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Tales from Beyond: A Mister Grimm Search Thread CRAVING GAME OF THRONES

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Sep 28, 2013
Purging the Heretics
Welcome.....foolish mortals. My name is Mister Grimm, and I'm addicted to RPing. I absolutely love to write, I love to create characters and make interesting stories. So, before I go on any further I suppose you'll want to know some things about me.

About me

I started RPing when I was about 13 or 14, making me a roughly 5 year veteran. I tend to post anywhere between 3-8 paragraphs. Really though it all comes down to the kind of mood I'm in. You give me a novel and I'll write you a novel, you give me 1 line and I'll give you 1 line. However, I do try my best to post at least a paragraph.

What to consider before PMing me

I tend to ask that my partner try and post at least once every few days or so. If you could post every day then that would be lovely. However though it isn't a big deal for me. I also ask that you be able to post a paragraph minimum. It isn't a big deal if you don't but I just prefer you do. Proper grammar is always a must but I'm no Grammar Nazi, lord knows we all make the occasional goof when we write. Smut isn't my biggest priority generally speaking. I occasionally write a smut based plot but I usually make a plot focusing more on story telling and less on smut. That's not to say that smut is off the table, just not the biggest focus. I play male characters exclusively, some times only one character, other times a couple. Honestly I'm bound to have a few extra side characters. Also, while I'm thinking about it, I only do Male on Female pairings. Nothing against other pairings, their just not my cup of tea. Sorry to those who were looking for something other than that.

I recently had a break in on my profile so I've made a new profile. If you are interested, PM me and I will give you the details on my two profiles so we can remain in touch on either profile

That's all I have for now


I'm seriously craving a Game of Thrones RP. I would quite literally stab a rabbi with a porkchop to make this happen. If you are nice enough to do this I will forever be in your debt.​


Assassin of Kings
This story is based in medieval fantasy. You would be playing as either a queen or a princess and I would be playing as a Ranger to the kingdom you live in. Now which you choose will alter the story a bit. If you choose princess, the story will be that one day you and I meet and begin to fall in love with one another. However, when your father the king discovers this, he sees it as an opportunity to rid himself of me after the high ruler of the lands is assassinated. No one knows who truly did it, thus we escape and are on the run, searching for the real assassin and avoiding the war that is about to erupt over the rightful heir to the throne.
Now if you choose a queen, the story will be that you are married to the king but are not in love with this man who is unfit to rule the land. You and I are in an affair and one day you ask me to murder your husband. With that, you gain the crown and the kingdom and are instantly seen as a suspect in the murder of the high ruler. Same premise but different path to the search.


A.L.I.C.E in Cyberland
I recently was struck by an idea for Alice in Wonderland type story set in a cyberpunk story. The story would follow A.L.I.C.E, the first android programmed to look, act, and think like a human being. She is a rogue project of Red Queen Industries. With A.L.I.C.E on the run in a strange and new world, she calls upon the help of Detective Hatter Madigan. From there, they go down deeper down the rabbit hole

Below are some songs that inspired me:
My Demons by Starset
White Rabbit by Egypt Central
White Rabbit by Emiliana Torrini


Don't Forget to Breath
I had an idea for an RP that would follow a bit of a kid who's just starting out in college. He's always been the scrawny guy that people like to tease and pick on. He decides that it's perhaps time he got into shape. There he meets one of his campus mates. She's a goddess and decides to take pity on the poor guy, helping him get into shape and perhaps become something more then a gym buddy


There is nothing quite like seeing a thousand nazi soldiers come shambling up a hill, shrugging off machine gun and artillery fire. No, these aren't nazi super soldiers, this is something much darker, something more gruesome then some armored behemoth. This is the work of dark magic. As the Furher began to sense his demise, he released his end game plan, raising an army of the dead. Thousands of flesh eating corpses crawl and claw their way through Europe, consuming soldier, civilian, American, and German alike. You and I would be playing as survivors, I an American soldier, you being a civilian or perhaps a nurse as the undead begin to attack


Game of Thrones: Rising Tide
The Mad King Aerys' rule was a fiery and bloody one. Many kingdoms would suffer at the hands of the Paranoid King, The Starks and Baratheons being two of the more notable ones but none suffered more then that of House Oceanstone. On the Stepstone Islands, House Oceanstone prospered and thrived. They were an industrious people, many believed as industrious as the Valyarians. While not as advanced, their technology was considered some of the finest in the kingdom. Masters of Science and of the Sea, Oceanstone made a powerful name for themselves, and that frightened The Mad King. He couldn't allow such a House to exist, thus he ordered for the extermination of the House. The Battle of Storm Bay was a bloody one. While Oceanstone made the Targaryen forces pay for every inch they took, they ultimately admitted defeat. The House name Oceanstone was erased from the books, their titles severed, their names destroyed. Everything, except the legend and one other. Lord Damion Oceanstone sired 3 children, 2 daughters and 1 son. The daughters were murdered with their mother, the son. . . . never found. The story of "The Lost Prince" became something of a legend in Westeros, but the thing about legends is sometimes. . . .they're true.

I would be taking on the role of Captain Alister Oceanstone, the Lost Prince, as he's returning to the shores of Westeros after a long exile. He comes back for revenge against the Targaryen's and all those who had wronged his family, to rebuild the Oceanstone name at any cost. You would be playing a member of his crew, whether it be an ally or a woman he'd been married to in order to obtain his ship.


Like a Feather on the Breeze
"Heroes may not be braver than anyone else. They're just braver five minutes longer."
- Ronald Regan

The first time the world ever saw air to air combat on a massive scale was in WW2. You had a life expectancy of seven weeks, but those seven weeks might be the best of your life. Being a pilot during the war made you feel like you could outfly and outfight God and all his angels. But it was dangerous. Because for every kill you sought, there were 100s of aces that wanted your plane on the side of theirs. Hundreds of Thousands of pilots were called to take on their wings, this is the story of one of those pilots.

I would be playing the role of an American pilot on the Eastern Front, stationed in one of the many air bases of Europe. You would be playing a local of said location. The location is up for debate but in my opinion, the best locations would either be France, the United Kingdom, or Italy. Your call.


Strange how something as small as bacteria can cause more deaths then nuclear weapons and be twice as horrifying. All it takes is one person, one match to set off a massive fire that can't be extinguished. The Common Cold, that's what everyone called it. Just the sniffles, just a cough, nothing to worry about. How wrong they were. This was no common cold. This was A-6, The Superflu. Developed as a biological weapon by the military, the virus was being developed and tested in a facility in Nevada. One accident was all it took. One clumsy scientist was all it took to release a virus that would consume the world and the people in it. The Superflu was the flu, all the symptoms of the flu, but twice as deadly. It didn't kill you right away and that was the beauty of it, it killed slowly, often killing a normal human being within a week. It only took a week to infect all of Nevada, another week to infect the western seaboard, and another week to consume the rest of the US. The government is in ruins, bandits run wild, but before we tell the story of the survivors that braved the storm, we must first show the events leading to the Plague.


This RP is set during the Vietnam War, during a time where drugs, sex, and crime were a part of life. It follows the story of a war vet coming home from Nam. He started off quiet, sensitive, and naive, a child in many ways, and came home a changed and damaged man. Coming back to his home town, he joins a local biker gang. There, the story will unfold. You will play an old friend or old love, someone that would have missed him and will witness the dark decent as he tries to live a normal life, slowly descending from a sensitive nature, to something much more savage. This was inspired in part by 'Sons of Anarchy'


The Dark Knight
Lately I've had a craving for a Batman RP. Preferably one where he ends up hooking up with Poison Ivy or Catwoman. I'd love to follow the first years of a slightly different Batman. I'm not quite sure how to describe it but once I get going I'll be all set. If your interested, message me with the heading "The Dark Knight" so I know your interested.


Tinker, Tailor, Psyker, Spy
During the Cold War, the KGB and the CIA began to research in the field of the parapsychology, the KGB having Project 'MKULTRA' and the CIA having Project 'Stargate'. Both sides were equally interested in using psychics in the field of espionage. While the war between Russia and the US ended, the Cold War has simply changed shape.

The research never stopped and has made massive strides, giving birth to ESP-ionage. Psychic agents have been waging spy warfare for years. However, what happens when an agent goes rogue and decides to pull down the whole rotting system. This is where you and I come in. We play as a pair of psychics that have been tasked with stopping the rogue psychic, our powers being of our own choice.


When Hunters Become Hunted
People who cease to believe in God or goodness altogether still believe in the devil... Evil is always possible. And goodness is eternally difficult.” - Anne Rice

No one truly knows the origins of vampire kind. Legends speak of a time before recorded history. The land had been dominated by the three sapient beings. The Winged Ones, The Unspoken, and The Mortals. The Mortals were perceived as frail and inferior to The Winged Ones and The Unspoken, they were primitive, violent, and relatively stupid in comparison to them. The Winged Ones were devote followers of 'the Elder God' and the purifying cycle of birth, death, and rebirth through the Wheel of Fate. They preached and spread the knowledge of the Elder God, converting all who would listen. Then came the Unspoken. They refused to accept a religion they deemed wrong.

It was this decision that resulted in a war that would shape the future. Both sides saw that this bloody war wouldn't come to an end as long as their enemy existed. The Unspoken would build a device to rid themselves of the Winged Ones, the Winged Ones would use their magic; tearing a hole in the fabric of reality. Nine sorcerers from the Winged race banished the Unspoken to the Demon Realm. To ensure that they could never return, they erected nine pillars to seal the passage between the two realms. But that was not the end of it. The Unspoken defied their enemy, cursing the Winged Ones. They were made sterile, unable to bring life into the world. They were given a hunger for blood. And finally, making the Winged Ones immortal.

Unable to fulfill the Wheel of Fate, many committed suicide in hopes the Elder God would speak once more. Unable to give birth, the Pillars selected new guardians. The only sapient race that could fulfill the Wheel of Fate, Mortals. The Winged Ones would abduct those who had been born guardians, giving them the power to defend the Pillars, passing their curse on to the Mortals, giving birth to the vampire. It was this birth that led to the Rebellion. The Guardians overthrew the ancients, leaving them cursed with Vampirism. As their numbers grew with each feeding, there desire for blood driving them mad with power.

Mankind would become cattle as the vampires dominated mankind, forcing them to become slaves. Thus, giving birth to 'The Ironguard' and to the Rebellion. Armed with knowledge of the vampire's weaknesses and with their ingenuity, they begin to wage war.

And this is where the story begins. The pairing here would be a vampire on vampire hunter. Alas, more is needed to be discussed, so if I have your attention, send me a private message and we can begin roleplaying.



Superheroine on Anti-hero
Supervillain on Anti-hero
Batman on Original Hero
Batman on Original Villain
Colonial Soldier/Person on Indian
Teacher on Student
Teacher on Principal
Teacher on Teacher
Boss on Secretary/Assistant
Stepson on Stepmother
Stepson on Stepsister
Stepson on Stepmother AND Stepsister
Friend on Friend's Mom
Photographer on Model
Vampire on Vampire Hunter
Ancient Vampire on Modern Vampire
Lycan on Lycan
Lycan on Vampire
Human on Vampire
Professional Criminal on Civilian
Professional Criminal on FBI Agent
Ranch Hand on Rancher's Daughter
Nerd on Popular Girl
New Neighbor on Trophy Wife
Old Friends
Zombie Apocalypse (I would love to do something set in World War Z for anyone who has read the book)
RE: Tales from Beyond: A Mister Grimm Search Thread

Hi, my name's The Huntress and I'd like to join you in an RP.
I'd like to do either the treasure hunters or Infection plot. Which ever one you'd prefer.
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