The Demon Lord's Unwanted Desires {ShyFoxie & Lord Sesshoumaru}


Jan 26, 2014
Im here and then maybe I'll be there.
She sat in the small hut that she had lived in the past eight years. Looking out the window she gave a sad sigh.

"Child... what ail ye?", sad and elderly voice from the bed in the corner.

Rin looked over at Kaede, and gave a gentle but worried smile. The elder woman had been ill for the past two weeks, and she had promised Kagome that she would keep her in bed as much as she possibly could. Still in her own illness the old priestess questioned her on what was wrong. But that was Kaede's nature, and Rin had been grateful to her these past years for her kindness. It was something she had never received from another human being, till she met Kagome. Rin looked up to both the women, one for treating her as a sister, the other for being like the loving grandmother Rin never had.

"Oh its nothing obaachan, shh.. rest now", Rin walked over to the fire poking it a bit, the flames rising now given new breath.

"You be thinking of 'He' aren't ye child?", Kaede continued despite Rin trying to change the subject to something else.

Rin turned from the fire, walked over to Kaede's bed and sat down next to her.

"Yes, I am... obaachan, it's been almost two years since his last visit. I just wish... I knew what was wrong, whether he's okay. My Lord, is very good at getting himself into trouble, and I worry that he might..." Rin got choked up a little.

Old Kaede set up in the bed a little taking the young girls hand in hers. She had been given the privilege to see Rin grow from a sad young child, to a happy, beautiful young woman. But still a sadness enveloped her, now not because of being mistreated by people who were supposed to care for her, no.. now the child had grown into a woman, who's heart was broken. The girl, should have married already, and being as beautiful as she was, had been proposed to many times. But each time she had, turned them down, giving them a nonchalant reason. But the last time Kaede had asked why she kept turning the offers down, Rin had explained that if her Lord were to return for her, she could not leave with him if she were married.

"Child, I do not mean to trouble ye with sad thoughts, but perhaps... Lord Sesshoumaru has moved on and may not return for ye. I know that ye care for he, but... in the end child he is still a demon, and has his own agenda to attend to.", she patted Rin's hand.

Rin looked down at the floor as her hand slipped from Kaede's hand.

"No... my Lord gave me his word that he would return for me one day.", her eyes were starting to fill with tears as she looked up at the old priestess, and stood up from the spot on the bed next to Kaede. "He made that promise to you as well, he told you that once he felt I was old enough and had learned to live with my own kind, he would return for me. Sesshoumaru may be a demon but he has a sense of honor and would keep his word!" Rin's breath drew in slightly and her hand went to her mouth when she realized that she had called her Lord by his name.

Kaede sighed, she knew that Rin's feelings ran deeper than just a respect for him saving her life.

"Child, why don't you go over to see Kagome ye need to get out? Ye have been stuck inside with me for almost two weeks nigh, Ye need to go out stretch ye legs and get some fresh air. I can manage for a little while on my own, I think I will take a nap while Ye are away." Kaede turned over in the bed turning her back to Rin.

Rin felt ashamed for raising her voice to the old priestess, she looked down at the floor.

"Alright Obaachan, I shouldn't be away too long." she headed for the door to the hut slipped on her geta, and started to make her way to the home of Kagome and Inuyasha.
"jaken, bring aud and oun." a cold voice spoke, as a small green imp like beast was seen with a two headed
beast wearing muzzles. the man stood tall, with three swords on his side. clad in old, traditional armor, with a long soft, fur
following behind him. with his cold, eyes, and long silver hair. the tribal markings upon his skin were few, and far between.
having recently passing a monestary. the silent individual would leave a wake of death in his path of anything that stood in his way.

"master, is it not about time to visit rin again?" as he spoke running up behind the tall man, the green imp, apparently known
as jaken spoke. as he had a long staff which had the head of a human carved on the end of it. saying this, the silver haired lord stopped for a moment.

" take aud, and oun. i have something to do. " as he spoke with that, he would soon move on,
once again leaving his trusty vessel alone with there mighty stead. the next few hours he would be moving on his own,
as something seemed to weigh heavily in his mind. his face never showed any emotions, except for on the rare occasions, however
images of the past, and the child he had once allowed to travel with him. as if the thought of seeing her was something he could not truly
decide on yet.

( would you like me to be inuyasha as well? sorry i'm not to good with female chars, but i could try one or two of them. )
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