The Doctor and River ......Me And Kat


Jan 4, 2014
The TA.R.D.I.S whirred into existence right in front of River. The Doctor emerged form it and greeted River, "Hello darling, How have you been?" he said as he pulled his arms into his jacket sleeves leaning in for a hug. "I have been awfully busy, your mother and father nearly killed us earlier, but no worries." He casually said in his usually cool voice as he straightened his bow tie in a mirror."Haha, bow ties are so cool." he mumbled to himself. "Where would you like to go today my dear love? Pick anywhere or anytime."​
River got up from her bed, as the TARDIS materialized right in front of her. "The usual.. bored. What's more interesting, is how you've been?" She didn't need much encouragement to crawl into the hug. It had been quite a while since she last saw him. No matter how confident she might seem, she always missed him, when he wasn't around.

"Anywhere is fine. Anywhere but here" She looked at him, with her usual adoring look. Soaking up all of him, so she could picture him, and almost hear his voice, when he wasn't there.
"Right, Lets set this bad boy to random then ,and we'll see where we pop up." The Doctor said with a sly smile. They got into the TARDIS and as he started pulling levers and pressing buttons, the Tardis whirred with a sound like gears catching. "What on earth could that be?" The doctor wondered quietly. "Not to worry love, Probably an old screw loose. Ill tighten here up and off we'll go." He stated a little louder as he slipped past her and giving her a quick kiss. "Wait for me?" he winked.
River tilted her head a bit, looking after him as he stormed off. "Isn't that what I always do?" She asked with a slight smile. He was gone, but the question wasn't really meant to be heard. But it did seem like all she ever did, was wait for him to come around. He knew her in the future, but he couldn't tell her, if it would always be like that, or not. It just wasn't allowed. River leaned against the console, waiting for him to come back.
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