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Heat of the Moment [lit. detailed. plots]

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Mar 17, 2014
Currently not accepting anymore RPs, I've reached my limit!

-waves- 'Ello! :D I'm Caidance or Caid, I'll keep this short (or try to at least xD) and simple, and first thing's first, my schedule. My job makes me travel and sometimes I have to leave 4 days to a week and a half during the month. I'll let you know before that happens, but if that's going to be a problem for you, we probably won't work as partners. Otherwise, I can usually reply 1x+ daily when life doesn't interfere.

Now that's done, to the more important stuff! ^^

For me, I only write in 3rd person and I really like detail. :heart: Physical description of the character, their actions, what's going on in their head, how they're feeling, what they're seeing, their personality etc. I also like grammar, punctuation and spelling, but I'm not harsh about it, everyone makes mistakes, it's cool, just be readable. =) Length wise, I will never give you anything less than a paragraph, my normal is 3-4 but I can easily do more. You don't have to match me, just please nothing less than a paragraph and definitely give me something to work with.

My favorite genres are high to low fantasy (elves, mages etc), supernatural (vampires, werewolves etc), certain apocalyptic/dystopian and certain historical. I don't do fandoms and rarely ever do modern/realistic settings, but if you've got a good idea, you might be able to change my mind. I like my plots to have both story and smut, sometimes I'll start a thread like a one shot and expand it, other times it's all about the build up. In my writing, I like to include bloody fights and high risk situations, adventures with many twists that take characters to different locations and challenge/grow them. I also like suspense elements, certain horror and darker themes in sometimes darker settings. My range is pretty wide and there's not much I'll say no to. Collaboration is key, I understand one character might lead the story more than the other, especially in certain situations, and it's cool.

In characters, I normally do MxF with me playing the female main and male/female side characters. I like my main characters intelligent and confident with varied personalities, some are reckless hotheads, some are selfish deviants and others are passive sweethearts. I can write a conniving killer, a lusty maiden or a talented soldier, it really depends on what plot we're running and what traits need to be incorporated. I don't like airheaded or super submissive girls, and on that note, switch is what I go for. I enjoy power conflict/grabs/plays between characters, my character seducing yours, your character turning the tables, things of that nature. :D

I use PMs and e-mail for RPing, no IMs or threads. No scat, vore, watersports, heavy BDSM, snuff, that kind of stuff. And no controlling my character unless talked about beforehand. OOCing is good too during the game, I'd love to hear your current thoughts and future ideas.

Thanks for reading! If you have any plots, don't be afraid to throw them at me! PM me if you're interested!
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