Elsa's True Love (HaloHeroWolf118 & Sweetest Sin)


Jan 21, 2011
Pahrump, Nevada
King Edric was a tall silver haired man with a special gift he kept hidden and under control. It had only been three months since the Coronation of Queen Elsa and he was coming to pay his respects though there was another motive. Long ago their kingdoms had come close to war but a proposal offered by the late King and Queen had halted any such plans but since their death and no mention of any offer the clouds of war were gathering. Edric had been at sea for one of those three months on his way to meet the newly crowned queen. It was a pounding on his ships cabin's door that woke Edric early one morning on his journey as a servant entered, "Your majesty we have arrived and are about to dock." the servant told him as Edric rose from his bed. He ran a hand through his short silver hair as he stood the cover falling off. He was well built with a muscled chest and arms created through training not only to control his gift but in how to fight as well. The servant laid out his clothes and helped him dress where needed adding his fur lined cloak after the rest of the garments had been pulled on. He hated his formal clothes as they made him feel stiff though he guessed that was the point. The servant then followed him to the main deck as Erindell's docks grew nearer, he had brought far more soldiers than it seemed for he intended to conquer Erindell his visit a mere cover.

As the ship moved in to dock Edric saw what seemed to be a few Nobles gathered at the docks though he didn't see the Queen among them it was a small concern. He looked over the building that made up the city all the way up to the palace which had seen some repairs recently. As the Gangplank was lowered and he stepped off one of the nobles approached, "Welcome to Erindell." the man said he wore a red sash from right to left and a few medals but Edric merely nodded in respectful acknowledgement. "The Queen is very eager to speak with you I'm sure the bad blood between our kingdom is all water under the bridge." the Noble continued as Edric was led to the palace by the group of nobles followed by his personal servant. The trek toward the palace gave Edric sometime to sight see he looked over the people and the children as they scampered about at their play. They reached the Palace steps and the doors were opened for Edric and the Nobles whose talk he had ignored so far.

They reached the throne room and he was announced by a herald. He entered his Blue eyes finding the queen where all queens sat in her throne.
Elsa stood up as her guest entered the room, she was a bit nervous since her younger sister, Anna, had left with Christoph for their honeymoon. Her long, nearly white locks flowed around her fair face wildly, and she smiled graciously at her guest. "Hello King Edric, it is such a pleasure to have you in my kingdom." She paused, her icy blue gaze looking over him, and she knew of his surplus of soldiers out at the docks, her guards had informed her just before he entered the room. "I know that our kingdoms have bad blood among each other... But I am hoping that we could repair the bonds that have been broken.." She finished, her slender figure stood still before them, showing nothing less then the confidence and beauty any queen should possess.

Elsa was not fooled by this visit, she had experienced enough deceit with her sister's previous 'fiance' and was well aware that this man was planning an attack. She wasn't concerned though, she had finally gained control over her powers, as her parents had always tried so hard to do when she was growing up. She was no longer afraid and she had no intention on allowing this man to change that. "Whatever men you have at the docks are welcome to take shelter in the lower levels of the castle, I have guards ready to lead them there whenever they please. I had a room prepared for you in the west wing, near mine and my sister's quarters if you so choose to stay here as my guest, your majesty. Unfortunately, my sister is away with her new husband." She paused, looking closely at the man, walking closer to him, her slender figure moving carefully beneath her form-fitting icy gown. "My maids can show you to your room, you may rest and get settled for as long as you like."

Two maids hurried into the large room, stumbling over each other almost as the realized who the guest was. They looked at each other in shock, as the fumbled over what to say, Elsa smiled at them and they seemed to break out of whatever had been startling them. The maids were slightly older, and seemed as if they had been working at the palace for quite some time. "These women can lead you to the room if you'd like, and if so, we will be holding dinner in the main dining hall and sunset. I would be more than honored to have you as my guest, King Edric." She finished, presenting him an elegant curtsy.
Edric bowed with a flourish of his fur lined cloak though the weather was pleasant the cloak was meant for his homelands colder winters. "My thanks your majesty." he said his tone respectful and without hostility, "I'm sure my men would look forward to beds that don't sway." he said smiling at her. He was handsome and seemed unaware of her knowledge of his plans but she didn't know about his gift from the moment he turned five he could freeze small puddles and as he grew people. There had been several instances where he had lost his control and injured a servant but over the years he had mastered his gift and had it under control. The news about her sister being away didn't phase him or even make him rethink his plans should it come to that. "I would much rather walk around and stretch my legs." he said refusing her offer of rest for the moment.

His eyes had examined her however and he found her beautiful her hair was much like his and so were her eyes it but he didn't know about her powers. "I hope that we may indeed repair our two kingdoms long broken friendship." he said coming a little closer to her his cloak billowing behind him from the air he created as he moved. "I regret that I won't be able to meet your sister and her Husband." he said his tone mirroring his words some part of him began to hope that blood need not be spilled. He was very close to her and he looked into her eyes blue meeting blue her head came up to his chest and he could smell the faint scent of her perfume. "I would like to see more of your palace if your willing to show me." he said he felt an icy yet pleasant chill run down his spine as grew closer to the queen and still his eyes could not leave hers.
Elsa could feel a similar intensity in his eyes, to her own, but she didn't step down as he got closer to her. Everyone in the room was silent as the two rulers stared at each other, only inches apart. The air in the room got ice cold, and the servants were able to see their breath now, but it didn't seem to surprise them as it would most people, which would be strange to anyone who did not know of the queen's powers. She had been born with the gift, and as the two got closer, something within them seemed to resonate. Noticing this, Elsa smiled warmly and took a step back, "Why of course I'd love to show you around the palace. I will return in a moment, please wait here your highness." she said as she swiftly exited the room, her slim figure moved gracefully with her every step.

The maids watched her leave, then looked at the visiting king and began whispering to each other like a pair of old gossips. What they were saying was unclear, but it was apparent that they knew something about his kingdom. Before they could finish, Queen Elsa returned, and they went silent immediately. She walked up the the man, looking him over for a moment, before smiling again. "What would you like to see first, your highness? The palace, the gardens, the town?" She asked, looking up at him curiously, the room growing a bit colder as she walked up. It was very clear that Erindale had many secrets, and it as getting more apparent that the maids knew something important as well.
Edric smiled as she asked which he would like to see first, "The gardens sound like a good place to start." he said as he removed his cloak and handed it back to his servant. He turned to the man then, "Have some of my things brought to the palace and then remain on the ship." he told the servant. "But my lord I-" the servant began but Edric raised his hand quickly to silence him and the man shrank back as if to avoid a blow. Edric didn't like that he had never once struck a servant but rumors had brought some fear to those that served him especially those aware of his gift, "You have your instructions Julian." he told the man who bowed and left. "To the gardens then?" he asked her trying to pick up his smile but it was a mere twitch at one corner of his mouth. He offered her his arm like any gentleman would. Edric noticed how some of the people close to them's breath misted before them as though the air had turned very cold he figured it had to do with him as he was still unaware of her gift. He waited for her to take his arm or lead him to the gardens but the wait allowed him a chance to examine her closely her white dress hugged her curves and he couldn't help the images his mind created of her but he stomped them down to keep his focus. As he kept looking at her however he could not imagine letting any harm come to her or going through with his plans but again he pushed these thoughts down and waited to be led to the gardens still offering her his arm.
Elsa smiled and took his arm "Of course, let us go then." she replied, leading him out of the throne room and into one of the grand halls. Everything was very neat and organized, yet a ping of loneliness hung over everything. As they reached two large glass doors, she stopped and let two servants push them open for the two rulers. Smiling up at him, she walked out into a large garden. It was covered in the most beautiful and fragrant flowers, and trees... There was a pond just a few yards away as well. She slowly pulled away from him and took a seat on one of the benches near by, and motioned for him to sit by her. Something about her expression made her seem sad, only for a short moment though.

Looking over the king once more, she could sense he had some sort of gift similar to her own, but she couldn't be sure. "So... I hear your kingdom has quite cold weather... Do you ever mind the chills?" She asked, hinting around, hoping to pick up some information. Though, she knew it was unlikely that he would just admit it... He HAD come to take over her kingdom, even though he had no idea she was aware of his plans all along.
Edric had noted the look of sadness that had briefly shown on her face as he approached the bench and sat down next to her. He found her question odd but saw no reason to lie to her, "No the cold never bothered me." he answered her as he sat there beside her he watched her remembering that look on her face before it had vanished. "Some say it was because I was born during one of the coldest winters our kingdom had ever known it was so cold that the sap in the trees froze making the wood explode." he told her. "The palace had icicles hanging from the ceilings and it was nearly bare as they had to burn everything that was wood to keep from freezing." he continued with his story. "When the storm ended and the sun came out the great bell was tolled signalling I had been born." he finished smiling at her. "Mother said I had a high tolerance for the cold due to being born under such conditions." he added a look of sadness passing over his own face at mentioning his mother and was gone just as quick as hers.

"So what about you your majesty bothered by the cold?" he asked smiling at her. His parents had passed recently leaving him the kingdom and his advisers were chomping at the bit for him to show he shared his families desire for expansion. He had had no interest in Erindale but the old bad blood and the broken offer from the late King and Queen made it the one choice that would silence the warmongers among his Advisers.
Listening to his story, she thought of her parents, causing something within her to stir... The bench grew cold and she stood up quickly, turning away from him, holding her hands to her chest. "Oh, no... The cold has never bothered me." she replied, trying to hide the panic in her tone. She quickly composed herself and turned back to the young king, smiling at him warmly. "I will have to apologize to you, your highness, I'm very tired... Would it be very rude of me to retire for a short while and rest?" she asked, looking at him curiously.

Though she had gained control of her powers, the thoughts of her late parents still set her off. Wishing Anna was there, she wondered if she was having a good time, though it was hard to imagine Anna ever having a dull time anywhere. She smiled a bit more as she thought of her younger sister, she secretly envied her and Christoph. They seemed so happy together, and Elsa had always been so shut off, she never had the opportunity to think about love, let alone searching for it.
"Not at all." Edric said though he had detected a small hint of panic in her though he figured it was due to him and how close he had become to her. He had heard rumors of how the princess' were locked away under mysterious circumstances and he thought it was due to some phobia of hers regarding crowds or people being to close. He had stood as she had left the bench some worry in his eyes as he watched her as she answered his questions holding her hands close to her chest. "I'll remain here a little longer before retiring myself." he told her smiling warmly as she had. "Before you go however..." he said as he approached her, "It is a custom of my homeland that the guest present his host with a gift." he said as he reached into his coat and produced a beautiful necklace the chain was thin and made of silver just like the ornament it held which was shaped like a snow flake with a large round sapphire in the center. He offered it to her, "I hope this is a good first step in repairing our kingdoms friendship." he said looking into her eyes.
Looking at the splendid necklace, she almost gasped, but caught herself before losing her composure. It was beautifully crafted, and appeared as though it was crafted just for her. Elsa looked up at him, taking the gift from his hands carefully, looking down at it admiringly. She was almost certain that this king was planning to invade her kingdom, but this brought her hope that they really could mend the broken bonds... Her icy blue gaze slowly pulled away from the beautiful necklace, back to his strong set face. He was a handsome man, the thought came across to her as odd, she had never noticed a man's appearance in such a way before. This scared her slightly, and fear was not a welcome feeling...

"Thank you... I really hope so too..." she said, trailing off as if she wished to say more. Smiling, she dipped down slightly, giving him an elegant curtsy before taking her leave. Her hips swayed gracefully as she disappeared into the castle, a chill hung in the air for just a few moments after she left him. The two older maids stood by the two large doors now, whispering to each other once more, only bits of their conversation could be made out from the distance they were from the young king.
"Yes......arrangement.......shipwreck....tragedy....." One said, the other nodding with a grim expression.
"Poor girl.......powers..........marriage...." The other replied as they both peered over at the king, noticing he was too close they stopped talking and walked out towards him.

"Good evening your highness, we will be by the door whenever you'd like to go to your room." One of the women said, before they both retreated back to the two large doors, and stood in silence, as to avoid him from learning of their conversation.
Edric watched Elsa leave his eyes trailed down to watch the sway of her hips her grace and beauty were warming a cold place in his heart as feelings surfaced he had buried during his training and youth and he smiled watching her go as that place wished she'd stay. He examined the gardens once she was gone but quickly over heard the maids talking. He paused and listened to the servants whispers certain words he heard made him curious. Some of what he heard was obviously about her parents and their sudden death at sea though he wished to learn more about the mysterious arrangement. The other words he would have dismissed as they seemed to imply her sister obviously Anna getting married and leaving had upset her sister but the word 'powers' confused him. He made it look as though he was more interested in the flowers when the Maids finished their gossiping and briefly approached informing him that they'd take him to his room once he was done. He nodded thanking them before walking about the gardens taking in the flowers and trees his mind was working over everything like it always did his fathers words coming back to him. 'At times a King must be cold son. He must weigh everything carefully even his own emotions. The crown that will one day sit upon your head is a symbol of our servitude to our people and Kingdom our choices effect more lives than our own. Be cold and weigh everything.' were his fathers words and he followed them weighing his growing feelings for Elsa.

He was no longer certain if he was committed to invading her lands perhaps there was another way. Perhaps if he learned what this arrangement had been he could use it he was the King and no matter how blood thirsty some of his Advisers were they would not challenge his choices they knew what he was capable of. He glared at his reflection in the pond disliking that memory more than any with it being the only time he had used his gift to take a life. With a sigh he touched the water freezing it so he no longer at to see his reflection as his touch distorted his image with ripples before the water froze over the ripples stopping in place giving the ice a wavy appearance. He strolled toward the gardens door and asked to be taken to his quarters. His servant was there when he arrived putting away his luggage which was modest amount mostly formal stuff and after meeting the queen he felt like changing out of the stiff formal clothes. He didn't speak to his servant as he finished and left and Edric began to change he removed his coat and under shirt revealing the toned muscles of his upper body his chest had a long scar across it and he remembered his Uncle who had given him that scar long ago now it seemed. He strolled to the wardrobe to find a less stuffy shirt, "What are you going to do?" he asked himself out loud as he continued to think things over.
Elsa could hear the servants bringing Edric to his room, it was only down the hall a few feet... She wanted to make sure he was close, in case he tried to invade as she so feared he would. Pacing her room, she finally stopped by the window, peering out in worry. Erindale depended on her, how could she be feeling soft towards someone who threatened it's very well being? Looking down at the necklace he had presented her, she ran her small fingers over it lightly, a small film of frost covered it for a moment, melting away almost as soon as it appeared. She sighed, turning away from it and walking to her bed to sit down on the edge of it. Dinner would be prepared in a few hours, perhaps it would be best for her to rest, just for a short while... Laying down, she watching the ceiling, making icy patterns appear and vanish until she dozed off. It was rare for her to get sleep, her mind was always clouded with thoughts of running the kingdom and making sure her sister, Anna and her husband, Christoph, didn't get into too much trouble.

The servants that left Edric to his room, began to walk down the hall, only stopping a few feet away from his door. Still in ear shot, though they thought they were far enough away for the young king to hear them speaking.
"Did you see how close they were? It's as if the late King and Queen knew that when they planned to arrange their marriage, that they would be a good match..." One said in a hushed tone.
"Yes... It is such a shame that they passed on their journey to arrange the marriage... Queen Elsa seems so lonely lately since Anna was married..." the other replied, as they both left, returning to their duties as they continued to gossip. It was clear from all they knew, that they had been working in the castle for many years, as did most of the staff.. It seemed that none of the newer staff had been there for very long, meaning that the castle had tight control on who came and went from the palace for many years. This only backed up the rumors that the girls had been shut off from the outside for a very long time.

Rumors flooded the neighboring kingdoms of the coronation of Queen Elsa, there was supposedly some great and terrible event... Bad enough to have one of their largest trading partners expelled from ever trading with them again, and a prince from another kingdom, stripped of his title and imprisoned. What actually happened following her coronation was a mystery, but since, there has been nothing but happy talk floating around. Just the one time gap was hushed from people's conversations, no one seemed to want to talk, and no one seemed to be bothered by it now... If it was such a bad thing, wouldn't they still be scarred from it? None of it added up.
Edric's had not been close to his door as he was changing into more comfortable clothes but his servant ever loyal knew how to linger without seeming out of place or even noticed. The thin young man had soft and timid look about him but Edric had earned his unquestioned loyalty saving him from death's door and showing him the only kindness he had ever known in his young life. Ivan lingered in the hall near his masters room looking at the paintings that hung on the walls or examining a suit of armor far closer than anyone would think normal. It was then that Ivan heard the Maids as they gossiped every word they spoke about Queen Elsa and Edric's arranged marriage that never happened due to the death of the Queens parents. Ivan knew Edric would want to hear this so he waited for the maid to be gone making sure it was thought that he had forgotten something as he passed them going back to Edric's room. He knocked and waited for Edric to say enter he opened the door and stepped inside.

Edric watched as Ivan entered he was curious as to why he would return disobeying his earlier orders to return to the ship. "I thought I told you to return to the ship." Edric said as he pulled on the comfortable clothes they still looked like clothes a king would wear but didn't make him feel stiff and formal. Ivan bowed as he apologized, "I'm sorry but I over heard something I think you should know." the servant said as he came deeper into the room. Ivan whispered what he had heard to Edric and Edric weighed it with everything else, "Good work now get to ships and tell the men to enjoy the hospitality of our host and the invasion might be off." he told him and as Ivan bowed and left leaving Edric with his thoughts.

"An arranged marriage." he mused it made sense had his parents known and if so why was this the first he had heard of it. It seemed no secret here was that why she was so nervous in the garden it was possible he could see it in his mind holding her in his arms their bodies pressed together the touch of her soft warm body against his. He shook his head dislodging these thoughts as he had to remind himself that it had not been made official since her parents had never arrived and it all could just be politics now. Erindale had few allies to call on and if it joined through marriage to a stronger kingdom Erindale would be folded into that kingdom and its allies would be bolstered by a stronger alliance. He hated politics mostly feeling jealous of the common folk with common troubles and no one dictating who they married nor such importance being placed upon the marriage itself. Edric sighed as he laid upon the bed letting his mind weigh it all as coldly as he could but a warmth filled him whenever he thought of Elsa. He laid there till a servant came to announce that Dinner was ready and once again Edric found himself wearing more formal clothes yet he couldn't help but smile a little as he reached his door to leave and follow the servant to the dining room.
Elsa waited in the dining hall, sitting in her seat quietly, rising elegantly as her guest arrived. Once everyone was seated, she smiled and motioned for them to bring the food out. "I hope you're room is comfortable enough for you." she said, hoping he hadn't thought her rude, she so hoped to avoid war.. Though she wouldn't hesitate to fight if she had to. She loved her kingdom, and all it's subjects. Anything she could do to protect it, she would. "So what do you propose we do to further repairing our countries bonds?" she asked as the servants brought them their plates. The warm aroma enveloped the hall as the food was placed before them, it was clear that the chef's had great skill, the food was so eloquently placed on each individual, gold embroidered plate.

Elsa wore her hair up, still as wild as it was earlier, but still beautiful. Her fair skin seemed to shimmer against the lighting, and she wore a simple yet elegant blue and grey gown. Also, the necklace he had gifted her, rested upon her breast perfectly, complementing her dress, as well as her icy, blue gaze. She thanked the servants for a job well done, and let them retire for the time being while they ate. All her staff seemed to adore her, and hold the utmost respect for her. It was a very admirable thing, a ruler with the love of her kingdom, and it was clear to see why they all loved her. Elsa always seemed kind and thoughtful to all her servants, never once had she treated them less than genuinely.
Edric sat as he nodded his head at her question of his room being adequate, "It's very comfortable, thank you." he said smiling at her as he noted her wearing the necklace he had given to her. "As for what we can do to rebuild the friendship of our two kingdoms is rather tricky." he continued as they were served he breathed in the rich aroma of the food noting the different spices they used compared to his own chefs. He smiled as the food was placed before him and he waited for the servants to leave before continuing, "Politics has a few solutions." he continued slowly beginning to eat his food, "Trade treaties, Non-Aggression Pacts and Military alliances to name a few." he said after washing his food with some wine it's flavor different from the kind he had back home. He had excluded marriages as he didn't want to make things awkward for either of them but one the other nobles at the table chimed in. "There is also political marriage." the old man said wiping his mouth on his napkin but missing a few bits that clung to his walrus mustache.

Edric nodded, "Indeed Lord Cecil but with the marriage of Anna and me with no younger siblings I felt the topic was moot." he said and the lord nodded in agreement. Edric was aware now of a Proposal for just that may have existed between either Elsa and himself or himself and Anna. The thought of him and Elsa crept into his mind bringing with it the turmoil of emotions that he pushed down while sipping his wine. "You and Queen Elsa are not far in age." Chimed in another noble he was thin smiling man with trimmed beard he was smiling at the Elsa and Edric. Edric didn't say anything and wished the noble hadn't either as old thoughts returned with a vengeance and Edric simply ate some more of his food in silence.
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