Fruits Harem (malin&Malicious Lullaby)

Jan 9, 2009
On my knees, in between his legs.
Sometimes it was always so hard. Living along without saying anything, sometimes even pretending that all was okay when in fact it really wasn’t. But for her, it wasn’t something to complain about. Somehow, even through the worst, she managed to find the shining light in even the most dimmest of situations. Not something she prided herself in but something that was simply natural to her, it being who she was.

Tohru Honda lost her mother some time ago and since then, had been living in her grandfather’s house. Her grandfather was a kind man and took her in without a second thought. It was her aunt and uncle and their children who weren’t exactly kind. Did she complain though? No, not once. Never. She simply did all of what she could, doing whatever possible to maintain a somewhat stable and less hostile living environment. When her grandfather’s house started going under some renovations, she didn’t have many to turn to and she certainly didn’t want to be a burden upon her two best friends, who had enough on their plates. Neither of them needed another inhabitant in their homes. Instead, Tohru settled on a tent, living with the bare minimum for now. After all, it was only temporary.

Dressed in her school uniform, she ventured on her usual walk to school. Her brown hair lay straight down her back, her bangs playing like a valance over her forehead but never bothersome and she wore a couple of pins in the side of her hair. A backpack was slung on her back and she walked in a casual stride. Her usual walk tended to have her passing the Sohma house that was along the way but never did she really stop. Until this day when she saw little figurines that looked to represent the Chinese zodiac. Oh, they were so cute!

She always loved to hear the story of the Chinese zodiac from her mother and whenever she did, she’d always want to be the cat. It never seemed fair for how things turned out for him, it certainly wasn’t his fault one bit. But that didn’t seem to matter. He’d been left out. Tohru knew how that felt. It wasn’t a good feeling to be left out. But again, looking onto more positive things. Stopping before the steps, she knelt down and looked them all over until she noticed that there wasn’t the cat. Of course, she did realize that the cat wasn’t officially apart of the zodiac but he was still part of the legend. He should be included.
Shigure was returning home with the day's paper in hand. His hair was slightly messy as it looked like he had just woken up for the day. He had painted the stones last night, and set them out to dry, before going to sleep, and as he was walking around his home, he wanted to check on them. Walking the long way around his house he had the paper tucked under his arm. He was dressed in a grey male kimono, socks, and zori*. He yawned lightly as for him the morning had just started. He had most of the chapter for his next book already written, and it would be done a little while before Mitchan showed up to collect. Which meant that once again he got to have fun with his editor and buy himself a few more free days.

Sniffing the air however he smelled more then the rain, rather something that more or less woke him up fully. There was a visitor to his house, and it wasn't one he recognized. Walking around to where he had put his zodiac from the night before he was more then happy to see a young high school girl at his estate, even if this was private property there was always an exception that could be made for a high school girl. He gave her a rather excited smile, greeting her happily for a moment.

There were a few questions in his head for a moment, he wanted to know where she came from, and why she was so far out in his territory. This house was on the further edges of town, there really wasn't anything out here past his estate except for the lake, and even that was technically owned by the Sohma family. Was she a tresspasser? or was there something more. Either way those were questions he could ask later. First he wanted to make a good impression on the girl at hand.

"Admiring the zodiac I made?" He asked lightly. There was something too the school uniform she wore, he recognized it on a further glance. She seemed to go to the same highschool as Kyo. He sat down on his patio waiting for some sort of answer to the question. He was curious about this girl. "I am Shigure Sohma, what brings you to these parts?"

(*Japanese sandals made from rice straw)
“Oh.” His voice startled her since she certainly didn’t expect for anyone to be around and she stood up immediately and backed away. After all, she knew that this was his property and she wasn’t about to look like she was snooping or let alone trespassing. No, she had simply been curious about the figurines. Only one thing, she just didn’t know he technically owned the area where her tent was. That might be something she wouldn’t shed light on. Hell, her friends would freak out if they knew she was living in a tent right now.

“Oh yes. They’re beautiful. So adorable really.” She bit down on her tongue to prevent herself from asking the dreaded question but found she couldn’t help herself. Tohru stepped forward and she knelt down again. Her finger came out, not to touch but to simply count and she counted only twelve. Nope, definitely no cat, otherwise there would have been thirteen. “Where’s the cat? You have all the others but why not the cat?” She frowned, looking up at him.
Shigure laughed as he was asked where the cat was. Right now the cat was up in his room sleeping. The lazy guy really did need to get ready for school now that he thought about it. Shigure on the other hand just leaned back against the wall. "Oh so your a fan of that old story?" He said rather amused. This was an interesting little development. He knew the story well as did every member of the Sohma family, but he hadn't expected to be asked about the cat. He frowned for a moment. He acted the part of mentor and father to the cat, and yet he like many of the sohma family seemed to keep the cat seperate from the other 12.

"It's often said to be bad luck to include the cat with the other twelve, but I guess I could always add him in later... Tell me you go to Kaibara High School correct? What is a student like yourself doing all the way out here in the middle of nowhere?" He asked lightly wanting the answer to the biggest question he had on his mind. She couldn't be living out here all alone could she? Such a thing would be very dangerous for such a young and small girl. It would be a tragady almost. "Also if that is the case would you mind waiting while I rouse my cousin from his bed. He goes to that highschool as well and, really the least I can do is make sure that you have an escort to school. It's a long way to walk if I am not mistaken."
Her gaze met his in an almost sort of dumbstruck way, like she did not understand one bit why he was laughing or what was so amusing about the situation. Although probably the fact that of all the members of the zodiac, she was more particular with the cat, who wasn’t even an actual member. Even if she was the year of the dog, she claimed since she was a little girl when her mother told her about the story that she’d no longer be the year of the dog but that of the cat. Even if there wasn’t one.

A frown marred onto her face and she clasped her hands together in front of her. “Well that’s unfortunate. But I think it’d be rather lucky to be the cat, whether he was apart of the zodiac or not.” Ever the optimist little Tohru was.
“But yes, I do go to school there.” As for what she was doing in this part of the land…
“Oh um…I was just walking by. I didn’t think it’d be a problem. If it is, forgive me, I can go now if you like.” She chanced one more glance at the adorable little figurines before looking back up at the man. “Oh no no! I wouldn’t want to impose or burden anyone. You don’t need to do that.” Even if his cousin did go to school where she did, she’d still hate for him to be woken up and then have to walk with a complete and total stranger. “It’s not that long of a walk. Besides, I like the walk. It’s always been a nice way to clear my mind.”

“I should be going then. Again, I’m sorry for the intrusion. Bye.” She smiled kindly and waved before setting along on her way.
Shigure practically grabbed Tohru as she tried to walk past him, his hand gripping her shoulder and turning her lightly back towards the house. "Nonsense, he will be late if he sleeps any longer, and I insist that you not be left unattended." He said lightly more then happy to guide her into the house for a moment. "Wait here." He said to her not taking no for an answer as he walked up stairs. He was quick to kick Kyo out of bed. "You slept away the morning your running late, and there is a young girl in our forest, Walk her to school." He said clearly laying down his terms and then closing the door so that the cat can get ready for school

Shigure had to swear some times he was more like the father in this house hold. Though looking around the place clearly lacked a Womans touch. He couldn't see past the kitchen with how bad the garbage had gotten, and the smell was starting to disgust him. "Cleaning day is soon to be upon us." He said lightly shaking his head. Walking back to the place he had left Tohru, he smiled towards her.

"I never actually caught your name. I am Shigure Sohma." He said happily. Still more or less just happy to have a high school girl in his home if even only for a few moment's as Kyo got ready. Already the noises of someone moving about upstairs could be heard as Kyo fussed over himself getting out his school uniform and making sure to stomp around in anger. Shigure just shook his head playfully at the noises, the cat was always like that.
A small squeak came from her when her shoulder was grabbed and she nearly stumbled back, having not anticipated that one bit. Still, her feet guided her as he led her into the house. She was momentarily startled but thought nothing of it, although as he did leave her after his insisting, a wave of something terrible smelling wafted up her nose and her hand came up to block the path for the odor to get through. It was a terrible smell and while the man went to wake up his cousin, Tohru fancied herself a bit of a run through. It wasn’t much to look at, especially when she discovered the source of the stench. How could anyone live like this?!

When he returned, her hand dropped quickly and she forced herself to smile as if nothing was wrong, as if she wasn’t begging to be back out in the fresh air where a pervading scent didn’t assault her nostrils. No, Tohru pushed through it all, staying pleasant, never a complainer. “I can see that.” Was all she was able to say without being rude in response to his cleaning day remark. That was the understatement of the century!

“I’m—“ She started when she heard the commotion upstairs. Her chin lifted and she looked up, wondering just what his cousin made himself go through every morning to be ready before she looked back at Shigure once more. “Tohru Honda.” She smiled gently. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She bowed her head slightly. “What is your cousin’s name?” A part of was a bit nervous to meet him and even walk with him. She reckoned he wouldn’t be in the best of spirits. After all, he was probably given a rude awakening. She knew if she hadn’t gotten the best of rest, she wasn’t exactly a parade to be around. But then again, those were rare days and with her schedule, she was quite used to it.
Kyo walked down the stairs surprised to see a memeber of his own class in his living room. People were not supposed to know where he lived, he was usually really careful about that, and even so this was not exactly the state he wanted anyone to see his house in. Still he waved a hard hello to her, as he walked up to him. "I am Kyo Sohma." He said lightly scratching the back of his head not sure what to make of this situation.

"I'm sure you don't want to stick around here for much longer." He said in refrence to the smell. They lived like this house was some kind of trash heap, and one thing that both Kyo and Shigure were sure of was that it was in desperate need of a woman's touch. Though Having a woman around was slightly dangerous considering. Opening the door he let out a sigh this was troublesome having someone from his own class knowing where he lived it couldn't really get any worse than that.

Shigure on the other hand was more then excited for the fact that the two had some form of relation outside of this awkward meeting. Looking between the two he gave them a happy, if not over exaggerated smile. "Well in that case we simply must have you over more often. It's no problem at all really you can feel free to drop by at any time tohru."
Oh. She had seen him around before but he always seemed…well she certainly never had the courage to actually talk to him. She didn’t venture out much from Uo and Hana but then again, she never needed more than them. They were always there for her as much as she was there for them. But at least it’s not like she didn’t know who Kyo Sohma was. She did. He was just one of those types that made her want to keep a distance. Now he was going to be walking with her to school? Somehow she felt like he didn’t quite appreciate his cousin being so pushy. Nevertheless, she of course didn’t mention it and simply smiled, bowing her head a little bit. “Please to meet you Kyo. I’m Tohru.” She said softly, by way of technical and formal introduction.

She could only really smile and shrugged her shoulders slightly. “Oh…it’s not that bad. I-I’ve…smelled worse.” That was her being polite of course. She really wanted to get out of there but she wasn’t about to insult. After all, she did walk by when she had no real motive to do so. This wasn’t public property after all and it got her thinking that perhaps she was living on their property as well.

Walking outside, she took in a deep lungful of fresh air, clearing her nostrils of the terrible stench from inside of the house. She looked back at Shigure and smiled a little bit. “Oh well, if you insist but I wouldn’t want to bother either of you. But thank you again, it was a pleasure to meet you.” She nodded her head and turned to start walking, alongside Kyo. “I’m sorry you got roped into walking to school with me. You don’t need to. I’m sure he’s not looking. You can take off. I don’t mind walking alone. Honest.”
Kyo shook his head. "There is no real point in us splitting up now, were both going to the same class." He said lightly. It wasn't that he wanted the company, or the fact that Shigure had told him to walk with her. Rather at this point it was just that he was taking the same route he always took to class, she just happened to be tagging along for the ride.

"Why are you all the way out in this place any way? Don't you know this is all private property?" Kyo's voice was slightly reprimanding of her. The Sohma family basically owned the entire hillside and what was more this was only the secondary estate. the main estate was closer to the city, though Kyo was rarely allowed inside it. For her to be anywhere near their home was kind of odd, especially when he considered the risk.

Kyo shrugged. "You don't have to lie on our part, our house is pretty disgusting. Shigure lives like a dog, and I am out most of the time, so we hardly ever clean." He said with a light roll of his eyes, the truth was they were actually looking into hiring a maid, but that would cost a lot, and be rather dangerous considering, and it wasn't like there was anyone in the family they could trick into cleaning.
Her head nodded and she smiled a little bit and continued on their walk, taking time to get to school. It was actually kind of nice, to be able to walk with someone rather than walking alone. Of course, Tohru wouldn’t ever admit that she would like to walk with someone more often. No, she didn’t want to inconvenience anyone and really, walking alone could prove quite fruitful. Still, change was always something she embraced and welcomed; accepted. She liked this change a lot.

Looking up at Kyo, her eyes blinked a couple of times before she looked away instantly, her head tilting down and a bit of guilt and foolishness sinking in on her part. She was living on their property and that made it illegal because she hadn’t asked, hadn’t offered some kind of payment or anything really because she just didn’t know. “Oh…” She gulped and rubbed her arms a little bit, every part of her wanting to tell him that she was living in a tent temporarily on their property but begging for forgiveness, that she’d be gone once the renovations at her grandfather’s house were done. “I promise I won’t be there long. It’s just until my grandfather’s home renovations are done. And I swear, I won’t come back. I didn’t know it was private property.” It was almost pleading. She’d have nowhere to go otherwise. Hana lived with her parents and it was a full house already and Uo didn’t have much space as it is even for herself in her apartment.
Kyo's eyes went wide for a moment she was living on their property? He didn't mind the trespassing in truth that was a rather small thing. She was a young girl living out here all alone in the forest? It was irresponsible, but more then that it was dangerous for her. "We can't let you do that." Kyo blurted in a moment of concern. For all the gruff attitude he gave off he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something actually happened to the girl now that he knew she was living on their property.

"I mean... you shouldn't stay out there all alone in the woods. You could get sick or attacked by something. It's not safe." Kyo said almost compassionately he didn't want to chaise her off but if she had no where to go then it was a problem. "If there is no where to go then you will just have to stay with me and Shigure. We have spare rooms, and you can thank us by cleaning up the place. We wouldn't want your money, but as you saw we could use your help." It was a form of killing two birds with one stone, and at although this would be problematic in the long run he already knew that Shigure wouldn't have a problem with it. Besides he couldn't really let someone as young as her live out in the woods alone.
Her gaze flashed to his in a moment of sheer panic. Oh goodness, they were going to kick her off their property—not that she’d blame them—make her live on the streets and she was going to starve, break her promise to her mother and end up dying before she ever finished high school! That part of her that was freaking out on the inside, started almost into a full-blown panic attack until he reiterated, further explained and soon her heart beat began to regulate into normal beats. He seemed to have expressed actual care over the fact she was living on their property but then the reality of it sunk in. She was living on their property and if something bad happened, she could be a liability to them in the sense she could sue. She swallowed hard and looked away, looking down as she walked, a bubble of fear and sadness welling up in her.

Thankfully, Tohru pushed it down but nearly choked on nothing when he suggested an alternative, an alternative to which she was already shaking her head to. “No, no, no, I couldn’t possibly impose. I’ve already done so much just from imposing on your property, I couldn’t accept. Even if I were to work for room and board, I couldn’t impose on you both.” Unless they needed the help because she was sure they did, she had been in that house. It smelled like a dump! But even then, she wasn’t sure. “I-I don’t know.” She seemed like she could be considering it but she honestly wasn’t sure. After all, her grandfather’s home renovations shouldn’t be too much longer but it would be nicer to stay inside of an actual home, not in an actual tent. But if she was to live in their home, she’d be even more of a burden and she didn’t want that for anyone, especially these guys since it was all an accident.

“Can’t you just hire someone to clean your home?” It’s not that she didn’t want to. She was pretty sure she could. But she didn’t want to seem overly eager.
Kyo gave a sort of half shrug. She wouldn't really be all that imposing, although there probably would be problems with her being around. At the same time he couldn't just allow her to live out in the woods, and kicking her onto the streets wasn't really an option either. So Kyo had no other option for now it seemed like he had to take her in. At least until this grand father had fixed up his place. Then he could be rid of her and the extra noise it would probably make. There would be problems down the line he didn't have a doubt about that, but at the same time turning her away and putting her outside were just out of the scope of Kyo's cold shoulder. He could be mean sure, but he wasn't cruel.

"No paying for someone would just be troublesome they would get in our way, and besides it's not like we don't have the room for you. it's really just me and the old man, and our house is big enough for a lot more then that." He said lightly waving his hand at the issue. "Besides it will rain tonight and what if something bad were to happen to your tent while you slept. No I'm putting down my foot on this one your moving in with us, and it's not imposing on anything you will work for your room and board."

Kyo lightly put one fist into the other to simulate the falling of a gavel and just like that the girls fate was as good as sealed. "Me and Shigure will help you move your stuff from your camp site. I already know he won't have a problem with it." Kyo said rolling his eyes lightly Shigure would be more then happy to have a highschool girl living around them. Of course they would have too hide her at least at first, and hope that the other members of the family didn't become a problem.
He seemed rather adamant and with that, how could she argue with him? Well, naturally Tohru could think of ways to try and dissuade from him this decision, thinking of all the ways she could be a possible and definite damper on his life and Shigure’s but something told her that maybe she should stay mum, be thankful and graciously accept the hand she’d been dealt. She was being given help, being offered. She wasn’t asking. It was just happening. And it wasn’t free. She would be working for it, working for room and board and considering the condition that house was in right now, yeah, they could use all the help they needed. Especially if it meant she got to have an actual bed and not a tent. Again, not that she was complaining. No, she was simply thankful, incredibly so.

Even as he set it all in stone, she bowed to him a few times, constantly murmuring thanks. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” She bowed to him and looked at him, smiling softly. “I’ll never be able to fully thank you both for this and I promise not to get in your way at all and I’ll even make your home the cleanest home in all the homes in this world.” She looked like she was about to jump in the air, thrust her arm up in the air, punching it with a fist and shout, “I’ll will not fail you!” But instead, she smiled at him, a soft and sweet smile, so full of smiles since this day was kind of turning out better than she thought, a real blessing. “I promise you.”
Kyo blinked for a moment feeling almost dumbfounded at how much energy this girl had in her. He didn't want to admit it, but seeing her in such a good mood, made him kind of happy. Though he was quick to deny it. rather he just waved it all off like it was nothing and continued to walk onto the school grounds. "It's fine, don't worry about 'failing us', worry about being worked half to death by our house." He could already tell though that she was going to be up to the challenge of cleaning it, though he was surprised at how quickly she had turned around just a moment ago she seemed completely determined to not be a bother to anyone.

Kyo scratched his head for a moment. This was bound to become more problematic, and would only spire downwards once she knew all the details about their family. Still with her positive energy at least the house would be more lively, and Kyo actually kind of liked that idea, not that he would ever really admit it. He smiled back to her, if only for a few seconds, and then quickly moved on. "Come on, we don't want to be late for classes right now." Kyo didn't really like the idea of being in school, he would have much rather been out in the world doing other seemingly more important things, but as long as he was under Shigure's roof then he had to abide by Shigure's rules and that meant public highschool was a must.
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