The Tristian Acadamy of Magic (Alura--x--Uneii, and Malin)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
The Tristanian Academy of Magic is one of the most renown schools in the world. Each year Aristocrats from all over Tristan, as well as near by nations, join the school and gain an education in the magical arts. This is the story of five such students, and the events that surround their lives.

"Impressive isn't it?" Keaten let out a rather satisfied smile as he spoke out loud. He was a second year student, but rather new to the five pointed academy. His training had up until the start of this term been covered under another school in the country of Gallia. Stretching his arms today was a rather bright and sun filled day, and he let the sun fall on his face as he looked up at the sky. He gave a small yawn for a moment seeing the hawk that he thought he had been talking too several miles above him clearly unable to hear him.

"Well fine if you want to be like that, ignore me." It was rare that an aristocrat couldn't control their familiar, but not completely impossible. It usually happened when they were unskilled, and that definition did kind of fit. getting off of the borrowed horse and standing up on the cobble stone walk way to the main building he let out a small sigh.

"I guess they didn't send out anyone to welcome me..." He said lightly it would have been nice to have a guide around campus, but he could live without one for now. Classes wouldn't start till tomorrow, and he did see a few students around the courtyard, but for the moment he just felt kind of lost.

A bundle of pink walked through the halls of the academy, people still were in amazement of the fact she still attended school here, with the fact she had no familiar or any talent with magic, the tiny pinkette walked across the court yard like any other day. One wouldn't think at seeing her at first glance but she was a noble. Even an heir to the throne as dictated by Henrietta.

Even so that didn't stop people from teasing her "Hey, shrimpy! still wasting space with your zero talent?" someone called out to her. It was one of the other girls, one with an incredibly large bust that further ticked off the little girl, She had a lithe body being only 16, yet nothing made her more enraged than girls that flaunted their huge boobs.

Louise felt her left eyebrow twitch before she called back out to the other girl, her voice could be clearly heard by everyone out side. "Not any more space than those blobs of fat hanging off you! I suppose that's where everything you eat goes, or at least your brains since you clearly don't have any in your head!" her face was quite red by this point watching those...things shake as the other girl continued to tease her.

It ended by Louise stomping off, although not paying attention where she was walking and bumped into the new comer, obviously smaller than him so she didn't realize what she bumped into before she looked up. "Do you mind not standing where I'm walking?" still clearly angry.
Keaten practically jumped out of his spine when he felt someone crash into him. He was a full head taller then Louise so he had missed her rather easily when she had walked into him. And it was clear that she was rather angry at the moment. He hadn't really meant to get in the girls way. "Sorry." He said lightly bowing his head his blue hair slightly bobbing as he bowed to her. "I promise I just didn't see you walking in front of me. I've been kind of..."

Actually now that he looked around he had no idea where he was. He knew he was in the main building but the where was rather non-descriptive. In fact for the most part he was rather confused. "Actually I'm completely lost." He said lightly a long sigh slowly exasperating him, as he bowed his head, He was a bit of an airhead at times, and certainly not all that skilled when it came to his own magic.

Looking at Louise she was rather cute actually. Something about the pink hair, and pink eyes, as well as the fact that she looked almost puffy with just how angry she was. He had to wonder what had started her off like that. "Would you mind maybe helping me out a little, I was supposed to check in with the head master, but I can't seem to find anything in this building so far. I'm new to the school, just transfered over from Gallia." He said slightly proud of his nations harratage even if most of the history of his country was filled with paranoia and constant usurping of the throne. He was actually a distant cousin of the ruling class, his blue hair being a genetic trait of the family, but he was so far down the line that it hardly even mattered, and besides people who aspired to take the thrown in Gallia often ended up dead, or poisoned.

"Uhm, My name is Keaton, do you mind if I ask what's yours?" He asked lightly getting to his feet, and holding out a hand so that he could help her up as well. He gave her a smile hoping that some kindness would brighten her mood, and maybe put her more at ease, after all she was the first person he had met, even if the meeting was a little spontaneous he would have liked it to go well.

Louise looked up, then she pretty much hopped backwards listening to him talk her ear off she sighed lightly. She blinked, her pink pupils looking him up and down, why did he have to be so tall? "Don't...worry about it," she said taking a deep breath. Her puffy face made her look like she wanted to cray, yet she shrugged it off.

"You're new right?" she asked pretty much gathering that from how he was speaking, she perked up hearing his origin. "Ohhh...? I see...doesn't sound like it's going well over there, my name is Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière" She pronounce, having to take a deep breath as she said her full name.

Her pink locks swayed in the little breeze that flew across the yard, "Well..I can help you if you want, but don't expect much! Where did you need to go? It's not my job to give tours...ohhh the head master? I can take you there!" She was hyped up now she then took his hand, and guided him into the school. Not wasting in time in taking him through the hallways, explaining what she knew of the school to the taller male until they reached the master's office. "Here you go. " she smiled gently.

Keaton waved a hand as she guided him across the main building, arriving at their location. Her name was certainly fitting of an aristocrate and while he did have a last name he didn't really feel comfortable using it at the moment. Giving a slight bow to Louise he took her hand and gave it a kiss. Nothing too personal, it was just proper to his nature to act a little chivalrous after a woman helped him out. "What happens in Gillia is more my cousin's concern then mine. I came here to get away from that place."

"Thank you Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière." He said with a slight bow. Pronouncing her full name was a little weird the softer C almost caught him off guard, however it didn't really require an exaggerated breath and in the end he was able to recite it properly. "Your help means much to me, I know it is not your job to show me around campus but I would hope you would reconsider."

Turning he opened the door to Osminds office making his report and handing in the transfer papers when he was done with the greeting he wasn't sure if Louise would stay or not. He hoped she did, in truth he could use a friend. The only person he had right now was his familiar and the hawk did not make for good company... In fact most of the time his familiar just up and left him alone, which was in it's own way kind of depressing.

The small pinkette could only be a little annoyed with how he felt he needed to say her whole name Just louise is fine... she thought to herself, he seemed to be a bit of a weirdo, though she guessed people from where he was from seemed to be that way. "Well, you have fun with that, I'll be going to get something to eat, it's about lunch time!" leaving him to whatever it is that he needed to do the young pinkette headed for the lunch room, passing a dark skinned red-head passing by, the both of them hadn't noticed each other yet.

Although Louise had seen her before, her name was Kirch, pretty much the play girl of the school from what she heard, it was none of her business though, yet the dark skinned vixen had to visit the head master regarding a personal issue...

when he got out of the head masters office Keaton was once again left alone. He let out a small sigh when he no longer saw Louise. ~I guess I laid it on a little too thick, shame having someone around that I knew would have been great.~ He thought as he found himself once again alone. He understood why Louise had left him alone to his own devices, but at the same time his hope of having a friend or at least another person to walk him.

That thought percisted for about fifteen more seconds till he saw the dark skin red haired and rather curvacious woman that he walked past. As much as Keaton tried to be a gentlemen and always wanted to be respectful he couldn't help his eyes wandering towards the edges of the womans skirt for a moment. Turning around he gave a small wave towards the woman. "H-hello?" His voice wavered slightly nervously. "My name is Keaton." He smiled braodly slightly intimadated by a woman like her. He had never really seen anyone with quite the same aura as the one she maintained. There was an odd air that came off the woman and he could not put a finger to the feeling.

As the tanned red-headed minded her own business, her hand cupped around her chin most of her face covered by her hair. The curvy girl perked up as she heard herself being addressed, Kirche seemed to have lost herself in her own world at the moment. She was actually curious why she hadn't ran across miss 'Height Deficiency' today, then again someone that short and flat chested went under her radar.... a lot, and really only paid attention when she started getting on her about flaunting her body around.

Ohoho, so much jealousy.

"Hmmm?" she turned to him, her breasts bounced as she looked him over and drew a sly smile, "Hello sweetie.~" she purred, "Are you lost? I'll keep you company," she put on arm around him her body dangerously close to his, she smelled sweet as well. "What's your name? you can call me Kirche~" she giggled gently, "You're cute..I take it you're new?"​

Keaton was taken aback by the sudden forwardness of Kirche. He wasn't sure if it was because he was just uncomfortable with it, or becuase he hadn't really expected it, but to suddenly be pressed against her body was a little shocking. He blinked unsure of what to say as she basically dragged him along, and the fact that she called him cute was a bonus, but the way she said it, was almost as if he was a rabbit being lured into a snare. Then again this was a trap that most men would surely have not minded.

"My name is Keaton." His voice still recovering from the forward nature of this woman. "I am a little lost yeah, I just transferred into the school. Still don't really know anyone... or anything." He stammered on his last sentence having meant to say where anything was, but the closeness to her body, and the fact that she seemed rather interested in him was all making his head go a little fuzzy.

Keaton looked around for a moment an odd blush across his face. It had been a long time since he had been so close to a woman's body, especially one as rare as Kirche, who's dark skin and legs seemed to be enough to make anyone swoon. He was suddenly very grateful that the school implemented a skirt in it's dress code. "It's a pleasure to meet you Kirche."

Kirche smiled as she saw how awkward this was for him, "Am I coming on too strong? hehe." She decided to back off a little bit, yet still attracted to him, though they just met.

"A little lost huh? Where do you need to go? I can help you, it'll be a date~" she purred. Almost invading his personal space she leaned on him, her breasts sitting on top of his arm as she took his hand. "I'll take you anywhere sweetie..maybe even to my room if you want~" she chuckled lightly

"Y-your room?!" Keaton blushed hard as he practically yelled at just how forward she was when it came to such a location. He wasn't exactly saying no, but at the same time he was rather shocked, then again looking at her, and the way that she was guiding his arm. He had to guess that she was very much used to taking men like this. keaton on the other hand was far out of his element trying to be kind he stumbled slightly over his own words, though at least she was willing to play a guide unlike Louise.

"Actually, I wouldn't.. mind finding my room." Keaton said realizing he had little to no idea where the dormitories were. He let out a long breath for a moment as he tried his best to regain his composure. Not realizing he was also inadvertently inviting Kirche into his own room with this request. He pulled out the notice he had gotten from the headmaster, reading it over and giving the room assignment to Kirche. "Any idea where that would be?"

Kirche made a small blush, "On my, inviting a girl to your room? so naughty~" She winked playfully, she took his hand and held it tightly as she took him through the school, her hips swinging as she walked, her body was pretty nice and seducive yet he didn't seem as weak as the other men here were, and by that, easily taken in by her charms.

She stopped right in front of the dorms as soon as she looked back at him, "Here we go, which one is yours?"
((OOC: So sorry, I lost internet for 2 weeks, and wasn't really able to post))

Keaton recognized the room number on his dorm, and made a small sigh of relief, however he was also starting to pick up the subtexts, of what Kirche was more interested in. Where at first he was more just trying to find his way around campus, and get used to his surroundings he was now also in serious danger of either offending a young woman, or ending up in a situation that in truth he didn't really desire. "I believe it's this one." He said opening the door to his room, and taking a quick glance through it. They were rather high up, 4 stories if he had counted the stairs correctly, and there was only really a window a bed, a desk, and basic items around the room.

Stepping inside he bit his lip ~what did i get myself into.~ On the one hand a woman like Kirche was probably an exotic type, and if he knew her a little better he wouldn't have had this problem of trying to turn her down. At the same time however he didn't know her, only the general idea of what kind of person she was, and while he was too complacent to shut the door in her face he did walk towards the window opening it to let the afternoon air in. "So now that you know where I will be staying for the rest of the term Kirche, you are more then welcome to visit, but for now, I think it's best if I played hard to get." He said with a small smile placing his back to the window he gave her a small smile, before tossing himself out of his room backwards.

The wind mage was talented enough to create a solid buffer of air enough to catch him before he became a splat on the ground, but he was also left with a shortness of breath. Grabbing onto his knees for a moment he was slightly sweating from the fall. He had the feeling that if he didn't play hard to get with someone like Kirche she would have found him boring in a few days, but at the same time he had also just told her where he was living. ~One problem at a time.~
Kirche only smiled, oh this was going to be a fun year alright! The lovely tan goddess merely walked out from the room, not that she had all the intentions to just pounce on him there, she did have SOME class after all..but eventually...

Louise by this time was walking back from the cafeteria, with a tray of food, she already ate but she figured she'd find that guy and let him eat something, fortunte she didn't need to look long as the pinkette saw him float down infront of her. "Wind huh?" she stated as she came up to him. "I got you food..don't get the wrong idea or anything, I just thought you'd be hungry.." she spoke with those big ol' eyes of hers staring him down.
Keaton smiled seeing Louise again. Between her and Kirche this year was going to be a bunch of trials there was no doubt about that. His head was already spinning just from his first encounters with the two of them. "Yes, I specialize in wind magic... or rather I should say that I'm only good with wind magic. Anything else tends to just end up failing me." He said scratching his head and still panting slightly. "In truth even wind is really hard for me to control."

Taking the food from her, he was more then happy to have it with him. "Shall we find a place to eat then? If you don't mind joining me." He said happily. He Returned her stare down with a quick happy nod. In truth he was more than happy to have someone like Louise around. He was starving and his stomach let out a low growl as he worked towards finding a tree for the two of them to sit under. Finding one of the many trees around the school yard. He did however keep his eyes open for another sighting of Kirche, he really didn't want to run into her again so soon.
Louise only looked up at him, she already ate, but she supposed it wouldn't hurt. "I ate already, but I suppose I can grace you with my presence~" she smirked, following him to the tree he mentioned. " you just started learning magic?...I can't do any, that's why they call me Zero, it's stupid..funny huh, how I'm here when I can't do anything." the little pinkette just plopped down on the ground.
Keaton sat down shaking his head slightly. Holding the food he slowly started to eat listening to her talk. Louise the Zero, there was an amusing story to the name, but he couldn't imagine it anything less then painful for her to deal with and hear. It was a name people used to make a mockery of her. Taking an inward sigh he leaned back against the tree and felt a little more at peace. "Your prescience is most appreciated."

"The truth is I have been studying magic for years, and really even that has only gotten me this far. Originally I was home schooled in the use of magic, but that only lasted a little while. My teacher gave up on me after a year and a half with almost no progress calling me completely hopeless. Then I moved around from school to school, and finally my parents sent me here. Far enough away that I wouldn't embarrass them anymore." Keaton gave a small shrug as he continued to eat. "So it's not all that funny cause I'm in the same situation. I was sent here because I have almost no talent for magic at all. If your the zero, then i guess that makes me the point zero five." He said trying to crack a joke at his own expense to lighten the mood.

Louise huffed as she listened to him, "Do you want pity or something?" the little one didn't need to be reminded of her time here so far and listening to his sob story kind of irked her a little, "At least you can do already, I already had my fill.

"So why did you jump out of your window any way? or are you just insane?" she leered toward him, her big eyes staring at him in the face.
Keaton hadn't expected such a rather harsh reaction. She had asked him a question, and he had tried his best to answer it, and he certainly hadn't considered his story worthy of someones pity or even really a sob story. He turned away from Louise slightly feeling kind of awkward as he ate his meal. ~Guess I'm still not very good at talking to these woman.~ He thought rather harshly against himself. "I'm sure that you have something you can do Louise. Give it time and you will find your talent."

"uh... oh right the window thing." He said as he ate the meal she had given him. The look Louise had on her face was down right intimidating and he was left in a place that was even more awkward then the room with Kirche. "I was uhm running away from this girl... Kiriche I was lost so I got her to show me to my dorm, but..." Well in truth Keaton wasn't sure what he and Kiriche would have done. Just that the entire time he was with her, he could practically feel like he was caught in some kind of trap. A trap that most men would have easily fallen victim too. "Well I decided that I needed the fastest possible exit from that situation, and the window was right there. Honestly it wasn't the smartest move i've ever made."
Tiffania Westwood.

While Louise listened to him she yawned a bit, feeling herself grow tired, leaning back against the trees she felt her head get sucked into a pair of soft...things. She shivered lightly and crawled away, seeing an elf just laying there. Busty and blonde she was fast asleep...out here of all places!

"Do you know her?" she asked the boy, a little confused but, even worse look at the size of those things!

The elf yawned, rubbing her eyes as she awoke her bosom bounced as she looked up to the two of them, "Oh?..hello..what time is it? is it still morning?" the elf was still groggy.
((OOC: your FC image for Tiffania doesn't show up 403 error))

Keaton blinked seeing the Elf for the first time. He was actually more surprised at the size of her ears then he was the hugeness of her personal flotation devices. It took him a moment to realize he was stairing at her ears. "An Elf?" He said almost quizzically under his breath. Keaton had never seen an elf before. From what he understood they never came out of the desert oasis they called their home... well apparently almost never.

"Never even noticed her sleeping there." he said truthfully. "I have only been here for a day now." he said finally managing to pull his eyes away from her ears, and other features.

"uhm.. It's well past noon actually, were entering mid afternoon." Seriously who sleeps past half the day? He thought a little more darkly, as he shifted his weight slightly away from Louise and the elf. "Uhm... who are you?"
Tiffania yawned again, standing up, Louise only gazed at those bombshells with irritation on her face. "They're huge!" she blurted out, reaching and groping the blonde elf.

"Ah-ah--?" The elf blinked, blushing slightly until Louise had her fill of elf teets. "They're real too..ugh!" The pinkette seemed pretty upset, "Cheater."

"Cheater?" the blonde tilted her head a moment before her adorable elongated ears picked up the males question.

"Oh my name is Tiffania Westwood, hello!" she smiled sweetly.
"Hello Tiffania. I am Keaton it's a pleasure to meet you." Keaton said with an odd smile. He had to side with Louise for a moment as her chest really did just seem like it was an impossible size for anyone to attain naturally. Then again with her pronunciation that they were real, and watching a woman grope another womans chest Keaton blushed and did his best to look away from the two of them for a moment.

"Louise give the girl a break, with them that large they probably hurt her back." He said trying to calm her down by pointing out the flaw in having tits that huge, while at the same time feeling incredibly awkward as he could probably be seen as making fun of Tiffania which was something he didn't want to do. He was actually surprised to hear that she had a level of self confidence issues around her chest. Then again looking at Tiffania's shirt they seemed to want to be busting out of their containment. He scooted slightly to the left not wanting to incure a fight with either of these two women, and continued eating his meal instead.

"Tiffania I am sorry for Louise's..." He was originally going to say temper but that didn't seem right, and neither did any other word that came to mind. "Tactless forwardness in this matter." He said not even realizing he was digging a grave far deeper then he could have imagined.
"It's alright," Tifa smiled gently, the elf stood up and loomed over the male, her boobs sitting on top of his head. It seemed she passed out due to a lack of food. "H-hungry.." She couldn't remember the last time she ate, she merely fell asleep in this spot. Her large bosom was squished on top of him with an exhausted look on her face.

This made Louise blink, then sigh gently. "This is your problem," the small pinkette sat on the grass watching the two. What did Elves eat anyway? No sooner had she thought on this did she hear a small chuckle behind her, looking up over her she saw more boobs.

It seemed the lovely caramel Kirche found them at last, "And what are we doing out here? Looks like you're having fun." Their earlier escapade left her more curious about the boy so she had been looking for him. "That was quite rude you know?" she spoke to him, ignoring the other girl's presence for now.
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