Twist in Time {Krystal}


Sep 28, 2013
Thinking back on those childhood days was almost humorous to Frieza, the first time he met the girl he was arranged to marry.


His towering and imposing father led him down the boarding ramp of his flagship onto the vast and lush garden of the foreign planet, the royal gardens of this queen's palace. He was still only a boy, untainted and uncorrupted by the fullest depths of his father's mentoring. Now he was just a pouting alien prince stuck in a situation he wanted nothing to do with.

"Why do I have to get married? Can't Cooler do it?" Frieza whined as he glanced up at King Cold. His looming father rolled his eyes slightly, feeling his son's grip on his hand growing even tighter "This queen said he was too old for her daughter, but she is your peer. And you will be respectful to this princess, for it will mean a lot to the Planet Trade empire," he explained in a stern and powerful voice.

He could see that they were drawing closer to the mysterious queen and princess he knew nothing about, and the Arcosian child felt a distinct worry form in his body. Oh this was going to be bad... How did one even speak to girls? Frieza knew no girls at all, his father being very careful who his youngest son spoke to.
Krystal looked out and saw Freiza and his father. "Look bunny! They're here!" She said with a giggle, seeing the acrocian prince for the first time. Serenity looked up, squeezing her sister's hand nervously, and fixing her hair. She was very nervous. She wasn't sure this prince would even like her. She hoped that he would though. Serenity understood her duty, but she did not like the idea of living in a loveless marriage.

Krystal watched them approach, and her eyes widened at how tall the king was. "Wow, you are tall, great king." She said respectfully but in a child-like way. After all, her sister and she were only just turned 7. Serenity hid behind her sister slightly, and Krystal smiled at the young Prince. She wanted to make him as comfortable as possible. Serenity smiled too, but she was quite nervous.

"Hello, good prince. I am princess Krystal, and this is my twin sister serenity. We welcome you most kindly to our beautiful little moon." The young girl said respectfully with a a curtsy, nudging her sister to do the same. Serenity responded in kind, smiling at the cute young boy as she curtsied. Hoping they would become friends quickly.
Indeed, Cold made for quite an impressive figure, a towering mountain over seven feet tall with his two ebony horns on his temples making him seem even taller still. Frieza seemed so tiny by comparison, but he was still only a child after all. He peered out at the sisters, his eyes focusing mainly on the blonde. Yes, Serenity was the name is father had given him... she was odd by the standards of his species, but still kind of cute.

"Hello," Frieza said finally, quickly. Two of Cold's large fingers pinched him by one horn, lifting him and then planting him down before the two princesses. "Now now, that was a poor attempt at a greeting my boy. Krystal, was it? Would you be so kind as to lead me to your other, I think it would be for the best if these two could speak and get to know each other," he said simply. Frieza gulped slightly at the prospect of being left alone with this girl.

He didn't know how to solve a problem if he couldn't nuke it.
Krystal smiled at him. "Right. Of course king cold." She shot a reassuring smile back at her sister before walking off to the throne room where she knew her mother would be. It seemed her mother was always in the throne room. Krystal smiled again at the king before opening the two giant doors. "Here we are." The young girl said, walking into the throne room and bowing respectfully. "Mother, king cold is here." She said, smiling. The queen nodded her head, and motioned for Krystal to go to back to her room. Her betrothed would not arrivemfor a few more days. Krystal nodded and skurried off, playing with her cat saphira that prince sapphire of nemesis had given her as a present.

Serenity smiled warmly but nervously. "Hello prince Freiza. Its nice to finally meet you. You are welcome to just call me bunny if you like. Everyone does." She said, beckoning him to come sit under a near bye cherry tree. She walked toward it, putting her picnic basket down and smiling. "Are you hungry? Penguin made us Lott's of cookies and things. She's quite a talented cook." She added, waiting for him to sit.
Frieza hesitated for a moment before following after the blonde princess at her insistence, and then he sat down beside her, folding his legs and then curling his tail around them. "Ah... I've never even heard of a cookie before now, but it could be quite nice," he mused as he plucked one up and took a small nibble. Sweet indeed. "You can just call me Frieza... how come people call you bunny?" the young Arcosian prince asked. Obviously he had nothing like a rabbit on his icy little home planet.
Serenity smiled. "Well, alright then Freiza." She said, taking a cookie for herself and pouring him and her some iced tea. She smiled at him reassuringly, taking a sip of her drink. Luna came to sit in her lap, and she petted her softly. "This is Luna. She is my cat guardian and one of my mother's advisers. She's a very nice kitty. You can pet her if you like." She said, smiling again at the prince, feeling calm. He seemed like a sweet kid and she liked him. Serenity took another sip of her tea and another cookie before adding. "Everyone calls me bunny because I'm as sweet as one. Rabbits are cuddly creatures who love cuddles, just like me."
Frieza gave a small nod in response when he saw the feline, unsure what to make of it. It was like a much smaller version of the hulking feline beasts that lurked in the icy tundras of his homeworld. "Ah... I see," the prince replied. Using his telekinesis he raised his glass up and pressed it to his lip, taking a small sip "Very nice," he remarked before smiling slightly. "What do you think about this marriage thing? he asked glancing her way. "No offense to you, but... well I wish we would have been given a chance to make our own choices."
Serenity smiled. "I agree Freiza, but I do what I must for my kingdom. Besides, you see like a pretty nice guy. Bet I could come to love you." She said, taking another cookie.she was silent for a bit as she ate, just watching him. She wondered what his planet was like and what kind of animal and plants inhabited it. In general she was curious about him. She took a sip of tea before she turned to him a bright smile on her face and curiosity in her big dark blue orbs. "Freiza, will you tell me about your home? I'm curious. I'll show you around mine a little later if you like." She said, her smile sincere. She was qui ye curious.
"About Arcos?" the child asked, tilting his head slightly "Um... well there's not a whole lot to tell really..." he remarked. Frieza shrugged then "It's really big and snowy, and all the cities have to be shielded by big domes of energy. Though lately they've started setting up floating cities in orbit around the planet... most of the animals are like... lizards and moles, and we don't really get a whole lot of plants except for some special trees," he explained. Frieza gave her a slight smile "I like it though. It's home, and I feel very natural around there..."
Serenity smiled. "It certainly sounds like fun. I love snow, but it doesn't ever snow here. Krystal hates the snow. She has ice in her veins, so cold doesn't exactly agree with her." serenity said as she pictured his planet in her mind. She would to see it at some point. She had only ever seen the moon, so seeing a different planet entirely would be very exciting to her. "I'd love to see it sometime." She said with a smile, sipping her tea.
"Well, I'm sure you will at some point. I mean... if we're going to get married when we're older, you're bound to be there at some point," Frieza replied, nodding over at the attractive blonde. The Arcosian boy got to his feet then, brushing little bits of grass off his calves. "This planet is nice though... I do rather like it," he replied. A small blush came upon his face, and Frieza set his scarlet eyes on his future wife "S-so... this has been a nice experience. I'm sure we'll get to know each other really well."
Serenity smiled, getting to her feet as well. "Yes, I think we will Freiza. Wanna come with me to see my sister? You will have to meet her eventually." She said with a wider smile, grabbing his hand innocently and appearing in Krystal's room, who was playing with her little kitten. Penguin! I made a new friend! Krystal smiled and nodded, waking over. "I'm Krystal. You can just call me penguin though. Everyone does." She said, smirking widely.
Ah yes, the sister- they had only spoken to each other rather briefly when Frieza first arrived here, so a proper chat would be nice. "Well ah... yes..." he said, blinking in surprise at the sudden teleportation. "Frieza. Most people call me prince, or lord," the ivory alien replied, reaching up and scratching around one stumpy ebony horn on his temple. "Its nice to meet you regardless," Frieza added by way of greeting.
Krystal smiled. "You too." She said, sitting down on the bed. Serenity sat next to her and smiled at Freiza as well, beckoning for him to sit with them as well as Krystal's can rubbed his feet. "So, what shall we play Freiza? You're the guest." Serenity said with a wide smile, picking Luna up as she strolled into the room
Frieza gave a small nod of his head, looking at the sisters. He shrugged then and took a seat on the mattress beside the two, finding it nice and soft for his liking. Well he supposed it made sense for these two to have nice beds, being royalty and all. "Well I... I mean um..." he trailed off at the question, and he was left scratching the side of his neck out of curiosity. "I don't... Well I don't really know what playing is." He was hardly given much free time- it was either tuition or physical training to become a future monarch.
"Oh I see. That's alright. We know all about playing! Oh, maybe you'd like to see my weapons collection? I enjoy things that go boom. Which is why would should never make me angry. They call me the violent one for a reason." Krystal said with a laugh, cuddling her kitty. "Bunny's more for peace. I like violence." She added, smiling as she laid down slightly, contemplating what they could play; when serenity came up with an idea. "I know pwnguin! How about hide and seek? Ever done that before Freiza?" She asked with a wide smile, petting Luna who purred.
"Oh. Well, I like weapons too, I suppose." Not that he ever really needed to use weapons, even at his young age he could still destroy entire planetoids with a gesture. "Well... no I've never heard of that before now, but the name seems to be very self-explanatory," Frieza replied as he hopped up off the bed and landed neatly on his tiny feet. "So... I take it to of us have to hide, and the other must seek them out? Who shall be doing what?"
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