"A Slave For Sub-Zero"-bluedragonitess87Xilaughatmyself


Feb 26, 2014
Kitana awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside her cabin. She was in the mountains for the weekend, alone. No one had come here in all the history of the time she'd visited this place every other weekend. As Kitana stretched, yawning slightly, she smiled in appreciation. This was a great location for solitude. She could come here whenever she needed too, to release stress, and relax. It was a fairly big cabin, with a small kitchen and a nice room in the front that had comfy chairs to sit in. There was a bedroom in the back of the cabin, down the hall, and a bathroom across the hall, with a big tub for bathing.

She stood up, smiling as she dressed for the day. She chose the blue outfit today, and pulled on the top piece, that crossed over her chest with black threads, displaying her ample cleavage. She added her leather upper arm bands, and forearm bracers. Her boots she added to the outfit, the long ones that came up to mid-thigh. Next came her bottom half, with the long part that came down close to her feet. She looked in the mirror, and put the mask on that covered her nose and mouth. There, she was ready for her training. Kitana took her bladed fans and headed outside.
Sub Zero was heading through the exact same mountain, trying to get to the top. He would do this every so often in Outworld for training, knowing that the air there and such was much different than Earthrealm's. He had on his traditional blue ki, finding that the most comfortable for him to do stuff like this in, considering it was his battle gear as well. He let out a huff of breath, his feet covered by the same shoes used in ninja movies, and his hands protected by ornate metal bracers. On his chest was the medallion, which gave him exceptional ice powers that he could control.

As he reached the middle of the mountain, he saw a troop of Tarkatan soldiers, led by Baraka himself, the general of the armies in Outworld. He decided to follow the pack, thinking that it may be beneficial for him to do so. Sure enough, he sees Kitana, her escape cabin, and the squad moving right toward them. Waiting for a few more seconds, he decides to let her know. "Kitana, Baraka!" He yells this out and freezes one such soldier solid, the others looking to their general for guidance. "The target is the Princess. Kill him if he gets in the way." Baraka continues to the princess as three more advance to Sub Zero.
Kitana had just stepped outside when she saw the soldiers, and heard Sub-Zero's warning. She watched him freeze one of the men. Kitana ran towards Sub-Zero, figuring they could work together against Baraka and his team. They surrounded them, and she took the two on the left. Her hair whipped around her in the mountain air as she cut them without mercy. She was used to the attacks, being the Princess. Someone was always seeking to end her life. If it wasn't her mother, it was somebody else.

She attacked both of the soldiers on her side, killing them, by decapitating one and by slashing the other one's guts out, then turned to see if Sub-Zero needed assistance in killing the others.
Sub Zero was having no issues, his skilled fists taking out foot soldier after foot soldier, the Tarkatans falling to his feet one by one. One's head was separated from his body, and one had a hole through his chest. The third was the last one fighting him, and it stopped in its tracks. He gave the Lin Kuei warrior a look and he advanced in a sprint, his blades extended out of his arms. Immediately, though, he was frozen solid as well, and with a mighty punch, was shattered to pieces. Then, he looked over to Kitana, and saw Baraka raise an arm, blade extended. With split second reaction time, he shot an ice ball at the general, freezing the man who would have killed the princess.
Kitana watched in awe as Sub-Zero took care of the rest of the Tarkatans. He was an excellent fighter. A moment too late, Kitana spotted Baraka, right in range of striking her heart. Sub-Zero froze him with an ice ball. She was shivering in fear after it happened. She watched to see what he would do next.

Inside her heart was hammering. That was way too close. She'd almost died. This was scary. She went into shock. She was unaware of everything. Kitana fell to her knees, shaking uncontrollably.
Sub Zero slowly lowered his arms as the Tarkatan failed to move after he was frozen. This pleased the Lin Kuei warrior to no end, but understandibly it also scared the Princess like nothing else. He quickly was at her side, making sure that she had no serious wounds before looking into her eyes gently. "Are you alright, Princess?" She looked pretty badly shaken up, but otherwise okay. Kitana had been through worse, she could easily handle this.
Kitana could barely hear anything. The shock was still present. She couldn't relax at all. She tried and failed to find her voice, feeling Sub-Zero near. "I'm...just...um. Can you give me a few minutes?" She'd never been this close to death. It simply didn't happen. When did she ever let her guard down? She began to question herself, and every thing that was about fighting or related to fighting.
Sub Zero nodded quickly at her request, standing and deciding to take a look around. He left the frozen Baraka there to...vent her anger, if she needed it, and went to look around the cabin, entering it. She must have barely woken up, meaning the Tarkatans were likely trying to get her while she was asleep, and something likely held them up. He could see the unmade bed and looked around a bit more, studying the place for his own amusement.
Kitana looked up, seeing he'd left her to try and mentally get past this. She absently noticed Baraka there, frozen in her rescuer's ice spell. He had a shocked look on his face. She rose to her feet, and come to stand in front of the fighter who'd almost taken her life. Anger welled up inside her. Her fists clenched. She felt the absence of her bladed fans. Kitana retrieved them, and without hesitation sliced his form into innumerable pieces of ice. She sighed, somewhat content. She slowly walked inside the cabin.

"Sub-Zero, why were you here?" She asked him, curious. "Not that I'm not thankful for your presence."

She needed to be sure he wasn't on their side.
Sub Zero heard her voice behind him and turned, knowing that she must think of him as a sort of double agent. He could see the thoughts in her head, and k ew that she was only making sure that he wasn't with them. As such, he told her the truth of his actions and purpose on this mountain. "I use this mountain to train in Outworld's climate and atmosphere. This happens to go from the lowest altitude to the highest. Perfect for training." He gives a smile, which is concealed by his mask outside of the crinkling of his eyes.
Kitana listened to his explanation, believing him. It made sense. It was similar to the reason why she was here. She invited him to sit on the couch. "Can we talk for awhile?" She asked Sub-Zero, not really wanting to be alone after what happened.

She sat down, hoping he'd stay for a bit. Kitana felt calmer just by him being there. She was extremely grateful that he'd saved her. Perhaps she could think of a way to repay him. What would he want, though? She wondered curiously.
Sub Zero nodded his head, curious if he was to expect a reward for saving the princess of a world, more or less. He wasn't greedy, and would humbly accept the fact if he didn't receive such a gift, but, deep down, he knew what he wanted, what he needed from a woman such as her. The only problem was if she would offer, as it wasn't simply something he could just toss out into the wind.

He sat on the couch next to her, thinking carefully about what to say before he spoke. "So, Princess...what should we discuss?"
Kitana watched Sub-Zero nodding, wondering what was going on in his mind. She couldn't think of anything to say. When he finally sat down, she found herself looking him up and down, staring. She admired his strength. He'd taken care of the Tarkatans so easily. She wondered if he'd allow her to train with him. Kitana thought for a few minutes, when suddenly she found her gaze fixed on the apex of his strong looking legs.

It wasn't something she'd thought about before, at least not where Sub-Zero was concerned. Kitana tried to imagine being his lover...his slave, even. Both...would he even want that as payment? She decided she'd ask about him training her first.

"How do you feel about helping me become a stronger fighter?" She asked curiously, crossing her legs, and placing her hands on her knee.
Sub Zero could feel the gaze and disregarded it as a woman's eyes wandering. He couldn't read her thoughts, but he could certainly guess that she was thinking of his size, and if he were to be honest, he was long and thick. He had taken many a woman in his younger days whilst drunk and they were all impressed, so he supposed that the princess would be the same. At her question of training, he thought for a bit before looking toward her.

"I can only train you in hand to hand combat. I have no clue how to use your bladed fans."
Kitana heard what he said, and smiled. "I'd like the hand to hand combat," she said. Her heart fluttered and her cheeks were flushed as she thought of what she wanted to ask next...or offer rather. She hated thinking he might reject her. There was a 50/50 chance. She slowed spoke to him.

"Sub-Zero," she said quietly, grabbing his hand, in a firm grip so he couldn't pull away. "I thank you for saving my life. It means a lot to me. I wanted to know, if along with the training...I wondered if I could be your slave...and you would be my Master. I would do anything you ask...all the time, any time."
Suddenly, the ninja felt his hand get pulled into Kitana's grasp, his eyes looking toward her as she made her offer to him. He felt himself get hard as she spoke of being his slave and felt a smile creep onto his face despite himself. Sub Zero could also feel his heatbeat speed up as he thought of her, naked and on her knees, waiting for an order that he gave her. As that thought seeped in, making him fully hard within seconds as a bulge was visibly formed, he smiled and nodded at her offer, his other hand clasping hers in a sort of handshake. "Alright, Kitana, but are you sure you wanna do this?"
Kitana waited for him to respond, his hand in hers making her feel warm all over. She hoped he'd say yes. It had been too long since she'd had satisfaction from a man. She'd often wondered how it would be between them, compatibility-wise. Now the offer was there, hanging in the air between them. He smiled and nodded. Her heart raced double-time. She squeezed his hand gently. "Yes, Sub-Zero. I'm as sure as your suit is blue."

She looked up into his eyes, wanting to remove his mask. Kitana took off her mask, and smiled at him.

"What first?" She asked, excited for what was going to happen.
Sub Zero smiled wide at her enthusiasm, his cock growing much harder at the sight of her beautiful face and his heart quickening when she asked what to do first. Being that he was her master, he turned a bit so she could see the bulge in his tight clothing, and licked his lips before taking his own mask off, smiling toward her. "Well...first you can get rid of your clothes. Except the boots."
Kitana watched him, her heart beating extremely fast. As he turned a bit, she was in awe of his thick and long bulge. As he took his mask off, she absorbed his face with her eyes, thinking how sexy he looks. He gave the order for her to remove her clothes, and she nodded, saying, "Yes, Master."

She fluidly rose to her feet, and untied her top, letting it drop to the floor, her breasts free. Her nipples hardened immediately, already throbbing for his mouth. She removed her bracers, and her other clothing. Her lower body was bared last, but she kept the boots on, smiling at Sub-Zero with desire in her eyes.

"Like this?" She asked, turning in a circle to give him a good view of his slave.
"Yes...just like that..." He couldn't help but gawk all throughout the proceedings of her strip, his mind thinking of all the things that he could do to her right now...it was a glorious occasion for him. His hand went to his bulge, rubbing it a bit as she spun around, her amazing ass poking out toward him as he openly looked at her body with no shame whatsoever. "Hmmm...how about you do a bit of a dance for me?"
Kitana watched him rubbing himself, smiling at him. He told her to dance, and she started to, moving her hips side to side, her hands above her head. Her breasts bounced, and she turned away from him, making her ass bounce gently, imagining his cock inside her. Juices slid down her thighs, and she danced some more. She was anxious to please him, wanting to satisfy him in endless ways. Kitana bent over, letting her hair fall forward, as she moved her ass back and forth, giving him a view of her tight slit.
He couldn't help it. He was hard as a rock in his tight trousers and it was getting painful to feel the fabric pressing against his skin like that. He pulled his ten inches out of his pants, wrapping his hand slowly around it and stroking as she danced sexily for him, his cock leaking pre everywhere.
Kitana watched him pull his big cock out, getting hungry for it. She continued to dance, her tight pussy getting wetter by the second. She moved back and forth, shaking her hips and playing with her hair, lifting and dropping it. She bent backwards with her pussy near him, and smiled as she imagined his cock filling her tight hole, thrusting in hard and deep.
Sub Zero smiled wide as she danced for him, the juices leaking down her leg only proving to make him more hard. He moaned a bit and pre formed at the tip of his cock before he looked at his new slave with a fiery lust in his eye. "Stop. Come over here and suck it." He let go of his cock and leaned back into his seat, waiting for her to follow the order.
Kitana was enjoying dancing for him. Knowing that he was aroused made her body hot from head to toe. She kept on dancing, until he said the word to stop. She ceased movement, loving the authority in his voice, and how he'd ordered her. The wording he chose made her even more excited. "Yes, Master."

She stalked towards him, smiling seductively as she got on her knees for Sub-Zero. Kitana slightly moved his legs apart, and took his big cock in her hand. She stroked him in a soft, gentle manner, as she licked from his thick base, all the way up to his jerking tip. One hand massaged his balls slowly, while the other rubbed his muscular chest. Her mouth slowly slid down the hot, hard length of his cock, sucking tenderly. She hoped her liked it, as she was out of practice. Kitana thought she'd love to do this for him often. It felt good to feel him in her mouth.
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