The Old Chateau (( Spirits X Dementia ))


May 6, 2013
Everywhere.... Nah in the U.S :P (Hell)
How long had it been? Perhaps eight, nine years on the off chance I'd forgotten of something truly eventful... It had been several years for a Blaziken... Several years since he'd been called upon for anything of grave importance, as to what would qualify as 'something of grave importance', he didn't fully know what. He just wanted something to happen, anything, at the very least... he'd settle for the searingly irritating sound of wild wingull calling and squawking as they'd fly over head across the empty blue sky. Yes... empty, void of the clouds and of any emission of any kind, as if some being had just taken some sort of large square of blue and placed it over head... It was almost childish... But a child wouldn't be so cleverly devious.

He'd seen many things in his life. much of the Hoenn Region, seeing people cheer for him...and... Seeing people cheer for him, how the Hoenn region lost it's appeal for a while, practically becoming methodical to the point where he found himself in Sinnoh, a new region completely alien to him... However 'she' often times encouraged him...despite his own insecurities..Then over to Unova... just as alien, but he found himself...becoming more distant to that person... Less used...Less called upon... Then to Kalos, a new world that seemed both familiar... but also even more alien, when finally she just...forgot about him completely, not just him but much of her old...'companions'. Letting them sit in her numerous boxes practically oblivious to the fact that she'd forgotten them. Living comfortably in the labs and sanctuaries that one would usually send them to through the PC's... Though he in the end didn't forget... He didn't forget about HER.... She'd gotten him when she was just a young adolescent, barely starting her time as a trainer, she was so adventerous back then... Never afraid to take risks, and he admired that about her. But in the end... He was placed in her box after so many years... It'd been about nine years since he'd been left in the box... He imagined that now she was an adult... He loathed her now or at the very least felt bitter... So very bitter.

What was once a Blaziken in his prime of youth, bright red feathers, his beak and eyes sharper than a tack, his claws and reflexes even sharper. He chuckled as he often times looked at his own feathers every so often, having dulled and become messy as SHE normally groomed him, SHE usually kept him in line...and the scientists wondered why it was that he looked so grundgy and so unkempt.

While the rest of her pokemon froliced in peace happily enjoying their sanctuary, free to eat, drink, wander and...breed whenever they pleased, he however didn't socialize with them, his personality took a greater shift to grimness, he stuck close by the scientists and doctors often helping them in meanial tasks such as...moving boxes, bringing them important items, every so often he'd be needed to work with other fire pokemon to provide heat if the heater broke down, or if they needed to venture into cold enviornments. With those interactions with humans, his knowledge grew, he could understand humans with greater clarity, understand metaphor and philosophy, if anything he was much smarter than most other pokemon his age... It was among these days where he was sitting around that he happened upon an old allegory... The allegory of the Cave, and in the end he came to the conclusion that he, and many other of the pokemon...Lived in 'the cave' while only he or rather he presumed only he, had seen the reality of the 'light' but now he sat waiting in 'the cave', among the trees and grass...

"...What would I do...if I saw her again?" He asked himself. One day though, he found himself being called upon by one of the scientists, out of the ordinary, normally he'd just try helping them out of a whim not per request...Though if it would help cure his boredom he was all for it. Only...he wasn't called upon for help. He found himself back in his pokeball, he couldn't see a thing only hear them speaking...talking to someone over...what sounded like some sort of speaker... He felt himself or rather his pokeball being placed on something metalic. he felt this uncomfortable sensation shoot through him for an instant. He could hear whoever they were talking to more clearly... as if she now...were close by... Had he been....sent off to another trainer? Or perhaps... He felt his pokeball being picked up by someone after he presumed their call ended, he was soon released, looking down at the woman who was once his trainer...who he now didn't she had changed over the years.
The young trainer, Cali, had gotten enthused with her Pokemon career. Having gotten far with earning badges and becoming part of the main league. She had grown up over the years, along with her many Pokemon. She had dozens and dozens, but of course, she only carried six with her. Her main six in which she constantly changed in order to raise all of them up. Yes, there were many in her PC, but they should've all been kept happy with the luxury.

Cali had grown up with the best of education and care, up until her father died. That's when she left home, kept her head straight set on becoming the best trainer. Cali was one of the most recognized trainers, just by her looks. Cali was a young woman now, of course, and by natures way she had matured. She was now over five and a half feet, her hair down to her waist. Her auburn locks had the perfect amount of curl and volume no matter what. Her eyes were always bright and filled with laughter no matter the situation. Her body had filled out naturally, bust and curves and all.

But now as her career was slowing, she decided to put all her Pokemon away and just retrieve her starter. Her one best friend that she had forgotten. She sat patiently at a public PC, inserting her pokeballs one by one. She was already striking up curious whispers as she retrieved a single pokeball. Her fingers dance over it before she presses the button to release her lost friend.

As the light shone and her blaziken stood, she smiled greatly at him. She holds her arms out for hug. "Hey, sweety. Miss me?" She asks, her voice tender and sweet, just as it always was. Her Pokemon looked neglected but she didn't want to spook him, so she patiently waited. They were outside now, in a pasture not far from the town. She wanted to him alone with her, just to keep him calm.
Hearing her voice again triggered something nostalgic within him, nostalgic and slightly...more anger oriented. He could remember her, it didn't take much effort at all to do so, after all she had a...particularity to her voice, something he'd taken the time to...understand and analyze much like a scientist or a researcher would try to study a pokemon... or like how a hitman would try researching a guy before going in for the kill.

His glare rather than look of affection made it evident... He remembered her... Oh how he remembered her "YOU...." He frowned as he then took a moment to look around, taking a moment to look at his surroundings... He didn't recognize any of the area around him, they probably weren't in Hoenn or Sinnoh, definately not in Unova... They must have still been in Kalos...unless she brought him back to a new region. Even so, he made it clear he felt bitter towards her. Bitter...but... he deep down longed to be at her side again, however the bitterness of what he felt was abandonment was cemented into him, turning his what once was playful and brave disposition into one that was spiteful and serious.

"...Blaze." "Strange..." he remarked about the area, taking a moment to look over her, the new trainer that was once the girl who practically 'mothered' him.. Now looking more like a mother of sorts, he snarled at her slightly before taking a moment to walk around aimlessly, just to at least enjoy the freedom of being 'outside of the cave'. She indeed was all woman now, and if he wasn't mistaken...She appeared to have an interest in ghost pokemon now..

He found it chuckle worthy as in the past, she had a fear of ghost pokemon as well as dark pokemon, only to see that his trainer had befome a ghost lover. It was humorous for him considering that he remembered all those times where the human he 'hated' was frightened by said 'ghost pokemon'.
Cali frowns a bit as she saw the Blaziken walk away. She sighs and sits back on the grass, enjoying the gentle breeze through her locks. She sighs softly and looks over to the Pokemon. "Blazikeeeen? What's wrong?" She asks, her blue doe eyes blinking at him. She knew he was upset but she couldn't figure out about what. The female lays back in the grass, letting him blow off steam.

She watches the sky for a couple moments, thinking about the past decade or so. She had excelled above and beyond in school, her Pokemon career having been at the top of its game. She was a champion, a legend. And yet she didn't take her best friend with her. She felt a pang of guilt in her stomach. She sighs loudly, on purpose this time.

"Blaze, I'm sorry," she says, kicking her legs up briefly. With this movement, her panties were flashed. She sits herself up and looks over at the Pokemon, readying herself for a speech. "Come here. I need to clean you up a bit," she pats the spot between her legs and shuffles in her bag for a brush and such like.

"You know I missed you, a lot," she murmurs, raising the brush. She look at him and whimpers, her smile faltering. "Please come here, you look neglected."
He was surprised hearing his trainer apologize for all the years of neglect...He honestly didn't expect her to apologize let alone remember the fact that she DID abandon him... Or at least, to him, she abandoned him. He wasn't going to forgive her that easily though. Nine years wasn't something one could resolve with an apology... She'd pay... But-...

He saw her panties, he looked at her groin for a moment in confusion when he saw it.. "Did...I really just see what I believe I saw...?" He asked himself. He was for a moment appalled though then... He started to get an idea in his head... As to how his master could properly 'apologize' to him. He hid his devious grin, he knew how humans felt about...those sorts of humans who were 'interested' in pokemon in that manner. They were seen as horrid, horrible disgusting people... Humiliated. Though he didn't truly want that sort of future for his trainer... The rage and anger within him had taken over his thinking, he couldn't let it go. He wanted revenge and compensation for all those years..

He then smiled seeming as though he had forgiven her for all that time... All the time he spent alone... All the time he spent wondering if she'd forgotten about him... ALL THE TIME HE HAD TO GO THROUGH NIGHTS UNABLE TO SLEEP BECAUSE OF STUPID HORNY POKEMON- Control... Temper.. He sat in her lap, seeming to now be passive and calm.. Seeming to be passive and calm because of her apology... or at least that's what he wanted her to believe.
She gently begins brushing through his feathers, humming softly. Her breasts press against the arm nearest to her but she didn't bother to notice. She strokes his back gently as she cleans him up. Cali was gentle, mouth slightly open as she worked.

Cali didn't have much of a social life, so naturally she didn't have a sex life either. So she masturbated. Almost every night honestly. She was addicted to the pleasure, a selfish thing of course but she'd kept her toy collection a secret. She had dildos, vibrators, and now even a fuck machine was added to her collection. All the lonely, moan filled nights of her self pleasure had always been a dirty secret. But now, as she cleaned her blaziken, they somehow flooded back into her mind.

She hums softly, placing a gentle kiss to his cheek as another sign of forgiveness. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" She whimpers, blinking up at him.
"Blaaaaze Blaziken..." <i>"No...You're going to do EVERYTHING I need to make me feel 'better'..."</i> He grinned to himself as he let her continue grooming him for a moment, to get him at the very least clean and healthy looking for when he'd commit the act.

Once she was done, he looked like the blaziken he was years ago, his bright red feathers now seeming to shine under the sun, his feathers now in order and in place he looked at himself for a moment. As if he were looking for something that bothered him a moment ago... Seeing his trainers guard lower, looking for whatever was bothering him or whatever was around the area... He attacked. In a quick move he drove her to the ground, holding her head against the grass using a knee and leg to hold her own legs in position.. With her rather round ass now in the air for all to see.

He tore it off, what little clothes she had covering her ass anyway and admired the view with a small grin to himself carefully taking a moment to not only relish the fact that he was going to demean and make his trainer sorry she ever abandoned him and the fact that he was going to force his way inside his master. "My my~ My trainer has such a cute virgin ass~
She happily grooms him, humming softly. She was relaxed now as she listen to her Pokemon speak softly. There was a bit of a dark tone to it but she ignored the fact and continued to do so. After awhile his feathers were now bright and beautiful, just as they had been. She had completely grown comfortable with him. That is..

Until her face was pressed against the grass and she felt the sunshine on her bare ass. She squeaks loudly, wiggling under her pokemon's strength. She could see him ogling out of the corner of her eye and she couldn't help but feel heat grow in her groin. Seeing his facial expression, how he admired her sex. Her knees quivered as she felt her sex moisten. She whimpers a bit, wiggling her ass back and forth.

"B-blaziken," she breathes softly. She was now thankful she chose a desolate spot because by the size of his length, he was going to rape her then and there. She was heavily embarrassed that he even thought of taking her. She was turned on by the fact of being fucked by her Pokemon. She was a virgin, her virginity soon to be lost to a monster.
He smirked slightly, now becoming further lost in his own world of anger and hatred, finding himself growing erect just with the sight of her slit, not because he was a female, but because of the taboo of it, a pokemon hadn't bred with a human, at least not in front of him so when he heard of it, he honestly was disgusted but... Now looking at it, he could just see nothing but an attractive female's genitalia, the puffy lips of her labia, how her little exposed clit twitched with each second passing, he chuckled slightly seeing his immense length now presented to her. Standing at around a full foot and a half or so in length, it's shape resembled a plastic bottle in a way, such as that of a water bottle... Though it was hot, sleek, practically lubricated already by his own arousal.

He let his length slap against her exposed gender, letting the wetness splash and coat his throbbing cock. However it was during this point where he noticed...a minimal amount of resistance from her... This... Wasn't right... She was supposed to resist him... I-It...Wasn't playing out like he wanted, she actually wanted to get her virginity taken by a pokemon?! He quivered slightly, attempting desperately to bottle this anger to try to keep his composure and to get on with what he was going to do... But... It wasn't enough, she was going to enjoy it, but...

"You WHORE!" He practically screamed in his mind as he then tightened his grip around her legs heaving her back onto his lap, with her legs now being held open with her gender exposed to the town in the distance. He now in a fury started to thrust wildly in an attempt to drive his cock into his trainer, his red-hot length grinding against her gender her clit with his heat. "If this is what you want I'll humiliate you by breaking your body and making you lay my egg you cum-guzzling whore!" He screamed in rage...though it came out in a series of angry 'Blaziken's'. However in one of his thrusts, he thrusted right into her womb in a single thrust, stabbing right through her hymen taking her virginity in an instant but sparring her no mercy as he started to wildly pound and 'stab' at her womb that just seemed to tighten further around his thick cock.
Cali shivered under her Pokemon, panting slightly in excitement. She watches him, her moving teasingly back and forth. She was watching his cock, how huge it was. The girth alone was scary, not to mention the length. Her sex twitched in want, her love juices now coating her inner thighs. She whines softly, his growls only turning her on more. Cali's dark secret was now showing through. All her Pokemon theme dildos and vibrators now came flashing into her mind, all the shapes and ridges. She was now a puddle of lust under the Pokemon. Her long locks fell over her shoulder as she finally caught site of his face.

The feeling of his cock slap against her sex made a small moan of pleasure leave her moist lips. She rocks back into him, mouth open. She barely felt the way his body now quaked with rage as she happily accepted the abuse inflicted on her virgin body. She rocks back into him once more, whimpering. That's when she heard his growling and yelling of his name. He was obviously saying something of anger but she paid no mind as she was lifted.

She faced her town now in embarrassment, her sex drooling atop his recently cleaned feathered. Now he was thrusting wildly at her entrance, only to slide past it and tease her throbbing clit. She whines softly, cheeks flushed. As he thrust straight through her virgin walls, ripping her cherry, and invading her womb. She cries out loudly, her thighs twitching. She panting heavily, her hands gripping his forearms as she sat there, body taking in his huge cock. "A-Aah~!! Blaziken, oh..ohmyfuck," she pants, eyes wide open at the feeling of been impaled. Her sex was throbbing, spread open, and in pain but at the same time, an immense pleasure. Once his thrusts began, she melted, moaning and panting heavily. She was crying out his name soon after, body bouncing on his waist, the slick noise of her sex heard.
He was... enjoying it, mating and brutally fucking his master in this sort of way, he felt minimal to no resistance from her which he interpreted as her just giving into his will, so he moved his hands holding her arms as he started to heavily thrust his hips into hers, grunting as his cock protruded from her belly slightly for her to see... His pokemon cock was inside her. The fantasy she had secretly wanted for so long was coming true, though it more than likely was a surprise to her that her own blaziken would do this to her... But could she really complain now that she was getting oh so well filled by her beloved pokemons cock.

The heat eminating from his body seemed to just flow around the area, along her skin and through her body as though she were getting devirginized by a minion of hell which given her Blaziken's own now cruel personality, wouldn't be that far from the truth. His massive cock continued to hammer into her, stabbing and prodding at the deeper areas of her womb as he then bit into her shoulder panting slightly in subdued anger finding himself getting more and more enraged by the fact that she was enjoying it...

Yet he found himself continuing to breed with her, with greater fury and anger put into it. He reached down with one of his arms placing it right under her rear taking a moment to let his claws scrape against her soft tender flesh before sinking a finger into her anus, slowly forcing a finger into her little 'rosebud' deeply despite her probable initial discomfort. He was enjoying it.. Though he was getting lost in his rage, in the end he was enjoying what he was doing to her. It...felt good... It felt so fucking good to do this to the girl who abandoned him and left him in that accursed sanctuary for all those years!
"B-Blaziken, please," she pants, rocking her hips as he thrust into her small body. She happens to glance down, catching site of his large cock inside of her. She quivers, mouth open in awe as he filled her insides completely. She adored it, loved how his cock filled her up. She tilts her head back and whines in delight, her legs spreading to accommodate him. Her thin body, being fucked by her pet, mutilated by a monster. She loved it. Absolutely loved it.

The bite into her shoulder made her tilt her head to side and pant his name softly, hips rocking. Her breasts were swollen from neglect, the nipples hardened to peaks. "I-I'm so sorry. I'm such a pervert," she manages through moans. Her body felt unusually hot and she assumed it was from the beast under her. She felt as if he was marking her as his mate, the biting, the spamming into her womb, everything. She was being branded. She smelled of him now, his sweat pressing against her own, much smaller body.

She was falling into ecstasy until she felt something at her rear, a sharp pinch. She squeaks loudly, feeling his claw invade her puckered entrance. She whimpers out loud, her fingers digging into one of his arms as she continued to impale herself on his finger.
"Do you know how long I suffered there? How long I thought I did something wrong to you to make you mad?! I went through a hell you made for over nine years! You left me there for nine years! You didn't even call or check to see if I was okay!" He hissed as he then bit down more firmly on her shoulder thrusting upwards with greater vigor seeing how easily he'd turned his trainer into the horny bitch she was trying to keep secret from so many of her friends. He grunted as he thrusted faster enjoying 'demeaning his trainer' a little more than he wanted to. His anger coupled with the fact that he hadn't bred for at least five years had kept much of his libido bottled up and left him quite pent up.

Hearing her squeal when he forced a claw and finger into her anus made him grin, he forced his finger in a bit deeper, feeling his thoughts getting clouded by lust and by the rage he felt, he wasn't thinking straight as he then ran his tongue along her neck nibbling on her ear as he then forced his thick member into her feeling the head of his length 'kiss' the entrance to her inner most womb, her cervix. He groaned as he felt his cock twist around along her entrance. He felt her womb tighten at the sensation of it. "" "G-Good Arceus she's a tight little bitch..

He paused gyrating his hips for a moment in an attempt to loosen her up as he then teased her anus with a second finger, soon sinking it into her groaning slightly as he felt her womb tighten further around his length.
Cali only moaned louder as he thrust even deeper inside of her small body, the claws in her ass only driving her closer to ecstasy. She rode her pokemon now, forcing herself along his cock and in synch with his thrusts. He seemed to be so angry, so passionate, and it only drove her to love the pervertedness of it more. She pants whorishly, tongue to the side of her mouth. Her hips jut out forward as she begins to grope her own breasts, pinching and yanking on her nipples.

His cock was large, and so very lovely as it continued to spear at her walls. She wondered what his semen was like. Was it sour or sweet? Maybe thick and delicious? Oh. That only made her drool as she continues to pleasure herself on him. Her ass was right around his claws, pussy even tighter around his cock. "O-oh, Blaziken..~" She moans his name heavily. That's when she thought of something that might ease his anger, a soft spot. She reaches back and gently rubs just under his chin, something she knew he loved when she was younger.
He felt her hand carress and rub along his chin. He shivered slightly at her touch, that gentle touch and carress he felt as a torchic. He let out a small pant, shaking as he started to go slightly faster, his rage waning soon being replaced with partial lust. He groaned shaking as he started to pump his member into her womb with greater desire. He panted slightly as he started to kiss her neck, grunting as he sank his claws in further into her anus, shaking slightly as he could feel himself approaching his climax. "Y-You stupid i-inconsiderate b-bitch... I-I missed you...

"I felt so alone...for so many years..Y-you stupid..." He groaned crooning at his trainer as he pulled his claws out of her anus, soon pinching her clit gently as he soon sped up. "H-Have my egg for leaving me alone for so long.." He moaned as he then came inside his trainer, shaking as his thick seed soon pumped into her womb and over flowed squirting from her womb in several little streams drenching her thighs and his crotch with his hot but sticky, tar like seed. He moaned shaking slightly as he felt her suddenly tighten up, grinding down on his cock for who knows what.
Cali only cried out more as his thrusts quickened, head tilting as she felt his kisses amongst her flesh. She continues bouncing atop his waist, listening to his grumbles and growls. Oh how she wanted to know what he was saying. Just for a moment. She pants heavily as she felt him impale her womb repeatedly. Her climax was closing in, her pussy tightening around him.

She began moaning and cooing with her climax on the verge before she finally felt his release. His cum was hot and it filled her almost instantly, drenching her insides and outsides. As she came, four words left her lips and into the sky. "I-I love you, Blazy!" She cries, her body tight and hot around him as she milked his cock for every last drop of semen.
He panted slightly, using his arms and hands to keep Cali down on his cock, groaning slightly as he continued to cum, lightly licking her neck nibbling on it as he then gyrated his hips burying his thick cock further into her womb. Musing he slowly pulled out, shaking slightly as several final shots of his seed splattered onto her belly. "B-Bla...b-blazi..."

"...I-I...can't...I can't...hate her..." He shivered as he then kissed her cheek lightly, crying lightly as he hugged her tightly. "....B-Blaziken..." He wept slightly as he found himself unable to hate her despite her having abandoned him or at least he perceieved it as such.
She hugs her beloved pet back, pressing her body's against his. She was so soft compared to him, all curves as she nuzzles his cheek into his nose. Her stuffed sex nearly exploded with cum as she hovered over him, his own semen drenching his groin. She repeatedly kisses his beak, murmuring innocent little nothings of how she missed him and how much she loved him.
He shivered in her embrace, hugging her tighter, he wasn't going to leave her side... and he didn't want her to leave his side either... At that moment a little bit of compassion grew inside him, though this compassion was slightly more obsessed, he loved her dearly and he wasn't about to let something or someone else take her away from him... He'd make her lay his egg, no matter how many times he had to fill her with his seed to do it...


In no time things seemed to get back to normal, he was traveling with his trainer again, with her team of pokemon, all female oddly the only male was a young male, barely able to fight yet, seeming to be freshly hatched from an egg. He wondered where she was planning to take them, though taking a wild guess he assumed they might have been going on to look for ghost pokemon to satisfy this unknown sudden curiousity within her. He'd been gone for so long he had no idea why she was so suddenly interested in those...frightening things.
Cali happily had her blaxiken by her sides at all times. She cuddled him as they slept, bathed with him, and shared meals. Today they were just out and about the nearest mall, she was admiring all the dresses, and thr men were admiring her. She could feel the sudden energy in her main six, the ghost energy. She nearly dusted it off as she tried on different amounts of jewelry and lolita themed dresses. She asked for her companions opinion but heseemed to be distracted the majority of the time.
He saw many ghost pokemon in the mall, most of them being friendly though still otherwise somewhat unusually intimidating. He frowned shuddering at the 'eye' some of the female ghost pokemon were giving him, he didn't entirely understand why but since then he's developed a partial phobia of ghost pokemon that even he didn't understand. He felt...naked, or at least more naked than he already was, he shook his head rubbing his head as he attempted to focus. "...By Arceus, get a grip....they're just pokemon like you...and the others, don't be so afraid damn you.." He thought to himself.
Cali would slide her arm around her Blaziken, her mouth lowering to his ear. "Something the matter?" She murmurs, her breath a bit hot from talking so lowly. Her fingers trailed down his arm and barely grazed his side before it was removed..because she saw a set of lingerie. The bra was a pair of pokeballs, the underwear was red lace with cute white and yellow bows. She ogled at it, her fingers grazing the fabric.
Blaziken also saw the lingere set but he kept his opinion to himself, he had to try incredibly hard to not imagine his trainer in a rather 'alluring' way to avoid getting an 'accident' in public. He imagined her previously, dressed with that lingeree, dressed as a sort of busty lopunny teasing him as she said 'Oh Blazy...come catch your pokemate~'. At that point, he tried to stop imagining her in such a form. "...Blaze..." he said with a frown shuddering as a Mismagius drifted by winking at him. He shuddered feeling as though Darkrai itself just drifted by his shoulder.
Cali was close to fangirling, she grabbed the set and immediately bought it. She then grabbed her trusty Blaziken and rushed into the nearest family bathroom. She nearly squeed. "Oh my. This is so freaking scandalous," she mused, peeling her clothing off she wanted to immedaitely wear it, compared to her frilly pink ones she had on currently.
"....." The only way that Blaziken could react was by facepalming in embarassment and partial frustration. "...Blaze.." "...Really now?" He thought to himself. "REALLY." He asked again to himself. He was just in shock that she actually just pulled him in with her just to...He wasn't even entirely certain as to why she did.
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