All for the Want of a Touch {darkest_fate&Rand}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
"Gawd dammit, Rogue," spat the Southern Goth as she stormed away from her school, tears welling up in her green eyes. It was stupid, beyond stupid, really, for her to be this upset. She'd always known that Scott and Jean had a relationship, or at least had a desire for a relationship with one another. And why wouldn't he pick Jean over Rogue? One the beautiful, model-ready, leggy redhead who would have had the school wrapped around her pretty finger even without her mental abilities. Everything about Jean screamed perfection, from her perfectly manicured hands (and how the hell did she manage to keep those up when they were constantly on missions anyway?) to her tight ass, always in painted on pants and skirts, to her fine cheekbones. Hell, Rogue was pretty damn straight, and even she had to admit that she'd probably spread her legs for Jean.

Fuck, at this point, Rogue would probably spread her legs for just about anyone. You could barely walk anywhere in the fucking Mansion without hearing someone having sex or masturbating or God knows what. Rogue had been interrupted in the shower no less than three times, once in mid climax. It had taken three other students to hold Rogue down to prevent her from murdering Kitty when the brunette had popped her cute little head right through the wall of the shower. Like Rogue didn't know about "Lance," Kitty's all too accurately named vibrator. That damned thing went off every other night, especially whenever Kitty and Lance actually went out and did something. This wasn't even counting the adults, who Rogue didn't want to think about.

At least they could fuck each other though. That was exactly what Scott and Jean were doing right fucking now. They hadn't even left the school, for crissakes! they were back there, right now, going at it like, well, a pair of horny teenagers. Rogue could still hear Jean's panting moans and Scott's throaty groans. though if she were being honest, it wasn't that they had gone at it that bothered her. It wasn't even quite that everyone else got to fuck like bunnies while Rogue was left frustrated.

It was that it all turned her on, fiercely, and right now.

The goth girl's normally pale face now had a very distinct reddish hue to it. She looked as though she'd just been three rounds in the Danger Room. Except Danger Room exercises didn't generally result in hardened nipples that threatened to poke through the tight green bra. That garment hadn't even felt that tight till right now. Rogue could've sworn that her already impressive bust had literally swelled with desire, and she knew for a fact that her nipples had tented the fabric. Thankfully, she wore a skin tight halter top on top of said bra, though that too had a slight crinkle right at the nipple area. Fortunately, Rogue wore another layer atop that: the breezy, forest green blouse that obscured without really covering. It also showed her tight abs, hardened by those aforementioned hours in the Danger Room. A green jewel dangled from her navel, with a little "X" symbol emblazoned in silver there. Both pointed down to the skin tight leather mini-skirt that covered Rogue's body, cupping a tight ass well, not to mention emphasizing rounded hips. most of her legs were covered by leggings and excessively long boots, thankfully.

In fact, it all felt like way too damn much clothing right now. Rogue shifted her backpack, hoisting it over her shoulder and trying to hurry back to the mansion. She'd just... dance or do a danger room session or... Scott, looking toward the ceiling, his mouth open and groaning as his cock thrust into tight, hot pussy, the wet squelching from Jean's sex nearly as loud as the noises they made. Each thrust sending a thick slap throughout the small area where the two went at it, adding another layer to their sexual song...

"Fuck it," groaned the Southern Goth. Rogue turned her head, looking about. Privacy, she just needed a little privacy. There! An abandoned construction site! In the back of her mind, Rogue heard Logan growling about ambush points and checking your escape routes, but she didn't give a fuck. Those words were soon chased out by the image of the boy that Rogue wanted so much to touch her thrusting himself at a girl that did not have short cropped brunette hair and a witch's lock. that girl did not have purple lipstick or wear a collar around a pale neck. And weirdly enough, Rogue wasn't even certain that was what she wanted.

Oh Gawd, do I want to be between them? Wouldn't that be hot though? Rogue's lean, pale body sandwiched between two others, both going hard at her, slamming into her tight sex and stretching out her walls. No, one would be jammed into her tight ass, destroying her little rosebud and buggering her fiercely. You wouldn't think such fuckin' messed up thoughts if ya got some Rogue thought, soon followed by another barely audible: "Fuck it." she was in the site, and she ducked behind a mound of dirt. Rogue gave the area a cursory look before sliding down, her backpack within hand's reach. One hand went to cup her breast, squeezing it beneath the fabric, while the other delved between her legs. Rogue knew it was stupid to get naked, but she didn't need to get naked to enjoy herself. Just one quick orgasm, enough to cool her down, then she'd slip in somewhere, clean up, and head home. The teenager slid a hand beneath her skirt, tugging at the green and black boy shorts that covered her sex. Rogue wasn't surprised to find a wet spot at her crotch, nor was she shocked when her fingers found a hot, wet swamp between her legs. Rogue trembled, arching her back, pinching her eyes shut. So good, so good, and nobody to see.

Rogue began trailing her hand along her aching slit, feeling the hot, wet lips. She dipped a finger in, just sinking up to the nail. The finger curled, pulling against her tight, virginal sex, swirling a little. her other hand went to grab her breast, mashing it roughly. Fingers went up to pinch her nipple, causing her to moan and buck her hips, which consequently shoved her finger further into her sex. Rogue didn't care, rotating her hand and grinding her hips against it. It all felt so good, so fucking good. Rogue let out a low, throaty groan, her legs kicking, the boots scraping against the ground. The girl was becoming more and more lost in her own body, unaware of the world around her...
"C'mon, big guy, get a move on it, will ya?" Complained the nimble smaller mutant as he bounded atop of a nearby dumpster before leaping higher above to land on a fire escape not too further away.

A few feet away came the lumbering yet physically imposing figure of the mutant known to friends and enemies as the Blob, as Fred Dukes waddled his way through the alleyway while carrying a couple of canisters over each of his wide shoulders. "I don't see you lugging either of these canisters around, Toad." The large figure noted; glaring up at his roomie and teammate while gesturing with a nod of his head toward one of the two nearly fire extinguisher sized containers.

Giving a dismissive shrug and turning his attention outward, the often slacking teenager retorted, "Hey, I'm on lookout duty. Not like any of these vents are going to support your wide-" His words were halted by the distant sight of a familiar figure wandering around on her lonesome. One which, considering the 'packages' they were assigned to steal for the Brotherhood, seemed almost too good to be true, "Huh."

"What is-" The larger mutant started as he finally caught up with the faster teen; halting in his question at also noticing the lone figure ducking into the old construction site, "Oh. Think we should head back around to the other side to be safe?"

With a scoff and a widening grin filled with a sense of false confidence, Toad was quick to toss that suggestion aside while rubbing his hands together, "What? And miss out on the perfect chance to test out our little finding? Lance and Pietro talked us into doing the grunt work, so we get first dibs for the fruits of our labor. Let's go!"

Without waiting for his partner to really say anything in agreement or rebuttal of the notion, the nimble figure quickly leaped forward and began to more closely trail after the pale figure. Keeping toward the shadows and high above when possible, it wasn't long until the sickly looking teenager was able to catch up with their former teammate in the Brotherhood. What Toad had in mind was a little payback for all of the trouble Rogue and her friends had caused them in the past. But what he found upon peeking over a few rusted over support beams was perhaps the last thing he'd ever expected.

"Ohhh man..." He barely managed to keep at a whisper while quickly clamping a hand over his mouth as his eyes remained glued on the spot. This had to be a dream. Something brought about by too many frustrated nights of not being able to have any fun with Wanda back at their place. Though usually it was Wanda in those situations. Also, he was always alone in those dreams, which wasn't the case here as Fred finally managed to catch up with the other mutant while moving as quietly as his massive girth would allow.

"Woah." Was about all the large mutant could manage to say while also ducking behind the abandoned metal beams which barely managed to shield the sight of his large frame. Instantly, the equally sexually frustrated teen was stuck in a similar trance as his teammate. Both of them watching for several moments. Perhaps a minute or two. Maybe more. Of simply enjoying the view of the forever untouchable Rogue pleasuring herself in the supposed privacy of this abandoned site.

Managing to pull his eyes away for a second, Toad glanced over at Blob and was reminded of their little 'mission' for the gang. A reminder which brought a wide grin to his sickly face. Well. No time like the present to test things out. "Dude? Get the canister ready for use and follow my lead." The smaller male whispered; quickly ducking away before his partner could pull his own eyes away from the beautiful southern goth to try and ask what he was doing.

Not that it mattered, since it seemed Fred would indeed continue to watch closely while Toad slinged away with the help of his tongue in order to get around behind the young X-Man. Landing upon the top of the mound of dirt, Rogue's first indication of their being another person there would likely come from the few small pebbles which rolled downward, before the familiar voice called out rather casually, "You, uh, need a hand there, babycakes?" The sudden sight of his grotesquely long tongue shooting out and wagging suggestively when she did look his way followed as he added, "Or maybe a tongue?"

Having hopefully drawn enough of her attention by now, Toad pulled his tongue out of harm's reach, while quickly calling, "NOW!!"

Indeed, this seemed to be enough time for the slower Blob to make his way over, one canister in hand, than spray her with a thick coating of the airborne contents, "Hehehe!" The substance came out similar to perfume, yet held a thicker feel to it as it came into contact with Rogue's body. Moist. Enough so to give her a light sheen which would last until it completely dried in a short amount of time; with Blob continuing to spray until he got all of her exposed flesh before stopping,

"This junk better work like Pietro's 'sources' said it would." The Blob considered; preparing for fight/escape if needed, while watching the surprised X-Man deal with the unknown substance.

Toad was ready for the worst, as the opportunistic teenager quickly leaped over and stood behind the larger male while cautiously watching from over a wide shoulder, "Well, if it don't, then at least I'm a faster runner than you..."
Rogue arched her back, desperate to shove her fingers as deep inside her as they could go. She almost wished that she had something in her backpack that she could shove within her body. It wouldn't be the first time a desperate Rogue had stabbed herself with something artificial. Hell, she'd nearly done it right after receiving her powers. Nothing frustrates a girl like learning that she can't touch nobody no more. Now though, Rogue had to make do with her fingers, curling them up within her sex, desperate for any kind of sensation. She could feel her own moisture leaking down among her, giving her fingers a fine coat as well as drizzling to the ground below. The sensations felt stupendous, and Rogue could feel something coiling tight within...

then a pebble fell. Rogue at first thought that maybe something she'd done had caused it. Wasn't as if she were sitting still. but more pebbles moved, and Rogue could practically sense someone behind her. A voice confirmed Rogue's worst fears. The Southern girl spat a curse, jerking and whirling. Her entire body felt tense, denied orgasm so very, very close to getting it. She shot a hand up, the one that hadn't been knuckle deep into her sex, clenching a fist and getting ready to bat away Toad. Toad wasn't a problem, would never be a problem, not by himself. About all he could do to Rogue was lob spit-balls at her, and she had enough training to at least dodge those. One touch, and he'd be out, "Hope ya got a good look, ya slimy--" began Rogue. she'd reached down with her none clenched hand, quickly adjusting her skirt and panties as best she could. She'd barely started when she felt something mist against her skin. Rogue twirled, managing to directly face the threat. All this meant was that the substance sprayed her front instead of her back, coating the little exposed skin she had with whatever the hell it was. Blob sprayed enough to easily soak through Rogue's thin shirt, plastering it to her skin, not to mention getting on her skirt and tights. Rogue then heard Blob blubbing something about how the stuff better look.

Rogue spat, feeling some of the liquid on her mouth. She glared at Blob, tensing, "Ah don't know what ya thought that was gonna do, but ah feel fine," she said, growling. She was caught between two of them, even if they were the two dumbest members of that little organization. Rogue wasn't entirely sure she could take Blob on, not one on one, and while Toad was little more than a nuisance, he was now a nuisance teamed up with a strongman, which could prove to be deadly. Rogue looked at the long-tongued villain as he spoke, grunting.

"If ah were ya'll, ah'd start running," she said. She then ducked down, digging into her bag. It didn't take her long to locate her communicator, and she'd soon have it in hand, ready to push the emergency beacon. Then all she'd have to do was hold them off until someone else came. Rogue did wish that she wasn't flushed and that they hadn't seen it, especially since they were bound to talk. It meant a lecture from the adults when she got back, which Rogue was pretty darn tired of. Still, she could handle a lecture. Just had to hold out a little longer...
She seemed pretty ticked off now. Understandably so, at that. And powers or no powers, it was enough to almost immediately make Toad regret his rash decision of their surprise 'sneak attack' during such an intimate situation. The moment she started reaching for that communicator, however, the memory of painful optic blasts and too close for comfort adamantium claws coming for his head was enough to snap him into action.

"You aint calling nobody, toots!" Toad exclaimed while leaping forward; that elongated tongue shooting forward and attempting to snatch away the communicator before Rogue had it fully in hand. His aim was off, however, which caused the slimy appendage to instead wrap itself around an exposed portion between where the glove ended and her sleeves began.

"Ahhh!!!" The smaller mutant let out with a flailing of his arms in preparation of the familiar life draining effects of the X-Man's touch to take hold. A few seconds later, however, the trio were left with the realization that the loud mouth teenager hadn't dropped to the ground or shown any other signs of ill effect. "....Hey. I aint passing out?" He noted slowly, before giving a big grin at finally realizing, "What do you know?! The gunk works!"

Slow as Toad may be on the uptake there, the mutant was rather quick at taking advantage of his hold on Rogue's wrist by yanking the gothic teen forward with a strong pull of his tongue, "Woopsie!"

The tug would be enough to yank Rogue forward. Enough so to allow the Blob to quickly close the gap and grab her from behind. "Got her!" He exclaimed while both of those meaty hooks held onto Rogue at the elbows; holding onto the X-Man tightly against his large, bulbous frame while asking his teammate, "So what do we do now? Rough her up a bit as a warning to her friends?"

"Ya know, I didn't think that far ahead...." Toad admitted; the length of his tongue still wrapped around Rogue's wrist, as the tip of it extended enough to begin lapping rather messily at her still slicked fingers. While Toad may not have been able to draw his tongue back into his slimy mouth, his taste buds took full note of what was found there, as he give a devious grin at his cohort, "Mmm. But, uh, I may have a couple of ideas in mind now."

Watching his fellow Brotherhood member's actions, it took a second for Fred to catch onto what he was getting at, but it wasn't long before the large teenager gave the smaller male a knowing look. "Heheheh..." The Blob chuckled to himself from behind the captured X-Man, before letting go of the one arm which Toad's tongue was presently occupied with. Trusting on that extended appendage to keep it restrained for now, while moving his free hand underneath Rogue's top. His wide palm and fat fingers slowly sliding along the normally untouchable flesh. Noting how the stuff they blasted her with had largely dried onto her skin already. Enough so to barely be noticeable while doing its job in protecting Blob's skin from the natural affect of Rogue's abilities. That large, firm hand showing an eagerness for a woman's touch as he teased those thick digits along the underside of her halter top. Hiking it upward slightly, yet keeping her bra covered chest concealed for now, as the tips of his fingers began to tease along the underside.

Moving closer, Toad lowered into being within a slightly crouched position, which put him near crotch range with the captured X-Man as his hands moved at holding her legs to prevent any possible kicking. "What d'ya say, toots? Been a while since you'd felt another person touching you without gloves or passing out, hasn't it?" The mutant noted with a smirk, while slipping himself forward enough to let her feel his labored breathing brushing along her slender legs even as his tongue continued to tease at her fingers, "Maybe we can, ya know, work out a little deal? A little bonding time with old teammates in exchange for telling Pietro we couldn't get the canisters?"
Damn, Toad's tongue tongue lashed Rogue's wrist almost immediately. She knew it wouldn't last long: her power would kick in, draining the disgusting mutant of his lifeforce and rendering him unconscious pretty damn quick. But it also meant that she'd have to endure several seconds of having that slimy thing curled about her hand, not to mention several more minutes of hopping around and dealing with an overlong tongue and drool problem. Last time she'd nearly eaten a fly.

However, soon Rogue was utterly stunned, staring openmouthed at her hand. Nothing was happening. Nothing. No twitching, no draining, no passing out, as Toad noticed. Rogue was completely stunned by this revelation: what the hell did they do? Was this some kind of strange dream? It certainly felt like a dream in a lot of ways: empty site, Rogue playing with herself, the arrival of the idiot squad.

Then Rogue felt a tongue and she let out a short little yell. Blob snatched her, and Rogue soon found herself locked into the grip of the mutant who literally had the power to be unmovable. She still struggled for a few moments, feeling his meaty hands holding her tight. Rogue panted with fury and, admittedly, a rising fear. No power meant that she was at the mercy of these two, and she could already hear Blob's rumbling, guttural voice suggesting harm. Rogue licked her lips, readying herself to argue and wheedle some kind of deal. However, just as she opened her mouth, she felt the tongue grace her fingers... the recently used ones. Rogue's eyes widened and she looked to Toad.

"Oh, hell no,' she said, moving to struggle again. Blob's hand snaked under her shirt quick enough, and soon Rogue felt it moving aside her halter, teasing the underside of her breasts. She knew she should feel disgusted, her stomach lurched, but at the same time, this was someone, someone else, touching her developed body for the first time. She still managed to notice Toad hopping close, leering at her and talking around his still extended tongue. She could feel him licking about her fingers too, no doubt enjoying her flavor.

Hands spread her legs and Rogue felt more fury and disgust rise within her. She jerked, trying to break free, feeling his breath against her legs, hot and fetid. "What th' hell are ya talkin' about?" she demanded, still squirming and looking down at Toad. "What did ya spray me with? Is that why my powers don't work no more?" it was the only logical reason, anyway. Rogue shifted again, trying to get some freedom or something. It was hard to get away though, especially when at least part of the problem lay in Rogue's own treacherous body.
The Blob's grip tightened to attempt in further restraining Rogue's efforts at getting away, while clearly keeping the majority of his attention focused toward fondling the young mutant. The hand beneath her top moved to further tug aside the material, until finally those large, bulbous fingers came to play at the gothy teenager's breast through the bra underneath. His hot breath came out in quicker, clearly excited bursts against the back of Rogue's neck as he cupped at the X-Man through the flimsy material. Fred may have had little experience in actually playing with a woman's breast before, but there was no sign of shyness or hesitation in the way his strong hand firmly fondled Rogue's within that wide palm; girls nipple being rolled particularly hard against the center of said palm with the way his hand was angled.

Meanwhile, Toad had moved in closer to begin taking a peek up the struggling mutant's skirt. Her scent was hard to miss this close up, and the view was certainly a nice one when the shadows allowed him to peek upon her pale flesh under there. Still, they hadn't sprayed her everywhere, so Toad settled on simply making her deal with his eye humping her most intimate of places while also dealing with his warm breath brushing along her moist folds, before redirecting his gaze up at her during the questioning.

"Oh, don't worry your pretty little head. The gunk we sprayed ya with aint permanent or nothing." The Brotherhood member explained with a slight slur to his words; slowly returning his attention toward the X-Man's inner thighs as his tongue continued to slowly slurp its way around her fingers like a tendril for a few seconds longer, before trusting on Blob's grip to be enough to keep her in place and retracting it back into his mouth while making their 'sales pitch'.

"We swiped it from some research facility several miles away. Quicksilver found out about it through his father's people. It's an experimental 'second skin' or something that's supposed to help with medical junk when perfected. He figured he'd impress his old man by stealing it. Thought it'd be a good weapon to use against mutants like yourself who need to be all touchy feely for their powers to work." The smaller mutant explained with a cocky smirk, followed by giving a breather in his 'pitch' to let his tongue slip free of his mouth and shoot upward into Rogue's top through the underside of the material; letting her feel as his tongue slithered along her trim belly to add further stimulation alongside Blob's continued molestations to further accentuate his point, "Looks like the daddy's boy was right for a change."

The tongue slithered along the toned abdomen area of the young X-Man. Being mindful of not going near any areas which hadn't yet been doused with the strange concoction, which was also why Blob's hand hadn't gone further then feeling her over the material of her bra. Though the thin layer of undergarment seemed to do little in offering protection from the large mutants manhandling, as those wide fingers began to actively search out and then squeeze or pinch at the budding nipples which could be felt through it.

For his part, Toad enjoyed a few linger seconds longer of licking along Rogue's soft flesh, before drawing his tongue back into that smirking mouth with a sickening slurp in order to finish with his pitch. "So! What I'm saying is, Blob-o here and I can pretend we couldn't get it, and we'll even let you make use of it for, uh... private purposes." He suggested with a widening smirk which nearly turned into a full grin; not exactly showing much in terms of tact or smoothness on the subject, but pressing on with the suggested deal as he added with a shrug, "Who knows? Maybe it isn't too late for ya to steal Summers away from red? Or if it is, I'm sure there are other guys around that you wouldn't mind trying out for a date or two."

While Rogue may have been far more physically appealing on a visual and even personality level than either of her two assailants, they each had the shared frustration of little to no physical contact with the opposite sex. So this was one department where Toad could relate, and one which he planned to exploit to his full potential as he got down to business with an eager little snicker, "Buuuuut. You're gonna have to earn it. And since I noticed ya getting a bunch of it in your mouth already..."

A moment of silence to potentially let the suggestion sink into Rogue's head, but a moment was all which Toad had the patience for as he suddenly let go of her legs and began to stand before the held X-Man. With a nod toward his less talkative partner, Blob seemed to get the idea and, reluctantly, pulled the one hand out of her top in order to place both on her shoulders. With the help of a little heightened strength and mass, Rogue would find herself being forced into kneeling on the ground with Toad standing right before her. A rather eager Toad, whose hands were already fidgeting at the front of his uniform and unfastened it enough to begin reaching in for his by now throbbing cock.

"C'mon. It's a small, er, I mean it's a fair price to pay for ever being able to feel something other than your fingers between your legs again." He suggested with a bit of stumble at the near suggestion of his being on the smaller size, while those busy hands eagerly guided his arousal out through the opening of his uniform and left it bobbing before the southern goth's pretty face. Indeed, Rogue would find out, that at nearly ten inches in length and a fair amount of girth surrounding it, the smaller mutant was rather far removed from being 'small' in at least this regard.
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