Mother Knows Best (FairestOfAll)


Sep 28, 2013
Mother Gothel casually moved through the packed tavern of what had been the Snuggly Duckling, the sounds of flirting and giggling going about all around her. Nowadays this place, which had at one point been the refuge for all manner of degenerates and scumbags, was Gothel's own 'Love Nest Brothel.' And all of this never wuld have been possible without her darling 'daughter.'

Yes, her scrying and studying had allowed her to draw all new effects from the magical enchantment of her long locks. She had developed the alchemists secret of turning anything she desired into solid gold, and with that newfound wealth and the enchantments of security she could use with Rapunzel's magic... well, Gothel did want to enjoy life a little more.

The dark-haired temptress gave a weave in passing to her barmaid and headed for her daughter's room. Many of her sex workers were here either voluntarily or as captured slaves, and all were expected to do whatever was asked of them... but nobody but Gothel was allowed to touch Rapunzel. She opened the door up to her room, smoothing the creases of her red silk dress with her other hand, and then she looked to her adopted teenager "Ah my dear, are you busy?"
Rapunzel had learned, in due time, to accept this new fate of hers. At first it hadn't been easy, for she had been scared and confused, and rather unsure of the whole situation. And that was just the whole physical part of said situation. The new... relationship... she had with her mother. But she wasn't entirely sure about this using her hair thing, either. Was it right, to be using her powers this way? To reep benefits from her hair's magic? Before, she had used them to HELP people. But now...

Regardless, this new way of life was strange. And it was admittedly just as lonely as the tower had been. For while she could hear the voices of others just beyond her door, her mother kept her company solely for her, just as before. Except now, she didn't have the comforts of the tower she had called home. To think, she had once thought that her prison. This place was far worse.

Hearing the door opening, the blonde looked up, not entirely surprised to see her mother standing there. After all, who else would it be? Rising to her feet, she shook her head, fidgeting with a strand of her long hair. "No, mother." For what could she POSSIBLY be busy with?
"Don't look so down, sweetheart..." Gothel said in a soft and soothing tone, approaching the young blonde slowly and carefully. She placed two fingers under her lovers chin and then stroked her creamy skin. She was beauty incarnate, that magic permeating each and every atom of her body to leave her... well, almost completely flawless. Her hair was smooth as silk, and her skin was devoid of any blemishes or imperfections.

"Ah, I know what will put a smile on your face..." She sat down and patted her lap, a seat for the magical teenager. "Well my dear, I could give you some more freedom if you'd rather. A bigger room, all those lavish luxuries that would make an emperor jealous. But part of me feels you aren't ready for that, that you just... well, don't love me as much as I love you."
Rapunzel looked up at her mother, standing still at her touch as she knew she was meant to. She did not move until her mother directed her to, sitting on her knee just as a child might. For often, that's what she felt like. A very sheltered little child. Even at eighteen years old. Oh, how she DID want freedom, as every teenager did. But as her mother continued on, thoughts of freedom fled, replaced by that feeling Gothel so knew how to manipulate out of Rapunzel -- the need to please.

"No! I do, I DO love you." she assured, looking up into Gothel's face. And all she could think of was assuring her of this, not even noticing the freedom that had been dangled before her and snatched away again.
"Ah I know my dear, but I don't believe you understand the definition of 'love' in this case. We share that sweet familial love of a other and daughter, but I want to add another kind of love to that mix," Gothel replied matter of factly. She was a coy and cunning woman,and by now she could play Rapunzel like a harp. But she wanted that right to be hers, exclusively. Those pigs out there would eat her alive, defile her golden child.

"The world is dark and full of terrors, and they could pluck your life at a moments notice." She leaned in until their foreheads touched "You need to be strong and wise, cautious of anyone who isn't mother. I need you safe, undefiled. I want yo love you as my daughter, my business partner... and my beloved."
Another kind of love...? Rapunzel was about to open her mouth to inquire on this, but Gothel was already continuing on, and Rapunzel knew to listen. Yes, the whole 'the world is dark and full of terrors'... she had heard that since she was a toddler. She knew what her mother thought of the world. Still, Rapunzel sort of wished she could see things for herself, make her own opinion.. but she dared not suggest such a thing. Not anymore. "I'll do whatever you want me to, mother." she assured, as she knew she ought to. "You love me, protect me... I'd do anything for you."
"I know my sweet, I know... But what would happen to you if I had my back turned to you...?" Gothel purred. She hummed and then grinned slightly, another way to make her dear golden daughter a little more dependant on her. "You need to be mindful of everyone else. Always question their motives slightly, and only trust those I say you can trust. Do that, and you'll be able to move about this tavern and the surrounding lands at your leisure," she explained.

The building was fixed up nicely, a whole new floor added onto the tall building. Gothel had even hired one of her female allies to make a vast and lush garden around the brothel, a little extra aesthetic appeal.
There it was, freedom dangled in front of her nose once more. Rapunzel could almost taste it, and yet... she knew it was not so easy. It never was. "Of course, mother." she assured. She would do whatever she told her to, if it meant stepping outside these walls. "I'll watch out for the ruffians and thugs... and all those other ones you warned me about! And... and I'll only trust you!" Who better, after all, than her own mother?
"There we go... A smart young lady as ever. I knew I trained you well..." Gothel purred in that teasing and erotic tone.She leaned in then and gently kissed Rapunzel on her soft lips, letting her tongue lazily drift into Rapunzel's mouth. She had done this a few times now, and she had no qualms when she raised a hand up to gently stroke and up at her adopted daughter's right breast, a loving and tender stroking.
This was something Rapunzel had grown used to. It was a display of love, and affection. She knew that from her books. And she loved her mother, so... she saw nothing wrong with it. How could she know any better? So she allowed her mother to do as she would, knowing that Gothel preferred dominance. She still wasn't so used to the touch at her chest, but... she was learning. After all, once upon a time, mother had bathed her. She had seen and touched it all before. So surely there was nothing wrong with that, either. Even if it did seem sort of funny.

But Rapunzel told herself not to think into these things too much. After all. What did she know about anything outside her own little world?
"Ah... eating mints again my dear?" Gothel remarked, before giving a small snicker. "You certainly have a sweet tooth." She slowly reached for the bodice of her red silk dress, lazily and slowly undoing the lace that left the pressure on her generous bosom gradually loosening. Then finally her large breasts slipped loose, and the cougar then casually began unlacing Rapunzel's own dress "You want to feel good again, don't you dear...?"
And here it went. That new, more physical relationship that Rapunzel was still getting used to. It was strange, and she wasn't sure it was right... but oh, it did feel good. And mother said it was an act of love. And was there no deeper love than that between a mother and daughter? "I do..." she murmured, staring at her mother's breasts that hung before her face. She could feel her own bodice loosening, knowing that her own tiny chest would soon be revealed. But that was okay. Mother had dressed her before... she could certainly undress her, too. "D-do you have the time?" The brothel was always taking up her mother's time.
"For you, I will always have the time. Mother loves you," Gothel said in a sugary sweet tone. She lazily helped to slip Rapunzel's dress off, gradually revealing all of that flawless pale skin. "You are so beautiful my dear..." Gothel remarked. She stills aw herself as superior though. She slipped off her dress, leaving her older and more developed body on offer, and then she ungrily kissed Rapunzel with a much less restrained passion.
"Thank you, mother." She loved these compliments, fed on them, for there was no one but mother to give them. And she so craved the love, the attention...

Now that they were unclothed, Rapunzel could feel Gothel's skin against her own, which made her feel so very tingly. It always did. And as her mother leaned in for her lips again, she tentatively reciprocated, never trying to take control, but simply responding. She knew that was what mother preferred, after all. And her tiny hand rose to rest on one of her mother's large breasts, slender fingers brushing against the soft skin.
"Ah... just like that my dear..." Gothel whispered in response, always loving the sensation of her adopted daughter's silky touch. She gave a hum and rose up "I think I know something you'll like sweetheart," she said in a sweet purr. Suddenly she had moved atop the smaller woman, straight into a 69 position that left her pussy hovering just over Rapunzel's face, and then in a flash she buried her face between the younger woman's legs and started licking at her slick pussy.
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