did his best to cover for Sanura but he wasn't skilled enough to handle Kakashi as he ended up fighting himself more often then not as Kakashi was rather good. Yet the sensei looked and then felt the finger on the bell. He was surprised as he was about to break that attack, when Sasuke attacked from distance too, the combination of the three attacks, Sasuke playing off the other two out of selfishness worked wonders as Sanura actually managed to get the bells into her hand as he had seriously underestimated the group.
A Cheshire grin grew on Sanura's features as she held onto the bells and walked over to Naruto. She was surprised Sasuke had jumped in, but she figured he had done so due to seeing an opportunity. That made her question where Sakura was. Her ears twitched a bit as she heard the pinkette cheer for Sasuke, even though Sanura and Naruto did the majority of the work. "So... Looks like we win, neh?"
"Yes, it does," Kakashi said looking at the group, they had worked better then he thought, it might of been for self interest, but it wasn't bad, he looked at the group for a moment longer, "Well now, that you have completed your mission, you pass. Tomorrow return to this spot and we will go over the next mission that you have, say noon, till them you are free to do whatever you need to do," Kakashi commented as he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Naruto was happy, but then he also felt that he had been able to show that he was better then he though and showed off in front of Sakura, who pretty much was focused on Sasuke commenting on how cool that Sasuke was, and how his attack had been so amazing and he was the best shinobi ever born pretty much.
Sanura glanced over at her teammates, and rolled her eyes. Sasuke was walking off, to do who knows what, Sakura was trying to follow him, and Naruto looked like he was half tempted to follow Sakura. "Go after her if you want," Sanura stated with a shrug. "I'm going for some food though." True, she may have ignored the no breakfast rule, but she was hungry again.
Naruto looked in the general direction that Sakura was going and heard what his friend had told him. He looked at her and let out a soft sigh as he shook his head. "Naah, she is not going to be any fun, she is to into Sasuke," he said making fun of Sasuke's name as he said it changing his tone to mimic her or Ino as he looked at Sanura, "plus I am hungry too, I think I am going to get me some ramen, that sounds good, I think I have earned it with the victory today and all."
Sanura smiled a bit and nodded. Honestly she was glad that he had decided to join her. She wasn't sure if it was just because she hated being alone, or if she was somehow jealous of the pinkette. Either way, she'd think it over later. "You always think you've earned Ramen.~" she teased as she began leading the way back into town.
"Well we are going to be shinobi finally, I would say if anything, that earns it," he replied as he put out his tongue towards his old friend as he walked down the street and then headed towards the ramen stand making sure that he had money in his pocket so that he could get himself some ramen as normal. Now the type of ramen he would get, that he wasn't sure about. It was something he never could decided upon till he got to the stand. He figured that when he did that he would get something good.
Chuckling a bit at his childish act, she walked with him to the ramen stand. It wasn't her favorite food, but it was still good. She decided to order her usual, which was no where near the amount that Naruto could chow down on. After all, the feline hated how overeating made her feel after. "Neh, so any plans for tonight, or just whatever comes your way?"
Naruto walked as he thought about the food mostly, he was a large fan of it of course, and he blinked as he heard her question about his plans for that night, "nothing at all actually, I haven't thought past what I am going to do after I have this meal and enjoy it," he said honestly as he looked over at Sanora for a moment and then sat down at the ramen stand, it wasn't common ever for Naruto to plan ahead except for his long term goal of being the hokage.
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