The destruction of the amazon (ShoXvertigis)


Jul 1, 2010
The cool night was accompanied by non-stop rioting in the city of Gotham. Recent the recent power outage caused by the legion of doom allowed only the fires within buildings to light up the city. Various people were injured, as the battle ended around 3 in the morning. With power returned, the members of the justice league began to tend to the wounded.

Amongst these members, Flash and Wonder Woman kept watch over the situation, cleaning out the rumble and checking in and out at various points throughout the city.

"Man, the damage goes on for at least 8 blocks..." Flash commented, as he appeared next to Wonder Woman. He watched as Green Lantern carried 30 people with his power ring. "Some of them are even just leaning against the allies..." Flash commented; medical care was stationed against the entry of an alley by a ambulance.
Diana frowned at her friend’s words, hefting another slab of heavy concrete and rebar over her shoulders and removing it safely out of the street. Once again they’d arrived in time to stop the villains but not quite soon enough to prevent a disaster. Just once she’d like to see one of these situations resolved peacefully without so much destruction and harm. That did not seem to be the way things worked in man’s world though.

“I’ll see what I can do. If there are still people hurt back there, I’ll get them out. You should see if the others need any help back uptown.” The fires had been particularly bad there and Flash was their best emergency responder when it came down to it. Diana did what she could but speed was more useful in this particular situation.

Waving to her allies, the statuesque amazon headed for the alleyway, her pose tall and proud as always. She wore her familiar outfit of red and blue, with her golden tiara and lasso, an image recognized across the world. There were few heroes better known than Wonder Woman and none more respected or admired.

“Is there anyone back there?” she called out, moving past the ambulance. “You don’t have to be frightened. I’m here to help you.”
Flash nodded before he disappeared not a second later.

As for those near the ambulance, a father and his son were being tended to, while 3 other people were talking. As Wonder Woman approached them, they showed relief in their expressions; obviously she was a slight for sore eyes. One of the medics spoke up.

"It's good to see you Wonder Woman." he started, as he removed his gloves. "And just in time too; this boy said that there was someone over there who won't budge. Apparently, he's scared stiff..." He looked at the direction, just as the boy spoke up.

"Yeah, he seemed bloody and won't let anyone near him-"

"Son, that's enough; let them do their job..." His father said, before he gave a nod of gratitude and walked away with his son.

The medic frowned. "Can't blame him; I wouldn't want my kid to talk about that stuff. Anyways..." he looked at the proud heroine. "I tried to get near him, but he starts screaming and swings a bat around to anyone who tries to help him. I don't suppose that you could...?"
Diana watched the boy and his father recede up the sidewalk before turning back to the medic. “Of course,” she said with a reassuring smile. “You see to whoever else might need you. I’ll make sure this other man gets the attention he needs.”

Stepping down the darkened alley, Wonder Woman proceeded at a quick pace, tossing caution aside. If the man was seriously hurt or losing blood, she might not have long to help him before he went into shock. “Hello? Can you hear me? It’s okay. The rioting is over. I just want to get you medical attention if you need it.” Spotting a prone figure lying near a stack of crates and trash bins, she bent down, hoping she wasn’t already too late. The thought he might be armed with a bat didn’t frighten her much. Her reflexes were second to none. If he tried swing it, she’d simply pull it safely from his hands. If by some miracle he did strike her, it wouldn’t do any damage anyways.

“You don’t have to be frightened,” she said in a quiet soothing voice. “I’m with the Justice League. Nobody is going to hurt you.”
Hearing her voice was enough to perk his ears up. recognizing her tone, he realized that it was Wonder Woman.

(At least it's not a guy this time...) he thought; he and his gang have been plotting for a chance like this. However, 3 of his allies had bad luck and were simply helped by the male members of the Justice League. While they weren't caught with what they were trying to do, it was a hassle and so, only he and another were still trying. At least, from what he knew at the moment.

However, getting into his role....

"! AGH!" He instantly turned and 'swung' his bat at her. "LEAVE ME ALONE! I HAVE NOTHING!" he yelled in a 'frighten' tone. However, after purposely missing. He looked at her and showed how scared he was from his expression. Looking helpless and timid, he did his best to back off as his hand went behind his back. "W-who are you...? Wait, I know you..." He slowly started to stand against the wall, while lowering his bat. He was quite convincing to say the least.
Wonder Woman easily sidestepped the man’s halfhearted swing. She thought he seemed less interested in landing a blow than in frightening her away. To her eyes he looked frightened and confused. “It’s alright,” she said soothingly. “I’m a friend. You don’t have to be scared now.”

It was hard for her judge what was wrong with him at a glance. He might be delusional, drugs in his system perhaps or a medical condition, or perhaps even just mentally ill. At least he did not look badly wounded as she saw very little blood. Leaning in closer the tall amazon warioress extended a hand, taking him gently by the arm that held the bat. “Easy, now. You’re okay. I won’t hurt you. You need to tell me if you’re injured…”
As he was about to struggle, he froze. He looked at her, continuing to show signs of fear. As he continued to seemly do a convincing performance, he wondered WHY he never got into the movie business...anyway,

"So it IS over..." he commented. As he looked to the side. He limped beside her and said, "But I am keeping this close..." before switching his bat to his other hand. "You're Wonder Woman...aren't you?" he asked. "I've seen you on TV...I think that my little cousin, she's a HUGE admirer of you...."

As he continued to build conversation, he peered down his pocket and used his free hand to reach inside. "Ah my leg-" he started, as he softly 'leaned' against her. In the process however,


He wasted no time injecting as much as the drug through her upper arm, which was exposed naturally.
If there was anything suspicion about the man’s performance, Diana failed to notice it. With the Legion of Doom defeated and the riots over, she assumed the fighting was over and her guard was down. She was concerned only with judging the man’s injuries and getting him the help he needed.

The sudden motion of his hand caught her eye but a fraction too late. The needle plunged deep into the soft part of arm, between the hard muscle, the syringe emptying its contents. Wonder Woman angrily released the man’s arm, jerking out the needle and crushing it in her first, before tossing it aside. She then grabbed him by the front of his shirt and hoisted him up against the wall, slamming him hard against the bricks. “What do you just do? Tell me!”

As Diana held him there her hand began to shake as though the weight of him was suddenly more than she could hold. She let him slide back down until his feet again touched the ground. “What was in that syringe?” she hissed, her eyes narrowing. “What did you inject me with?”
"GAH!" he grunted as she slammed him hard against the wall. If he WAS injured, then his body would have been broken. But luckily for him, the impact only brought a few bruises against his back. He did not need to buy himself time as he could see the fruits of his work already taking effect. With that clearance, he had no trouble whatsoever freeing himself from her grasp and 'pushing' her softly backwards.

"I have to be honest with you: we were expecting to get SOME heroine of the Justice League; never did I think that we would get THE heroine of the league..." he confessed, with the nastiest of smiles. "Easy now...'princess'. That is some NASTY strong stuff that my buddy made..." He took his sweet time walking around her, knowing that she would not be able to even comprehend her body into movement or even awareness. He lifted his phone as he avoided her attempts to touch him. "Yeah, 3rd alley, where you guys dropped me off. And HURRY before any other member gets here; you will NOT believe who I got..." he said, as he waited for Wonder Woman to past out.
Wonder Woman stumbled back as the man gave her a light push. It shouldn’t have effected her at all but her legs suddenly felt like rubber. She tried to reach out and grab the man again, but her fingers wouldn’t cooperate. The Amazonian princess expected her body to compensate for the unfamiliar drug any minute now but instead she found her vision blurring as the man mocked her with a nasty grin.

Diana could no longer keep herself upright and fell to one knee. Her mouth opened as she tried to shout for backup. The rest of the Justice League was nearby. If she could only get word to them before this man’s friends arrived, they’d have no chance. “Fhh…ltth…” came her slurred and mumbled words, barely loud enough for her attacker to hear, let alone anyone else, as she slid the rest of the way to the hard ground, everything going black.
"Huh, she's lighter than she looks..." he commented as he carried her over his shoulder. Looking at one direction, he took his time moving forward before settling her against the wall. He waited for a good 10 minutes before his ride came. "It's about time..." he complained, as the van door opened and he stood there with his arms crossed.

"So WHO did you get- No fucking way."

"Holy- is that REALLY Wonder Woman??"

He smirked. "Yup, even I was expecting a minor member; never did I think that it would be her..." he commented, as he looked at the passed out heroine. "Quick, I don't know how long until she wakes up; we better get moving..."

Another 20 minutes passed before they reached their destination. It took some work, but their plan finally came through as they were greeted by 3 other guys, whose reactions were unsurprising.

"BULLSHIT! I didn't realize that you were actually serious when you got HER of all heroines!" he said, completely impressed.

"I'll say..." another remarked as he smiled nasty at the weaken state of Wonder Woman. "Hey, do you think- Why is her belt still on?"

Everyone turned to face him. "What?"

He looked scared. "WHY is her belt STILL on?" he repeated. Before they could comprehend, "YOU MORRONS- THAT IS THE SOURCE OF HER POWERS! HELP ME TAKE IT OFF!" he shouted as he quickly dropped down and got to work.

Realizing how dangerous that was, they managed to help him find a way to remove it with proper handling. "Holy shit, if she woke up BEFORE we took this thing- I don't even want to know!" one said, feeling nervous.

"I better put this away for safe keeping..." another suggested. He looked at their surroundings before adding, "I'll be right back..." and disappearing.

"Well how bout we get to business? Help me get her on to this table so that we can strip her and tie her up before she wakes up..." one suggested.

As the other nodded and agreed, they reached out for the amazon who was likely to wake up by now.
Wonder Woman came to slowly as the drug began to wear off. Her head was groggy and the sound of the men’s voices was distant at first as if it was being piped in from another room. Slowly it dawned on the heroine that she was being hoisted up by several strong hands. She raised her right arm quickly with a sudden force, expecting the man holding it to go sailing overheard, but instead it only gave a faint jerk, not quite enough to break his grip.

Lifting up her head she looked down to find her equipment had been taken. She was still dressed in her tight curve-hugging bodysuit and knee-high boots, but the magic girdle that was the source of her power as well as her bracelets and golden lasso were gone. Without them she was nearly as weak as any other mortal. Diana was not the sort of woman to simply give up though. She began to kick and thrash violently, trying to catch one of them in the face with heel of her boot, before they could place her on the table. If she could break free, she might still be able to fight her way out somehow, even without her powers. “Unhand me, you cowards!”
"GHAH!" cried the grunt she kicked. As he fell backwards and crutched his face, the others paid no mind to him and only chuckled as she did her best to fight back.

"Wow, she sure is wild isn't she?" one commented, as he turned her over to her front. When they finally got her to the table, they slammed her firmly against it, and positioned their weights at just the right angle so that she couldn't move freely.

"That bitch..." the one on the floor commented as he stood up. While little blood poured out of his nose, the pain was very annoying. "I get first pick with her, got it?!" he warned them, as he was in a REALLY bad mood.

One nodded. "Hey, hey, hey, we're all men here; we can understand your frustration with her." he remarked. "In fact...why don't you give her a good spanking now?" It took some extra effort, but they finally managed to keep her in a hold where her rear was raised. "We'll strip her afterwards..."

Nodding, he came close while removing his belt. If he had that bat that the other guy carried, he would most certainly use it without regret. However, he would have to make due as he brought his belt as hard as humanly possible upon her rear.
The amazonian continued to fight wildly until they slammed her onto the table, driving the breath from her body. She tried to pull her hands and legs loose but now that they had in her place, the men seemed to be holding her down with relative ease. Wonder Woman was fit for her size yet these men still outweighed her by several pounds. Without her powers she simply lacked the strength to fight free.

With increasing desperation she squirmed in protest as they repositioned her slender body, pushing her knees up under her stomach until her rounded behind was raised up high. Suddenly the man’s belt cut through the air and struck her ass with an audible crack. “Ah!” she couldn’t but shriek, the pain greater than she would have thought possible. She clenched her teeth tightly together as more blows rained down on her behind and bare thighs, fighting not to cry out again. Soon her resolve weakened though and with each fresh stripe she let out another sharp gasp of pain and humiliation. Wonder Woman managed to squeeze back budding tears from her eyes though. She would not give them that satisfaction at least.
The disciplining continued on for yet another minute. More and more did the man brutalize her rear and without mercy. When he was done, he took small breathes to settle himself, as he finally pleased his satisfaction entirely after what she did to him. While no one spoke, the other finally returned, completely surprised by what was going on.

"You're already toying with her?" he asked, as he came closer and smirked. "Heh, this bitch looks like if you guys already raped her..." he commented. He looked at the other guy. "What did she do to you?" he asked, while looking at his belt.

"Forget about it..."

Tempted, he walked over to the fallen princess. "What is this Amazon? You did something to make HIM? Jeffery mad? When he's the most relaxed out of all of us?" To further her humiliation, he lifted her head up by pulling her hair and giving no respect.
A flush crept over the heroine’s face as the men discussed her humiliating treatment. The uncovered parts of her ass now glowed a bright red where the one name Jeffrey had mercilessly whipped her with his belt. It was increasingly clear there was little she could do to fight them off and a cold feeling settled in the pit of her stomach as their leader mentioned the word rape. How far were they planning to take this?

Diana winced as the man lifted her head up from the table by grabbing a fistful of her long dark hair. Setting her jaw, she forced herself to glare back at him without a hint of the fear she felt. “If you stop this now, I can still help you. Otherwise you’re going to end up seriously hurt or worse. You know who I am and you know who my friends are…this doesn’t end well for you.”
He gave a cocky smirk. "That's cute..." he remarked, before releasing her and allowing her head to hit the table awkwardly. "I am curious about something Wonder Woman: how sexually active are you with the male members of your order?"

He walked around her and continued to speak. "I know that some places in a working environment have a policy against co-workers having such relations, let alone, dating." He stopped right behind her. "One with your muscles and overall body must be quite sexually active in general. Especially when you're doing a lot of physical work and with very well-shaped male figures around you."
Diana stifled a cry as the man released her hair, letting her head connect sharply with the table. Even this was painful and her ass continued to throb from where she’d been whipped. She was unused to physical pain of this kind. As Wonder Woman the only hurts she normally felt were those bruises and cuts gained in battle, usually against opponents many times her size.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replied to man’s questioning with gritted teeth. “We’re partners. The Justice League isn’t about…that.” Diana tried to crane her neck around to see the man, wanting him to least look her in the face, but the others were still holding her in the same humiliating position, with her behind thrust lewdly into the air. “We don’t. I don’t. You can’t do this…it’s wrong. I was trying to help your friend!”
He merely rolled his eyes as he continued on. "I've heard rumors/legends about your kind, Wonder Woman." he stopped right behind her. "Alright, let's strip her...."

Without warning, more weight was placed on the proud amazon as the men wasted no time ripping her clothing off and took a while before she was completely nude (her struggling was not helping).

"Wow look at these things..." he then said, as he grasped her rear and juggled them slightly up and down. "I can't wait to see how she FEELS when I slide right in. You think that Superman's x-ray vision is always eyeing her from behind and just imagines about touching this???" he asked, before he released them.

Another nodded. "Hell yeah man; I wonder if sexual harassment exists in that league." he joked, as he then grouped her left cheek and spanked her.
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