Journey of a life time [Pokemon] (Ultra Paradox x Pols voice)

Ultra Paradox

Dec 22, 2013
Pallet town, the city in which Shino and his rival lived in. The town where the famous Ash Ketchem started his great adventure. Today was the day, their journey began.
Lilly was excited that today she was going to inlay receive her first Pokémon, she couldn't wait. In fact she couldn't wait so much that she almost forgot to do her average morning routine, including changing out of her pajamas, and eating breakfast. But despite her rushed morning, she did get out the door dressed, full, and ready to go.
The idea of getting his first pokemon ran through Shino's mind as he brushed his teeth. He quickly ran downstairs, changed into his normal clothes then pulled out his father's old trainer belt where he was going to hold his pokeballs. He ran out the door after saying bye to his mom and rushed out the door fast enough to find Lilly.
Lilly had just barely gotten outside when Shinio stopped by her. She looked at him for a few seconds. "Where are you off to today? Your parents need something today? Or are you just out and about?" She asked him.
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