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Looking for FxFuta, FxShemale, or FxM

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Nov 14, 2012
Hello! Obviously, I'm looking to do one of the pairings listed up above. For my kinks, they're listed in my signature. Well, the link is. It's above the scary Russian dude who's staring you down.

~Be literate. I don't want to decipher what you've typed.
~1-3 paragraphs
~Grammar and spelling. I'm a grammar Nazi. I won't come out and tell you what you've done, but I might be a little frustrated internally.
~Be active. I'm an impatient person. I understand people have lives outside of the internet, but it would be nice if you could post at least once a day. I get bored during the day.

Settings I adore:
~Fantasy (I love supernatural creatures. Whether be werewolf or elf)

I don't have any plots in mind, but I'm always open to coming up with one with a potential partner!
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