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Does The Sound Matter? (On Character Voices)

Erit of Eastcris

Low-Rent Poet
Jan 10, 2014
Elsweyr (California)
A very simple question. What do you guys and gals think in regards to character voice? Do you just kinda leave it up in the air, or do you like to go into some detail, maybe so far as to type to match the accent? Myself, I like knowing how a given character sounds, but I know some couldn't care less.
Sometimes you can just guess how the other character will sound from their behaviour in posts or their picture or description, but it is always nice to have a few details to add to the idea.
I like detail in the way characters sound. I personally like to describe such as it adds more to the character's mood/disposition.
I could go either way, but if the character is from a place where a heavy accent can be found (like Russia, an African nation, or Scotland), I'd better be able to see it.

I mean, if ye don' type like this when typin' fer a Scotsman, weel laddie/lassie, ye've got a problem, ye ken.
I don't do accents. I once was in a group game where someone was doing a Scottish accent for a character that was based on the girl from Brave. It was one of the most annoying things I've ever had to read. Most books will give you a hint of the accent without getting overblown, which can be nice.

It depends on the character, some of my characters I may give some sense of how they talk such as if their voice is gravely or smooth or deep and the like, something for the other person to better hear it in their head. I'm not sure why some characters I feel it is needed and others it's not, perhaps it's because I use a lot of actor pictures for my stories and I assume people will just imagine their voice.
As long as the voice fits the body, I don't mind. However, a muscle bounded meat titan with the voice of Mickey Mouse would be hilarious.
I only call attention to accents and write them phonetically if it's impotant to the character.

I had one who was british, and usually didn't speak with an accent. But when he did, I'd put it in phonetically to make it obvious, and not just have 'with a British accent'.

It also matters if a person actually knows how to write the accent. I've seen a lot of Scottish/Irish accents that are attrociously written.
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