Time to rebuild the clan (Lounger x Anna)


Nov 21, 2013
Itachi had decided that enough was enough....it was time for him to take action. His intention had been for Sasuke to rebuild a new, better Uchiha clan, one free of the hatred and feuds of the past...but it seemed that was not meant to be. Sasuke had become nothing more than a selfish, arrogant idiot bent on vengeance even if it cost him his life in the process. If that happened, the Uchiha clan would have died with him. Itachi simply could not allow that to happen. That was why he had to take the clans future back into his own hands, it was up to him to rebuild their clan and change it for the better.

That plan was what had brought him here...the forest near the Leaf village....he knew she was coming, that she would be alone and an easy target. She would fight it at first he was sure....but soon enough he would win her over....she would be begging for his children, begging to help him rebuild the Uchiha clan.
Before he could think further on it, Itachi spotted her....Sakura Haruno...alone just as he had predicted. She would be a strong mother...she had intelligence, strength, exceptional Chakra control...all qualities that would combine with his own well to produce exceptional children.
Silently, Itachi dropped down behind her, before suddenly he threw his robes open, wrapping them around Sakura from behind. Before she could even struggle though, the robes were away, but she would find she was somewhere else, deep within a cave, though one that had been converted into a somewhat comfortable living area, a large and comfortable looking bed infront of her.
Itachi stepped back to avoid any kind of counter attack, now just staring at her with his Sharingan activated. "Welcome Sakura. Tell me....you always dreamed of being with Sasuke did you now? Well....now that he has abandoned you....perhaps your dreams should shift slightly...."
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