The Midnight Channel (Pokemasterj and Chariot)


Mar 3, 2014
Chie flopped in her chair numbly, cursing her luck. Of course she would get King Moron this year it was almost spectacular how bad her luck was. Despite the dread she was feeling, it was nice that at least Yukiko was here with her, at least mostly. Yukiko Amagi--the prettiest and smartest girl in all of Inaba--still spent time with Chie. No matter how tense that time had gotten recently.Deep inside Chie knew it was only a matter of time before Yukiko started to persue boys. (honestly didn't everyone?) Chie herself had a few boyfriends before, nothing serious, but it was enough for Chie to realize that Yukiko was more than likely to leave her for some guy.

Like friends do.

Shaking her head from the silly thoughts she struck up a conversation with the dark-haired girl behind her for a while. If there was one thing Chie was good at it was at the very least gossip, with martial arts being a close second. She was barely paying attention as the girl chattered on about some new rumor--The Midnight Channel--until Yukiko walked in.

"Midnight on rainy nights, if you watch a TV that's turned off you'll see your true love," The girl said excitedly. "I heard that Tanaka-chan actually saw that opera singer that's been all over the news. Isn't it weird?"

"Yeah, seems like it. But come on, Tanaka-chan was totally dreaming. That woman has been all over the media for days now..." Chie countered. As she saw Yukiko walk in she flashed a big smile.

"Oh hey Yukiko, what's up?"
It wasn't too bad, in all honesty, Yukiko thought. Sure, their homeroom tutor was... Well, King Moron, but she had Chie! That was one of the consistent things in her life, along with the inn, her family and the semi-common advances by guys she had no interest in. At all. Ever. Thankfully, she had Chie to back them off. Lovely Chie. Sure, she was a bit of a tomboy and had the strangest obsession with steak, but she was practically her sister and someone she couldn't live without. Not that she'd say it- it was one of the few things she was too embarrassed to voice, along with the whole boys issue.

Yukiko hummed happily as she walked into class and took the seat closest to Chie and returned the smile, albeit somewhat more refined, and nodded politely at the girl- one of those friends that are limited to the class only, a casual acquaintance you can talk to for a whole year and never actually learn the name of. "Huh? Oh, is that that weird Day...Time Chanel?" She asked, her occasional obliviousness shining strongly on the first day of the school year.


Outside of the class, in the teachers office, Yu waited as he was told the class he'd have during this year at Inaba with his other second years. He was... Well, being lectured by a man with quite possibly the worst underbite and overbite- if such a combination is possible- about how he should behave whilst there and not step out of line once, along with something about sex, impurity... He zoned out after a while. The class teachers blended together after a while for him, a consequence of moving practically every year.

After around ten minutes of exposition/lecturing, Morooka led the pale haired youth to class and informed him to wait for a few moments for him to settle the class before entering. And so, another year, another group of friends he'd most likely only know a year, had begun.
Chie giggled and told the rumor to her friend, trying to keep a straight face. It was a weird relationship she had with gossip. On one had, cognitively, she knew that whatever rumors going on probably weren't true, but it was fun to spread them. Even if they were silly. Their time ended quickly though as class started, King Moron drowning on about purity or some nonsense about purity. She had seen how he had looked at some of the girls--he had absolutely no right to even mention such topics but regardless, it was something he always felt so strongly about. Her eyes lit up when he started to introduce the the transfer student, though that was quickly out the window when he started calling him a perv.

Sighing she raised her hand and directed the attention to the chair next to her.
"Sensei, the new student can sit here," she offered wanting to shut him up. She didn't like school all that much but it was even worse when she had to deal with a hypocrite like him complaining about a new kid in the class.
Yukiko ooh-ed appreciatively at the rumour and thought about it as the rest of the class filtered in after a few minutes, ending with King Moron- though she would rather die than dare say it to his face- practically dragging in the new student. She did her best to look attentive whilst he gave them a lecture that, every now and then, drifted to the topic of introducing the new kid. When Chie managed to interrupt him and get the new kid near them. Better than the other empty seat, back of the class away from the window.

Yu tried to be as polite as he could when he was... Put bluntly, insulted in front of the whole class and sighed in barely concealed relief when his seat was given, hurrying over to the girls near the center of the class. He took the seat next to the brunette girl and smiled softly, surprised. The jeers he'd had back in Tsunaki about country girls being ugly were, evidently, completely untrue. "Hey. I'm Narukami." He spoke conversationally, smiling at the two girls.
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