Seeker of the whitch blade's story Alura--x--Uneii X jackdlemon

Aug 19, 2013
"Run! Run!" Yoko couldn't tell who was saying that exactly, there was too many individuals clamoring and shouting out what they wanted, which could all be roughly translated to move in that direction. Normally, she wouldn't have a problem with everyone going in the same direction, it was their lives after all, but she needed to get where they were running from, and the crowd was making it difficult.

Now, Yoko was normally the last person to resort to violence, but this was the witch blade after all, and she needed her story. So she resorted to violence, and lots of it. "Move you jack hole." She called as she started to punch and kick her way through the waves of people. There were more colorful curses that came with that, but they all involved references to the anus, and testicles so completely listing her lines would get redundant after a while, even if there was no repetition. After first there was some resistance since most people couldn't process it that she wanted to go that way, but eventually they learned, and moved out of her way, which was good because her voice was starting to go.

So she ran forward while two waves over people surged besides her. The further she went the thinner the waves, and she kept going until there was nobody left, and she found herself running in a deserted street. "Crap." She mumbled, stopping to lean on her knees for a rest. "Which way is it?" She looked around, hoping for a sign to let her know which way to go. "Come. Come on. It can't be over yet!"
The thing they were running from, was of course a giant machine hell bent on murdering anyone in it's path. Trailing behind it was a red haired women with glowing yellow eyes. A sadistic grin on her face as she trailed the thing into an empty street where the other girl found herself.

Masane had not yet noticed Yoko, as she aggressively trashed and ripped the machine apart. As she oil spilled everywhere she stood there with a grin, "I want more....I kill...more..." the blazing red head howled, then she noticed Yoko taking a step to her but as she did the witch blade gave out on her. Tranforming her back into a beautiful, busty brunette who collapsed at heer feet.
Yoko jumped at sound of metal being pushed to its physical limit, and with a start jumped around in time to see what she was looking for, at least she thought it was what she was looking for. It was difficult to know for sure since there weren't any other images, in her head at least, for her to compare it to. She blinked, and brought her hand up to rub her eye but stopped and put it down, because the blink should have been enough, and she didn't want to miss any of it. Not that there was much for her too see. By the time she remembered her camera, and brought it up for a picture, everything was done, and all that was left was a woman, a very pretty one, that was out like a light, and laying on the ground.

"Awe. God damn it." She cursed, shaking her head. "A few more seconds, and It would've been a career maker." With a sigh, she decided to record the after math before everyone started showing up to get in her way. She took a few photos from where she stood, then walked around to get a few better angles. It was during one of these walks that she almost tripped on the woman. "Shit. Sorry." She blinked down at her, and realized the day was not lost. "Oh." she smiled. "Not bad, actually. I'm pretty sure now I could get an even better story." She took a few pictures of the woman, on the floor, before she put her camera away, and did a quick check to see if there was anyone around. There wasn't.

"Alright, my pretty meal ticket, let's get going." She tried to lift the woman up, but found that to be much more of a challenge than was previously expected, but she managed to get the woman on her feet, and her arms over Yoko's shoulders. "Come on. There's a place that's not too far from here, close enough for me to take you without passing out, that won't ask too many questions. Normally, I'd steer clear of it at all cost, but today's your lucky day." She half dragged/ carried the woman to a small motel, where she was able to let the stranger rest on a couch in the lobby while she paid for a room, without being asked who the unconscious woman was, and then went through the ordeal of moving her to the room.

"Here we are." Yoko through the door open, and dragged her lucky prize by the legs this time, since she didn't have enough strength to do anything else, and left her on the floor by the bed, while she went to get lock the door, and then get some water, before she passed out.
The Brunette Milf was heavier than she looked, mostly in her chest area, her ample portions slung over the women who despite her frame, was strong enough to carry her along. Masane being unconscious felt herself stirring about three hours later. Finding her self in new surroundings. Unsure of where she was, she felt a major head ache pounding in her head.

"Ungfh...I feel like I got hit by a train..or at least drank too much, again." She slowly sat herself up, "Where am I?" She then thought of her daughter and stood up, "Ah I don't have time for this!" she started to rummage through her clothes, checking to see if she had her wallet and such, if someone took any thing while she was unconscious..or worse she was going to be one angry Mommy.
"So where should we begin?" Yoko said with her hands on her hips. The woman at her feet didn't stir. "Come on." She said, gently tapping the brunette with the toe of her shoe. "I don't have all day." She stood and watched the woman for a bit before deciding that she needed a long bath. "MMMmm." She looked from her captive towards the bathroom and back again. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." With a smile she turned and hurried to set the bath and get in, which quickly followed with her passing out from exhaustion.

The journalist awoke with a start! "Huh? What?" It took her almost a minute before she remembered what had happened and where she was. "Crap. Was that someone's voice." With a grunt she grabbed her towel and got out of the water, which made things a lot better because it had been so long and the water was currently freezing. "Hold on." She called as she wrapped the towel around herself and hurried out the door. "Hold on." She didn't bother to close the door in front of her and hurried over to greet the woman. "Please wait." She offered the woman her hand. " There's no need to panic. Your just in a cheap hotel room that I dragged you to while you were out." Yoko paused when she realized how bad that must've sounded. "Hold on. Let's start over. Hello. My name is Yoko, and I'm doing a story about the witch blade. Would you mind if I asked you some questions?"
Masane stretched, rubbing her head by the time the towel clad girl came into view. "Who's panicking?" she blinked genly, looking her over. "Is that right..?" She laid back and frowned.

"Do you have any beer?" she suddenly asked, rubbing the side of her head. "Thank you though, I think.."
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