The Day Hell Emerged (Yuna & Veinexes's 1x1)


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC Uploads/Redeyedbeauty_zps0be080ef.jpg Uploads/Redeyedbeauty_zps0be080ef.jpg Uploads/Redeyedbeauty_zps0be080ef.jpg

A lone figure watched the sun begin to set from behind a cracked but still intact window. It belonged to her house, her very room in fact. And despite the circumstances that had taken place as of recent, Sakura knew it was reckless and risky to remain in her house. But ... where else could she go? Let alone what could she do?

The young maiden had tried to think on how to proceed with her day to day life ever since that damned light in the sky appeared. Everything had quickly changed and not at all in good ways. Most of humanity was now gone, replaced by pure demons or hybrids. Or at least that was what Sakura called them. They were humans that ... well seemed to be able to shift into demons.

She'd seen a few from afar but never mustered enough courage to try to make an alliance with any of them.

After a month of surviving on her own, she realized why it may very well be a mistake. Some of those hybrids may be able to help her out. Hell, the sign of a still pure human may even be a glimpse of hope for them. She doubted any of them were in their current states because they'd wanted to be.

"... And if that's not the case?" She mused softly, a defeated sigh leaving her lips as her head shook, causing raven locks to move from side to side. The main reason, however, that she hadn't made an attempt wasn't fear of them being like the pure demons. It was herself and the crimson orbs that adorned her face. In essence, Sakura looked very much like a demoness herself. And she didn't overly feel like being hunted or shot at.

The world truly was in it's worst possible scenario and she was a survivor caught in the middle of .. this ... war? Was that even what this was now? Fuck if she knew. Some days, she felt as if it would have been better to leave this world and join the numerous others who had died in this world.

A grim thought, yes, but a realistic and somewhat honest one all the same. In fact, she couldn't help but question how she had even survived. What saved her when tons of thousands hadn't had such fortune? It couldn't only be mere coincidence. Alas though, she hadn't had much luck in doing any research.

Her house still had the resources; heat, water, electricity, all the essentials. But one thing that had kept her concealed for the past month was using them all selectively and carefully. And now that night had began to fall, she knew it would be the worst time to make any attempts. The damn demons were akin to vampires, far more active in the night.

Although ... why did they even bother showing up? There weren't really any other humans for them to torment. And the hybrids were as difficult to find as herself.

Her head shook yet again as she decided to shove the thoughts aside. It didn't matter. She couldn't help them. Even if she ever did manage to gain enough bravery, Sakura still didn't have the ability to change like the hybrids did. And ... that was a double-edged blade, something she viewed as a good and bad thing. She did have a few spare firearms and more than ample bullets that she'd stolen - taken - from mostly empty stores. But those could only work so well and more upon the hybrids than the actual demons themselves.

Still, it was something. And that was always better than nothing.

Another defeated sigh left as she sat upon her bed, pulling the cap of a Code Red Mountain Dew quietly off and sipping the soda. Caffeine had been one of her best friends as of late, especially during the evening. It helped keep her awake and alert. Sakura hadn't just been lucky to maintain her life but her innocence also. And if demons had senses akin to those of a vampire, she could only imagine how that would fuel them on.

That alone sent an array of shivers down her spine as she forced the thoughts away, not wanting to think of it.

There were a few rumors that not all of the demons were bad, apparently. But ... how did one go about distinguishing which would try to kill her on sight or not?

When no easy reply came to her head, it made a low groan and slight headache dominate her body. After another shake of her head, Sakura took another sip of her soda and dismissed the thoughts. For now, those wouldn't matter either, not when she had no real intentions of making her presence known to this world. It seemed best to ... well ... wait it out. She had not only the patience to do so but stealth to continue to raid and steal resources.

It'd helped her the past month. Why should it halt now?
Sounds echoed in the hallways as the demons continued their patrol for any thing out of the ordinary. Ikebukuro had been their territory ever since they arrived and to refuge inside of it. Strange noises were coming from the warehouses and the lower levels of the mall-like structure. Oni wandering around would sometimes let their bladed glaives drag along the ground, sparking and scraping as they did so Uploads/Redeyedbeauty_zps0be080ef.jpg Uploads/Redeyedbeauty_zps0be080ef.jpg Uploads/Redeyedbeauty_zps0be080ef.jpg

There were several major perks to having been alone for the past month, resorting to sneaking around and gathering things for herself. One that she used at that very moment was her senses, particularly the ears and eyes, were more keen than usual. The noises had been faint but still existing and audible to her. Hybrids were never that loud so she knew it had to be the damn demons. An irked but soft scoff left her lips as she knew actions had to be taken, and soon. She got another good sip of the soda in before slipping off her bed. The caffeinated drink was slid underneath. The eighteen year old teenager, however, began going towards her nearby closet.

And advantage number two came into play. The closet wasn't just a typical one where numerous articles of clothing had been stored away. Oh no. She'd installed a few secret passages for when overly desperate situations ever arose. All were in the form of a simple circular button that if she needed to, Sakura could merely push down on and it'd lead her to an abandoned warehouse that no one seemed to use or check before.

Usually, however, the odor of the clothes helped keep her hidden away. It was old and mostly unwashed so it hid her actual scent. And if that didn't, her attire did. Adorned on the maiden's body was a camouflage t-shirt with a dark pair of blue jeans, combat boots, socks, bra and panties. On the inside of her right boot was a switchblade .. just in case. She would have gladly grabbed one of the firearms but it really wouldn't do any good. More than that, it would have wasted far too much time. In the amount it would have taken for Sakura to grab it and a holster, she likely would have been found out.

Her hands deftly patted herself down as Sakura crouched behind a pile and remained mostly still. The only movements that came from her were soft, controlled breaths and her heart beating within her chest. This was always the worst time of day. But she'd done this numerous times before. That very fact alone kept her calm and from panicking.

It'll be over in minutes. Just wait .. endure ... and you can go back to your life.

Not that it was perfect by any means. But she couldn't begin to imagine being with the demons would have at all been .. well ... pleasant.
The Oni slid the door open and sniffed the air. it seemed silly to check this room everyday. Sure it had an odd smell to it but nothing more. The red ape like demon scratched behind his ears as he yawned. "Fuckin maneekens..shuld just comon out." He wipe his lips as droll tried to escape at the thought of maybe capturing something on his hunt today, the extra Magatsuchi would definitely be a great feeling.

He wandered a bit more and swung his glaive at the ground causing a cracking sound as he humphed and stepped back out, the door sliding closed behind him. Uploads/Redeyedbeauty_zps0be080ef.jpg Uploads/Redeyedbeauty_zps0be080ef.jpg Uploads/Redeyedbeauty_zps0be080ef.jpg

Fuck you, I'm a damn human. Not ... a .... whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.

Not that Sakura dared to actually say that aloud. No, she knew much better. The sound of the glaive impacting the ground made her cringe but still grateful it hadn't hit her. Still, to feel and hear it so well and understand the danger that came with the constant game of 'hide and seek' that was being played sent a shiver down the girl's spine. But in a way, the fear was a wake-up call of sorts, ensuring that not only was she alive but her senses remaining wide alert.

Even after the door closed once again, Sakura seemed hesitant. Usually there weren't anymore checks. But there had been nights where this location had been checked several times in the same evening. And if nothing else, she heavily followed the old saying 'better safe than sorry'. Now more than ever if anything. Her head gently fell against the wall behind her as she stayed in her spot. Her hand raised close to the button, ready to push it if the need ever came up.
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