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The Ultimate Choice [Cheshire Smirk x TakodaVega]


Oct 30, 2009
Raleigh, NC
The crowds had been cheering for hours at the ring unawares of the surrounding Mob that was surrounding them. That is until the first shot went off. What happened after that was known to only those of the underground. Slaughter, mayhem, blood and sweat littered everywhere until only a handful of the Fighters survived. They were the best of the best from what the commanders had told the Don.

His fingers tapped along the armrest of his chair, his bodyguards flanking on either side of him as he smoked his cigar. "So." He said softly, Italian lilting over his voice as he looked at the last of those who had been 'interviewed' by the Don. Those who failed? Well...their dead bodies still littered the floor of the study in which they stood. The last of the males had been quite vicious from his sources as he leaned back in his chair. "Let me make you an offer, shall I?"

He steepled his fingers as he ashed the cigar into an offered tray, "You see, I am a busy man. And I need your skills to complete some...interests of mine that cannot be handled by anyone else." He took another puff of the cigar. "The role will involve killing people without the mercy of their ever loving god they pray to." He had no expression, possible why his people feared him. The money coming in from the hits and such was good, their people had made the government corrupt in the local area so that no crime could lead back to them. Life was a beautiful thing for the Don. Too bad his wife had never seen him to this. Instead he had adopted a daughter.

A daughter who was soon becoming more and more like her nature.

"Do we have an agreement?" Came his voice once more.

Whatever happened was up to the Cat man to decide.

His daughter however would probably have intervened had she known. The female was not unlike the cat man as she too had sported the ears and a tail...and so much more. The Don had adopted the girl after his wife had taken interest in before she had died. What the others had seen of the now young woman was rare, but her appearances were not unnoticed by anyone. She even had some of the same senses of those of her feral cousins. Perhaps this was why she had left her room to search for the new scent that lingered in the air, her feline nature stroking her curiosity to the fullest.
Vallios stood before the Don in a pair of ragged black leather pants and a nearly shredded shirt, a tangled mane of black hair falling down nearly to his waist. The man's back was arched in a feral, hostile manner, shoulders lifted, biceps flexing. Long jagged claws extended down from his curled fingers, his lips curled back into a silent snarl, fangs bared. Primal fury radiated from the prizefighter who was still partially lost in the haze he'd found himself in, that unquenchable blood-lust. But the glint of steel in the light, of at least three firearms pointed at various parts of his body was enough to keep the felis sapien in check.

Slowly his body language relaxed, Vallios slouching down slightly from his imposing 6'4 height. His topaz orbs moved around the room, slitted pupils taking in every detail of his surroundings. After a moment of deliberation Vallios spoke, his voice a low growl. He'd accept the offer, he really had no other choice. His people had no rights, no voice in this society. Nobody would hire him, not with that wild look in his eyes. He'd find no respite, no life anywhere but in the city's filthy underworld.

"You need somebody to deal with nuisances? I can accommodate that."

Vallios' tail, long and covered in short black fur thrashed through the air behind him in an aggrovated fashion, it was clear that he thought he'd finally found his way to freedom. Unfortunately however, his fate had just changed hands. Now he was a tool rather than entertainment, to be used and stored away when not needed.
The Don gave his first real expression of the evening, a slow smirk dancing across his lips as he nodded, "Excellent decision." He said as he flicked a pair of things in a summoning motion bringing about two heavyset men to the foreground. "Take the male to his new...home. We'll see about his missions later." Said the Don, "Don't want to wear you down the first night you are here."

The male was then blindfolded and shackled to keep from fighting the guards as they proceeded to drag him down to the lower bits of underground. He was then placed into a stone like room, fully furnished funnily enough, even contained a bookcase, a set of firearms...filled with blanks of course. There was a fire going in the center of the room, a stock of firewood to one side to rebuild it if it lowered.

The Don had given the man time to get acquainted with his new position in life. Indeed the male was living higher than he did with the last mob styled furnishings. Even a warm plate of food laid on the table nearby. Steaming chicken and noodles from appearances. Not long after the door had shut behind him, a simple iron grate that had an electric touch to it in case he tried to change his mind otherwise a shadow appeared edging along the floor.

What stood before the door was a woman of pale skin, the head of her coat hiding her ears, face and the tail from view at first, she needed to know what her nose was trying to puzzle over. It smelled like her, but it was more...spice. Something much more feral and wild than she could be. Silver eyes peeked through the lip of her hood, glancing about the room. She hoped he would be too busy eying his surroundings to notice her in the shadows of the room that led out of his own.
A low growl of agitation escaped from Vallios' lips, the second he was unchained and given sight again he hurled himself forward, failing to see the electric gate. He clawed out at the air, hoping to slice open one of the man's retreating backs. But they were safely out of reach so Vallios' long fingers curled around the iron gate. He hissed and snarled, clenching the iron as it shocked him. The iron gate shook as Vallios attempted to rip it free of it's setting, body shaking as he was hit with volt after volt. Then Vallios let go and backed away, his palms blackened from the electric gate.

Slowly the fury settled and Vallios retreated the bed, picking up the warm plate and settling down. He curled up on the bed, using just a fork to wolf down the steak and potatoes that had been prepared for him as a welcome dinner. His black fur tufted ears twitched slightly, showing his lingering agitation. Silently the felis continued to brood on his stolen freedom. He'd been so close!

Vallios sniffed at the air, catching the hint of an unusual scent. He pushed the half-finished plate away and sniffed at the air again, puzzled by what he was detecting. It was a scent he hadn't caught in many, many years. So long that he'd forgotten what it belonged to, though it still remained familiar. Whatever it was, it was coming closer.

Vallios acted as if he hadn't noticed, figuring that whatever was stalking towards him would become too curious for it's own good and make it's way into his line of sight. So, patiently Vallios allowed the game of cat and mouse to begin, preparing to look up at the right moment.
Tilting her ears back she stilled, having heard the plate stopped moving. Slowly pulling back the hood of her coat the woman's appearance made itself known. Rounded ears perked slowly forward to listen to the nearby sounds as her curiosity got the better of her, her head peeking beyond the door. Silver eyes lingering on the other side of the door, white hair tumbling from her hood to frame her face.

"Who are you?" Came her soft voice, tinged with a softer purr, as coiled her fluffy like tail around her ankle out of sight for now however it made itself known not too long after she stepped into the light. Fluffy gray undertones covered her tail while black leopard spots made itself known. It was not unlike a Snow Leopard tail for that matter. Perking her ears towards the male as she waited for a response, her coat hiding most of her form from view.

The buttoned up velvet coat slid down her breasts, to about her naval, flaring down to her ankles, a long skirt hugged over her hips and descended down to join her coat, a knee-high slit gave way to her ivory skin as well. The Don's daughter was definitely a sight to see to the other felis in the other room. As rare as the were the sight of one of the opposite sex was certainly jackpot to any male.

Once she moved into the light, it was easy to see that she was quite a deal shorter than he was, maybe a inch or two above five feet. And that was including the ears. Swinging her tail lazily behind her as she watched him, still every curious about the male seeing as how she had never seen another feline quite like herself.
A low, involuntary purr of interest escaped Vallios' ears as the sound of a female speaking made it's way into his consciousness. Slowly he looked up into the face of the newcomer, tilting his head slightly. Those vivid topaz orbs widened ever so slightly, slitted pupils contracting as Vallios focused on her face. Pushing himself to his feet Vallios did a lazy circle around her, giving her the once, and then the twice over before he spoke.

"I...Am Vallios."

The way he stood above her, towering without meaning to screamed dominance. He offered his hand for her to take as she introduced herself, expecting the courtesy to be returned without him even bothering to ask. For Vallios, the attraction was instant and chemical. He'd been denied the touch of a female, the scent of a female for at least a year. However, he retained his immediate lust, hiding his feelings well, burying them down behind a mask of intrigue.

Handsome could be used to describe Vallios, though he had the rugged cut of a prize-fighter, with the scars to match. A long scar, blackened by almost ritualistic treatment stretched down from the center of his right eye-brow to his jaw, the only flaw in his otherwise perfect visage, the dark mark a striking contrast to his own alabaster pale skin.

Clothing was something Vallios had never put much store in, his body was clad only by a black vest cut from canvas, a pair of close fitting black leather pants, and two sturdy black leather shoes. Just enough to be socially acceptable, but also minimalistic to keep from impairing any movement necessary.
Had entered his room, who could deny the boss' daughter anyway? Her feline tail slowly flicked as he circled around her. He was intimidating to the female, her senses perking as she took in his scent first hand. Despite all his prowess, she wasn't going to back down, eying his still burned hands before shaking it gently, the females ears perking at his words, despite not asking for her name, it was a silent question hanging in the air. "Tatjana," she said softly before eying his topaz hues with her own silver ones.

Until Vallios she had never seen another Cat-creature, her father tending to keep her out of Society's eyes as she very carefully let her tail lightly brush against his. "I've never seen someone like me before..." She said softly as her eyes moved from his to look at him more fully, taking a step back so as to not feel so small. What Tatjana lacked in height she made up for in speed and agility.

"Did father put you here?" She asked slowly, her curiosity starting to get the better of her, she had a hundred thousand questions running in her head. Though at that phrase it was becoming apparent who she was. An untouched female, at her age, should have been married at the very least. Too bad no one was good enough for the Don's daughter, at least in his eyes. She waited for his replies, hoping she wasn't too upfront.

She tucked some of the stray hair behind her ear, ears perking as she heard footsteps, just within hearing distance in the level above, and murmured voices. She recognized her father's tone amongst them. He would skin her hide if he caught her here. "I cannot stay here Vallios. I will come see you soon. I have so many questions that hopefully you can give me the answers to." She slipped her hood over her head moving back towards the gate, the guard letting her leave, as she slipped some money into his hand. Money bought silence in the Mob world. As quickly she was there she was gone again the shadows were her friend, even if her fur said otherwise.
As she left Vallios couldn't keep a low, lonely murr from escaping his throat. He sighed quietly and began to strip, shedding all of his clothing save a pair of black silk boxers. With a sleepy yawn he settled back onto the bed, curling up deep into the covers. While his body was ragged, his mind was buzzing with questions about Tatjana. Curiosity was something he shared with her, he was just as intrigued about the female as she was about him.

Vallios sniffed at the air again, her lingering scent leaving a profound feeling of loneliness. Was this to be his existence? Caged here until needed to bring death to a target, his only contact being clandestine conversations with the Don's daughter? At those thoughts anger boiled over in Vallios, the felis shaking as he fought back the urge to lunge the bars again and try in vain to rip them from their hinges. He had to escape from here, he could be caged no longer!
The footsteps from earlier grew louder as the Don and the two henchmen from earlier made their way down the stairs. There voices growing louder until the reached the chamber door, the electricity turned off for the moment though both men were armed with guns should something go wrong.

"Ah, my fine feline friend there you are." Said the Don as he stayed on the opposite side of the gate. "Tomorrow you shall be given your first assignment. Should you pass, you shall be given a task that I don't even trust my closest men with." He said slowly before he went to work discussing the first order of business, knowing the cat would hear every word he said.

"A few days ago a few men decided it would be...funny, to steal something very precious from me. My wife, God rest her soul, left little to the family save for my Daughter and her jewelry, amongst them the wedding ring I gave her." There was a good deal of sentimental value in the ring to. "You are to find these men and take back which has been stolen from me, as well as making sure their families know that it is not wise to steal from us."

Clearing his throat he went about to the second task. "Should you do everything as ordered, then you will prove your ruthlessness to me, and be given a very special task." He took a cigar and had one of the men light it for him, taking in a puff before letting the smoke trail from his lips. "Being my Daughter's bodyguard. Not only from attacks of the physical sense, but the carnal as well. You see, no man has yet to prove himself worthy to have my daughter's hand, and until then her virtue is most important for when the time that one does prove to be...worth while to me, and able to carry on the family legacy."

He smirked, "I trust you'll find my tasks difficult, one of the guards will come for you in the morning. Should you succeed they will escort you to my office."
"You don't know the meaning of brutality..."

Vallios pushed himself slowly off the bed, stalking forward. The look of bestial fury in Vallios' eyes would cause even the stoutest of men to quake in their boots. When he reached the gate he took hold of it, long fingers curling tight around the bars. His body shook as the charged gate did it's work, and yet he still managed to speak in that disturbingly calm and even voice. This statement was both meant to impress the Don, and assure him that despite his standing Vallios would not cower like the rest of his men in his presence.

"Their remains will not be fit for pigs, let alone a memorial. Let me out...Now. There is no reason to push off this hunt."

Vallios shook the bars, the hinges rattling and clanging, screeching in protest. He then let go and stepped back, clenching his palms until the searing sensation of charred skin become numb. Blood dripped slowly down onto the floor from his damaged hands, but Vallios did not seem to notice. A savage, primal intensity filled Vallios' eyes as he waited, determined to seize the opportunity for freedom he'd just been granted.
[Sorry Chesy suffered a HUGE RP block D< I finally broke it though :)]

"Really?" Came the Don's soft voice. "You see you best not go against my orders, Cat." He said slowly arms folding over, his guards amongst him making him seem a bit taller. "I would hate to put your head onto the List."

The list was an underground bounty list, no one saw, no one spoke, if you were on the List you were typically a dead man walking. Backing away from the male he smirked. "If you do well you'll be here before my daughter retires for the evening." He gave the location to the cat and opened up the door.

"If you fail, you won't see the morning again." The laced threat wouldn't go unnoticed as they ascended the stairs once more. Passing the others as they went about to do there businesses. While flesh was money in their industry, there were some other profits to be had, particularly with the alcohol and drug cartels that seemed to business quite well. Afterall his precious daughter should live the life of luxury in his high opinion.

Tatjana, however, had much the same kind of desire that Vallios did. Freedom. Sitting on the balcony of her bedroom, her hands gripping the railing, claw marks obvious from the times she had either slipped or she had pulled herself up. Her legs dangling over the edge as she watched the areas below, the city in the distance was still alight with the lights and sounds that by now she had gotten used to. Sighing softly she curled her snow leopard tail around her form, keeping her warmth in check. The thick fur was silky to the touch, due to the care she constantly gave.

In the pale moonlight, without her coat it was easy to see the leopard spots that danced along her ivory like skin they moved further along disappearing however beneath her halter top. Spinning around on the banister, she made her way back into her room, picking up a book from the nearby wall before settling onto her bed. She was restless, particularly after meeting Vallios. So there were others like her? She sighed, she wished she had been able to talk to him longer as she fell back onto the bed, the adjoining door by her room still remaining locked, untouched since she was a small girl and had her schooling. She knew what was behind that door, another bedroom, quite smaller than hers, enough to satisfy though.

She often times slept in there just to let loose the constrains of her station. The older she got, the more she wanted her freedom. Is that not the way of things?
The quickness with which Vallios moved was remarkable, sprinting out of the cage. In one leap he cleared five stairs, landing gracefully on the rail. With practiced ease he swiftly shuffled past the Don and his guards, maximizing the small space between the walls and the stairs. Then, with another pounce he had cleared the stairs, hitting the ground running. One first story window, and then out into the wide open word, and wonderful fresh air.

Vallios waved down a taxi and forced himself in, stating the location with a growl that made the urgency of the errand obvious. The taxi, recognizing Vallios for who he was sped off, obeying the Felis fighter, lest he incur the wrath of a man he'd personally kill more than his share with nothing but his bare hands...

The journey took roughly an hour, Vallios exiting the taxi without making any form of payment. Another club, one he'd never visited before. But that was no matter, Vallios pushed past the bouncers with ease. After a few whispered words, Vallios found his way to the mark. He approached, prowling to the table with a calming expression on his face. He announced his presence by clearing his throat.

"I've come regarding certain...Propostions."
The laughter and sounds of fighting stilled as the head Boss man spun around in his chair, "A proposition you say?" He said softly a box sliding across his fingers, before returning back again. "And I suppose your Master sent you as his delegate?" He snorted, sitting up a bit. "Your master is a fool for sending one of you Feline creatures to my den." His smirk grew wider, "For that I must unfortunately tell you, I have to kill you."

He raised his hand and dropped it. All the men in the pit turned and went to attack their new adversary. The sounds of screams and the occasional growls filled his ears as he spun back around in his chair, flipping the box open. Ah what a pretty wife the other boss had. She should have been his. Just like that daughter of his would become well, his as well. Rumors had circled that the man kept his daughter locked away where no one could see her.

Why keep such a treasure locked away? Who knew, afterall the man was mad. So he thought anyway. So why not remove his most precious gifts from his keep hmm? He chuckled softly. Soon not even his best fighter would be able to keep him away from claiming what he thought was rightfully his.

But was she?
Vallios slammed his shoulder down on the table and then hurled himself over it, knowing the sudden upturned furniture would delay the reaction of the group. His pounce was terrifyingly accurate, Vallios landing on the back of the mark's chair with inhuman balance. With a vicious swipe of his claws he gave an assault that would disembowl the mark if it connected, then he reared up and lashed out with those dagger-like retractable claws again, swiping for the others and loosing a roar that put a lion to shame. Of course, if the initial onslaught missed the man would find himself impaled as Vallios forced out the claws in his feet from their resting place within his toes and stomped down onto the marks chest, riding the falling chair as it overbalanced and went crashing to the floor . Vallios sunk down to a lower stance, raking those talon-like claws of his feet across the man's abdomen as he centered himself.

"You can try to draw your guns, but I assure you I'll have your throats before you even get close."

The worlds were a savage snarl, Vallios standing over what was surely a dying man in a manner that matched a hunting cat guarding it's kill perfectly. However, something about Vallios' body language showed that if these men tried to run, Vallios would allow them to do so. After all, his business was with their boss, not them.
Most of the men took the hint and ran, some remained to fight, having nothing left but really to die at anybody's hands. Soon all that remained was the white suited man. He still twirled a box in his hand. If Vallios succeeded in his mission he would be able to return to find out more about the fellow feline that he had met. Soon, or so he thought.

"I wondered when it would take you long enough to finish them." He said as he spun around in his chair, a pistol in his hand. "I wouldn't make another move." He slowly cocked the gun and pointed it at point blank range at the Felis. "You felines disturb me. Nothing but a bunch of flea ridden pests that we should have gotten rid of long ago. You have no purpose here, and from what I gathered your forces are so small that it would require a pair of you to reshape your species."

He snickered coldly. "I doubt you'll ever be able to find another like yourself to complete you. I hear up the grapevine through some research you are only compatible with one female in your life. Goes to show you how Fate is a cruel mistress does it not?"
Vallios was a...Dirty fighter to put it in the most polite terms, and could do some things that most would find incredibly unsettling and unexpected. He froze, faking fear, shivering at the sight of the gun. Then his throat seized up and he vomited straight at the seated man, knowing the spray would hit him in the eye. It was most fortunate that the Don had seen fit to feed Vallios before dispatching him, as that gave the resourceful felis yet another emergency weapon. Then Vallios hurled himself backwards, grabbing a steak knife and throwing it with striking precision for the man's throat.

Vallios hit the ground rolling, snatching up a firearm from one of the fallen men. Quickly he rose, the pistol already trained on the potential blinded and dying man's head. Even the slightest twitch and Vallios would pull the trigger, even if it was nothing more than an involuntary muscle spasm from nervous overload. Pulling a gun was definitely not advisable when it came to dealing with Vallios, as it instantly kicked him into survival mode.
Flinched as the vomit covered his lovely tailored suit. "You son of a bitch you'll pa-"

He would never finish his sentence as his body seized, at first clawing at the knife so he could breathe, dropping the gun as he gasped, blood pooling from his lips to fall to the floor, his once white suit dying into the crimson of his own blood, it was a few second more before he stopped moving his eyes glazed over. The box he had been holding also falling to the floor and spilling open its contents.

A simple gold ring, "To my Beloved" was all it said, a sweet simple thing for a man that had started innocent. His wife's death had made him corrupt, and forced people to fight in his clubs. Now there was only this and his lovely daughter. A Daughter whom Vallios would soon be protecting.
Vallios tucked the box away and made his exit from the club, knowing nobody would dare call the police. Most commoners were intelligent enough to recognize mob violence, and turn a blind eye to it when it stayed within the syndicates. And so, Vallios quite literally walked away from the scene, called down a taxi and returned to the manor as if he'd just gotten done with a delightful night of clubbing.

Pensively Vallios removed the ring from the box and looked it over, noting the obvious sentimental value behind it. A relic from a more innocent time, before fate's cruel hand had shaped the man Vallios now knew. It was amazing what grief did to the mind, how isolation bittered the soul. With a low sigh Vallios closed his eyes and allowed the taxi to ferry him away.

Half an hour later Vallios was knocking on the door of the manor, that arrogant smirk curving his lips. He'd of course wait to be shown in, and allow the Don plenty of time to make his way down to collect the ring and return it to it's rightful owner. After all, Vallios had to let the Don think that he had Vallios "under control."
The knock at the door got not only the Don's attention, but Tatjana's as well. Alright dressed in her night gown, a silk slip that left her back essentially bare, thin straps connected to the fabric just above her breasts. It slid over her curves, down to her mid thigh, her feline tail swishing behind her as she reached for her nearby robe. Pulling it over her shoulders she moved to the door cracking it open as her silver hues looked through the crack, her ears perking at top of her head as she watched.

Down below the guards opened the door, guns hidden beneath their jackets as they let Vallios in. Tatjana's eyes widened as she saw the sight of him again, soon followed by her father coming in from another room.

"It appears you have done well, my friend." He said as held out his hand for the box. "I hope there is no need to worry about your trustworthiness with the manner of task I am about to set you to." He waved his hand up the stairs, from his angle her father couldn't see here, but she didn't doubt Vallios had the same perdicament.

"You will be in charge of guarding my daughter, Tatjana. She should be sleeping now, so you will not be formally introduced until the morning. Come along, let us show you to your quarters." The man turned to go up the stairs. Quickly shutting the door behind her, the woman shed her robe, hanging it where it belonged before creeping towards her bed, the door connecting what would be Vallios' room to her own next to it.

Once upstairs the Don showed him into a sparce room. A desk, bed and end table lay inside. There was enough room for him to pace about if he so needed to. "We will bring you more things later. I'm sure your...mission must have worn you down. Sleep. Tomorrow you will meet your charge, and I trust you will take good care of her."
Silently he followed, nodding at the Don before entering his new quarters. He spread out on the bed and let out a quiet yawn, finding the stiff sheets and thin blankets to be most uncomfortable. Perhaps, when he actually got some payment for his duties he'd go out and buy a real bedspread.

However, that was neither here nor there for now. With a low sigh Vallios stripped completely, deciding to lay unclothed for awhile. He sniffed at the air...And found that female's scent lingering, pooling, waiting for him. It was hard to resist the compulsion to investigate, but Vallios managed to overcome his natural instincts and relax back onto the bed, closing his eyes to attempt to force himself to sleep.
Tatjana's footfalls were silent as she carefully opened the connecting the door a sliver, simply to see what he was like that much closer. His scent tickled her nose as those wide silver saw him strip. Her tail slowly stilled. She had truly never seen the likes of him before in all her days. A blush stained her cheeks as she looked...elsewhere before focusing back to him as he started to stir, moving away from the door. She should sleep.

After all perhaps all her deepest questions would be answered in the morning as she moved back to the bed, and pulled the covers over her shoulders. Her ears tilting back as she tried to make herself sleep. However when sleep did come it was fitful, full of dreams of a darker nature she hadn't touched all the while those enigmatic topaz hues followed her dreams. Her tail twitched, even in her sleep. Though the dreams were to short to remember and she was awake what seemed like five minutes later.

Her restless spirit was starting to get the better of her, as was her inborn sense of curiosity.
Vallios lay on the bed, stretched fully out in an effort to get comfortable. To any watchful eyes, he'd appear fast asleep and totally relaxed, toned figure on perfect display. However, the reality was he simply could not find sleep, no matter how much he willed himself to drift away, to just drift for eternity...The sensation was strange, when one's body wished to rest, but the mind rebelled. And so he continued his silent, aimless pondering, thinking of what the future would bring.

Though, the lingering scent in the air definitely did not help to quell Vallios' anxiety. Being so close to another of his kind, especially an attractive female left Vallios unnaturally restless and incredibly nervous. He needed to know more about her, he couldn't rest until he did!
Finally couldn't take it any more and kicked the covers from her form her tail, lashing behind her from the lack of good sleep, accidentally pushing the door as she made her way towards the balcony outside. Dawn was on the horizon, and while the moon had made her ivory skin seem almost silver, her skin took on the sun kissed glow that shimmered in the growing light. Her feline tail swishing behind her as she moved to sit on the railing as she usually did, watching the lights die out to the city nearby.

For Tatjana this was the start of a new journey. Vallios was the key to that journey. Where would it lead, she had no idea. Her desire for freedom, her restlessness and his presence seemed to be entwined all together. Yet why? She was puzzled about that, after all her father had told her most girl's her age would not nearly be so desirable to feel the air on their skin and be more than happy to camp out in the woods for weeks at a time. She was different.
Vallios pushed himself up and made his way towards the small bathroom he'd been provided, deciding to start the day early. Slowly the water turned on, building from a weak trickle to a steady, pulsing, pounding flow. When the water was nearly scalding hot Vallios stepped in, relaxing as he felt the warmth flow over his unclothed body. In a nearly meditative silence he stood facing the stream, savoring the profound calm rushing water brought the body.

The shower curtain was open, as was the door. If Tatyana was to peak in she'd be able to see Vallios in all of his glory, in the midst of a rather intimate scene. To Vallios, the shower was a sacred place. It was somewhere he could usually leave his worldly stresses behind and focus inwards, on what he wanted to, needed to, and had succeeded in doing.
Tatjana's feline ears perked. The sound of water getting her attention from her pre-dawn reverie as she made her way back into her room, shutting the balcony doors behind her. Feline tail coiling slightly over her hip she listened more intently to find the source of the sound. The servants wouldn't be up just yet so where was it?

She soon found her source as she got closer to Vallios' door, slowly opening it, as she peeked her head in. At first she had her ears flicked backwards, afraid that she might walk in on something far more intimate, however her curiosity - seeing nothing in the room, brought her to open the door further, a strap from her nightgown sliding over one shoulder as her eyes went wide as she saw the seen of the shower. It was only a few more steps to it as it was to begin with. For the moment her silver hues were wide, a blush staining her cheeks. She hadn't seen a sight before outside of her books.

It had the fur of her tail standing slightly on end, and not out of fear either. She wasn't afraid of Vallios, more that she didn't understand him. At the same time she wondered why she was irresistibly attracted to him. It was like she couldn't find a male, but there was none that was like Vallios. Not to her nose, for one and certainly not one to her sense of curiosity.
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