Desperate Measures (darkest_fate & Rand)


Apr 6, 2012
"RAAAAAARRR!!!!" The mighty roar of the hulking goliath reverberated throughout the adjoining sections of the high security bunker buried deep underground in a secure location found in an isolated area miles away from civilization.

A section above, dozens agents of the secret agency known as SHIELD monitored the heavily reinforced room through several surveillance screens. Many others were awaiting orders for action within the adjoining rooms below, while even more stood by above for similar orders. Standing amongst those within the main surveillance area was a trench coated man whom watched on through his one good eye while those around him showed understandable concern.

"Sir, are you certain those restraints can hold him?" One of those men inquired; to which Nick Fury would answer with all honesty, "No. But they are the best we have available to us. Donated courtesy of Mr. Stark himself."

The restraints in question were titanium reinforced pieces which completely enclosed the arms and legs of the Hulk while keeping the beast restrained to the floor and wall, respectively. They had enough give for him to tug at them with all of his might, yet were built within the very cell itself in preparation for just such an occasion; making it near impossible to simply pull the restraints out of the walls. Inside of each restraint, a highly potent serum was being injected directly into the Hulk's bloodstream. Designed with help from Banner himself to try and suppress the Hulk's aggression, but any such affect they were having seemed negligible. Perhaps due in part to this current fit having less to do with rage and more so being related to another stimulant entirely.

"We owe Banner a lot for his assistance during the New York incident. But if his other side doesn't get itself under control..." Fury pondered with some consideration on how to possibly slay such an unstoppable force of nature; mulling over a few of their contingency plans while continuing, "My instincts keep saying we should put him down while we have the chance. But it would a waste of a brilliant mind and an amazing weapon."

"Sir?" The voice of a lone agent drew Fury's gaze toward a monitor, which showed the arrival of perhaps their best hope in detaining this sudden situation.

"Patch me through." The dark figure instructed, as a secure channel was opened up between their observation area and the bunker below which was connected to the Hulk's cell; letting Nick speak through the intercom directly to the sole person inside whom awaited her final instructions, "I apologize for the sudden house call, Miss Romanoff. But as I'm sure you can hear on the other side of that reinforced door, we have urgent need of your presence." Another primal roar could be heard on the other side of said door, followed by the heavy pounding of an unspeakably powerful figure thrashing about in there.

"I trust you've been briefed on the situation. We'll be cutting off all means of surveillance upon your entry to his cell. Do whatever is needed to calm him down. By any means possible. Otherwise, and I cannot stress this enough, we'll be forced to take more lethal measures." Fury instructed - allowing a moments silence for the gravity of the situation sink in for the Avengers member - before ending the communication with a simple, "Good luck."

Inside of the cell, the Hulk huffed in place for a few moments as his body adjusted to the newest dose of the serum. The potent mixture servicing its purpose for those few fleeting moments, yet quickly burning through his increased metabolism as Hulk's mind flashed back to the source of his current 'frustrations'.

"Betty...." The goliath spoke slowly. The image of Banner's love flashing through his mind. Followed by primal imagery of the famed General's daughter. Naked. Beautiful. Servicing the Hulk in place of puny Banner. Being taken by the monstrous figure as he slammed the aching cock which currently threatened to burst through his tattered jeans any second now. Bruce may have gained a grasp on the anger which triggered the Hulk's transformations, but evidently the scientific mishap which cursed him with his alternate persona had found other means of stimulation for coming out on his own.

Unable to even relieve his own stress with his currently restrained hands, the hulking male growled deeply before letting out with a low rumble, "Puny men. Let. Hulk. OUT!!!!" More harsh tugs at the restraints. A few noises which seemed a bit too close to the hard restraints actually bending for anyone's comfort. Yet still holding their prisoner for now, as the sound of a secure door unlocking could be hard from the far corner of the hard metal cell room.

"Hmm?" The Hulk let out; curious and already preparing to vent out his frustrations at whomever walked through that doorway, as his eyes soon settled upon the sight of a familiar and perhaps welcomed figure. Already, the Hulk seemed to at least be refocusing his efforts toward simply staring at the new arrival, rather than on trying to break free of his restraints. At least, so far.
Calm him down by any means possible.

There was only one reason that Fury would call Natasha Romanov, better known as Black Widow and say that. SHIELD had a super soldier that they could call at any time; they had contacts with Stark Enterprises; they could even shoot Hulk with alien weaponry. But instead, they were calling in the Black Widow, a superspy and one of the few Avengers who didn't possess some uncanny super ability, beyond extensive training and experience. She'd gone face to face with Banner before, but that had been Banner, not the Hulk. The Hulk would know her, would recognize her as an ally, and she might even be able to talk to him.

That wasn't why Fury sent her.

Though Natasha never talked much about it, not that she talked much about anything, she'd received training with the Russians first. The Russians were a little more... rounded in their thinking than SHIELD. SHIELD might have given some of their agents training like Natasha had, but she doubted it. They didn't have the balls, in some cases, literally. Natasha knew how to fuck an enemy into submission, to please a target as well as kill one. She'd done it before, more times than she cared to remember. Sometimes it wasn't so bad, when she got a handsome young man or an incredibly skilled lover. Once, she'd had to assassinate a Middle Eastern prince who'd proved remarkably adept with his tongue. She'd enjoyed herself thoroughly before taking his head between her thighs and twisting.

Natasha was good looking. In fact, "good looking" was an understatement; Thor had once mentioned that the Black Widow could have contended herself among the gods of his homeworld. Her features were fine, as though carved from ice into the ideal vision of a cold beauty. Blue eyes looked out from a face so stunning that men often stopped to stare. They might look at her plump lips or admire the breasts that swelled even in her compressing SHIELD uniform. Or perhaps they stared at her heart-shaped ass, a plump section of rock hard flesh. Yes, rock hard, for Natasha had a spy's body: all lean, all deadly. Perhaps that was part of what made her look all the better, like some valkyrie. Perhaps that was even what Thor had seen, not that he'd looked long; his eyes were elsewhere. Other eyes though, other eyes lingered upon her frame, enjoying the thought that this beauty might give way to them.

But the Widow was cold, some would say heartless. She didn't give herself willingly to many. The training made her a spectacular lover, and she could enjoy sex, even with a pathetic lover. Still, it had been ages since she'd received any such pleasure, having had a quick fling after New York with Hawkeye. Now he was off on another mission and the Widow was suiting up for a seduction mission. This meant skimpy panties that were somehow SHIELD uniform. They were extra durable, practically bullet proof, and made of an impressive dark blue fabric. they covered Natasha's shaven sex before circling her hips, forming a line of fabric that split the perfect globes of her ass. She'd then zippered into a variation on the SHIELD uniform. This one had a zipper that opened up most of her front, baring her skin as though it were a fruit. No weapons, nothing beyond a heavy aesthetic attached to her wrist via a launcher. Last resort. She'd made certain to take necessary shots; she kept up. Twin pasties covered the top of her breasts, partly to protect her nipples, and partly, like most of the rest, to entice her target further. She left her zipper partially undone, baring the white valley of her cleavage. Lipstick and makeup had been applied, and thus she was ready.

Natasha entered, keeping her eyes on Bruce. It hurt to see him like that, but she knew better than to go too soft. Her eyes raked his body, wondering for a moment if this was even possible. Did the Hulk keep his genitalia? Did they shrink like a 'roid addict, or did they grow in accordance with his new size? Part of Natasha fervently hoped for the former, especially if the Hulk grew a little too... rambunctious. None of that reservation showed on her impassive face as she approached her old teammate.

"I see you're still angry," she said, trying to meet the Hulk's eyes. She reached up, giving the signal for them to turn off monitor. No way in hell was she letting them get the tape; she'd remain in contact with Fury and Fury alone. And if he got aroused, well, maybe she'd finally found out what the chief was packing. "You know we can't let you out until you calm down," she continued. she paused just out of reach, crossing her arms over her breast. "So what are you hoping to accomplish here? What's the idea, Banner?" If Banner could even still be reached...
With the monitors shutting off at her signal, the beautiful Black Widow was left alone with the behemoth of a male whom breathed heavily while staring at the approaching figure. The Hulk recognized her immediately, yet the pent up aggression which currently spurred on his present transformation would continue to keep the large male on edge. Those intense eyes stared her down as the female spoke to her organizations captive. Largely keeping eye contact with the smaller figure for now, while showing a spurt of aggression over the name of 'Banner'.

"Hmph. Puny Banner not here. Only Hulk." The goliath spoke matter-of-factly on the matter, showing little attempt at hiding the disdain there while continuing, "Banner not satisfy Betty. Lose Betty. But Hulk? Hulk can satisfy her." A short pause, his eyes wandering lower for a bit, as the one-tracked male allowed himself a few moments distraction to enjoy the sight of his teammates cleavage while adding with a confident smirk, "Hulk can satisfy any woman. Better than any other puny man."

His words grew increasingly aggressive in tone while speaking on the frustrations which caused this recent transformation. The beasts powerful arms and legs tugging again at their restraints. Those nostrils flaring as the adrenaline continued to pump through those throbbing veins. It was only thanks to the constant surveillance which Fury had placed under Banner - even after assuring Bruce of his supposed trust - that the Hulk was able to be injected and transported before it was possible for the gamma radiated warrior to go on another rampage. Since then, the monitoring of Hulk's body activity and listening to him go on about the Ross woman was enough to tell them what had happened.

The latest does of the tranquilizing serum had started to subside faster than the last several, with Hulk growing even more eager to find release in more ways than one. "Let Hulk go!! NOW!!!" The large green figure bellowed at the Black Widow, his muscles tensing and bulging as his arms gave another hard tug which gave way to the sound of metal bending. His heart racing. Images of Betty in various positions while being plowed by his massive cock racing throughout his head. And massive it was, with the Hulk's eyes again staring down at the Widow's heavy cleavage which caused the before negligible bulge between his legs to grow into a undeniable tent.

The unspoken question she had about the Hulk's size seemingly given a rough answer in terms of whether it remained normal or shrunk after transforming. The Hulk's jeans stretched outward at the front. The button there nearly ready to pop off like a projective. The zipper already coming undone slightly by the sheer girth pressing against it. The Hulk seemed to be packing a cock which matched his massive size, and it was about ready to burst through those pants like its owner was about to rip out those restraints.

"Let Hulk go, or Hulk will break free!! Smash your puny cell!! And show you how stronger Hulk is to any of you!!" The words came flowing out with an ever increasing rage at not immediately getting his way. They weren't empty threats, either. With as pent up as Banner had been prior to this incident, the Hulk's current state was close to surpassing even his more infamous of gamma rage outbreaks. If something wasn't done soon, SHIELD and Banner would be in for one hell of a repair bill.
Banner not there? "I don't believe that," said Natasha, speaking softly. She knew full well that Banner was always there, just as the creature was always there, even when the man showed his face. She took a few more cautious steps toward him, nearly feeling the heat roll off the creature. They hadn't quite briefed Natasha as fully as perhaps they should have on what exactly had caused this much frustration in the Hulk. Still, Natasha was a smart woman: she could tell when a man had too much pent up sexual frustration. She nearly sighed at the word, her eyes again focusing upon the Hulk's pants. So that was why they wanted her: Hulk needed a woman, and he needed one that could handle a situation like this. Black Widow was literally the only one who could handle this job.

Natasha couldn't tell if she should be annoyed or pleased by this.

The Hulk surged, Widow looking up at she heard him move. She met his eyes, then saw them drifting down. Without a word, without her expression changing, Natasha reached up. She grabbed her zipper and pulled; several more inches of flesh had been exposed, the suit parting enough that the rounded edges of her breasts showed, teasing with taut flesh. Natasha noted the growth at the Hulk's groin, noted it, and wondered at what it portended.

"Now... Hulk," Natasha figured it best to grant the Hulk that concession; she didn't need to irritate him further, "you know we can't just release you, not when you're like this." And Black Widow knew you couldn't reason with this creature. Actions worked, preferably actions involving a Norse god and his unbreakable hammer. But Thor was somewhere far away, dealing with his own problems. No, Natasha had to handle this in a different way.

With an almost clinical air about her, Black Widow reached toward the Hulk's pants. Her skilled fingers flitted about it, touching the cock through the fabric. Huge, monstrously so, so Natasha would have to be supremely careful. She rolled her hand above the top, looking up at the Hulk. Her eyes asked the questions now: Was this what he wanted? Did this work? her fingers moved, catching the zipper. She dragged it down slowly, keeping her eyes on him the whole time. Her tongue snaked out to wet her lips, first for a moment, just a brief flick. Then Natasha's tongue snaked out of her mouth, sliding over her lips and leaving them wet, as plump as before if not, somehow, plumper. She then undid the last fastenings upon the Hulk's pants and took a step back, giving the massive tool room to spring free, waiting with some expectation to see what monster she had just unleashed.
Aside from a dismissive grunt over the notion of them believing it was their final call on whether he could leave or not, the Hulk would remain relatively silent as those big eyes of his followed Natasha's fingers. Gazing down into the further revealed valley of the agents alluring cleavage. She had his full attention now. His mind may have still been largely focused on his and Banner's shared interest in Betty, but there was little denying they both held a certain attraction toward the notorious Black Widow since spending time working with her in SHIELD.

Said interest began to grow much like the further expanding bulge within those nearly ripped jeans. The behemoth of a male breathed heavily while watching Natasha move to reach for the front of his pants. There was a degree of mistrust within those eyes. Thinking this to be another of Fury's tricks to get close enough for an infection. But that primal lust burned stronger than any logic, as the Hulk let out a brief sigh over the growing relief brought on by Natasha slowly unzipping his pants.

His eyes on those full, moistening lips. A slow smile spreading over his own features which would send a shiver of concern down most peoples spines. A smile which showed the Hulk liked what he saw, and was now considering taking what she had to offer if she dared back out of her current course of action. The pants were undone. Almost without his notice at first, until the material suddenly yielded under the strain of that mammoth cock between the gamma radiated scientists legs.

The entire front of his pants flung upon within the blink of an eye. His underwear having been shredded during the transformation into Hulk. Leaving nothing between his engorged flesh and the cool air of the cell room. And there it stood. Raging hard with the pent up desires of both Banner and Hulk. A huge, pillar of emerald flesh which immediately gave off a manly musk upon release. The tip swollen to roughly the size of a grown man's fist. The length easily going over a foot in height as it curved upward. Possibly even on the side of being closer to reaching a second foot, while still having room to grow further during the peak of ones arousal. And the girth. The sheer girth of the Hulk's cock may have been narrower than the bulbous tip which capped it off, but it was just barely at that, which meant it would only allow for minimal relief once on got the head of his throbbing organ past the entrance of any orifice.

Watching Natasha's reaction for a moment in an attempt at gauging her reaction, the Hulk decided he ultimately didn't care either way, as the large male order with a calm, yet commanding tone, "Let Hulk go." A low growl came following those words. Suitably fitting for a cage beast in heat which sought release in more ways than one, as he then promised the Black Widow, "Let Hulk go. So that you can see how Hulk is best there is." Another hard tug at his restraints. Another sound of the metal creaking under the force of trying to restrain their captive.
Holy fuck, the Hulk was hung like, well, the fucking Hulk. Widow had to admire the huge, hardening cock that bobbed before her face. The strong, masculine smell of the Hulk, a smell that mortal men simply couldn't produce, washed over Widow then. She had to fight the urge to step back or wobble, drawing upon her impressive training to remain situated where she was. Her analytical mind started throwing numbers to help: so many centimeters in diameter, at least half a meter in length. Quick addition and subtraction told Natasha that said cock wouldn't fit comfortably in her, if at all, and it certainly wouldn't fit in her throat. Her knowledge of the Hulk told her that he certainly wouldn't be taking those factors into consideration, and that she'd simply have to brace herself for the inevitable.

Fuck you, Nick Fury, she thought while looking up at the hard-breathing creature. He'd take her one way or the other, especially now that she'd teased him and brought out his cock. Their facilities already stretched to hold him; a raging, horny Hulk would demolish everything, and Natasha's fragile little body would only be part of that equation. Already he growled again, and the sound nearly caused a shiver to run down Natasha's spine.

But the Widow maintained her cool. She smiled a tight smile up at the Hulk, raising steady, gloved hands to the cock. She gently touched it, running her fingertips along the massive length, feeling its rather unique texture. Her pale fingers touched upon the veins as they throbbed, traveling their course. Natasha drew her fingers all the way down to the Hulk's impressive testes, attempting to cup them as best she could, feeling the weight. She idly wondered how long it had been since the Hulk had released himself. Would she be receiving what amounted to a fire hose of cum in addition to everything else? Best to prepare for that, to face the inevitable.

"Now Banner," said Natasha, keeping her voice light, sliding just an edge. That her hands continued to stroke his cock would surely help, as would her position. Natasha had already moved to a submissive body position, kneeling before the hulk, the twin snowy bulges of her breasts, admittedly still zipped, though if need be, Natasha knew she could bare them. The caps would protect the most fragile parts from him, though SHIELD technology might make that process... interesting. "You know we can't release you. You'll damage everything," she said. Natasha shifted, getting a better grip on the cock, one hand stroking it while the other fondled his balls. She couldn't wrapped her fingers completely around it, so instead she opted for a curved motion. Natasha's fingers went in a smooth circle as they went down and up, as though she were unscrewing a cap. She drew the tips over the veins quite often, seeking which parts would most please the raging beast, hopefully calm him. All the while her talented fingers worked the testes as well, gently massaging them at first, before realizing that she was dealing with an invulnerable, giant monster. Natasha put a little more muscle in with that realization, practically needing the hefty testes.

"You don't have to be released anyway," she said, moving forward so her breath puffed against the head of his cock for a moment. She looked up at him, nearly pouting her lips. "You're going to get everything you need right here, now aren't you?" God she hoped so, otherwise who knew what this monster would do in his quest for release.
The reaction on his Avenger teammate’s face was rather telling for the primal beast of a man strapped down into place. Hulk was stronger and bigger than any other. No puny human or even puny Gods could beat Hulk in these regards. It was this confidence which continued to make the mammoth male an imposing figure even while restrained. His hunger for a female was almost burning a hole through the redhead as she moved in to let her gloved fingers explore along his incredible endowment. Thick, heavy droplets of precum began to seep out a little faster as they began to work up a steady method for stroking off the beast; the sticky fluid already beginning to stain itself along the agents hands.

“Not Banner.” The Hulk reminded her with a hint of animosity behind his words over being referred to by his human side. Only this time there was a growing sound of arousal behind even his angered responses, as the green complexioned figure stared down the Russian spy with a growing desire. A smirk touched upon that wide face of his as she spoke of his damaging everything, before remarking, “Hulk not damage everything. Only you.” A low groan escaped his lips as she began to apply further pressure in needing one hand along his hefty testes. A similar rumbled growing within that broad chest at the sensation caused by her breath brushing along the head of his cock, as the massive endowment twitched within her grasp.

The various steel alloys which were applied to restrain his arms and legs continued to make noises which told on how damaged they already were under the behemoths almost immeasurable levels of raw strength. The walls themselves were beginning to show signs of strain in how the metal was bending outward along with the way his limbs were pulling the connected restraints. It was almost becoming a question of whether the restraints themselves for the walls would give first, as the Hulk continued to tug with his arms in want for breaking free to get his hands upon the Black Widow.

“Everything Hulk need?” The goliath considered while pausing for a moment to look the beautiful agent over. The wheels in his head were evidently turning and - while the Hulk may not be the smartest around - he certainly knew what he wanted. “Maybe Hulk be satisfied… if Widow lady show Hulk more of her.” The emerald sometimes hero, sometimes menace considered while staring down at those soft, white bulges of her ample cleavage; the knowing look on his face showing that he was slowly picking up on how he held more control over this situation than it might have appeared given his restraints.

Many a man and even woman had wanted to see that suit unzipped even further than a simple cleavage shot, and the Hulk was no different. His cock throbbed in anticipation of seeing the firm breasts of the sensual redhead. The crown oozing out further amounts of precum in anticipation of this, with a few glops of the sticky fluid dripping its way off the upraised tip at such an angle for it to actually land within her cleavage. The result of this rather perfectly timed staining of her body was for those snowy globes to begin shinning ever so slightly with the moisture of the Hulk’s arousal; a visual image which seemed to incite the male further as his breathing quickened and his hips began to press forward in need of more than she was currently offering.
Already the Hulk had started to leak. Natasha supposed she should have been at least somewhat concerned about the seed: the Hulk was some kind of gamma monster or something, but SHIELD had assured her that everything was perfectly safe, that all the treatments she'd undergone would keep her free from anything that might be contained in there (including pregnancy; Natasha would literally have to take fertility drugs if she ever wanted to conceive). That oozing liquid could dribble all over Natasha's gloved hands then, streak the dark fabric with white or green or whatever color it happened to be. Natasha just worked with it, smeared it all up and down the shaft, using it as lubricant. It did occur to her that she'd likely have to taste it at some point, but the Hulk wouldn't be the first nor would he likely be the last (assuming she survived this encounter).

The growling reminded Natasha that she was, in fact, dealing with the monster, not the man. Said monster even promised to damage Natasha. "Getting a bit ahead of yourself there aren't you, Banner?" asked Natasha, keeping her voice light. She teased the cock more, twisting and squeezing it, feeling it surge. The thing had to be as strong as steel, stronger than nearly everything on Earth. Strange to think that something like this could literally be unbreakable.

Unlike the restraints. Natasha nearly winced as she heard them strain. He'd probably break free at some point, break free and end up raping the shit out of her, unless she managed to at least calm him down somewhat first. Just remember the mission, remember...

ah, he nearly played into her hands. Natasha smiled and took a step back. "You want to see more?" she asked. A finger went up to the zipper, toying with it for a few moments. Natasha definitely had a love/hate relationship with the seduction outfit, but she could certainly use it to her advantage. She gave it a little tug, baring just a bit more. Nearly all her rounded breasts could be seen, at least in the side cleavage. "Do you think you deserve it, Banner?" the fluid had started to drip into her cleavage, causing the ivory orbs to glisten. Natasha raised her arms up, forming her breasts into bulging pillows that started to push out of the fabric of her uniform. The zipper gave way just a little more, and Natasha moved forward.

She placed the thick cock between her breasts. Normally if she tried this, she could essentially surround a member between them, nestle it right in her cleavage. With the hulk, it was like setting two marshmallows besides a bratwurst. The leaking ooze continued to drizzle on them, icing them as Natasha slowly dragged them up and down. The zipper parted just a bit more, the pasties just catching on the edge of the suit now.
His perverse, yet very menacing smile widened as she began to move her finger toward the zipper and began to tug at it further. The zipper hadn’t lowered nearly so much as the Hulk may have preferred, but it was enough to keep his attention focused momentarily upon those creamy breasts rather than furthering to break out of his restraints. A low growl escaped his lips at the redhead once more calling him by that name, as he remarked, “Banner not deserve. But Hulk deserve. And what Hulk not deserve, Hulk still takes.”

The words may have been a warning of sorts for Natasha, but she was already too far into the mix with this behemoth to stop now without running the risk of undoing everything she had accomplished so far. The hulking figure let out a low, satisfied groan at feeling the female press her lightly glazed chest along the length of that throbbing cock. The veiny organ pulsed with life as heavy blood flow moved throughout it at a rapid pace. The beast was certainly enjoying what she had to offer so far, as further streams of his excessive precum was now able to flow onto her chest with considerable ease; the amount of pre already being enough to where strings of the fluid would connect the two if she were to pull away for any reason.

His hips began to rise as best they could while locked into those bothersome restraints, but even the smallest of motions of force by the Hulk was enough to make the average person lose their balance. The Avenger’s cock pressed and slid itself along the agents chest, with that thick crown coming close to her face as his musky scent continued to assault her nostrils. The throbbing organ twitched with arousal against Natasha’s ample chest, with the motions of his restrained gyrating causing that zipper to part a little further every so often, yet never seeming to be enough to satisfy the Hulk’s growing desire.

“Mouth.” The large figure let out with a strained tone which still carried with it an air of control over the situation; his intense eyes gazing directly into the Widow’s own sultry orbs as he clarified, “Use mouth.” Like before, it was a command rather than a request. A command which the Hulk had every intention on seeing her follow through on, as the metal restraints around his arms began to creak further as he against tested how close they were to breaking. Indeed, it seemed as if she didn’t comply in satisfying the jade goliath, than he was ready to break free and grab the back of her pretty little head to force the swelling, dripping tip down her mouth.
The continuing referral to Hulk instead of Banner was worrying. As Natasha understood, the key to reining the gamma monster in, besides giving him targets that needed to be smashed, was to appeal to the scientist within. all the briefings stated as much, and they insisted that the more Hulk insisted upon being referred to as such, the harder it would be to control him. Briefly, Natasha wondered if perhaps she shouldn't switch tactics slightly, play to the Hulk. It wasn't as if she wasn't already giving him some of what he wanted.

The pulsing pillar between Natasha's pillowy breasts proved that. She felt it throbbing, the veins within seeming nearly as large as some of her fingers. The whole thing seemed to stretch over much of Natasha's abdomen, and she briefly recalled another SHIELD briefing detailing just how elastic a persons internals actually were. The pulsing thing seemed ready to wreck the insides of just such a person as Natasha herself. Each throb sent more and more ooze down her chest. She could feel the steady stream oozing along, slithering down her orbs, icing them yet further. The heady smell of it filled Natasha's nostrils. With each breath she inhaled the smell, tasted it upon her lips: pungent, thick, primal. It nearly caused her head to spin, and anyone short of the Black Widow likely would have succumbed to the scent already.

Natasha felt her zipper parting, and she saw no reason to fight. On the contrary, she shifted, pushing her arms together, causing her breasts to pop free of the uniform. The two perfect, pendulous orbs bounced free, each nipple covered in an official SHIELD issues pasty, one that could protect the sensitive orbs from just about anything.

The command still came. Natasha looked up. Her ruby lips twisted into a smile. "You don't need to get so demanding... Hulk," she said. Her tongue lolled out, touching the emerald shaft. It tasted as it smelled: strong, pungent, of male and something sharper, almost chemical. Natasha dragged her tongue all along the shaft, adding more moisture, more wet, to its already glistening, throbbing pillar. She brought her head all the way up, kissing the top of his head. The leaking oozed touched her lips and she felt some slide down them. Her tongue swirled, first to clean her lips, then to play along his head. Natasha leaned forward, pushing her breasts hard against his cock, squeezing them nearly till they hurt. Her mouth opened wide, stretched till she nearly felt she was breaking her jaw, and soon wrapped about the swollen head. Natasha held, licking, sucking, her cheeks caving slightly. Then she popped free, looking up at Hulk with a smile while pushing her breasts up and down him.

"That's what you want, right Hulk?" she practically purred, before pulling her breasts all the way up, as she descended, she brought her mouth down, sucking a few of the uppermost inches into her hot, wet mouth.
The beast smiled widely as the redhead allowed her breasts to pop free of that confining uniform, which in turn caused his throbbing, pulsing cock to give a noticeable twitch of approval as it hardened further. The large figure had at least seemed to have forgotten all about Betty by now, so the Black Widow had succeeded on directing his focus away from trying to break free of the SHIELD compound constructed for containing a rampaging Hulk. But now she had to deal with his continued interest in herself, as the Hulk let out a low, almost echoing growl of satisfaction over the feel of Natasha’s tongue finally making contact with his heated arousal.

This was actually the first time Hulk had experienced another person while in this form. Even as Bruce Banner, he could never hope to get a woman so beautiful as the notorious Black Widow in bed. As such, he was thoroughly enjoying Natasha’s efforts as he let out a deep, pleasure filled groan at her managing to strain in taking his tip into her mouth for a short yet delicious amount of time. “That’s what Hulk wants,” The goliath of a male replied with a low rumble in his voice as he enjoyed the attentions of the beautiful agents mouth and breasts along that thick, pulsating cock, before giving her a threatening/promising smirk while adding, “…for starters…”

It was about this point that the Hulk’s bulging muscles began to ripple and swell to perhaps their largest yet, as the green goliath suddenly gave a harsh pull of his right arm. The resulting tug was followed by the unwanted (for anyone other than the Hulk) sound of metal bending and breaking, as the restraint around said arm suddenly tore loose of the wall and went flying behind Natasha. Almost immediately, that massive hand was wrapped around the femme fatales back to prevent her from trying to escape if she so desired, while up above Fury and the other agents were alerted to this breach.

“Natasha! Is everything alright?!” The head of SHIELD’s voice could be heard coming in over the intercom; evidently not yet turning the security camera feed back on, as a number of agents immediately went on high alert and were prepared to burst in there at her word.

The Hulk let out an angry growl at the sound of the other man’s voice as he leered upward at the direction the voice was coming from, before returning his attention toward the little Widow he’d caught in his grasp. ”Keep going,” He ordered her bluntly as Natasha was kept within her previous position near that throbbing cock; the grip not causing any pain on her part, yet tightening slightly to drive home the next point as he warned, “Or Hulk smash.”
Yes, so far so good. They were giving Hulk precisely what he wanted. Natasha just had to keep working him, keep teasing, work till the shaft exploded fully. Then they could deal with a calmer, more satiated Hulk. That certainly seemed like a plan that would work to the benefit of all parties involved. The Hulk certainly seemed pleased enough with it, agreeing with her comment. Natasha smiled up at him, though her eyes darted for the moment with the motion.

Everything happened at once. The pull, the metal screeching. An arm flying. It hit Natasha's back just as she started to relax, knowing that the incoming blow could kill if she wasn't ready. The huge hand pressed against her. Natasha could feel every finger along her back, pressed tight against her suit. She held still, perfectly still, the cock still nestled between her breasts, her lips still touching just the edge of it. A familiar voice sounded from the intercom, and Natasha knew that she could end this with a word. They could dump Hulk. She might not make it herself, but the Hulk would be gone, the threat diminished if not eliminated. Their problem would be solved.

"Everything's fine, Fury," Natasha said, her voice level. "The Hulk's just getting a little antsy. Nothing's going to happen," she said this more to the Hulk than the director, who was no doubt already preparing three different countermeasures. Natasha didn't mind, nor would she have minded if the cameras winked on and showed her with her breasts wrapped around a gamma-infused cock and her lips just breaths from the head.

The monster growled and looked, and Natasha moved to quickly suck his head, drawing his attention down. "I didn't say I was going to stop," she pointed out. Her hands pressed her breasts tight again, squeezing the cock between them. "And if Hulk smash, then the Widow won't be able to make Hulk feel good," she squeezed her breasts, milking the cock all the way to the tip. "So why don't we agree that Hulk's not going to smash anything and just pick up where we left off, hmm?"

Natasha didn't wait. Instead, she swallowed, then stuck her mouth over the cock. Swallowing, she pushed forward, and then forward some more. Several inches of thick cock slid into her throat, causing the muscles to bulge. Her throat seemed to grow thicker, yet she continued, taking an impressive amount of cock into her mouth. Water appeared in her eyes, and she breathed hard, sucking air through her nose. Saliva and spittle leaked all about, sliding down the shaft and over Natasha's breasts. Still, she managed, and then she sucked, sucked as she pulled all the way back up to the top, only to once more bob, her head bouncing along the first few inches. Now that she'd stretched, she could do this easily enough, her head moving quickly.

Natasha could only hope that the Hulk would actually feel all this. She didn't know quite how it worked for him, and she could really only hope that the sensations were pleasant ones. Surely even when her teeth caught the cock, it wouldn't hurt him much. The Widow could actually do some damage: just bring up her wrist launcher or use one of the many gadgets she had on hand. But Natasha didn't want to hurt an ally, and she still saw the Hulk as that. Just because he needed a little more control didn't mean they had to treat him poorly. if anything, this was precisely what they should be doing.
Natasha’s response had caused Fury to signal for the armed troops to stand down for the time being, as they entrusted in her to continue handing the situation for now. “Very well. I’m leaving it to you.” He stated plainly before cutting off communications for now, yet continuing to monitor them through the restraints which continued to hold the Hulk in place. At the same time, while Fury had tried to respect Natasha’s privacy in dealing with such an unusual assignment, the fact that the Hulk now had an arm freed which they couldn’t account for through simple text readings on their vital monitors had left the director uneasy on continuing with the way they had.

“Turn the security monitors back on for the Hulk’s holding cell.” Fury instructed, which resulted in a few uncertain gazes by the other men and women monitoring the situation from within the main control center, “You heard me. We need to be able to act if he so much as twitches his pinky in a way I don’t like.”

Not much else needed to be said, as the monitors were promptly switch back on, with their direct video feeds humming to life with the perhaps expected (yet nonetheless jawdropping) sight of the beautiful and elusive Black Widow pleasuring the Hulk’s massive cock. It was a sight which drew the immediate attention of the men and women keeping tabs on this situation, as they soaked in the sight of Natasha’s perfect breasts and the Hulk’s enviable endowment, respectively. The Black Widow was an object of many other agents barely hidden desirers, while many of them had similar wondered how big Banner got in his Hulk form; making for this to be a very unique treat for each of them as they attempted to maintain an air of professionalism in dealing with this potential threat.

To her credit, Natasha’s words seemed to have some effect on the Hulk, who was used to always having to rely on threats and fear to get what he wanted out of others. The large goliath of a figure would keep his unimaginably strong hand placed around the female agents slender back, but he would otherwise remain relatively calm (at least for the Hulk) as she made her point and resumed her previous task. The often unpredictable behemoth would let out a low, satisfied grumble from within his broad chest as she stuck her mouth over that thick head.

She would likely feel it as the cock started to occasionally twitch within her mouth due to those bundles of nerves and muscles feeling a long desired stimulation over the sensitive tip. “Hulk… does feel good…” The jade giant admitted with a rumbling voice, as his eyes gazed over the redhead while she started to bob her head up and down along what she could fit into her mouth with increasing friction. Natasha was ‘rewarded’ for her efforts with an increase in the amount of precum which seeped out of that pulsating slit and flowed over her tongue.

The occasional feel of her teeth even seemed to only add into the pleasure for the gamma radiated male, as his exterior was too hard (in more than one way) for even a bite there to do any real harm. In fact, now that the Hulk was less focused at the moment on trying to break free of his bindings, he was able to better enjoy the attentions of his teammate and currently reluctant partner. Another low growl could be heard reverberating within that massive chest, as a fresh spurt of precum shot forth with a greater density than a regular humans actual orgasm, followed by another, larger stream. With his powerful hips now starting to roll within their restraints in an attempt at fucking her beautiful face, it seemed that the gamma radiated figure was getting closer and closer to erupting within the Black Widow’s mouth; an eruption which looked to be beyond anything Natasha or any other woman had experienced prior.
Money likely changed hands as agents placed bets and handed over winnings regarding sizes. Not simply of the Hulk's cock, which had likely become something of a joking rumor for most of the agents who knew of the gamma creature, but also on Natasha's impressive breasts. It would take all the training some of them had not to simply start stroking themselves, both men and women, while watching the highly charged scene as instructed. At least one agent would subtly record the scene for private use, figuring that getting fired might be worth it to have such grade A fapping material.

Not that any of this was known to the agent inside the room with the monster. She kept slurping and working the cock, drool sliding down from her gaping mouth, her jaw already starting to ache. The human mouth had never been made to open as wide for as long as Natasha kept at it. The skilled agent's discipline was all that prevented her from essentially biting down on the thick shaft that split her mouth and jutted into the upper reaches of her throat. That discipline wavered as she tasted the slimy precum jutting from the tip. The agent's constantly swallowing gave the liquids only one path to go. She could handle precum, even at the Hulk's hefty load.

Hulk... feels good Natasha smiled, pulling her mouth upward, though she made certain to keep her mouth, and even a bit of her teeth, along the shaft all the way up. "That's just what a girl wants to hear," she purred, before extending her tongue to play along the tip. she could feel it starting to spurt further still, and her eyes widened for a moment. Had she finally gotten close to the goal? Natasha knew she needed to act and act fast. The Hulk was likely to react very strongly to an orgasm, and if she denied, if she hesitated, things could go very wrong for her very fast.

So the agent swallowed hard and slammed her head forward. She felt her throat closing tight along the head of the shaft, the urge to vomit actually rising even for the skilled agent. A spurt of precum shot nearly a human sized load directly into the Widow's stomach. She groaned as she felt that sliding all the way down, her clenching muscles taking it within. Natasha's eyes rolled as she forced herself forward, again showing discipline. Her jaw opened past the hurting phase, nearly to an extent where it might start to break. The Widow knew her own limits though, even when she was forcing herself past them. Something like seven to eight inches of bulbous, thick, green shaft disappeared into the Widow's hot mouth, down her pale throat. Natasha actually found herself nearly stuck at this point. Her mouth closed tight along the shaft, teeth pulled against the weight of it. The head nestled somewhere in her throat, which continued to convulse. Tears streamed from Natasha's eyes, smearing the dark eyeliner and streaking down that pretty face. Bits of drool kept escaping from about her mouth, and some exited through her nose, which struggled to keep air flowing into her aching lungs. The beautiful woman looked the mess, but she looked like an erotic, wet dream mess, with eyes that looked up at the creature and practically demanded that he shoot his hot, thick load right into her waiting stomach.
Eyes were glued onto the respective monitors as pants tightened and legs were rubbed together while the various agents took in the unbelievable, yet very erotic sight of the untouchable Black Widow pleasuring the Hulk’s massive cock. Recordings would begin to capture the action from here on out as a couple of the agents managed to do so while out of Fury’s line of vision. Male agents were wishing they had Natasha on her knees or under their desks to service them like she was the Hulk, while the women amongst their rank either fidgeted with desire to get their hands on that thick cock or found themselves similarly lusting over the sight of those perfect breasts squeezing together along the fleshy pole.

The Hulk enjoyed the continued feel of her mouth, tongue and even teeth as she teased along that thick, veiny cock from tip to roughly halfway down that lengthy arousal. The mammoth of a male seemed to especially respond to whenever she teased the tip with her tongue, as he bucked against her lips while rewarding her with a fresh spurt. He was clearly close to bursting, but it indeed seemed like it might take something a little more than even what Natasha was doing thus far to push him over that edge. Fortunately, she proved capable of pushing past those limits.

The behemoth let out a loud, echoing growl of a groan when the Black Widow slammed her head forward into his wide lap. This was more than the Hulk had anticipated the puny agent of being able to take, but the jade goliath certainly wasn’t complaining as another thick spurt of his precum shot down her throat and directly into her belly. It was but the tiniest of samples, at least in comparison to what was coming up next, as the Hulk gazed down with an aggressive, yet lustful stare at the redhead as she drooled over his throbbing cock. The fluid would pool down to the Hulks heavy sack, as the beast of a man felt her throat convulsing around that swollen tip; a stimulation which would prove to be the final tipping point for that long building orgasm.

“Hulk…. CUMMING!!” The massive Avenger bellowed out in a way that may have seemed comical to those watching from afar, yet was anything but that for Natasha, as that freed hand cupped the back of the woman’s head to both push her even further down his shaft and hold her in place while that already thick cock actually started to swell further. The Black Widow would be able to feel it as those thick torrents of cum rushed through the length of the Hulk’s cock like water through a fireman’s hose; the resulting torrents vibrating along her lips and throat, before that tip swelled and let spill the first of many bursts of inhumanly possible semen.

That first burst was already enough for an average person’s bukkake worth of cum, but it was soon followed by an equally large stream. Than another. And another. That thick, warm semen flowed out of that swollen tip and quickly went about filling up her stomach with every powerful eruption. The Hulk himself seemed to be enjoying it, as that powerful grip remained on her head without showing a sign of letting go if she did find herself second guessing her chances, while the behemoth let out a series of almost primal groans and growls in apparent satisfaction which echoed within the room. His hips even began to rotate and push along the Widow’s face while gently (for the Hulk) fucking her mouth while riding out the peak of that long desired release.

The sight of this entire ordeal would be the source of some alarm for Fury and the others monitoring from a relatively safe distance, along with a number of agents finding the scene to be incredibly arousing. A couple of them would even go so far as to make a few quick bets in the corners on whether Natasha could handle this flow or not, as a couple of those seated by monitors started to occasionally rub themselves through their clothing.

Sticky streams of the Hulk’s hot, near ropey thick seed were flowing past Natasha’s lips while the gamma radiated being enjoyed this first time sensation of having somebody wrapped around his cock while experiencing an orgasm. His features showed signs of relief and pleasure despite losing little of that overall intimidation as he glanced down at the poor, messy agent who was stuck with trying to swallow an inhuman amount of cum. Fortunately for Natasha, the Hulk did seem to regain some sense of understanding on how even she likely couldn’t handle the amount of cum he was putting out, as his hand finally released the back of her head so that she may pull away; the pulsating tip of his cock still letting out lesser, yet very powerful amounts of cum that would likely paint her face and chest the moment she popped him free of her lips.
There would be no hiding the "special training" Natasha had gotten, not after this. Literally everyone in SHIELD would know for quite certain that Natasha Romanov, the Black Widow, had far more sex training than the average agent. Likely rumors would start to fly about how she'd been able to get the Hulk to the point of orgasming, and how she did far, far better than the average woman would have in handling the situation. It was even fairly likely that rumors would spread that Natasha had some sort of super power revolving around sex, around an ability to swallow cum or produce arousal in others.

Though for now, the woman was struggling to stay conscious. The first spurt of precum had been the size of a hefty load for another human. Natasha's constant swallowing meant that she simply drew that all the way down, letting it splash into her stomach with barely more than a moan and a few blinks. Natasha's gaze had been focused on the Hulk, watching his movements, looking for the signs that she would recognize. Not that she needed to, as the cock pulsed, as fluid seeped from deep within those balls into Natasha's mouth...

...and as the Hulk yelled loud enough to rattle Natasha's bones.

Her eyes went wide, fear again coming in for a visit. In truth, the agent hadn't been this scared when she'd faced down Loki, and he'd been a god, or during any of her other missions. Now though, now she was seriously considered about falling unconscious, about drowning in a sea of gamma produced semen. The Hulk held Natasha in place, forbidding her from drawing away, leaving her only one choice. Natasha swallowed frantically, feeling glob after glob of the stuff sliding down her throat. She'd been constant before, now she upped the pace, her throat seeming to work almost like a cartoon characters. Load upon load carried along that path, sliding into Natasha's gut and filling it up.

It was not enough. No human, not even the Black Widow, could handle this excessive amount of seed, not without some sort of help, of which Natasha had none. Seed came up. it shot out her nose as she fought to breath. Great runny bits of it slid out that passage, causing the agent's eyes to water. The lewd slurping as she fought to dispose of it was matched by the strange snorts, little gurgles and pops as liquid expanded and left. Some seed leaked around those plush lips. It bubbled out from where flesh met cock, allowing some of the stuff to fall down. Ropey strands, mixed with bits of saliva, flung from around her, slapping into her own body or drifting down to the floor. Seed poured forth from every possible orifice that Natasha possessed.

She swore her stomach was filling, filling past the point. It churned, the gurgling mixing with the slurping, with the thrusting, with Hulk's own pleased noises. Natasha didn't make much noise of her own volition: she was too busy fighting consciousness. Air had become a luxury: seed clogging everything. She could only get the barest bits through a semen clogged nose. Black spots swam in her vision. Natasha knew she could only handle a few more seconds, maybe a minute of this, before she'd have to signal Fury and the others somehow. This didn't stop her from trying, from swallowing, from fighting to stay conscious and not drown.

Natasha gave Hulk a slightly concerned look, one that pointed out that she wouldn't last long. The eyes rolling back would further announce that fact, as Natasha felt her consciousness slipping. She began to raise a hand for signal, just as the Hulk pulled back. Natasha gasped for air, sucking great bursts of it in. She missed closing her eyes, and ended up with them painted shut. Both burned with the seed, tears flowing to carry more down. Strand upon strand painted her face over with the mask. She felt so much more around her breasts, fully glazing them with the hot glaze. They shimmered and seed began drizzling over them, nearly making them seem like lewd dessert buns.

After gasping again, Natasha looked up at the Hulk, smiling slightly. "Hulk..." she rasped, her voice affected by all the cock she'd taken into her mouth, "Hulk feel good?"
The Hulk let out a sudden growl at the tight feeling of his cock squeezing along the abused passage of the Black Widow’s throat and mouth until he finally, loudly, popped free of her strained lips. Natasha would find herself quickly caked by the behemoths cum as that thick organ continued to convulse while riding out the last moments of his intense orgasm. Gushing amounts of the thick, sticky fluid caked itself over her face and chest, which made for a rather depraved, yet alluring sight for the Hulk and a number of those watching on from the monitors.

A couple of said agents whispered to another on how they needed to pay up later, as Fury started to ease up a little in comparison to how close he was calling in a squad to hit the Hulk with a number of specially made tranquillizers. “I’ve seen a lot of crazy stuff in my years as Director of SHIELD.” The trenchcoated individual mused to nobody in particular amongst those in the room, “But even I‘ve never seen anything that prepared me for this.” Still, he remained ever vigilant for any signs by Natasha for them to extract her from the room, as dozens upon dozens of eyes remained glued to the respective monitors.

For his part, the jade goliath did seem to show at least some consideration for his teammate as he watched her gasping and trying to collect herself. At the same time, the attraction for a woman capable to deep throating even a portion of his cock as he came in her mouth was very real. His cock glistened with the mixture of sperm and saliva while spraying a few smaller (in comparison) globs onto her chest as the sticky fluid seeped into her uniform. That massive chest of muscles rising and falling with his own heavy breathing, as the large figure slowly gave a nod at her, “Hulk… feel good.”

However, before Natasha could have too much time for believing her ‘mission’ to be a success, the Hulk would suddenly tug at his other arm and break the by now heavily damaged restraint with little effort. The heavy restraint fell to the floor with a loud, clattering thud, as both hands soon moved to grab hold of either side of the infamous Black Widow. “Now? Hulk will feel better.” He added with a lewd, yet menacing smirk, as the powerful figure suddenly lifted Natasha up off her feet with both hands.

Once done, he’d switch to holding her around the waist with one hand, as the other moved to brush a couple of meaty fingers along the front midsection area of her tight uniform. Sliding lower, the Hulk would then carefully pinch at the material of her uniform near the crotch region, before pulling at the substance as it ripped away like so much tissue paper; the loud noise of the ripping echoing within the chamber as Natasha’s perfect rear and glistening sex were exposed while the rest of her outfit was left intact.

Both Hulk and SHIELD agents alike found their eyes focused upon the newly exposed skin of the beautiful Widow, as the behemoth of a male gave a lewd grin in approval, followed by lifting her up to make her sit upon his lap. More specifically, to make her straddle over the thick, powerful girth of his still erect cock, as Natasha would find her legs on either side of the large, fleshy pole which now throbbed directly between her inner thighs and exposed sex. With her back facing his front in a reverse cowgirl style position while she was forced to hang onto that lengthy cock for dear life, his glistening tip able to reach her cleavage, the jade figure would let out a low growl at the feel of her exposed lower flesh rubbing along the upperside of his shaft while reiterating in a booming voice, “Widow make Hulk feel even better.”
Priority one: restore vision. Natasha hurriedly wiped her eyes free, not caring that she was smearing great quantities of semen on her uniform. Sight was going to be crucial in handling whatever was to come next. In fact, Natasha needed all her senses at their must alert. Her mind was rushing to put itself back together: the period of oxygen deprivation fighting against her. As was the coughing that still went on, causing bits of Hulk-seed to fly from her lips every few coughs. At least Natasha managed to get her eyes devoid of cum, if still burning from their infusion and the sheer power of it all. Hulk's hefty aroma would have been enough to make Natasha's eyes water on its own, let alone mixing in all the other factors assailing her.

At least the Hulk seemed to be calmer: perhaps now Natasha could reason with him. She cleared her throat again, getting ready to do precisely that. No sooner had the first few noises left her throat then Natasha found herself pausing, instead looking up to see the Hulk straining. The Black Widow barely had time to jerk upright before hands clenched her body. once more, Natasha forced herself to go limp, to simply let the massive hands hold her tight. Struggling when you were in the Hulk's grasp was a great way to end up imitating a tube of toothpaste. Natasha didn't want to see if SHIELD could somehow put her guts back inside her if the gamma monster squirted them all over the room.

So she relaxed, forcing herself to take deep, even breaths. Drawing air across her throat proved somewhat more difficult than it had been previously, but not impossible. She did wince as she felt the fingers exploring her outfit. Soon they pulled at the crotch. Natasha hissed as the clothing dug into her most sensitive skin for several long seconds. She felt more tears forming in her eyes, only releasing the clenched teeth for a quick gasp as she felt her lower half bared. Her sex remained hairless: a necessity given her occupation and normal activities. Which meant that she just had a bare expanse of white skin above a slightly darker slit of pink, one that only just barely glistened with some of Natasha's arousal. Whatever the Hulk may think: Natasha hadn't gotten extremely turned on by her rough fellatio. Her ass, two rounded spheres that made even Norse gods take a second look, clenched tight as they were exposed.

Natasha gave the camera a quick look, almost daring them. She was tempted to coyly suggest that the agents just go through with masturbating, since so many of them were inevitably going to do so anyway. If she had not been having difficulties at the moment, she might have. Instead, Natasha found herself lifted back and placed just behind the cock. She felt the thing slapping against her front, put just between her thighs. It didn't surprise her to find it nearly batting against her soaked cleavage. Nor was she all that surprised to find the Hulk clearly nudging her to grasp him. She intended to surprise him, instead moving her arms back and essentially letting gravity pull her against the cock. It meant that she was effectively sitting on what felt like a pulsing steel beam: the hard cock jutting upward and keeping her in place. But she still appeared to have some control, and Natasha intended to do at least that much, even if she did feel her sex and ass touching a cock that truly defined "monstrous."

"And how does Hulk propose I do that?" Natasha asked, turning her head upward to look at him. She could feel her hair dangling behind her, stuck in awkward clumps with the see. Some more drizzled down her cheek, and she could feel some slathering down her breasts and dripping onto the cock. "The Widow isn't exactly a she-hulk," she pointed out. Natasha reached out and began caressing the head of Hulk's cock, "you don't want to break her, now do you? She's your friend," Natasha leaned forward and placed another kiss on the tip of Hulk's cock, even adding a little lick. 'If you break Widow, she can't do any more fun things with the Hulk, and that would make us both sad."
The quick look at the main camera hadn’t gone without notice from the various agents observing the scene at their respective monitoring stations. A number of the men were tempted beyond belief to undo the front of their uniforms and take their cocks in hand to beat off at the sight of the cum soaked redhead straddling over that enormous cock. Even a few of the lady agents and researchers were facing their own temptations, as Fury caught sight of (and decided to ignore for now) one female agent whom held their specialized tranquilizer rifle in a way where the stock was rubbing between her legs while her eyes remained glued to the nearest monitor.

Inside of the containment chamber, the Hulk would give pause as Natasha spoke while looking his way, as his own gaze would linger to different parts of her as he seemingly enjoyed the sight of her cum soaked figure. The behemoth had in the past dreamed of covering Betty in such a way, but the redhead currently perched upon his cock was a more than satisfying replacement. A low, rumbling groan could be felt vibrating out of that powerful chest as she stimulated the presently VERY sensitive head of his glistening cock. She certainly seemed to have gotten a grasp on the type of stuff her teammate enjoyed and was using them to her advantage.

Another pleasured filled groan would come rumbling out of those lips as she kissed and licked the tip of his cock, while the jade goliath considered her words and admitted, “Hulk does want more fun things.” A simple statement from a simple creature, as her fingers touched that sensitized tip in a way that made the Hulk’s hips buck upward slightly. The cock itself twitched rather noticeably between her legs, while further portions of left over cum and excessive pre would flow out of the large slit to further cake the superspy’s delicate hands and beautiful face. It was clear as day that the Hulk wanted to fuck her at this point, but perhaps he could go for letting out a little more pent up lust before trying to take matters that far.

About then, that wide, almost menacing smile spread across his features, as the Hulk instructed of the woman, “Widow rides Hulks cock. Make us both feel good.” As if to show her what he had in mind, the Hulk grabbed hold of Natasha’s waist and started to move the lower portion of herself to make the dangling Avenger rub her bare sex and perfect rear up and down along the upper portion of his throbbing, pulsating cock. The exterior of the Hulk’s monstrous endowment was softer than the res t of his body, yet remained firm to the touch, with the thick veins acting as smoothed ridges of a sort that Natasha would begin to feel sliding along her smoothly shaven sex.

His hand would eventually release the hold on her waist in order to let her take control of the motions for herself. Satisfied sounds rolling out of the massive male as she would be able to feel the light vibrations caused by such moans and groans whenever her body was pressed back enough to press into his stomach or chest. “Keep rubbing…” The Hulk instructed in relation to her attentions toward that thick, sensitive mushroomed tip of his cock, as he added with a lustful breath, “Harder.” It took a lot to hurt the Hulk, and so it seemed it took a lot for him to truly feel pleasurable stimulation from a normal woman, as that thick cock continued to throb with hot need between her parted thighs.
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