Cassie is a beautiful young girl with a couple health conditions, some problems with her mental state. She has bad depression, something making her doubt herself, and paranoid that someone wants to kill her, that people are always looking at her, judging her. She has been skipping showers/baths, her parents never looked after her properly as a young child and so she has to be taught the basic lessons again and reminded promptly. Cassie has been making many visits to her Doctor, Ricky. Ricky has also been her doctor for several years, since she was 12.
Today, Cassie has another checkup appointment with her doctor she knows well and comfortable with. He took her into his doctor's office and had her sit on the doctor table. "Hello again, Cassie." He says as sits down in his office chair with his clipboard with her confidential profile papers. "How have you been recently? Still having those bladder and bowel movement problems? Have you taken any showers?"