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Hey Boys! <3 Fun Smut Wanted (Pictures Wanted)

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Mar 5, 2014
So I'll keep this short for right now but I will add on more when I get a chance. Right now and for as long as I am here I am looking for smut heavy RPs. So this means rps I am in will have a 75% smut to 25% plot ratio usually having just enough to make it so we can keep the fun going for a while. Also I only rp over PMs so please message me there if you want to rp. So please message me and let's have some fun ;)

READ THE RULES: Never thought I would need to make this but here goes.
Send me a message asking to rp with not even a pairing listed and I delete the message
Don't say "I have a plot" and then make me ask you to figure out what it is. If you have a plot then just tell me the plot. Otherwise I ignore the PM. Sending me a pic asking if I want to do a rp based around the pic is fine though.
Message me a bunch about roleplaying and I will block you, once is enough. Maybe twice if I have not responded in a few days.
Post more than a paragraph at least for the starting post
No RL pictures


Send me your pictures with a plot. I want to act out all sorts of fantasies ;)

Also some weird cravings...
Anthro Male/Human Female
Black Male/White Female
Goblin Male/Sexy Goblin Loving Female
Fat White Male/Head over heels in love female
Group of Jocks/Nerdy Whore
Nerdy Guys/Punk Whore
Nerdy Best Friend(s)/Nerdy Whore
Any pictures of females you want me to play!!!
RE: Hey Boys! <3 Fun Smut Wanted

It's too bad you only do PM's cause I am interested in several of those pairings but I don't rp in PM's... only threads or possibly YIM
RE: Hey Boys! <3 Fun Smut Wanted

Well now I feel better knowing that I'm not the only PM she ignored :)

Still guys I don't think its a good idea asking her to respond to our PMs in the thread. It's hard to hear but she's probably just not interested in us. Best to move on, or at least wait a week before we try a new approach ;)
RE: Hey Boys! <3 Fun Smut Wanted

Hey, I sent you two pm's the first one was just asking (sorry I didn't see the must include plot part first time), but the second pm did include a idea.
RE: Hey Boys! <3 Fun Smut Wanted

Bump, and sorry to those posting here I don't read the thread. I got a bit swamped with PMs and life stuff that I seem to have lost some so resend the last pm and I'll respond.
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