Pokemon Unrated R/B/Y Version (MysteriousD & BeeSlain)


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014
Things have changes due to the rising crime waves. Trainers no longer leave fir journeys at age 10. They now leave at age 15 and required to at least one traveling companion. Despite many brave trainers having stopped various villainous teams, law officials declares they cannot always rely on prodigious youngsters to help them.

Hence why Diego was taking a ship from Vermillion to Pallet Town. He was going to go meet his companion. He already registered a Pokemon, his partner Pikachu. They were originally from Ecruteak. He was adopted by Kimono Girls and was raised by them with help from the monks of Bell Tower. He decided to start his journey in Kanto due to this being the town of several heroes.

He entered Professor Oak's lab and waited for his assigned companion to arrive.
MysteriousD said:
Things have changes due to the rising crime waves. Trainers no longer leave fir journeys at age 10. They now leave at age 15 and required to at least one traveling companion. Despite many brave trainers having stopped various villainous teams, law officials declares they cannot always rely on prodigious youngsters to help them.

Hence why Diego was taking a ship from Vermillion to Pallet Town. He was going to go meet his companion. He already registered a Pokemon, his partner Pikachu. They were originally from Ecruteak. He was adopted by Kimono Girls and was raised by them with help from the monks of Bell Tower. He decided to start his journey in Kanto due to this being the town of several heroes.

He entered Professor Oak's lab and waited for his assigned companion to arrive.

Kimi raced to get ready as she had gotten up late for her first day as a Pokemon trainer. Her mother was in no way impressed with her lax nature and told her she'd need to clean the Rhyhorn stall before she left. Her mother had always taken training duties seriously, she even coached Kimi on how to properly catch a Pokemon and helped her decipher what the best move to make would be depending on the typing of the Pokemon she was battling. That's why Kimi was determined. Her mother did not get to be a trainer, so she had to live vicariously through Kimi. Which she didn't mind.

Finally she was ready to go see Prof.Oak, and in no way did she look ready. Her tired blue eyes kept closing on her walk to the Lab and her chestnut brown hair was an unruly mess. But she made it after all. Ten minutes late. She needed to pick her starter when she got there, as well as meet her Trainer partner. They decided it was best that young kids went on the journey alone, and when they were older. Too many gangs had been created in the past ten years, and Team Rocket couldn't keep trying to disband them. Red was getting too old to help the Kanto region, he was trying to finish the Pokeverse, and back tracking all the way home would not help him achieve that.

"Hey Professor Oak, I'm ready for my first Pokemon!" Kimi exclaimed as she walked through the front door of the lab.
Diego had been waiting alongside with Pikachu for his partner to arrive. Eventually, he saw her arrive. Diego mildly blushed as he found his new companion quite attractive. He smiled at her and so did Pikachu. They walked alongside her to see Professor Oak. "Hello you two. You must be both be very excited to be starting your very own Pokemon journey," Professor Oak said in his good-hearted nature. "It only seems like yesterday, my grandchildren went out to their own quests," The Professor said with nostalgia. On the wall were several photos. One was of a young man Oak and his two twin sons. There wasn't a mother, but rumors persisted it was Agatha. We then see Professor Oak and his three grandchildren, Blue Oak, Daisy Oak and Gary Oak. Blue and Daisy were the cousins of Gary and they ended up headed out some months before Gary and Ash did. Blue was the gym leader of Viridian, Daisy was a former Pokemon Contest champion and Gary was also a Pokemon Researcher.

Blue was sometimes mistaken for Gary. However, Blue had paler skin along with a more orange shade of eyes of hair, not to mention the sublte body types and their personality. This was much the same between the cousins Red and Ash. Anyways, many of them are famous and talented trainers, especially the last two.

Professor Oak presents the Pokemon for Kimi to choose. Once she chooses, Diego smiles and offers her a hand to shake. "Hi, my name is Diego Vendrix. This is my partner Pikachu and we're from Ecruteak," he tells her.
"Hey Diego, I'm Kimi Verce. " Replies Kimi after she's picked up her Charmander. "I choose Charmander. He's my good luck charm." Kimi smiled and looked back to Diego after beaming at Prof.Oak. She was so excited to see the little guy, so immediately she let him out. The little Charmander looked up at Kimi and jumped up and down, his fire growing bigger on his tail by the minute. Kimi nearly cried out in amazement at how cute the little guy was, but then she immediately put him away. He seemed slightly friendly towards her already, which made her happy.

She then looked back towards the professor and apologize, "I'm sorry Professor, I just really wanted to meet my new friend, I'm so excited to start my new journey!"
Diego and Pikachu smiled at her reaction when choosing Charmander. He was happy to see them be so happy. "Agreed! I'm ready to start, also!" Diego said with a smile and Pikachu raised his fist in the air. The Professor smiled and nodded at both of them. "I can see. Here you are children," Professor Oak said as he handed them each their own Pokedex along with a starter pack of ten Pokeballs. "The world is a dangerous and beautiful place, kids. I wanted children to be able to explore the world of Pokemon and learn about it. You can become anything you want. A Pokemon Trainer, an entertainer like a Pokemon Coordinator, a civil servant like a Pokemon Ranger or Pokemon Breeder. You can become anything you want as long as you are healthy and good people who help others. I want you to take care of yourselves, your Pokemon and each other," Professor Oak explained.

Diego looked and nodded at him. Pikachu did as well.

"Good luck then kids and be careful," Professor Oak said before they went out. "What do you wanna be?" Diego asked Kimi.
"A Pokemon master!" Kimi exclaimed as they began to head out of Pallet Town. For now, Kimi wanted to train up her Charmander. They were finally on Route 1, Kimi had never been outside of Pallet, she was so excited she let out Charmander and instantly named him, "You will be Zane! My fire champion!" her face appeared happy and she immediately ran off ahead, "It's okay if I train Zane right? I want him at least level ten before we hit our first gym, so one or two battles, please?" Kimi asked as she jumped up and down in front of Diego. She was so excited and they weren't even at Viridian City yet.
"Heh, same as I do!" Diego said, smiling. Her enthusiasm was just as much his own. He looked at Route 1 and find it nice. He wasn't sure if he would catch some Pokemon here. Pikachu was with him since childhood so he was already at a decent level. He did make a note to catch a few Pokemon later.

He then turned to see that Kimi and Zane wanted to battle. "All right, sure. But brace yourself. Pikachu and I have been together for a long while and I taught him some interesting moves," Diego told her. He smiled at her. He could tell they were gonna be good friends.

All right, Pikachu! Start off with Thundershock!" Diego said. Pikachu ran before he went and performed the electric type move.
All at once Kimi reacted, she immediately threw out Zane and asked him to dodge the attack, although not successful, she told him to get out of the way and then use tackle. It was the only move he knew right now, unfortunately. She'd have to train him up a bit before he would learn another move. This made Kimi sad, she knew she was going to let Zane down and she hadn't even walked into a new city yet. This was so unfortunate.

Zane lunged towards Pikachu after he had been hit with a Thundershock. Thankfully he hadn't received paralysis from the move.
Pikachu dodged out of the way before he helped Zane the Charmander up. He then pantomined to Diego about something. "That's a good idea. Hey Kimi, I think Pikachu wants to teach Zane a move. All right, Pikachu, show him which one. You two, watch and learn," he said with pride before Pikachu got a running start and spun himself like a drill heading down. After a while, he came up in front of Charmander and smacked him with his tail.

Pikachu repeated this a few times before coming out. "All right, Kimi, have Zane do that. We should be able to get Zane to learn Dig," he said while Pikachu crossed his arms and nodded.
((Dig eh? That's an odd one. Can charmander learn that? ))

Kimi watched carefully as Pikachu showed her and Zane the move a few times. Her head spun a little, as all this was new to her. She could also tell Zane was getting worn out. After Pikachu was done performing the move multiple times, Zane had a go. He stumbled a few times as he wasn't sure about what to do, even after watching, but eventually learned how to do the move. Kimi cheered in joy and Zane fell to the ground exhausted, in desperate need of some care at the Poke Center.

"Thanks so much Diego!" Kimi exclaimed as she walked over to Zane, picked him up and put him in a Pokeball.
((Yeah. Charmander can learn Dig. Bulbapedia is a good site and Serebii.net is better))

"No problem!" Diego said with a smile. Pikachu also smiled seeing that he had helped a Pokemon learn a new move. "We better get going," he said as he began walking through Route 1. There was little much to be found. The usual Rattata and Pidgey were found, but Diego wasn't interested in those for the time being. They past someone from the PokeMart, who gave them a free Potion as a sample. Diego handed his to Kimi. "Here, for Zane," Diego told her as he looked around.

"Kimi, you wanna catch a Pokemon now or wait until we reach Viridian and we can take detour out left?" Diego asked her. Pikachu was on Diego's shoulder.
((I go on those often. I just never built my Charmander that way is all. :p Normally I give it special attack. ))

Kimmi blushed as he passed her the potion, immediately letting Zane out and putting him gently on the ground. She then sprayed some of the potion on him and waited for him to start fluttering his eyes, and sure enough he did. Kimi smiled and looked up to Zane as he asked her the question.

She decided i'd be better to just head to Viridian. She hoped that she'd be able to catch a Pidgey quickly. "Leaving to the city now is fine." She beamed as she got up from crouching by Zane.
Diego nodded and he began to whistle as they headed to Virdian. Viridian City didn't change much from how it was in the old days. There was still the Gym, the Trainer House along with the general buildings and so on. "Looks like not alot changed," Diego noted as he and Pikachu looked around. "So Kimmi, there's no Pidgey on Route 22. However, we can go there for some Spearow, Nidoran, Rattata and if we're lucky, Mankey, Poliwag and even Ponyta," I said as I looked through the guidebook. (Yes, all of those could be found there, albeit in different gens, but still XD).

"Come on, let's go!" Diego said excitedly before he grabbed her hand and began running over there through the city. "This is gonna be fun!" Diego said as Pikachu followed and Zane and Kimmi were being dragged
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