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Not what he thought (Batman X Alexandria94)


Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na! BATMAN
Feb 15, 2013
Gotham City
Krang trudged through the muck and grime of the battle field after a heavy rain finished its blinding fury. His leather armor was soaked by the water and caused Krang to feel like he was much to heavy for his own good. His massive blade hung on his hip by a thin chain strap keeping it from cutting his own leg.

The dark haired brute looked over in the distance of the battlefield while standing around both his dead friends and foes. About fifty yards away was a dark robed figure, much like the ones at Krang's feet. He drew his massive blade into his two hands and started to run at the figure.

One step after the other he picked up speed. A low growl came from his mouth and his muscles flexed and tensed up. As he drew closer to the woman he swung his blade for her neck in hopes of dropping the killer before a fight could start....
Vylaria could feel everything around her with such clarity. It unnerved her, how everything she did had lead to this. They, her own people, had sent her out here for this because she was the best at what the others couldn't do. While she was on the battlefield she could hear the screams of the people that died, how they screamed out for the help that would never come for them. She had heard stories about a time when men and women used to be together, work together, but things since then had changed. The differences were too great and because of that they had to part ways, but that was so long ago. Since then the women had been trained to take anything they came across their path and only Vylaria had shown true excellence.

She was told to take with her those that she thought were excellent at battle; she choose differently. She chose those that she cared not for because she knew they would die when this battle started. The reason was even unknown and for that she felt the men had no reason to constantly call upon these wars, nearly scoffing as she slowly lowered her own blade. Her skin seemed to vibrate from the adrenaline of the fight and because of this she felt a presence behind her. Quickly she brought her blade up and around in time to clang with her attacker's. She expected a fight with them, after all she was covered in the blood of their brethren, what she didn't expect was when her hood fell down as she stared up at the man in front of her.
Krang stumbled back after the blades connected and the woman's hood fell back. He was amazed to see that the woman was actually beautiful and not a monster like he expected and had heard. His eyes narrowed in confusion and his jaw hung low. What on earth was he killing these women for. Were they not supposed to change into blood thirsty monsters when they started to fight. Krang whirled the blade around in his massive palm and held it tightly with his fingers. What was he supposed to do now that he knew the the women were not monsters. Did he still attack? Did she want his kind dead? Maybe this woman was not the same as the monsters was she lost?

He kept his distance and circled her. Why was she carrying a blade if she was not expecting a fight? "Your name woman!" He called out and continued his walk around her in an attempt to size her up. She was swift and extremely strong for her size. The fact that she managed to hold off his overhand strike amazed him. "What tribe do you belong to?" He asked shortly after. His body tensed up and prepared for an attack but he was not sure if he could bring himself to cut the woman down...
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