Dexter themed RP (Celebstars & Regrix)


Feb 1, 2014
Sitting at his desk, looking through his files on that murder that he’d looked into last month; the look on Det. Liam O’Connor’s face was as sour as anyone would have ever seen it. Something was vexing him about the story the wife gave. Her alibi was shoddy, at least to his mind. Finding cohobating witnesses was almost along the lines of Diogenes looking for the one honest man. The media had her pegged as a social climber using the natural assets given a woman to “climb” her way to the top one bed at a time.

There was more to this, he was sure of that and he intended to get to the bottom of this story, her story. If she was legit, great he could cross her off his list… if not, then he’d deal with it and then cross her off his list. It was early enough in the afternoon, and he really had nothing to do here, staring at the files was just pissing him off. Maybe he could find something of use in the house she now occupied without her recently deceased Husband.

As he rolled into the neighborhood, he opted to park a couple of blocks away. Better to leave some plausible deniability for his presence here. He walked to her house, briefly stymied by the rather tall gate that barred his path. The climb over it was difficult but not impossible and he landed on the pavement with perhaps a little less grace than he’d hoped for. Picking himself up and dusting himself off he made his way toward the front door.

Slipping some specialized tools and casting a brief look around he began working the lock with practiced hands. Slipping in and securing the door behind him, so as to keep her from realizing he’d been here. He began to look around… Figuring the best place to start would be in the master bedroom, he couldn’t help but take a look in her drawers without respect to its contents. He’d look where the Husband’s body fell. The lab techs had cleaned everything pretty well and there wasn’t much here to find.

Though as he looked around, something caught his eye… a shiny little piece of metal; upon closer investigation it looked to be a bauble from a necklace or something of the sort. There hadn’t been any mention of that to his memory… He then looked over to the bathroom, perhaps there might be something there…

He looked around the bathroom, was rather surprised that it didn’t contain a Greek bath considering the size of the room was larger than his entire apartment. It was all very stylish, he’d have expected nothing less from her. She seemed the type. As he cracked open her medicine cabinet he found some medications that when mixed proved toxic. Worse, they could be mixed to effect without taste, scent, color, or mixture.

He was almost so lost in thought he missed the sounds coming from the front of the house. He looked around for somewhere to conceal himself, opting for one of the many closet sections he waited to see what might happen next.
Yvonne had just taken a walk in the park before she came back home. She needed the air and time to collect her thoughts. As she approached her house, she got her keys out of her back and used the fob to open the tall black gates in front of the large house. Even though it was big, it didn't really qualify as a mansion.

As the metal railings slowly moved, she crept through the gap before they were entirely open. The sound of her feels clapped against the walkway before coming to a sudden halt. Yvonne lifted the key to the door and turned it anti-clockwise to unlock it. The hinges squeaked open which always made her frown. Locking the door behind her, it made her feel safe after everything that had happened. Dropping her keys in to a dish by the door Yvonne climbed the spiral stair case and walked in to her room. Her skirt was short, showing a lot of leg and her top was baggy yet tight, a fine contradiction.

Squinting, she saw her drawers weren't fully closed, making her heart pound. Walking towards it, she closed it whilst looking around.

"Hello?" She cried out, dipping her hand in to her bedside cabinet after walking to it. Pulling out a large kitchen knife, she held it firmly in fear.
He grimaced, he had fucked up somewhere and now she knew that he was here. He weighed the options here, if he kept silent and tried to remain hidden that might not go over so well. She could be armed, maybe not... odds were 50/50 but too risky at that point. If he revealed himself he could possibly explain things. He rolled his eyes and opened the closet door. "Here" he said. His eyes widened a bit as he saw the knife, his hand went to rest on the grip of his Sig Sauer.

"I came to look for more evidence in what happened. Your alibi was rather thin, finding anyone who could verify what you told us was next to impossible, on the other side in fact... Maybe you'd want to tell me about the broken necklace or maybe the meds in the cabinet in the bathroom?" He did his best to wrest the control in this situation back to his side of the court.
Lowering her knife, she placed a hand on her hip and smirked. "Shouldn't you have a warrant to search my house?" Her tongue licked the bottom set of teeth before sliding back inside. "My alibi? Well, it is up to you to find out if it is the truth or not isn't it?" Putting the knife back in her cabinet by her bed she turned about around to look the Detective up and down. "Broken necklace? You mean this?" Going over to her bin the necklace was in it, along with a thick stash of cotton attached to it. "It ripped on my sweater. It caught on it." An even bigger smirk came over her as she folded her arms. "What next?"

Waiting for his answer, she laughed out loud regarding the meds. "If you mix any medication it will be harmful. Your trying to pin that on me!"
"I'm trying to find the truth, I'm a cop, that's my job." he said offhandedly as he began to close the distance between them, his hand having wandered from his service weapon, his gaze wandering from her blue eyes as he did so to come to rest on her blouse, eyes sinking just for a second before refocusing on her collar. From what he could tell the collar of her top was fairly low cut, the tops of her breasts were visible. If her necklace caught on that... well it was unlikely. "Necklace caught on your blouse? Where's the shreds of the blouse because it looks like some of it must have been torn away."
"I threw the blouse away, I wouldn't keep it if it is torn would I?" Yvonne was getting quite frustrated at the male now. "I think you should go. You don't have any right being here. If you don't leave now I am going to call the cops. You don't have a warrant, so you know you are breaking the law."

Throwing her arm out she pointed it to the door and waited for him to leave. It was like a stand off. Yvonne stood there just eyeing him. Not losing contact with his eyes, trying to stare him down. "Right, I'm calling the cops." Treading around the bed she went to the little table and picked up the phone, starting to dial on it.

"I'm not kidding. I will do it!"
"To be honest I'm trying to make sure you didn't do it. Or if you did to find proof that it was self defense. Otherwise... things get a lot more complicated. You've got remarkable blue eyes, it would be a shame to see the light go out of them..." His hand would shoot out to attempt to grab her wrist and lower the phone back to the receiver.

"You're really better off talking to me than talking to them... I'm trying to give you a chance here..."
"Your trying to prove it isn't me?" Yvonne had grown in confusion, she had no idea if he was telling the truth or trying to get her to put the phone down. His flattery on her eyes did make her pause for a few added seconds, giving him time to grab out at her wrist. Moving backwards she dropped the phone as it fell under the bed. "Get away from me!" Kneeing him in the balls, she tried running away but tripped over the cable which the phone was attached to. Yvonne fell on to her hands and knees with her foot caught in the wiring. Trying to pull hard on it the phone disconnected and fell to the ground beside the man.

Her heart was beating fast and furiously as she feared for her safety.
"Yes." he said flatly. He had merely been attempting to get her to hang up the phone when he moved toward her. The knee brought him up short. Grunting he fell to his knees and the force of the knee left him seeing stars for a few minutes at the least. Once he got his wits about himself enough to speak he rather tersely added "Goddamnit! It's not my desire to hurt you! What the Fuck? What the hell is your story... I want the Goddamn truth. You kick me like that again and we WILL have trouble."

He thought he might know at least some of the details, which is why he didn't attack her outright, though the look he gave her when speaking to her was more than a little annoyed. Struggling back to his feet he'd step next to her... "I'm just going to help you up, don't hit me again." He then offered her a hand up.
With him standing over her, Yvonne didn't know what game he was playing. Offering her hand to his, she was helped up on to her feet, her heels keeping her in line with his height. "I told you my story. I'm sticking with it ok?" She was getting very angry herself now. Why couldn't these people just leave her alone. Deep down, she knew everyone saw her as the killer, and rightly so because she did poison her husband, there was just no evidence to prove it.

Pulling some of her blonde hair behind her ear, Yvonne crossed her arms and strutted out of the room. If he wasn't going to leave, she was instead.
This was really getting around the bend. He really was getting tired with the games and now decided that things needed a different tack. He was after all a man who believed in action and now it was time to get to it. He quickly crossed the room as she was making to leave. His hand shot out, trained reflexes and honed senses. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her in tight against him, a brief but intense look in her eyes and then he pressed his lips against hers, soft but intense. His grab, turning to an embrace.

As it broke, he looked her in the eyes again "Now do you understand?"
Just as her foot over stepped the mark in to the corridor she was pulled back. Her teeth clenched and she grew angrier than ever until he pulled her close to is chest and kissed her. Her hands roamed his chest before sitting tightly on each shoulder. When they pulled apart, Yvonne looked at him and heard him talk. She was still sceptical but she really needed attention and some love. Leaning back in she kissed him more roughly and passionately. Jumping up she wrapped her legs around his waist and did the same with her arms around his neck.

By the way she was acting, she was in desperate need of affection.
It was only the space of a few beats as something in her aspect changed and she thew herself into him kissing him fiercely. She leapt at him, wrapping her legs around him. The initial surprise of the added weight was took a little adjustment, but he managed as he kissed her back just as hard. One arm wrapped securely around her waist and the other moved underneath her to help support her as he staggered backward, with great care, toward the bed.
What they were doing was breaking many rules. Not that it affected her, it was more to do with his position. He was now engaging in an inappropriate relationship with the suspect, meaning the case could be jeopardised whether they found evidence or not.

Forcing her tongue deep in to his mouth, she whined and moaned as he took hold of her body and moved backwards to the bed. Yvonne fell on top of him and was now straddling him. Opening up his jacket an ripping his shirt open, she kissed his bare chest with her soft wet lips. Moving down very slowly, she came to his belt buckle and unfastened it along with his zipper on his pants. Pushing them down his legs along with his boxers, Yvonne saw his cock and smiled. Lowering her head she licked the soft member whilst one hand lifted it upright. Her free hand wandered over his thigh, scratching it gently with her nails.
This was a situation beyond all the rules. She was a suspect in a murder and yet she forced any other thought out of his mind. It wasn't the first time he'd broken the rules, by rights he ought to be locked away or dead. He wasn't though, he was here and so was she.

Gravity took hold and soon he was lying on her bed, with her tearing at his clothing and her tongue was exploring his mouth. She made short work of his clothing in epic time and she'd kissed him all over until she'd found his cock.

He caught his breath and all he could do is reach down and stroke the back of her head, run his fingers through her hair and allow the moan of pleasure to escape his lips. If loving her was wrong, he had no interest in being right.

Even now he felt himself respond to her lips and tongue. She really knew what she was doing, maybe the gossip was right, and he didn't give a flying fuck, not a one. He was here now with her and that was the only thing he cared about.
Yvonne's head bobbed up and down his cock as she sucked him. She definitely had experience in the field and made any male moan with satisfaction. Her wet tongue slithered up and down his long shaft, coating it in a shiny layer of saliva before it vanished in to her mouth and to the back of her throat. Looking up at him, her eyes met his whilst his fingers ran through her long blonde locks.

At this moment in time, she paused her mind, thinking about what she was doing. Would this get him on side? Was he using her for the pleasure and going to arrest her afterwards anyway? If he did that, she would have to kill him like she did her husband.
As she sucked on his cock, his mind was almost blank solely wrapped up in the sensation of her tongue and throat on his cock. She was causing him to build up to a massive orgasm, in time he grabbed a handful of her hair and finally released the pressure that had been building up. All he could feel is his own body climaxing and her tongue on his cock.

He still intended to get down to the bottom of what happened, but he was fair certain that there was more to it that what was currently known. If she had killed him and had reason for it, fine. He'd help her however he could, if not... well, maybe there is an exception to every rule... he wasn't sure yet, but for now he was completely caught up in the moment.
Yvonne knew that when a man held her hair tightly he was about to blow. Bracing herself, she felt the squirting of his seed splash up against her gums and between her teeth. Gagging on his meat for a few seconds she lifted off it and took a huge gulp of breath through her nose before swallowing it all. Hugging and puffing, she smiled and wiped her mouth clean. Crawling up the bed, she planted both of her hands on his chest and kissed his neck. With him occupied, Yvonne used one hand to slide under the mattress and grab a knife. Bringing it up she planted the sharp edge to his neck.

"Not bad for a murderer am I?" Clenching her teeth, she was sitting on his stomach with the knife at his throat. "I have to get you off my case. Your a nice guy and all, but well. I want a peaceful life."

Lifting both hands up in the air, she was about to drop the knife in to his chest.

“Is that why you did it?”
He asked her simply. “That necklace that I found pieces of, it didn’t catch on your blouse, did it?” He watched for any reaction from her, all the while wanting to rip the flimsy fabric of her blouse off of her, to bury his face in those perfect breasts.

If she failed to give any sign of admission his gaze would fall on the blade just for a beat before looking her in the eyes. “I don’t think you want to do that… not knowing what I’d encounter I made sure to enable my cellphone’s GPS. Any half-assed detective could find out that I came here before I ‘disappeared’.”

If on the other hand she did come clean with him. His hands would gently rest on her knees and he’d rub her thighs, even to the point of letting his hands under her skirt and playing with the waistband of her panties. He looked straight into those beautiful blue eyes and said “I’d have killed him too.” With that statement, something in his eyes changed… He became predatory “I’d not have let him treat you like that.” The predatory aspect was still there, but there was something else too… perhaps, this thing they were just doing wasn’t an act after all.
He was right, he would have ben tracked back to her house before he disappeared and she would of been the prime suspect of another murder case. Loosening her grip on the knife, she took it away and pulled her leg off so she was sitting on the bed beside him.

Yvonne heard his words and liked to know it wasn't really her fault. It couldn't of been if he would of done the same thing as she did. "Just make sure I don't get caught!" She gave him a demand like she was his superior. Dropping the knife on the bed she held her face in her hands like her life was a mess.

"The necklace came off when he hit me."
He thought as much, he could see it in his mind's eye. Her husband grabbing at her and catching the necklace as well as the top of her blouse. As he pulled he would have torn her necklace free. The bastard had it coming. He knew what he'd do, he was an investigator on the case and had access to the evidence they had at the precinct as well as the other odds and ends. He also had contacts that owed him, big time. Quickly he formulated his plan. Critical evidence aimed at her would go missing, his contacts would swear out her alibi. She'd be in the clear.

His hands came up to softly pull her's away from her face, softly he'd stroke her cheek. "It wasn't your fault, you did what had to to save your life. I have a plan to deal with this though we need to get those medications out of the house. I'll make sure anything that could result in you being charged disappears and new witnesses will come to light who will swear out your alibi. Whatever you do stick to your story. I'll get you out of this...I promise."

He moved closer to her, leaning in making no secret what his mind was on...
Why was he doing all this she thought? He had no reason to, maybe other than get in her panties, but was it even worth it?

"Why do you want to help me? What is it in for you? I don't understand. You just got a confession and instead of arresting me you want to fuck?" Feeling his finger on her cheek, she leaned her face on it and kissed another hand. Her eyes were streaming with tears and she shook uncontrollably believing she was going to jail.

"Why? Tell me why?"
"I'm willing to help you because I'd have killed him myself." he began "Have you noticed in the news lately that there's been a lot of scum dying under mysterious circumstances lately?" He allowed that to hang in the air, he wanted her to absorb the concept of what he was telling her. "Had I known when he was alive, he would have met with an accident long before you killed him. Truth is, if I had found out that you'd unjustly killed him... this interlude would have been much different. As I looked around I started to see what the truth here was though. You did what you had to do to survive and that's all there is to it."

His gaze wandered the room briefly. "I got tired of seeing them let the trash I took off the streets go on technicalities and other such bullshit. I decided if they weren't going to keep this slime off the streets than I would. I have a feeling that you're someone that can comprehend that mentality."

He was unsure exactly why he was telling her this, it could end badly if she ratted him out but at the same time, maybe she did indeed understand that kind of thing. Sure, to be honest he did want in her pants, the life he'd chosen was a lonely one to be sure and he believed in taking his opportunities where he could get them. There weren't many out there that could grasp why he did what he did, never mind condone it. Most women he suspected would turn him over to I.A. and that would be the end of him. Why did he think she was different. It was a gamble to be sure but one he went all in on... time would tell if it was a solid bet or another losing hand.

"As for the fucking, well... I thought it would be a nice change of pace to have a guy fuck you who wasn't trying to bash your head through a wall, well not by other means anyway." A sly grin crossed his face as thoughts of her under him, her head clashing with the headboard of the bed as he plowed into her. "Then there's also the fact you're insanely easy on the eyes and I'd bet are one hell of a lay."

She wanted honesty, well she got it... now to see what she was going to do with it.
Yvonne couldn't speak as after he had spoken. She absorbed all he had to say and back away from him slowly. "Your telling me you are the serial killer everyone is looking for?" Her tears were drying up and she wiped them before standing up at the side of the bed, looking down at him laying on it.

"So we are even now? You won't take me in, and I want snitch on you?" It was a little hard for her to realise he wasn't going to do anything. She had never been in this situation before, she was certain he was going to arrest her.

A slight grin came over her as he mentioned fucking her with her head banging against the headboard. "I can do it rough to you know" giggling in a feminine way. There was no doubt she was smitten with him, he was very attractive and her type of man.

"So what now? We just go on and pretend like nothing has happened?"
As she made the inquiry of him being the serial killer, he said nothing but there was something in the way he looked at her that confirmed that hypothesis. "I got tired of seeing my best efforts get turned to shit. I got tired of seeing innocent people suffer because someone screwed the system, or some corrupt official was bought off." He was gritting his teeth lightly. His annoyance at the failures of the system was obvious.

She asked about their standings and he shrugged "As far as I'm concerned you're off the hook... it was self defense...nothing more to it." He said as he reached behind him and placed his handcuffs on the bed, letting one end dangle as he slowly dragged it along her thigh first. The subtext hinted at an altogether different use for them than taking her down to his office in a formal capacity. He was in part curious to see if she'd submit to being restrained, particularly in light of her deceased husband. Though he hoped she also grasped he was an entirely different type of guy.

When she commented about rough sex, his grin broadened. "Can you now...and if we were to investigate that claim, how do I know you'll not go Black Widow on me?" He asked her, he knew she wasn't all that sensitive about her husband's death and his comment carried the unspoken challenge 'show me'

"We could go on like nothing happened..." He said or "We could find other ways o handle it." His gaze turned a different kind of predatory as he reached for her blouse. She'd started the encounter and now to his mind there was business left unfinished.
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