The Ninetails Curse (Erit of Eastcris and FemShep)


Jul 1, 2013
The Normandy SR-2
Ever since she was a little girl, Emilee always dreamed of becoming a Pokemon Master. Defeating the Elite Four, the Pokemon Champion, and capturing every Pokemon the world had to offer. On her tenth birthday, her dream became a reality. Her mom surprised her with her first Pokemon inside of the familiar red and white ball. When she opened that Pokeball, Emilee met her life long best friend. A young Growlieth pup she nicknamed Blaze, but her mother wouldn't allow her to leave to become a Pokemon Trainer until she believed Emilee was ready. Within that time, Emilee spent all her time with Blaze to bond and become friends. Needless to say over time they became inseparable. Then years later, the day finally came. On Emilee's sixteenth birthday, her mother finally agreed to let her go and live her dream.

Over time they've seen all sorts of Pokemon, fought tons of battles, and met an endless number of interesting people. For the longest time, she loved Blaze as the cute little Growlieth that he was, but one day after coming across a fire stone he evolved into a huge and mighty Arcenine. And with his help, they captured over a hundred Pokemon and won many battles. Just like when he was a Growlieth, Emilee and Blaze were inseparable friends to the end. He always knew how to cheer her up after something went wrong and even acted silly to make her laugh. He knew when to comfort and knew when to fight. Emilee couldn't imagine having a team without him.

But Blaze wasn't the only one who changed in his appearance, Emilee grew up quickly having to travel so much, but she always had a kid in her. Clearly she was becoming a beautiful young lady with her long raven black hair and sparkling sapphire blue eyes, but her body was thin and curvy like an hourglass with large breast and a round rear. Needless to say quite a few trainer boys had their eyes on her, but Emilee didn't need them to be happy. As long as she had Blaze, Emilee was more then happy. Everytime he was hurt she made sure to go to the closest Pokemon Center as possible. Every time he was hurt, she made sure he was okay and constantly worried if he was hurting too much in battles because of her, but it only made her a better strategist in her battles. Her determination to keep her Pokemon from hurting only made her stronger.

One day, everything changed. Emilee was exploring a thick forest when she came across a majestic Ninetails. Emilee had set her sights on capturing one, but never got the chance until now. At this point she had a full team: A Gardevior named Artemis, a Pigdot named Alistair, a Umbreon named Luna, a Lapras named Calypso, and a Luxray named Roxas. Normally anyone would pull out a water type, but Emilee knew and trusted Blaze. He knew how to corner Pokemon for her to capture like it was his job. She pulled out his Pokeball and shouted. "Go, Blaze!" Then tossed it to release him.
"Blaze" was, of course, out in a flash, howling and doing a fancy little midair somersault before landing between Emilee and his newest opponent. He was a pretty typical Arcanine as far as looks went, albeit a little bigger than normal, and he had a penchant for theatric entrances. Though he really questioned why she needed to call him by that ridiculously boring nickname when his real name was so much better. Of course, humans couldn't exactly understand Pokémon, no matter how closely bonded the two may be. But Pokémon understood humans easily, and each other by instinct. Being Emilee's long-time companion, he was one of her stronger team members, more than a match for most of the wilders in the world. He knew as soon as he recognized another Fire-type that this was going to be a quick and dirty capture. Were he human, he would have yawned and relaxed into a self-assured smirk, but instead settled for the yawn before he sat on his haunches and looked back at his precious Trainer with an expression that spoke volumes along the lines of "You woke me up for this rabble?"

He bounded to the side as a gout of fire came his way, landing on his front paws and turning before his hind legs hit the ground to face the Ninetails, and decided it high time to get serious. He leapt and pounced, tackling into the fox and knocking it into a tree with remarkable ease considering, bounding backwards to give himself distance to work in. And then he leaped forward into his opponent, hitting it with a good dose of Fire Fang, purposefully holding back to more easily manage the Ninetails' stamina. He had it pinned between himself and a fairly large tree, then, when something unexpected happened.

The Ninetails, on it's last legs and just needing Emilee to throw the ball, barrelled into the young and unsuspecting Arcanine, tackling him out of the way and fleeing the scene. Blaze, of course, wasn't about to fail his Trainer without one hell of a fight, and ran after the escapee, leaping forward for a tackle and missing, catching the Ninetails' tail and losing even that before being carried on full tilt into a tree for his hubris. Now, Blaze was a strong Arcanine, abnormally so maybe for his ability to carry Emilee on his back for a few miles with relative ease when she wanted him to, but a tree was not exactly an opponent he was equipped to overcome on pure momentum. He banged his head into the trunk with a heavy thud, then swayed around on all fours while he waited for the swirling Pidgies to go away and for everything to stop spinning. After a while, he shook his head and looked around, whining when he saw no trace of his Trainer's quarry. He slunk back to Emilee, then, crestfallen, before laying down on his belly and covering his eyes with his front paws. His first real failure, that. And of course he blew it big time. Most normal dogs would expect a thrashing, but Blaze didn't really expect Emilee could ever hurt him. Didn't stop him from beating himself up over it, though.
Emilee could understand certain communications from Blaze, but nothing close to his level of understanding her. She never knew what he was thinking about, but she could understand the noises and body language mostly out of the fact she knew him for so long and understood his personality and ways of talking to her non verbally. Admitting it, Emilee did give Blaze a less exciting name, but only because she had the mind of a little ten year old girl so thought "Blaze" was a good name at the time. Now she gave her other Pokemon more intelligent and unique names, unlike Blaze's, but he didn't show any signs of hating it from what she could see. Emilee knew Blaze wouldn't be impressed with the smaller Fire-Type Pokemon before him, but Blaze was the one who could always get the job done. He truly was her most powerful and closest friend. Though, he was a bit of a show off too. Every time she called him out, he always did some trick to make a exciting entrance, but admitting to it, Emilee enjoyed watching him like be like that. Seeing how Blaze looked at her with the expression she knew all too well as his "are you serious?" faces or at least something close to that. Emilee sighed softly, "Don't give me that face. It'll be easy for you to handle." She smiled having complete trust and belief in his abilities.

The battle between the Ninetails and Blaze was one Emilee expected to win because of her beloved friend. The way Blaze dodged the Ninetails' attack was stunning to see such a large Pokemon dodge with some grace in his step. Emilee smiled seeing how Blaze was taking down the Ninetails just as she expected. He was far too powerful for the Ninetails. Just as Emilee was pulling out a empty Pokeball to throw, she looked up to see the Ninetails somehow manged to break away from Blaze's attack. Seeing it flee, Emilee was just going to accept it as a first lost, but didn't think any less of Blaze, but instead Blaze was still going after the Ninetails! Immediately Emilee wanted to call him back to accept the defeat, but before she could even say a word, she gasped seeing her precious Blaze crashed into a tree. Though she was oblivious to the contact with one of the Ninetails' tails and the effects that would change them both forever.

She ran over to him quickly to make sure he was okay. Blaze was big and tough, but Emilee still couldn't stop worrying about him. He was without a doubt, a powerful Pokemon, but there was no way he could run into a tree without expecting him to be hurt. When she got to him, Emilee frowned seeing the look Blaze was making then hiding behind his huge lion like paws. She got down on her knees and started to softly and slowly pet his large muzzle. "Hey, it's okay Blaze." She spoke in a sweet voice. "You were as amazing as always out there. It's just one Ninetails, I'm sure there's plenty of others. I still love you and I still believe you're the coolest Pokemon any trainer could wish for." She pet his large paws then eventually tried to move them from his eyes. Emilee would never hurt Blaze or hate him because of something like this, but it hurt her to see him beating himself up like this. "Come on, don't make that face." She tried to cheer him up. His whine hurt Emilee's heart every time she heard it, it was more then upsetting to see him looking like this. "Hey, whose my best friend? Whose the coolest and most magnificent Pokemon ever? You are!" Emilee said cheerfully as she quickly moved to his side to start scratching his side, trying to get him to cheer up to his old lovable self again
He let out a soft, growling kind of groan from deep in his chest, rolling into his Trainer and onto his back so she could scratch his belly, wriggling slightly and yipping. Then he bounced up, pouncing on her gently and licking her face, much like a normal dog might, almost as if to say "And who's the most awesomest Trainer in the whole wide world, huh?" His Arcanine kisses given, he pressed his head into her chest, which was his way of asking for hugs, his tail wagging slowly and his mood improved some. Blaze liked to live in the moment and not dwell too long on the bad stuff, knowing things have a habit of working out for the best in the end. He plowed through life quite happily, and saw it as his mission to drag Emilee along for the ride. He pawed at her shoulder with one of his massive, lionesque paws, cocking his head at her as if to ask what was up next. Hopefully a walk. He didn't mind being in the Pokéball, but he liked the outside world so much more, especially when he got to prance and rush around his Trainer. Faithful to the end, was Blaze.
Emilee smiled and giggled as Blaze rolled into her and onto his back to expose his soft white belly to her. Eagerly Emilee rubbed his belly like any dog would have loved. His wiggling and yipping made him look so adorable to her, after all he was adorable enough as it is, but now he was like a little pup again. Her giggling continued almost hysterically when he pounced on her and licked her face. It didn't hurt her at all since he was normally gentle to her because of his size and strength compared to her. Once they calmed down a bit, Emilee's giggles calmed down as she pet the top of his head, slowly making her way to scratch behind his ear. Then she gave him a big tight hug and nuzzled him sweet on the top of his head. Blaze was always quick to recover from the bad things, but it was hard for Emilee to see her puppy in such a state so she always tried to cheer him up. On bad days, he would do the same for her, only tightening their bond as trainer and Pokemon. He wasn't just her Pokemon, Blaze was her best friend and her family. Emilee loosened her hug, but didn't let go of him completely yet. She felt his massive paw pawing her shoulder and looked to see him cocking his head. Emilee learned to know this was his way of asking what was next, so she smiled and answered. "How about a walk? I know how much you love them." She smiled and scratched behind his ear again
A walk sounded very nice to him, indeed, as he let out an agreeing bark and pranced around in a few tight circles before stopping, facing his trainer with his front legs splayed out and his tail wagging, panting happily. Then he started to leap around, bounding circles around Emilee until she started walking, then following along her side, his expression the Arcanine equivalent of a contented human smile. Blaze loved his Trainer, and loved being out and around her, much like her other Pokémon. It bothered him that they should need to be kept in balls like they usually were when he saw others outside at their Trainer's side all the time. They weren't considered that dangerous to people, were they...?
Emilee smiled seeing how happy Blaze was when she mentioned taking him on a walk. It always made her cheer up instantly to see her Arcanine like he was a small puppy. Even though he was rather huge, even bigger then most Arcanines he was still a puppy at heart. She remembered when she first got him as a Growlithe and all they would do was play outside for hours. One of her favorite memories was when she would wake up to see him on her chest curled up and sleeping so peacefully. Or when she would wake up feeling him licking her face after she slept for too long. One time or another she used Growlithe as a pillow when they got a little older. It's been so long since they've done anything like that, maybe it was time that Emilee started letting him out more often. Hell she might even just forget about using her Pokeball on him execpt if she needed to walk with her other Pokemon too since they deserved attention too, but Blaze was the one who needed it most. Blaze was her closest and most loyal friend and she loved him so dearly that she wanted him to be happy more. So with a smile, she decided that today was going to be like the good old days.

She giggled seeing him bounding circles around her in excitement after she picked herself up, feeling a bit excited herself once she saw how happy he was. Emilee realized he wouldn't stop bouncing around her until either he got tired or she starts walking, so she giggled starting to walk and saying. "Haha, okay, okay. We'll go and even better I decided to let you stay out of your Pokeball so you can be outside more often. How does that sound?" She asked sweetly walking beside her giant puppy and petting his side as they walked. Standing side by side, Blaze was bigger then her, but not by too much. He was just a little bit above eye level to her, but that only made him more enjoyable to hug. She loved how big and fluffy he was. Emilee loved seeing his huge fluffy tail wagging happily. She loved seeing his almost human smiles, Emilee loved everything about Blaze. His look, his personality, he was just the perfect Pokemon to be by her side.

Then she got an idea, Emilee remembered how much Blaze loved his PokePuffs. She smiled seeing just ahead of them was a large tree, larger then the rest nearby. As a kid she loved playing with Blaze and racing was one that was the most fun. Sure he always won, but it was always so much fun and it also gave her an excuse to give him a treat for winning. "Hey Blaze? How about a race? From here to that tree over there. If you win, I'll give you a PokePuff." She smiled at him. The tree was still a good distance away so they'll have plenty of running time to get to it.
He barked excitedly, bounding out in front of her, then back to her side, zig-zagging around at the mention of being allowed out more often. He liked the wilds and cities, the wilds in particular because he didn't have to be quite so careful about his surroundings and could play and pounce on Emilee when he felt like messing around or snuggling; in the cities, though, people sometimes flipped out and assumed he was attacking when he did that, which always made him a little sad. Arcanines were not ideal metropolitan lapdogs, as well, being capable of squishing people if they stepped or sat down in the wrong place and hurting others if they got too excited. He butted his head into her shoulder, nuzzling her gently in thanks and letting out a contented little growl. As far as Blaze was concerned, Emilee was the best person in the world, his best friend and, in many ways, the center of his world. He'd been raised a domestic Growleth, and never really lost that inner puppy that told him to act cute for her when she wasn't smiling, though rather than curling up and using her for a pillow he would usually curl up so she could use him as a pillow, when she let him. A devoted Arcanine like him made for a great companion, warm and cuddly and quite entertaining.

And then came the racing challenge. He leaped up on his hind legs, barking again as though laughing, and started bounding and leaping back and forth in a hectic zigzag towards the appointed tree, stopping halfway and looking back at Emilee, his expression reading best as a tongue-in-cheek "You're so slow" before he bounded back to her, pouncing in circles before going off again in great flying leaps, as if he sprouted wings with each jump, landing lightly on his lionesque paws before immediately ascending again with a yipping bark. He reached the tree, chasing his tail around it for a lap or two, before he sat down on his haunches and waited for his Trainer, panting from his recent hyperactivity. When she arrived, she was greeted by a friendly lick on the face, and a probing nose into her midriff as he sniffed for his promised treat.
Emilee couldn't get enough of seeing Blaze so energetic and happy to hear her decision, her eyes following his zig zags while she giggled. She knew how much Blaze loved being outside and travelling along side her. Especially since he loved to pounce on her and play with her. Sadly in the city it was considered being attacked inside of playing since he was so much bigger and stronger then her. It was the reason she kept him inside of his Pokeball so much. When he pounced on her, despite that she was laughing as he licked her, the people around them started to freak out thinking that he was attacking her and caused problems. Emilee tried to explain her Arcanine's actions, but they truly believed that he was trying to hurt her. It just comes to show that not everyone could handle a Pokemon like Blaze. He wasn't a lapdog he was a giant puppy. Besides Emilee loved him that way. She loved the way he pounced on her to lick or snuggle her after a great day of play. She was just trying to protect him from people who didn't understand their way of showing affection since it upset him to see so many people angry at him from just being playful. But it's unfair to him to keep him locked away like that. Emilee felt much better and carefree having him out and about again instead of wondering the forest all alone. Truly he lifted her spirits, when he's around there's nothing that could upset her.

When it came to challenges she knew Blaze couldn't say no especially if a treat was involved. Seeing him hop on his hind legs, barking in a way she knew was his way of laughing, Emilee readied herself to run. As usual, Blaze got a bit of a start when she realized he was already racing her. She ran as fast as her human legs would allow and seeing him stop made her think for half a second that he was going to at least give her a chance. Instead she saw that humorous expression of his non verbal taunt only to rub salt in the wound that she didn't have a chance against him by bouncing around her. It was like he was flying the way he bounced off finishing the race far before she could. Emilee found it so adorable seeing him chase his tail a little while he waited.

Soon enough, Emilee finally reached the tree. After receiving her greeting lick, she panted heavily, putting her hands on her knees to catch her breath and calm her slightly faster beating heart. "Hhhaa, you win again Blaze, 45 wins in a row. I don't think I could ever beat you." She smiled and chuckled softly and pet his neck softly. Feeling his nose sniffing in search of the treat, Emilee giggled a little and said "Okay, okay. You'll get your prize." She smiled and reached into her bag to grab her container of PokePuffs she made. Whenever they went to town she was sure to get the ingredients she needed and actually made them with the fire of her camp when they camped out. She opened the container and picked one out with lots of frosting and little treats on top for him then she held it out for him to enjoy. "Here you go boy. You earned it."
Blaze sniffed at the offered treat, then let out an excited little yip and snapped it up between his front teeth, leaning his head back and gulping it down easily. He butted his head into his Trainer, nuzzling her gratefully and shuddering as the PokéPuff hit his stomach. Blaze had a sweet tooth as big as he was and more than an appetite to match, so every sweet she gave him was a godsend to the overgrown puppy.

He kept nuzzling, and after a moment he pounced gently on his Trainer, tackling her to the ground and laying lightly on top of her, laying his gargantuan head on her chest in a loving manner that playfully demanded attention. It was getting late in the day anyway, with them out in the middle of nowhere and the sun beginning to sink below the horizon, so making camp in this cozy spot was among the list of things Blaze would have suggested as well. He could light a campfire for her easily enough, and keep her plenty warm besides, so for Emilee and her Pokémon making camp was a cinch.
Emilee giggled as Blaze snatched up the treat with his front teeth after giving a yip. She worked hard to make sure her treats for her Pokemon and it always warmed her heart to see him so eager and enjoying the treat so much. Emilee smiled warmly and giggled as he head butted her to nuzzle her. She wouldn't give him too many treats, but she would give him a couple at a time. As he nuzzled her so sweetly, she pet the top of his furry head, ruffling his fluffy fur a little playfully.

When he gently pounced on her, she couldn't help, but smile brightly as she fell to the ground and he laid lightly on top of her. He was huge on her small body, but at this point she was use to it and even enjoyed how big he was compared to her. Feeling his gigantic head on her chest, Emilee smiled and softly rubbed her nose against his then snuggled the gigantic teddy bear like Arcanine. She snuggled him lovingly, but felt something in between her legs. Emilee's cheeks blushed softly when she realized it was Blaze's large sheath pressing against her. Strangely enough she didn't want to freak out about it, actually she felt a bit turned on just by feeling it against her pants. Slowly getting warmer and wetter in her pussy. Damn it, why was she turned on by the feeling? Hopefully Blaze wouldn't notice, but at the same time she wanted him to know it. His large head and muzzle in between her breast didn't help much either. Almost like she was under control, Emilee slowly started to rub her covered pussy under him against his sheath to feel it against her.
The Arcanine's ears twitched and he tilted his head slightly as he felt something rubbing against his sheath. After a moment, feeling her hips press against him, Blaze realized it was Emilee grinding against him. He nuzzled her again, nudging her plump breasts as he lifted himself a little so she could move. He was smart for an Arcanine, and understood pretty well right then that she might want to mate, but he knew that would be difficult at best as she was. So, he licked her face and watched her, waiting to see if she would undress and get comfortable of if she changed her mind; he wouldn't mind either way, really. Well, actually, he kind of would, since like most any male Blaze didn't like being teased and then denied, but he'd go with what Emilee wanted him to go with, like a good Pokémon. And make sure to be gentle and enjoy himself if she went along with it.

Today, as it happened, was Blaze's lucky day, and he would have smiledif he could have as Emilee slowly undressed beneath him, first taking off her shirt and bra, and then the rest while Blaze bent his head and lapped at her plump, soft, tasty breasts, his tongue able to cover one entirely in a single stroke. Once she had all her clothing off, she pushed his head away from her chest and rolled over, getting up on her hands and knees and practically presenting herself to him. He growled affectionately as his cock, which was about the size of a horse's, unsheathed itself and slowly dove into his Trainer's waiting slit, slowly taking her to the hilt. And wow did it feel good to him; Blaze started to pant happily as he penetrated Emilee, starting to thrust in and out of his beloved Trainer slowly at first and steadily speeding up. Were he human he would have been moaning in ecstasy at the sensation, lowering his front and growling deep in his chest as he mated with his Emilee. It wasn't very long until the base of his member started to swell slowly, making it more and more difficult to push all the way in. Eventually, he got stuck, and with some scrabbling of his paws and panting, he managed a final thrust that made something in him give way, letting his knot loose and pouring a load of his thick, heavy cum into his Trainer as Blaze stiffened, his tongue lolling out as he snuggled up to Emilee, his member still inside her. He kind of wanted to go again, and maybe again and again because it just felt so good, but he would wait for her say-so or say-no.
Emilee couldn't believe how amazing it felt to have Blaze mate with her, the feeling of his weight on top of her and his cock thrusting into her. His growls and feeling of his fur rubbing against her soft skin made her want more. He was so big inside of her tight little wet pussy. She could feel his hit and balls hitting her round rear with each thrust. His lionesque paws on each side of her hips, keeping her from escaping and even helping her by pulling her into his thrusts to go inside her deeper. Each thrust into her felt so amazing with his large body taking control over hers, dominating her to make his trainer his mate for the night. Never before has she wanted him soft badly in her life. If only he was more human, she could do so much more with him, but this was just as good. She's never felt something going so deep into her, slowly getting faster and faster, stretching her young hole in a way that felt so amazing. Emilee moaned hotly from her Arcanine taking her like this, her hands gripped the grass under her and her eyes closing tightly in pure pleasure for her overgrown puppy. She knew he loved it too, his panting and how he was taking her right then and there made it clear to her. His claws lightly scratched her thighs from his hold on her, but she didn't care. Feeling his knot pushing against her slit Emilee knew he was about to explode and once he got that knot inside of her, she felt his hot thick cum inside of her. Her walls still tightly holding onto his cock. Noticing he didn't pull out, but instead waited for her, Emilee gave him the permission to mate with her until he was satisfied. It felt like hours since her eager puppy started mating with her. Over and over he thrusts himself into her tight pussy, filling her with his thick cum to the point, cum was leaking out of her pussy and down the back of her thighs. The night sky was dark and the moon was high when she felt that final shot of cum and which this one he pulled her deep into it, as deep as possible then finally came for the last time. Emilee collapsed on the ground, her body sweating as she felt Blaze pull himself out of her and moved to curl up in her sight. At this time, Emilee was too tired to make a fire, so she cuddled up to Blaze who used most of his body to cover her's to stay warm. One large paw used as a pillow as Emilee fell asleep with Blaze, his face close to hers.

The next morning, the sunrise woke up Emilee with the soft yet bright rays of the morning sun hit her face. She softly stirred in her sleep, but felt something...odd. Emilee remembered what happened last night and how she fell asleep with Blaze keeping her naked body warm, but she didn't feel him. At least that's what she felt. Instead of his huge lionesque paws, she felt a pair of furry arms wrapped around her and holding her close. When she opened her eyes, she saw her head was against a male's chest. She tried to break from his arms, but whoever was holding her was holding her pretty tightly like he didn't want her to leave. Then as her senses started to return to normal, Emilee noticed the man holding her was...furry. Emilee couldn't see much of him, so she didn't know who or what this guy was. Where was Blaze!? He didn't seem to be anywhere. He would have ripped this guy off of her if he was. This man better not have done anything to Blaze! When Emilee looked up to see the face of the man hugging her, she gasped seeing a familiar face, but....strangely almost human. "B-Blaze!?" She questioned in utter shock
"Mrr... awr?" Blaze growled and made a curious noise as Emilee said his name, drawing him out of his sleep. He essentially became a warm, fluffy boulder when sleeping, moreso after their exhausting romp the previous evening, but he was always wide awake when his Trainer called. His eyes snapped open, revealing human-esque eyes with dark onyx irises, darker even than the pupil so that it stood out like a small purple speck in a sea of darkness, and suddenly it was his turn to be confused. Through whose eyes was he seeing? Where was the rest of him? There was no way this body was his; it was tall and trim and wiry and... humanoid. Then he looked down and saw Emilee, felt her in his arms, and it crashed home to him; he'd been transformed. But how? And more importantly, how could he change back? Was it even possible to change back? He didn't know, but if he could go one way he should certainly be able to go the other. It couldn't possibly be a one-way thing, could it? ... Could it?

His thoughts thus occupied, he absently let go of Emilee, rolling and getting up on his hands and knees, trying to wrap his head around the situation and being rewarded with a massive headache for his troubles. With a groan of "Maaaaah!" his shoulders slunk to the ground and he his his head under his paws. Except they weren't his paws, they were his hands and... he stopped thinking and whined, wishing the headaches would stop.
Emilee couldn't believe what she woke up to see. There wasn't a doubt left in her mind, this man that was holding her was her beloved Arcanine had became a human like...thing! What happened to him!? How did this happen!? Emilee couldn't move, she was frozen in shock even after Blaze let go of her. He seemed just as confused as she was, if not, even more so. He was making noises she never heard him make before. The way he still acted like his old self was all the more convincing it was her Blaze. Now being able to see his full body from a distance, it was unmistakable. He had the same patterns, the same fur, the same ears and tail. This was her Blaze, but nothing helped answer what the hell happened to him.

Seeing him in pain from the situation, most likely a headache, Emilee got up and went over to him to get on her knees in front of him. "Blaze, it's okay...calm down." She said in a calming voice and slipped her hands under his pa...hands and tried to rub his temples. It was a human trick to get rid of headaches maybe it'll work for him too. She couldn't figure out what happened, but what mattered right now was the fact her best friend has changed and she needs to find a way to reverse this. "Don't worry Blaze, we'll figure this out. You'll be back to normal before you know it." She smiled and said softly trying to calm him down and relieve his horrible headache. There had to be something that caused couldn't be because of what they did last night right? Could this be Arceus' sick way of punishing them for it?
Her little massage certainly helped get rid of the headaches, and later elicited a soft little growl, as he started to relax a little. Blaze had always been a smart Arcanine, having a few human mannerisms and nearly-human expressions; one could say he had always been on the path to turning human. But this was a drastic leap in that direction unanticipated, and unbeknownst to the pair even Arceus was rather flummoxed at the situation. He couldn't exactly punish them for something done with surprising commonality all around the world. Blaze and Emilee, however, could not have known this. While she was wondering if Arceus was to blame, he was wondering if, maybe, doing it again might reverse it. Her being naked in front of him certainly motivated that train of thought, of course; she may or may not have gotten him addicted to sex. Another thought distracted him from his steadily developing erection.

He got up on his hands and knees, let out a little cough, and rasped a breath out, flapping his lips in ways he'd seen Emilee do. Of course, all that came out was a harsh, incomprehensible whisper, and he sat back on his haunches much as he would have before, frowning in discontent and raising a curious eyebrown in a rather amusing expression as he tilted his head a little to the side, not quite understanding the whole "talking" thing. Come to think of it, he understood basically nothing about being humanoid. A thought skittered across his mind, which was still very much that of Emilee's loving overgrown Growleth in spite of a reformed cerebrum, about whether or not the Pokéball would work on him or not.
Emilee had no idea what to do. There wasn't a single clue leading to the answer of how this happened, but more importantly, they didn't even know how to reverse it. For now she had to focus on helping him calm down. If either of them were suppose to freak out, it should be Blaze. She could only imagine what he was thinking about all this. He must have a hurricane of confusion going on in his head. Emilee knew he was incredibly smart, but even she wouldn't know what to do if this sort of thing happened to her. At least she helped make his headache go away so the pain would cease. When he sat on his haunches, Emilee found it harder to relax and stay calm. They were both still naked, but luckily his fur covered up anything that might have been revealed to her. She was thankful his fur was so fluffy otherwise Emilee would have seen everything.

The noises he made were strange, but she noticed his new human like lips trying to move. Was he trying to talk? The cute face he made afterwards influenced her that was the case. Even as a human like creature his face and expressions were just so adorable. Then a idea popped into her mind, now that he was more human did that mean she could teach him to talk and walk on two legs? Maybe his Pokeball doesn't work anymore. "Hmm...maybe I can teach you to talk? It won't be too hard...maybe..." She pulled out his Pokeball and explained. "I want to try something...don't freak out." Emilee held the Pokeball up and pressed the white button in the middle of the ball. The ball opened, but not red light came out to take him inside. Emilee closed the ball and looked back at Blaze and responded with. "Well looks like you won't be in your Pokeball until we get this mess figured out."
He smiled, letting out an excited "Rawrf!" He pounced on her, then, licking her face with a surprisingly Arcanine-like tongue, unknowingly arousing himself as his hips pressed into hers and he pressed his chest against her breasts. Of course, he didn't really notice that his arousal was starting to peak out of his modesty fur, as he was too busy with thoughts of "Yay, I get to stay out with Emilee! This is awesome!" And the like. He was already finding bright sides to this whole "turning human" thing.

He got up a bit, then, rising to his elbows and arching his back, which only served to exacerbate the problem by pressing the tip of his member against his Trainer's slit. Slowly, shakily, he tried speech again, barely managing a garbled "" As he smiled in a rather oblivious manner to his Emilee.
Emilee couldn't help, but giggle went Blaze pounced on her, licking her face like he always did. Oddly enough feeling just like his old tongue. She giggled until, she felt his bare furry chest press up against her breast. Her cheeks blushed softly feeling the odd arousal she had for him last night only this time it was much worse given now he was human like and they could do even more now. Even his licks that made her giggle made her feel wetter then she normally felt.

Once he stopped licking her and got up a bit, Emilee tried to ignore her arousal, but then she felt his tip against her slit. She blushed and watched as he tried to speak again, this time making a real word. Sure he was having a problem, but at least he said something. She smiled softly and gave a nod. "Yes, Blaze you'll be outside for now on." She smiled and sweetly rubbed her nose against his as her fingers scratched behind his ear. The more she felt his tip against her, the more she wanted to feel him inside her again.
He smiled, laughing softly and ducking his head to lick her lips, repeating "Outside~! Outside~!" again and again, lavishing attentions on his Trainer. And then he felt a wetness, and a kind of warmth enveloping a part of him. He shivered pleasantly and looked down between their legs, then realized what he'd done with no cognizance that she might not have wanted him to penetrate her, least of all to the hilt. He really wanted to start thrusting, to repeat last night's much-enjoyed mating, but he knew enough to wait for permission before doing that. So he looked back up at Emilee, onyx eyes to sapphire, and cocked his head to the side. "W-wha-...-t.... n-...-ow?" He stuttered, half because the words were unfamiliar to his tongue and half because he was severely distracted by deliberately not letting himself go to town on her hips.
It was the first time Emilee has ever heard a clear sound of laughter coming from her beloved overgrown puppy. She knew a series of barks were his way of expressing laughter towards her, but actually hearing a real laugh from him; it was like she was dreaming. If all this was a dream Emilee didn't want to wake up. She was sure Blaze was happy about the fact that he can't go back in his pokeball, but surely he wanted to go back to being a full Arcanine, right? Emilee had a smile on her face when she felt his warm tongue lick over her full soft lips. She couldn't help, but chuckle when he repeated the same word over and over again once hi lips finally figured out how to work. It didn't take long for her to see that Blaze wanted to mate with her again, at least that's what she hoped. The way he saw and felt what was happening between them led her to believe that mating again was on his mind. Her sapphire eyes stared into his onyx and smiled at his stuttering question. "Maybe we could...make what happened last night happen again..." She suggested putting her hands on his shoulders then leaning up to softly press her lips against his.
Last night made Blaze think for a moment. Not about whether or not doing that more was a good idea, heavens no; as soon as Emilee had suggested it he had cuddled up close to her and started rocking his hips, gently pumping himself in and out of his Trainer's channel. No, what he thought about was how they could make it even better. Of course, he didn't get many ideas, though he thought it might be nice not needing to do so much of the work. He was entirely unaware that the female being on top was a thing for people, though if he had been aware he would have liked very much to try it. That and a few other things, in the end.

The meaning of her pressing her lips to his was utterly lost on Blaze, however, whose Arcanine brain attached no real significance to the gesture. His transformation had done little to inhibit his endowment, and he quickly got the hang of his new hips, and was thrusting deep into Emilee within a moment, growling and panting happily as he mated with the one person he loved most in the whole wide world, albeit in a non-romantic sense. He nuzzled her face and smiled at her, hoping she was enjoying it quite so much as he was.
Feeling Blaze cuddle up against her, Emilee wrapped her arms around him petting his head softly. Feeling his hips rocking back and forth almost carefully, she moaned hotly feeling himself pushing in and out of her. One benfit to being both human like there could be more then ever they could do together. She knew her kiss had no meaning to him, but his furry lips felt so nice on her lips. She could teach him and show him so much and he got the hang of his hips pretty quickly. His thrusts started pushing himself deeper and deeper inside of her. His growls and pants were like music, only adding to her arousal. She moaned a little louder feeling how deep he was thrusting into her. Why was she loving this so much? She adored feeling him inside of her, even more so with his new human like form. Her cheeks were red like she was drunk with lust, her moans getting hotter as her arousal only grew stronger for her Pokemon.
It felt like forever for Blaze, but at the same time it felt as though everything was over too soon. After a time, he felt something give way in him, and then a warm pleasure of release as he climaxed, flooding Emilee with his essence once more. And then, inexplicably, he started to feel tired as his length softened and he retreated from his invasion, panting softly, his tail swishing back and forth slowly on the ground. Man that was fun. He could only hope she enjoyed it half as much as he did, smiling at his Trainer and wondering what came next.
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