League of (Erotic) Legends (Erotic Taboo & SimplyDelightful)


Feb 14, 2014
Welcome to Summoner's Rift!

Ah, that old, crisp, feminine voice that rang out across the battlefield. So many times had Ahri been here, through so many victories and losses, yet now she was controlled by a summoner with little experience wielding someone with her charm and allure. She giggles softly as she hears the sound of gold coins being dropped into the fat coinpurse of the merchant at the platform to get her a ring. "Aww, how cute." She whispers to her summoner through their telepathic connection as she slips a Doran's Ring on her ring finger and quickly moves for... Top lane?

... Wait, top lane?

This summoner really had no idea what she was doing. A small frown reached her lips. So many in top lane were just too fleshy for her to handle to begin with... This summoner overestimated themselves. Not to mention, she had heard of the opposing team's summoners. The infamous group of sexual predators... Yet they had been allowed to play. It increased the popularity of the matches at a time where they had been going on for so long that some had wondered aloud if there was even a point to them anymore.

Still. She reached her lane on the purple side, taking a few deep breaths she twirls her blue orb around her hands and tails, the light reflecting off her smooth as silk thighs. Who would it be this time she wondered. Who would she charm and drain dry in this little simulated playground of death and mayhem.

Minions have spawned!

A small smile of simple delight spreads across her face, her eyes filled with a playful nature. "Lets play." She enters the lane with her minions, failing to check the brush for any intruders, and failing to place any wards down in the jungle or in the river to start with...

... Not that... It was too dangerous...

Nasus had been a favorite champion of man summoners across all of the leagues within the Institute of War from the time of his arrival in this world. Under normal circumstances, this would please the canine-like curator. Being so frequently picked placed him in the Fields of Justice often and finding himself here as often as he did gave him more and more opportunities to encounter his brother, Renekton, so that he may humble the reptilian champion. Today was different, however. Today, he was under the command of a summoner with peculiar powers and peculiar methods of waging war. Nasus had been picked by this summoner often and he was none-to-pleased to have been selected once again.

This summoner, as Nasus would have put it, was a paragon of injustice within the Institute of War - a great sign of the corruption that the power of a summoner could incite in a mortal man. He and his team of four other summoners had, in a sense, gone rogue some time back. Though they were still summoners of the League of Legends, they no longer sought out sanctioned games. Instead, they spent their time finding new, weak summoners and turning the Fields of Justice into a sexual battle royale. How they had evaded punishment was anyone's guess, but they had never seemed to get so much as a slap on the wrist for such actions.

For a beast such as Nasus, the thoughts were infuriating and the actions, unforgivable. To make matters worse, Nasus had been forced to carry out these actions with no ability to deny the commands given to him by his summoner. He had been made an unwilling accomplice in all of this injustice and things were about to get worse.

Until now, all of these sexual battles had been conducted against the weaker, lesser-known champions of the League of Legends - champions that no one cared about and few had ever even heard of. This match, however, was to be played against the League's true champions. The women on the other team were all champions that Nasus encountered regularly in the Fields of Justice. He feared, deeply, that he would be forced to carry out these commands against someone that he could call a friend.

It was then that Nasus's thoughts were broken. The connection to his summoner had been completed and Nasus was torn from his home in the far-off deserts. Moments later, he was standing on the summoner's platform in the Summoner's Rift, along with four other champions whom he had come to know well because of these twisted summoners.

As usual, he found himself here not as himself, but as a damned and infernal version of the Nasus that had been left behind in the desert. This body... It was hard to explain. When Nasus found himself in this form, he always seemed to enjoy the torment that he brought against his fellow champions more than normal. It was as if this form somehow tainted his soul. He did not like it, but it did, at least, make these matches more bearable for the noble curator.

The clatter of gold could be heard filling the coinpurse of the platform's merchant and in mere moments, Nasus was headed for top lane with his Doran's Shield.

Knowing that his summoner had more experience than that of the enemy summoners, Nasus was not surprised to see that he had beaten his opponent into lane. The canine-like champion waited at the lane tower for a few moments while his summoner formulated a plan. Nasus could almost hear the gears clanking in his summoner's head from his place in the fields. The enemy team's composition was... laughable at best. Nasus had no idea what to expect and it seemed that his summoner did not either.

"Minions have spawned!" the voice rang across the rift.

The announcement sent Nasus's summoner into action, causing him to guide his champion into the nearby brush along the top wall of the rift. From here, they would be able to see their opponent long before they were seen themselves, a tactic that most summoners learn early, but with as fresh as the opposing team was... Who could guess what they might do?

After a few seconds, Ahri came into view. Wait... Ahri? Nasus had to do a double-take to make sure that he was seeing this correctly, but yes, it was, without a doubt, the League's Nine-Tailed Fox. This Revelation brought a bit of relief to the Curator's clouded mind. Ahri had taken her current form from stealing the lives of innocent mortal men. Though the Institute offered her a way of retaining her humanoid form without the need to kill, this did not pardon her from past crimes; not in his eyes. She was a selfish, vain creature who valued her own interests above the very lives of others. He would have no quarrel exacting vengeance for the lives that Ahri had ended before joining the League.

For now, however, he was have to wait. His summoner seemed to be formulating a plan of attack...
Ahri moved with her minions, staying behind them and trying her best to last hit each minion for the gold, though, with the skill of her summoner, this was a nigh impossible task. She only managed to get one out of every three or so, struggling even then to keep up that ratio, as her summoner adamantly refused to use any of her skills to rapidly push the lane while the opposing champion was still missing in action. She takes a deep breath, looking around at the bushes. She had one free ward. It would only last sixty seconds, but whoever was in the top lane could destroy her very easily at this stage, even with her charm to aid her escape... Or worse. Mind, though, that for Ahri, "worse" was fairly subjective against these summoners.

The summoner started to grow worried, Ahri had guessed, as he convinced her to go into the river to put a ward down. Nothing there. Where was the top lane? She bites her lip as she returns to the lane, her minions having pushed to the blue turret she was ordered to face check the brushes at the top. She had a perfectly good champion checking ability, her ball, it made a noise when it hit something as most physical objects do and she could throw it out and bring it back with ease... Alas. She checks the brush and immediately bumps into something. Looking up she sees the towering form of Nasus overhead of her. "... Ah... Well..." Ahri says, with a fake smile and widely opened eyes. "I think I will just be heading in the opposite direction now, Curator!" Still. She couldn't use her magic or her summoners yet. Her damn summoner seemed to be paralyzed in fear. "Do something?!" She whispers telepathically.
Both Nasus and his summoner were highly confused by the appearance of Ahri in the top lane. Sure, the both of them were pleased that their opponent was one of the League's most beautiful creatures, but this was an unusual place to find this particular champion due to the regular team composition that the Institute of War had adopted. Top lane was usually reserved for bulky bruiser-type champions or champions with reliable health-sustaining magic or abilities. If Riven, Shyvanna, or Fiora had waltzed into the lane, neither Nasus nor his champion would have been surprised. Heck, even Akali wouldn't have been big of a surprise due to her ability to dual and trade, but Ahri? The lane was already won.

Still, Nasus had grown to know this summoner well and was not surprised when he was not commanded to advance. Caution was one of this summoner's greatest weapons and with such an odd champion pick opposite him in the lane, he was not going to get in a hurry, nor was he going to grow cocky. This was bad news for both Nasus and Ahri.

As the game went on, Nasus would become less and less like his normal self. The form that Nasus had been summoned in, this infernal hellish beast that was hidden deep in the Curator's subconscious, would slowly consume Nasus' usual self. While the canine-like champion was normally a revered guardian of life and balance, this hell-spawned form would slowly corrupt his mind until the guardian was no more. This form... this 'skin' as summoners called the special forms that they could summon their champions in, would force Nasus to become a fearsome destroyer. Fortunately for Nasus, he would not have to suffer the transformation for long. By the match's five minute mark, the transformation would be complete.

The plan had been to wait for Ahri to clear to the tower and advance on her from behind; giving her the option to face Nasus or the lane tower. This would give Ahri a lead in lane farm, but due to the experience level of the fox's summoner, neither Nasus nor his summoner feared giving her this small lead. Of course, this plan would not be necessary. That realization came quickly and happily when the fox began moving toward the brush where Nasus was hiding. Face-checking... A true testament to this summoner's inexperience.

When Ahri entered the brush, she came face to face with her lane opponent at last and the sight surely had to be a frightening thing for the fox. Ahri stood at only five feet and six inches tall, but Nasus... Not only did Nasus tower over the fox at six feet and nine inches tall, but he was in his recently developed 'legendary skin'.

Nasus and his summoner were quick to react. As Ahri spoke, she would have felt her form grow heavy - a sensation that she might recognize as being the victim of Nasus' Cripple ability. With this extra weight bearing down magically on her, escape was nigh impossible since the two champions would not have access to their ultimate abilities this early in the game and Spirit Rush was the fox's only reliable means of escape. Now she was really in trouble...

As if that were not enough, Nasus brought his staff high above his head before bringing it back down toward the fox - the time for the first trade had come and it was looking like it might be a little more intense than a mere trade. If Ahri's summoner did not react quickly, this was going to be an easy first blood for the twisted team of perverted summoners.
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