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Goblin Takes Knight {iridium & Fate}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
This was the absolute last time that Charlone was going to take on a mission of her own, regardless of who asked her or what the perks were. Simply because the commander of the Unicorn Knights had casually mentioned that a set of ruins should be explored, and that Wein and Hans were heading that way, did not mean that Charlone should follow. Now she found herself lost, alone, tired, and slightly wounded in the middle of what looked to be a labyrinth. An arrow was knocked on her bow, and she held the string loosely, eyes casting about for any signs of movement. She could tell that most of her magic, her strongest suit, had already been drained. She'd have to rely on her slow, long-distance attacks to manage it.

"This is the last time I agree to split up," she muttered. If she'd gone with Hans, as the latter had suggested, then maybe she'd be alright. But instead she'd insisted that she could go alone, just like Wein did. Sometimes, her pride got the better of her. She sighed, moving one hand from the string of her bow to rub at the bridge of her nose. You'd think that after all this time Hans wouldn't get to her.

"At least nothing's showed up recently," she admitted. She relaxed slightly, though her eyes continued to dart about. "I'd hate to encounter something now. I'd probably have to run from it."

Which would be embarrassing to have to admit. Hans wouldn't let her live it down for weeks...
In the deep, deep darkness of the ruins, something...lurked. Well, perhaps 'cowered' would've been a better word- Because, though eyes like wedges of overripe lemon watched from the safety of the treeline, they weren't the sharp slits of a prowling predator, or even an orc's malicious gaze...

-No, it was the cringing, decidedly unnerved gaze of a goblin.

Pressed flat on his scrawny chest, Nbox Muckshade sighed- very, very shallowly- absently scratching beneath his grubby, stained loincloth; His yellowed teeth chewed on his lip reflectively as the runty creature crouched amidst the fallen statuary, wondering exactly what he'd seen...

He hadn't *wanted* to go hunting, this watch. But the Boss had said "GO!" to ol' Grimgaw Giantdread, and Grimgaw had said "GO!" to him- The smallest goblin in the group. "Nbox allaways get da lousy job," he'd grunted, wrinkling his ugly little face...But there'd been no help for it, and off he'd gone. Nbox'd hoped to blowpipe some woodgrouse, maybe dig up some roots an' tubers...Of course, he hadn't expected *this!*

The goblin had heard the footsteps, and wisely, Nbox had *hid*...Giving him a chance to get a good, long look at da 'oomie...

And, by Mork, what a 'oomie she was. The little goblin's eyes had gone wide as saucers, his greedy gaze feasting on the girl's curvy form- He'd immediately noticed how *different* she looked, compared to da other humies who usually passed through here...Nasty, loud people they were, always armed with big, hurty swords and shiny magics. In fact...This was one of the first times he'd seen a 'oomie without those shiny steel clothes!

So far, the humie- Funny teeth, she had- had wandered 'round a bit, rubbing at her nicely rounded behind (gulp). She didn't look happy...But since when were 'oomies ever happy? Nbox knew he should head back to tell da Boss about it- Still, da 'oomie looked mighty tempting, and he'd carried a full bandolier of darts today...

Carefully, the goblin unslung his blowpipe, placing it to his lips, the fine dart- Tipped with a slow-acting paralysis poison - already nestled within. He'd sting da 'oomie first, then step out to see what she wanted...
Despite her careful attentions, Charlone didn't notice the approach of the tiny goblin. Perhaps it was because he wasn't exactly a massive creature. Or perhaps it was because her own thoughts had tied themselves up, dominating and slowing the girl's reactions. There's also the simple chance that blind luck played a part. Regardless, the girl didn't turn to face the goblin, wasn't even aware that he'd started stalking her. her eyes had remained trained on the area in front of her, sweeping about, looking for real monsters.

When the dart struck, it struck Charlone's bare thigh. She yelped, slapping the area. Nothing immediately met her blow, and she at first assumed that it was merely an insect of sorts. Various bugs and beetles sometimes crawled through ruins, looking for carrion and such to feed upon. It wouldn't be the first time that Charlone had taken a bug bite. She had to admit, the spot was odd. Almost as if someone had been aiming low on her body, looking for a meaty bit to sink something in. Her hands played along her soft flesh, eventually feeling the small prick.

"A dart," she realized. Frowning, she whirled around, bow at the ready. Something, or more likely someone, had darted her. Judging by the spot, she was probably dealing with something small and nasty. Most likely a goblin or some other disposable creature. nothing that she really had to worry about. For that matter, if she had a little more magical power remaining, she could hurl a fireball down the hall and be done with it. Instead she had to pull back her bow, carefully aiming down for whatever coward had attacked.

"Well, show yourself!" she yelled. Not that she actually expected anything to answer. "If you give yourself up, I won't harm you."

That did happen from time to time. Scared refugees or sentient monsters often groveled before humans, especially well-armed ones. Charlone focused her eyes ahead, squinting into the darkness, ignoring the slightly numb sensation she felt on her thigh.
Cautiously, Nbox lowered his blowpipe, the goblin feeling a warm surge of satisfaction that he'd *hit*- And the Boss had said he'd never get anything with this one! The 'oomie breeder responded fast, he had to admit; She simply plucked the dart from her shoulder, her eyes narrowing as she regarded it- Then she hissed, low in her throat, slim fingers plucking at her bowstring~

But then she staggered forward, a flicker of puzzlement in her eyes, and the imp breathed a little easier; He'd put twice the usual dose, to make sure she *stayed* down...Didn't want her getting up at the wrong time, after all!

The goblin sniggered at the woman's challenge- And out he came from the debris, brushing off dust from his tough green hide. "Here I am, 'oomie," Nbox chuckled, blowpipe still in hand as he rustled into the open; He'd keep her occupied, till the venom had time to make her nice and calm. And after that...Well, the imp only had a dim idea of what to do next, but he did find the girl's body pleasing to the eye...

"Whatchoo going to do now~?" He grinned as she swayed again, just a little- The Boss would be *entirely* pleased with this one~
A goblin came out from behind the debris. That was... about what Charlone had been expecting, honestly. Goblins would strike from the shadows like that. She also had no reason to be worried. Even if she'd gotten poisoned somehow, she could easily handle a goblin. If it came down to it, she could even manage to beat the thing to death with her bow. Hopefully it didn't come to that, and judging by the way the goblin was moving now, it probably wouldn't.

"That all depends on what you plan on doing," declared Charlone, making her voice sound tough. "I don't want to hurt you, so if you're willing to surrender, we can both walk out of here."

and then she could present her willing captive to her friends. Definitely a good idea, and one that Charlone was already warming too. Oddly enough though, she could feel a tingling in her leg, around where the dart had struck. It almost felt numb. Worse, the feeling seemed to be spreading slightly, moving up Charlone's leg. Must be the poison. Well, if she just managed this quick enough, it wouldn't matter.
Nbox sniggered again, the goblin's arms up, eyes bright with malice.

"'oomie *hurt* Nbox? 'oomie should surrender, first~ Girlie not going anywhere, anytime *soon*...Except to see Boss Grimgaw!"

If anything, the poison seemed to be spreading even *faster*, now, coursing through the silver-haired beauty's veins as her blood began to race...And then the slow, spreading stiffness, the greenskin shifting from foot to foot as he watched closely, blinking those beady yellow eyes with interest...Watching the point of that arrow begin to waver! No, she wasn't going to be on her feet much longer, if at all!

It'd soon be a question of *how* to drag her back...
The Unicorn Knight fought to control her breathing, to keep her heart steady. That poison, she could feel it spreading. Creepy steadily up her leg, spreading throughout her body. Where it traveled, it left a tingling numbness. A numbness that spread, that threatened the girl. She swallowed. If she had magic, she could dispel the poison. Twould be especially easy for her. But, again, as she tried to draw upon even that simple amount of power, she scraped. Her wells were exhausted.

"I don't know what you think is going to happen!" Charlone declared. She tightened her grip on her weapon, fighting the spread of the poison. The more her heart thumped, the more she thought about what was happening, to worse it got. She had to control herself. "You've had enough warnings, monster!"

And Charlone fired.

She meant to hit the goblin. To damage it and show it that she meant business. It couldn't stand there and mock her. No, she was a Unicorn Knight, especially chosen and selected to represent the kingdom. But instead of hitting the goblin, her arrow skittered on the stone, inches from its target. Charlone had missed.

She took a step back, mentally cursing herself. This was not good.
The arrow splintered on the stones, and Nbox hopped aside with a yelp, those grimy little hands producing his blowpipe again..."Looks like 'oomie girlie needs 'nother dose," the goblin muttered, menacingly- The absolute *worst* part of the poison was how time seemed to slow, so Charlone could actually *see* him reach for another dart, the crude tip dripping with a glistening sap- Watch that toothy little grin widen as those cheeks puffed up to blow...

The whole *world* was becoming a slow-motion nightmare, and she moved as if trapped in molasses...Any *now* dark spots were flaring in her vision, and it'd be so *easy*, so simple, to slide into the unconsciousness...In fact, it was a miracle she was on her feet at all!

Of course, if she *did* pass out, she'd soon find herself in the Boss's throne room...
Time stretched for the knight. She watched the goblin reach for a dart. Watched as he fitted the dart into his blowpipe. She tried to roll out of range of it, to dodge the incoming missile. But her legs wouldn't react. Instead of letting her dodge, they simply collapsed. The dark sank into the girl's neck. Poison filled her senses, locking her body. Her numbing fingers scraped for her bow, trying desperately to fit another arrow, to fire one last shot. Maybe she could wound him enough that he couldn't do anything to her. She tried, oh how she tried.

But she failed.

Darkness swam over Charlone. The strong woman couldn't fight off the poison, not in her exhausted state. Her eyelids felt as though great weights had been attached, as if someone much stronger than her pulled them down. She blinked, trying to dispel the darkness. Yet it all proved naught. instead, she slumped to the floor, easy for the taking. She would no doubt awaken in the Boss's throne room, though who could say for sure.

Time flowed uneasily in the realm of unconsciousness- Though Charlone would have the faintest impression of grimy hands on her, *moving* her, lifting...The high-pitched cackling of goblins...And, finally, the chink of something metallic and heavy...

When her eyes opened at last, rousing her from her uneasy sleep, the very *first* thing she would feel- Before even the dull throb of her headache, receding with each moment- would be the cold bite of the steel manacles around her ankles and wrists. She was half-standing, her legs splayed vulnerably on the floor beneath her, arms secured by steely chains- Bolted directly into nearby stalagmite jaws, reaching up from the floor of the cavern, like accusing fingers...

The flickering firelight danced, torches smoldering, illuminating the chamber with a faint, fitful illumination...Enough to make out her pack, the contents strewn across the floor, *just* out of reach, even if the silver-haired beauty *reached* for it.

There was a low rumble of laughter- A snigger, almost. "So, girlie's awake~" A voice crooned in the darkness...And her bleary eyes would focus on the rusted iron throne at the very end of the chamber, a bulky shape sprawled lazily on it~

Grimgaw Giantdread, Chieftan of the Muckshade tribe, was, well, a goblin. He *was* an impressive specimen of his puny race, a full head higher than the scrawny specimen that'd ambushed her...Though that might just've been the crude crown perched on his bald pate, apparently hammered together from rusty rivets, shiny stones haphazardly pushed into the gaps. Thick, muscular arms rested on an equally impressive belly, the greenskin's lecherous gaze crawling over the lovely knight's lissome form...

"Sleep well, 'oomie?" the goblin chuckled, flexing thick, chubby fingers- Now adorned with the glitter of rings that'd oh-so-recently been Charlone's! Grimgaw rose to his feet with a grunt, bare feet slapping on the stone as he took the first step towards his captive, rubbing his warty chin thoughtfully. "What's yer name, 'oomie?" he grunted, seemingly coming to some decision at last, that beady-eyed gaze never wavering...
Cold steel encircled each wrist. It bit her, the chill nearly burning. Then she started to move. Her wrists scraped, and she could feel heat rising to her cheeks. She'd been captured. By a goblin. She was a prisoner to goblins. Things could be worse, she supposed, but not more embarrassing. Doubtless her companions would find her in good time. The question became: what would the goblins do with her in the meanwhile.

She tried to focus on her Ring Weapon, and was somewhat surprised to find that they'd been removed. These goblins had dealt with Ring wielders before. At least she could take solace in knowing that they couldn't possibly use said weaponry against her. Nonetheless, it left her horribly unarmed, only dousing yet more hope that the girl had.

The sound of a voice did draw Charlone's attention. She turned her eyes, blinking, trying to make out the form in the firelight. Eventually her vision cleared, revealing the monster who held her captive. He must have been some self-styled goblin king, judging by his size and crown. Sentient too, or at least good at playing it. No point in trying to barter or bully now though. Charlone wasn't about to roll over for her goblin captor, of course.

"Charlone Claudius, Unicorn Knight," she intoned with military precision. "And you might as well give up now. My companions will soon be here."

She tried to stand, but found her chains prevented her from doing so. At least she could manage to draw herself upright enough to glare at the goblin. Stupid creature. It had her for the moment, but it wouldn't keep her. Wouldn't break her either. She just had to wait and rest long enough for her magical powers to return. Already she could feel some of her well of energy, waiting for her to tap into it.
"Unicorn knight?" Grimgaw chuckled, a thoughtful look on the goblin's face- Those lemon-yellow eyes going wide. "With horsies?" the Chieftan glances about the chamber, theatrically, and spread his arms, a low snort of amusement in his throat! "Don't see no horsies here, 'oomie girlie..."

The goblin shifted, from foot to foot, almost hopping as he stepped *closer*, rubbing his greasy hands eagerly- His fat pink tongue flickering across his lips!- He walked with the rubber-legged stride of a man nursing a tremendous erection, the obscene bulge tenting the front of that poorly-cured loincloth...His gaze taking care to absolutely *rape* the girl as he smiled, favoring her with the sight of his fangy maw~!

"We're going to get to *know* each other, 'oomie girlie~" Grimgaw whispered, hoarsely...One chubby hand reaching out, to touch the creamy curve of her sleek thigh, sliding oh-so-slowly up her skirt...And stroking, almost gently, relishing the *feel* of that smooth, smooth skin~!

"Alla the boyz *always* say Grimgaw should have mate~ Maybe Grimgaw choose pretty, *pretty* girlie, mmmm?" His *other* hand came up, to fondle the full curves of her bosom through her cuirass, *pressing* against the yielding softness! "Mmmm, so *soft*~" the Chieftan cooed, his gaze locking on those luscious orbs- On the same eye-level as him...
Charlone's eyes narrowed to dangerous slits as he besmirched the name of her unit. Not that she particularly enjoyed having a unit with such a decidedly feminine name, but it was what Royal Knight Julia had picked. It was a name to live up. It certainly wasn't something to be mocked by a goblin. As soon as she could, Charlone would show this goblin exactly what a Unicorn Knight was capable of.

The young knight hadn't enough experience to notice the unique walk of the goblin. She merely assumed something was wrong with the creature. Or that all goblins walked in such a ridiculous fashion. the look in his eyes was far more familiar, but she merely met it with a strong glare of her own. The creature was repulsive! Repugnant! surely it didn't think it could possibly flirt with Charlone? The idea made her stomach churn.

"What are you? No, you will not touch me!" snapped Charlone. She jerked in her restraints, attempting to knee the goblin, to dislodge his hand from her thigh. She could almost feel the filth and grime from his touch, smearing her pale white skin. What was the creature thinking?

Well, that soon became quite apparent, as the beast continued. The words first made Charlone's eyes widen, then her mouth drop, and finally she outright spit in the creature's face. "I will not mate with you!" she nearly screamed. "You're a goblin."

She jerked in her chains again, yanking her chest away from the creature. Just the feeling of those repulsive, chubby, horrible hands touching her. Touching her breasts, of all things! She let out a noise of fury, trying to knee the beast yet again. If he was hoping for a "hoomie" that would just spread her legs and let him in, he'd picked the wrong knight.

"I'll beat you to death!" she threatened. The look in her eyes said she'd do just that, and more, given half a chance.
"Not with *these* you won't, girlie~" the goblin taunted, not even bothering to wipe the spit from it's face- A long, slug-trail trickling down the greenskin's leathery cheek! Heedless of her struggles, Grimgaw felt his loins tingle in anticipation, beneath his as he ran his thumb across the inner slope of the woman’s large left breast, limned by her tight-fitting cuirass...Giving the *entirely* solid chain a tug!

It rattled, but didn't give at all; Grimgnaw ignoring the way her eyes flickered with rage! His fingers fumbled with the tight leather lacings of her armor, which stubbornly refused to give~ Grunting low in his throat, the goblin chieftan reached for his brass knife...

Quite suddenly, the goblin grinned, remembering a certain *other* flask he'd been carrying- The one the goblins used to snare their tame bogbeasts. The boyz would hide in the swamp, waiting for the lumbering, bestial monster to loom over them, peering dumbly at the tasty meat snack- Then a quick sling shot later, and just a *bit* of this down its throat, and quite suddenly, it looked at a goblin like it'd found its mom. He'd never tested this on a 'oomie before, though...

Chuckling to himself, Grimgaw reached into his grimy skin pouch, digging out the hide flask. The goblin twisted off the cork, nostrils flaring at the strong smell- Amazingly, like fresh wintergreen. "Open wide, 'oomie..." the goblin giggled, brushing the mouth of the bottle against Charlone's full lips, heedless of the way she tried to twist her head away- Strong green fingers gripping her jaw, then pinching her nostrils shut, forcing her to open her lips, patiently following her as she twisted this way and that...

" Plenty more where that came from, girlie," he rumbled warningly, waiting for her resistance to crumble- With any luck, it'd soon be safe enough to unchain her~
"We'll see about that," snarled Charlone. Chains or no chains, she certainly intended to do the goblin some harm. She could still thrash, could still squirm within her bindings. At the very least, she could make things difficult for the creature. He could try to reach for her breasts, to fondle her within her bindings, but he'd have to work for it. That hand trailed along the inner slope of Charlone's breast, and she hissed again. She tried once more to spit upon the beast. Furthermore, she checked her reserves, trying to feel how much magical energy she'd gathered. not nearly enough to kill the goblin. She wanted to fry him in one blow, and then escape from here.

Charlone tensed as she thought she saw the goblin going for a knife. She'd still fight him, if need be, but getting hurt was never something to look forward to. When it came out with a potion instead, the girl was slightly relieved. Relief turned into struggle as the creature attempted to pour it down her throat. Again, Charlone thrashed and moved within her bindings, clenching her teeth shut. It proved in vain, however, as the goblin merely grabbed on, pinched her nose shut, and forced the draft. To Charlone's surprise, it actually tasted good, almost too good. She swallowed it, trying not to enjoy the coolness of it as it washed down her throat.

"Like a poison's going to worry me," Charlone tried. She squirmed within her bindings, again glaring at the goblin. Her head was beginning to swim, her body heating slightly. What was in that vile? and why did the goblin suddenly look almost appealing?

"What did you give me, you monster!" demanded Charlone. She found she didn't have quite the urge to struggle that she had before. Instead she merely gazed at the creature, almost in wonder.
The draught went down warming, like a shot of brandy, and hit her stomach with a heated glow, spreading and waking up her limbs, muscles and skin tingling~ Her vision seeming to *swim*, as a warm, racing heat kindled in her belly, coursing through Charlone's lissome form...

Against her will, she's becoming *hot*...soooooo *hot*... her clothes so scratchy, so constricting~

"Oh, it's not a *poison*, girlie," Grimgaw chuckled, his hand cupping her cheek in a gruesome parody of affection~

-And *then* she felt those fat digits *stroking* her, gliding along her belly, feeling almost...abnormally sensual...reaching down, *down* to the most secret spot between her legs, tracing the girl's folds in firm circular motions, rubbing patiently, teasing the little nub with his forefinger with *exquisite* ease...Making her *quiver*, sensation coursing up her spine at every touch!

"Girlie likes that?" The chieftan almost purred, a sly smirk on Grimgaw's lips as he drew his hand back, just for a moment, letting the heat *grow* within her. "Let's just say 'oomie girlie's going to like Grimgaw a *lot* more, soon..."

Then his hand took her chin again, and turned her face to meet his- And the next thing she knew, the goblin's lips were pressed to hers, his tongue sloshing about, probing against her own, all-too-eager to slide into her mouth! "Mmmmmm~" Grimgaw moaned *into* the kiss, his mouth moving as he tasted Charlone's lips...And worse, she could *see* herself, looking deliciously tousled, looking *flushed*, reflected in the imp's deep yellow eyes, growing hotter by the moment...
The heat swam through Charlone. It seemed to shoot straight to her stomach, to build there, to grow. It spread, stretching throughout her, making her warm, almost hot. The clothing, that same stuff that she'd always worn, suddenly felt constricting, confining. Suddenly Charlone wanted her clothing gone, off. She squirmed, her hips moving slightly. The heat had moved there. Even Charlone, who had little experience in that type of pleasure, realized what she'd been given now: some type of aphrodisiac.

"Don't, don't touch me," muttered the girl as Grimgaw touched her cheek. The fire that had so filled those words earlier had gone. Now they came out almost as a whimper, as a plea. Her eyes couldn't even quite muster the same energy any more. So hot. So very hot.

Instead of jerking away as he touched her most secret of areas, Charlone actually arched her back. A moan escaped her lips for a moment, her eyes squeezing shut. It felt good. His chubby fingers pressed against sensible cotton undergarments. they moved around her folds, feeling them. The moment Grimgaw touched Charlone's clit, the girl gasped. Her eyes flew open wide and she stared openly at the goblin. Electricity had coursed through he upon the goblin's touch. Shot through her body, starting at her loins. Something happened there, something burning to be touched.

His lips went to hers. Charlone knew she had to move away. Knew this was disgusting. Knew she didn't want his tongue anywhere near her mouth. Reflected in his eyes was the Unicorn Knight she'd always known she was. Only, said knight's cheeks were getting warm. Her eyes were starting to blaze with lust, that same look that streetwalkers got. Her hips shifted, moving, aching.

She was beginning to want the goblin.
"Don't touch you, girlie?" Grimgaw teased, drawing his hand back- A smirk on those fat lips, as Charlone moved her hips to follow him! The Chieftan held his fingers up, letting her *see* the juices glistening on his digits, waving them tauntingly before her eyes~ "You mean 'oomie doesn't like this, mmmm? Just look how wet girlie is getting..."

She'd held up well against that attempted kiss, but if anything, her own reflection looked even *more* disheveled, her resistance melting before the heat that coursed through her~ She hardly looked like she was in any condition to object ... hell, she looked like she'd welcome him with open arms *and* legs! The goblin Chieftan was *pressing* himself against her, now, his hands going to his filthy loincloth- And pulling it off, entirely, revealing the thick, knobby shaft of his cock!

He was big for a goblin...About the size of a human- The bulbous head of his organ slapping against the inside of one sleek thigh, *rubbing* against her most sensitive spot through the thin fabric of her rapidly soaking panties...Tormenting her relentlessly as the insidious potion churned through her bloodstream, oh-so-slowly transforming him into a hulking Adonis, a paragon of Goblinkind...Instead of the small, slobbering thing he was!

It wouldn't have been so *bad* if he'd just raped her- At *least* she'd have some respite from the raw, lustful heat that grew with each moment, until her *entire* body felt like an inferno! She was going to need relief, and *soon*...Worse, the goblin seemed to *know* that, too, content to drive her higher little by little~ Wanting her to want this as much as he did!
That moisture, the liquid glistening on the goblin's fingers, it had come from her? Charlone stared, nearly unbelieving, at the goblin's fingers. Mentally she still formed resistances, not wanting the goblin's touch. She certainly didn't want to even see what lay between his legs, let along feel it on her soft skin. However, her body began to burn for him. It longed for his touch, longed for him to press that knobby member against her quivering sex. Charlone felt her lips beginning to part, both oral and nether. Moisture formed on them, leaking onto her white, lace panties. the fine garments were made for comfort, but that certainly didn't stop them from being as beautiful as the girl who wore them. Now the crotch of them had a small wet spot, one steadily growing as the potion took effect on Charlone's youthful form.

"Stop, I, I don't want," moaned Charlone. Her hips moved again, running along the head of the organ. Her body wanted that. Wanted it to slide inside her, fill her with its girth. To take her to bliss and back. But the girl's mind still rebelled, still clung. She shook her head. "I don't want you. I don't."

The flames were terrible. Her breasts heaved. sweat began to bead upon her body. Her very loins felt aflame. Wet. Wanting. Wanting him.. Damn him, he must have drugged her. Worse, she was succumbing to the drug.

"I hate you,' she whimpered. Her body writhed again, seeming to try to move toward him, longing for his touch.
"That's what all them 'oomies say...At *first*." And now there was a decidedly sinister air to the Chieftan's laughter, even as Charlone trembled and shivered in helpless lust~ He was going to *enjoy* this pretty, pretty girlie...And she would *want* him by the time she was done...

The greenskin's voice seemed to be coming from *all* around...But he was *definitely* behind Charlone, now, his meaty breath hot against her neck, Grimgaw's belly pressing against her sleek back! There's a low rasp of fabric as he drew her soft undershirt up, her leather armor- When did he find out how to get it off?- tossed aside, to join the pile of her gear...Letting her *feel* the cool air on the oh-so-*sensitive* tips~

Grimgaw's greasy fingertips ram up the sides of her bosoms, mounting the sensitive circles of her areolae, until they reached their prize, her rapidly-hardening nipples, stiffening from his attentions and the bite of the air...While the Chieftan's hands *cupped* the luscious orbs, he captured her nipples between thumb and index fingers, exerting a pressure that was somewhere between squeezing and caressing...And terribly, terribly *patient*...

-But that was *nothing* compared to the hand that slithered down her flat belly, dipping beneath the waistband on the knight's creamy white panties- the better to caress her silky folds *directly*! The *very* tip of one finger, then *two* pressed into her, for a long, lingering moment- Then drawing back *again* (The tease!) stopping *just* short of penetrating her!

"I know you *want* it, girlie~" Grimgaw chuckled, keeping up his maddeningly slow caresses! "Gonna wanta be a gobbo *queenie* when Grimgaw's done with yoo~"

That ugly face lit up with demonic cunning, and the goblin leaned in *close*, now~ "How about dis, 'oomie? Just say 'stop', and I'll stop...Won't touch you *again* 'oomie. *Ever*. Just leave yoo like *this*, for as long as you want...Eh, girlie? Just say *stop*, and I won't do *this*~" And his fingers *squeezed* an achingly hard nipple, sending pain-threaded pleasure shooting down into her overheated petals- "-Ever again~"
All the hoomies say at first? He'd done this before? Charlone moaned, eyes closed. No. No, she wouldn't let herself feel this arousal. Not from the goblin. She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut, banishing the sight of the goblin.

Unfortunately for her, dimming her sight seemed to increase her sense of touch. The cool air kissed her skin as the leather armor left her. The moment it slid off, Charlone knew. Her nipples tightened further, forming hard tips. both nearly poked through the surface of her thin undershirt. Then the undershirt moved. Charlone's hot skin touched the cool air of the goblin's lair. She hissed. Moaned as the cool air kissed her hot, erect nipples. It felt good. Sinfully good.

If that wasn't enough, the goblin's grubby hand ran over those white orbs. The digits felt the plump flesh of Charlone's moderate sized breasts. they moved toward the nipple, the fingers capturing the tips. Charlone moaned, throwing her head back. the touch felt wonderful. It send shockwaves of pleasure cascading from the hardened nub. A bit of wetness spilled into those panties again. It felt good, so good.

"No," gasped Charlone as she felt the goblin's hand upon her belly. It moved, dipping under her skirt, under her panties. She whimpered, jerking at the touch of his finger. It slid along her wet lips, making her tremble, whimper, moan with lust. To have those fingers inside her. She wanted nothing more. Nothing more than to be touched along those nether lips. To have digits sink into her wet folds, thrusting until she shuddered and came with pleasure. But it wasn't to be. The goblin extracted his now wet fingers, and Charlone looked to him.

He wouldn't stop.
She wasn't sure she wanted him to.

"I, I, I don't want to be a goblin queen," she moaned, nearly whimpering. These weren't noises of defiance, they were the whinings of someone trapped. She felt him lean close, close enough that she could smell his rank body. All she had to do was say stop, he said. Then he pinched her nipple.

Charlone yelped. She shuddered. More moisture, pre-cum, it was called pre-cum, or just cum, leaked into her panties. They were so wet. she was so wet. Her nipples were so hard. She wanted to be touched so bad. But the goblin... was a goblin, yes, but he was a creature with a cock and an intent to touch Charlone. She looked to him. She wanted to be touched. So bad.

"I want to be touched," she murmured, the words almost slurring. "I want to be touched...."
"Good girlie,"[/i] Grimgaw rumbled in malevolent satisfaction, a claw-tipped hand stroking her silky tresses, then following the curve of her cheek- Slipping down Charlone's slim waist to press down against her weeping slit! The goblin timed himself perfectly, pressing two fingers into the knight's inner folds as he pinched one of her fat nipples, leaning in to muffle her sudden moan with a deep kiss...

-If anything, the Chieftan's touch was even *more* gentle this time, as if *entirely* aware of the havoc he was wreaking on his would-be bride's resistance; His right hand rose up and fondled her breasts, squeezing them ever-so-gently, kneading the soft flesh! The greenskin's other hand begins to work in on her sex, sliding both fingers in and out- Slowly at first, but then in earnest as the sensations built!

That wet, juicy sound- The walls of the lovely knight's sheath, constricting at Grimgaw's intrusion- was louder than *ever*, the inside of her pussy warm and slick and tight on his probing digits...And the *goblin's* own erection was absolutely rock-hard now, absolutely aching to sink *into* her...But holding himself back...

Schlitt, schlitt, schlitt

Charlone couldn't say how long this lasted, her world shrinking to an endless cycle of movement, groans and flares of pleasure- Every once in a while, Grimgaw slowed down, letting her *writhe* with need when she got *too* close, holding her *right* on the edge of an absolutely *shattering* climax, again and again with frustrating precision...Then, quite suddenly, he stopped. Just...stopped!

"You're ready now, girlie~" The goblin's voice growled- And there was a *click* as the chains- The manacles holding her in place- Fell away, *freeing* her...But not quelling the *need*, the ache to be *satisfied*, the hot scent of her lust filling the chamber! Sprawled on his throne, once more, Grimgaw grinned at the beauty from across the room, that thick, veiny cock twitching obscenely, like a pointing finger...

"Now, girlie...Come here..." The Chieftan cooed, clearly enjoying her sheer agitation...And the way the chains still *hobbled* her, preventing her from touching herself, leaving her to *stumble*...
The goblin's hands felt gentle, nearly loving on Charlone's skin. He did this to her on purpose, she knew. Somewhere in the back of her mind she was still fighting to deny the whole experience. Her body, however, thrived at the new sensations, the new touches, the wonderful feeling of it all.

Her nether lips parted before his questing fingers, letting him slide within her. The walls closed and quivered along the digits, squeezing them, almost sucking them in. The girl hadn't experienced a touch, not like this, and her body loved it, craved it. The potion and Charlone's own repressed sexuality worked in concord, letting the juices flow. A squelching, wet slapping noise came from between Charlone's legs, letting all who would listen know that the girl aroused at the goblin's touch. If that weren't enough, her hips jerked to meet his fingers, rotating. Her mouth parted in a moan.

But as she did, the goblin's mouth covered hers. Unknowing, uncaring, the girl kissed back, her lips dashing against the goblin's. Moans, whines, whimpers of pleasures slid between them. They leaked whenever the lips darted apart, the echoed as they were pressed together.

She entered that cycle, driven by the potion and Grimgaw's touch. Her world became focused on her sex, on that pulsing, pounding need within her. She moved ever closer to the edge, writhing, panting, sweating, her body glistened, her lips moaned, everything about her screamed for release. Hips jerked and jostled. Nipples hardened. Lips parted. Her legs even spread to allow maximum access. she could feel herself building, building, the climax just approaching. Shuddering, Charlone arched against the fingers, lips clicking apart as she opened to moan out her pleasure...

and he stopped.

Charlone breathed heavily, breasts heaving, body aching, as he clicked her chains. the girl fell limp, sitting awkwardly for a few seconds. her eyes lifted, going across the room to where the goblin sat. His rod perked straight in the air, no doubt as pulsing with need as Charlone's own sex. all she had to do was go over there, and he would take her. Their needs would be met and flamed into glorious coupling.

And Charlone wanted it.

her breasts heaved. Her eyes glazed. Her slit was slick with juices, the clit protruding slightly. She no longer cared that it was a goblin. She no longer cared that she was a prisoner. She simply wanted him. Wanted him inside her. The girl hobbled, a sex-crazed zombie, shuffling toward the one thing she wanted most at that moment: Grimgaw.
Something akin to laughter rumbled in Grimgaw's chest, as the lust-crazed beauty stumbled *closer*, right up to the foot of the throne! "Girlie learns *quick*" he chuckled...Those strong arms closing eagerly on her wrists, pulling her, off-balance, into the goblin's lap!

It was as if that statement sapped all of his lingering restraint; The Chieftan's hands sank into her curvy hips, *gripping* the soft flesh- A grunt of pleasure coursing through him as his touch *stroked* across Charlone one final time, exploring the contours of the lady knight he was about to *claim*...

-And *then* she was seated on his lap, her chained arms pushed up and back- Thick fingers *pressing* between her legs, *spreading* her, leaving the soft, hot junction between Charlone's thighs open and defenseless! "Nice," Grimgaw syruped, the goblin's pink tongue flickering against the nape of her neck- The length of his shaft rubbing, *stabbing* at that soft, soft, skin, sawing against her flesh in his impatient ardor to have her impaled...But she was already so hot, so very *wet*, that he could probably have found her by touch alone...

Behind her, Charlone could feel Grimgaw *shift*, his body drawing back, aiming itself just so, the head of his hot, pulsing organ *pressing* against her nether lips- And *thrusting*. "Urrrrrrrgghhhhh~!!!" A deep, hideous *groan* of pleasure echoed from the goblin's lips as he *sank* into her, one agonizing inch at a time, pulling the knight's hips back towards his as the imp *hilted* himself in her, with a satisfying *fap* of flesh-and-flesh!

"So *good*, 'oomie!" Grimgaw rumbled, the goblin's voice taut with strain- And *pleasure*, finding the wet heat at the end of his cock! "Grimgaw's gonna make *yoo* feel good, too!" And *then* the goblin's cock began to *move* in her, twitching obscenely, grinding deliciously against her inner walls...
Charlone stumbled into the goblin's lap, feeling his hardness immediately pressing against her. The scent of sex and arousal filled Charlone's nostrils, only adding to her overall lust. Her body burned, yearned, and she moaned as she was manhandled by the goblin. She sat upon his lap willing, her arms jerking as he pulled.

Fingers pressed against her sex, and Charlone's head lolled back, another frustrated moan leaving her parted, wet lips. Her hips shifted slightly, grinding along him. Her body screamed to be taken, to be pulled upon that bulbous member and rammed hard. The goblin parted Charlone's lips. They almost clicked, the girl shuddering, leaning back against the goblin. Arousal so filled her that she couldn't think straight. Could barely process that she was being touched as she so desired. All she knew was that her body burned for the goblin. Liquid ran down her lips. It felt the shaft sawing against them, and parted, leaving a trail along the shaft.

when it pressed, she arched. Charlone moaned. It felt so good, the head just sticking there. Then it pushed in. Her lips parted, letting the member into the delicate folds. The goblin delved where no man had yet been. Its lumpy goblin cock sank deep into the soft virgin flesh. Walls trembled around it. The defeated knight moaned, her eyes rolling, her breath coming quickly. She no longer looked the part of the defiant soldier, but instead appeared little more than a cock starved slut.

Grimgaw bottomed out within Charlone. Their bodies met, the heat of hers sinking. Her inner walls were ablaze, pulsing, squeezing around the invader. She felt so full. so very full. She could do little but moan and whimper. And grind. Charlone ground her hips against Grimgaw's. When his member twitched, she gasped.

"So good,' she cooed. Her hands moved to caress her front, nails tracing the line where her cock would be. Thrust against her, impaling her on its length. Charlone Claudius, goblin cock slut.
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